\usepackage{algorithm} and "Export as TeX"

2000-08-08 Thread Frank Mahler

Hi there!

I'm just trying to convert my thesis into pdf and recently had efforts
using hyperref and LyX's export as TeX function (unfortunately using
hyperref within the LyX's LaTeX preambel was unsuccessful).

Funny, though, that all algorithm floats had its caption below the
(LyX)-code and not at its top (this is the standard way and LyX produces
DVI files that look correct, only LaTeX does not!)...

Perhaps this has something to do with hyperref which does not seem to
support algorithm references (I also need a workaround for this sooner
or later).

Is there someone who already solved this behaviour?

Any help is greatfully appreciated!

web: http://www.FrankMahler.de/

Re: write the following in lyx

2000-07-05 Thread Frank Mahler

"Anna H.Pryor" wrote:

> Since I got such a speedy answer (which worked!) on my last question, I have
> another.
You're welcome!
> [evil LaTeX code deleted ...]

> I can get the left hand side, the one sided bracket and the 3x1 dimensional
> array.  The problem is that when I write the above elements in the array
> positions I don't get any spacing between what comes before "if" and after.
> In other words, I don't know how to control the spacing.  I want the three
> "if's" to line up on top of each other.
Have a look at the attached LyX file. I used a 3 x _2_ dimensional array
with left aligned columns to arrange the values and the if's (BTW: I
think a centered/left aligned arrangement could look even nicer?!). The
only problem I had was the quite small space between the
text-in-math-mode if's and the math-stuff right after, so I inserted two
"hard spaces" (evil and ugly but gives good looking results, IMHO).
Hope this helps...

> Also, I was telling someone at work about Lyx and they mentioned that there is
> a program called "Textures" that sounded similar.  Do you have any response on
> how I can say that this a different (better?) program?
No idea. Don't use anything similar to LyX, use LyX instead :-)

I'm writing my master's thesis with it and am very happy having LyX to
do so! Since now I can't even think of any other tool to write it this

web: http://www.FrankMahler.de/

#LyX 1.1 created this file. For more info see http://www.lyx.org/
\lyxformat 2.16
\textclass article
\language default
\inputencoding latin1
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single 
\papersize Default
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 0
\use_amsmath 0
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula \[
y=f\left( y\_in\right) =\left\{ \begin{array}{ll}
1 & \textrm{if}\, \, y\_in>\theta ,\\
0 & \textrm{if}\, \, -\theta \leq y\_in\leq \theta ,+\\
-1 & \textrm{if}\, \, y\_in<-\theta .
\end{array}\right. \]



Re: Integral subscripts - how to ?

2000-06-12 Thread Frank Mahler

Herbert Voss wrote about TeX's limits:
> > Try typing  \int\limits^12 _0
> uups, now i understand ... ;-)
> i forgot to tell, that you first have to choose the
> integral symbol from lyx or \int.
as an alternative you might want to use LyX's internal math-limits
command, which is bound to "M-m l" for my installation. Just put the
cursor in front of the integral sign, press Meta-m l and see the limits
swap their position...

 web: http://www.FrankMahler.de/

LyX 1.1.5, great new features, but...

2000-06-08 Thread Frank Mahler

Hi there!

First of all, thanks for LyX's great new features in 1.1.5, everything
looks beautifully and sometimes even seem to work :-)

But I recognized some problems:

-> .lyx/lyxrc's \background_color still isn't recognized

-> some of the menus are not translated into the chosen language

-> the great new feature to edit a label does not function within

Let the discussions begin :-)))

... Frank
 web: http://www.FrankMahler.de/

Re: sorted citations?

2000-05-29 Thread Frank Mahler

"Jean-Pierre.Chretien" wrote:
> Sure, the unsrt citation style does it for you (instead of plain,
> that you must have used to get it alphabetical).
Well, how can I influence the citation style? I had no option to use
"plain" as you mentioned. I just did a \usepackage{cite} in the
preambel. The "alphabetical" order was manually done by me, when I
entered the references within LyX, so there was no "magic" behind the

So give me another hint, please...

 web: http://www.FrankMahler.de/

sorted citations?

2000-05-29 Thread Frank Mahler

Hi there!

I just came across to have a closer look to my citations at the end of
my thesis I wrote with LyX and its (say TeX's) article layout. I'm using
the cite-package to have "compressed" citation references (e.g.,
[4-6,9]) and LyX's feature(s) to use it...

Within LyX's "References" environment I sorted the sources
alphabetically, just to have a more sophisticated way to get around,
what I inserted earlier. But, what I really want, is some sorting
mechanism that starts with [1] for the first reference that occurs in
the text. So LyX (better: TeX) has to rearrange the entries within the
bibliography part to have the same order as the references I made within
the text...

I hope, you understand what I want.

Of course I can manually "scan" the text and rearrange the bibliography
to suit the arrangement of citations in the text. But I really think
that nowadays these things should be done automatically. I already tried
the [sort] or [nosort] options of the cite-package with no effort (I can
see no difference). Perhaps there's some LaTeX magic to put around LyX's
bibliography environment (I'm not afraid of 'evil red text'!).

Any help is greatfully appreciated.

... Falscher oder fehlender Kaffee. Anwender angehalten.
 web: http://www.FrankMahler.de/


2000-05-25 Thread Frank Mahler

Hi *!

I just tried the quite new 1.1.5pre3 LyX. I recognized the newly
inserted menu entries TOC and Refs. For my thesis I use a master
document that includes all chapters (though it's article layout). When I
click Refs, LyX tries to open all included documents (which succeeds, as
far as I can recognize) but then gives a SIGSEGV.

There's another problem with the "change bullet"-option. I cannot see,
that a bullet changed (although it did in the correspondig DVI LyX
created) when clicking one of the buttons LyX presents me...

Another problem: selecting text with Shift-Ctrl-Arrow left/right
sometimes gives "buggy" selections and causes LyX to segfault after
typing backspace or the text that should replace the selection.

Besides these, LyX still is a very great program. I can't imagine, how I
would write my thesis without having it!

 web: http://www.FrankMahler.de/

Re: insert references in multipart document

2000-05-15 Thread Frank Mahler

Shawn Boyette wrote:
> Torsten Mueller writes:
>  > I have one masterfile and then chapterfiles lot of included files.
>  > It is true, when I try to include the reference in the masterfile,
>  > then it works, but when I try to include from one chapter to another,
>  > then it fails, this list shows only the labels in the same file.
> Ah. My apologies, I didn't understand how complex your document was.

You can try to insert a cross reference within the masterfile. Then LyX
opens all included chapterfiles and updates its cross-reference-list.
You'll have to do this only once.

Then you should go to the chapterfile, where your cross-reference goes.
The cross-reference-popup now contains all references of all included
documents (at least since Version 1.1.4-something).

Homepage: http://www.FrankMahler.de/
Web.DE-phone: +49-(0)180-505254-856607

lyx-1.1.5pre1 and \background_color

2000-05-09 Thread Frank Mahler

Hi *!

Thanks for lyx-1.1.5pre1, I see some great improvements on the way.

Unfortunately my \background_color statement in ~/.lyx/lyxrc is not
working anymore. Am I missing something?

Homepage: http://www.FrankMahler.de/
Web.DE-phone: +49-(0)180-505254-856607

Re: pod2lyx importer

2000-05-04 Thread Frank Mahler

"Stephan E. Schlierf" wrote:
> On Tue, 2 May 2000, Richard D. Jackson wrote:
> > I posed this question over on the dev list but got very little response
> > so I thought I would see what kind of response I could get on the user
> > list.
> >
> ---snip---
> > 2) rtf2lyx ( rich text format to LyX ) format converter. And maybe the
> > other way around as well.
> I really would welcome such a converter. I think it would be especially
> helpful for all those people who still have to communicate with M$-users
> (and maybe it could help to convince one or the other to use what I call a
> "real word processor" - LyX :-)
And I'd really like the other way round, lyx2rtf.

I know of several LaTeX to RTF converters, but they all gave me
unsatisfying results.

And again, I'd like to have a lyx2doc and doc2lyx utility (doc means
AportisDoc for PalmOS in this case) to be able to handle LyX documents
on my Palm...

Unfortunately I'm not that experienced with document processor's file

Frank Mahler   Homepage: http://www.FrankMahler.de/
Bandelstr. 39  Web.DE-phone: +49-(0)180-505254-856607
30171 Hannover   E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

LyX on PalmOS?

2000-04-06 Thread Frank Mahler

Hi there!

This might be a wild development idea for future LyX enhancement, but I
really can think of a portable LyX editor for my Palm Vx. Using it, I'd
be able to create or edit small LyX documents without the need to
convert from ASCII to LyX and back...

Obviously, math typesetting and WYSIWYM display is a problem (bold text
is possible on Palm, italics are not?), but this might be "overkill".

Are there any plans to port LyX to such platforms? Or is there perhaps
another "workaround"? I can think of a LyX to ASCII and ASCII to LyX
application that is able to synchronize between concurrent updates, in a
way, that I'd be able to export my LyX document to an editor application
on my palm, edit it there and convert it back to a LyX document.
Obviously I'd not be able to create formulas and/or insert graphics
using this method, but that'll be not that important, at least for me.

What do you think of this idea? Illusion?

(BTW: I've heard some whistles on Qt for Console, perhaps, this is an
option further to PalmOS when the GUI-independent LyX comes true in the
near future?!)

Let the discussion begin... :-)

... Frank
  See you soon on my homepage?  http://www.FrankMahler.de/

> Sign the Linux Driver Petition: http://www.libranet.com/petition.html <

Re: Fixing the Position of a Table

2000-04-06 Thread Frank Mahler

Herbert Voss wrote:
> layout->document->float placement->!htb
> or choose float-package and than use option H
Unfortunately this is a global option that affects all floats in your

AFAIK LaTeX needs this option on each occurance of a float, so this
should be an easy fix within LyX's insert float mechanisms, to override
global settings?!

I don't know, if there are other solutions to this problem. Perhaps
another one on the list?

  See you soon on my homepage?  http://www.FrankMahler.de/

> Sign the Linux Driver Petition: http://www.libranet.com/petition.html <

Typesetting abbrevations and possible LyX automagics

2000-03-17 Thread Frank Mahler

Hi there!

I just had a discussion on how to typeset abbrevations in TeX in the
german group de.comp.text.tex. In german you should set the abbrevation
z. B. as follows:

   here starts the text z.\,B.\ here comes the rest of the text...

So in LyX I have to mark \, and \[space] as ERT (evil red text), to get
good looking results, esp. regarding multicolumn environments with
justified borders...

I would like a special feature in LyX that typesets these abbrevations
automatically. This could be quite nifty! (Unfortunately this only seems
a nice feature for german typesetting, because in english texts, e.g.
abbrevations are typset "compressed")

Good idea (TM) or to bad to programme? Please tell me what you think.

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me

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Re: mathrm in lyx

2000-03-07 Thread Frank Mahler

Herbert Voss wrote:
> Wolfgang Riedel wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > if I type the tex code (for instance) for an unit of measurement 'meter
> > per second' "\mathrm{\frac{m}{s}}" inside a mathematical expression in
> > lyx (the frac was created via the mathematical menue) it seems correct,
> > the dvi is okay. But if I leave lyx, start it again and load the saved
> > lyx file, then the roman font information is lost. 'm' and 's' are
> > considered as variables :-(
> try in lyx-mathmode alt-M-m  for writing in textmode for "m" and "s" or
> $\frac{\textrm{m}}{\textrm{s}}$in text-mathode, which is just the
> same

Unfortunately this is the wrong approach, at least when using computer
modern fonts for math typesetting. Try to press M-c r (which is the
english mapping for font-roman, german users which use de_menus.bind
should press M-z r), this gives you a \mathrm encapsulation for the
letters typed afterwards. Any "math" operator switches the font back, so
check twice if your letters m and s are "upright" and not "italics".

On the other hand, if you type a dimension within your floating text,
you should use the same font as in the text itself. Here the
text-mathmode might be a good choice.

Or use \usepackage{mathptm} (or {mathptmx}) to use Times as the math
font. Then your measurements should look the same as the rest
(disregarding \mathrm or \textrm).

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Re: math integration characters

2000-03-02 Thread Frank Mahler

Tuukka Toivonen wrote:

> (by the way, if someone has some links to online documentation about
> math notation, I'd be very interested. The official standard would be
> the best possible thing but I think it costs $$$ or equivalent in cash =)

The german standard (called DIN) is summarized in a small paperback

   Formelzeichen, Formelsatz, Mathematische Zeichen und Begriffe
   Normen AEF-Taschenbuch 2
   Hrsg: DIN, Dt. Inst. für Normung e. V.
   ISBN 3-410-11729-6

The most important standard might be DIN 1338.

Perhaps this helps you a bit? I got the book from our university
library, you might want to copy the interesting pages (10-20 pages),
which I think is quite affordable.

I don't know the corresponding ISO standards that might be of interest
to you, but this is perhaps a general approach...

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me

--> Sign the Linux Driver Petition:
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locales don't work with LyX-1.1.4pre2 on SuSE-6.2

2000-01-21 Thread Frank Mahler

Hi there!

I'd really like to try out a new LyX-1.1 version to get a figure what
the new features will be. Unfortunately the german localization part
does not work for me.

I did ./configure ; make ; make install as I used to with earlier LyXes.
Even setting LYX_LOCALEDIR to some value does not seem to help.

make install puts a file called lyx.mo in
/usr/local/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES. There are the gimp.mo
localization files (and gimp works with german localization!).

As I see in the Changes file there's been a change in the localdir-stuff
some time ago. Perhaps this made things even worse than before?

Please give me a hint what I can do... Does a lyx -dbg 65535 2>
lyx.debug help you? I can send it to someone (Jean-Marc?)...

Sign the Linux Driver Petition: http://www.libranet.com/petition.html

Re: Importing EPS images in Lyx

2000-01-07 Thread Frank Mahler

Emanuele Gissi & Alessia Franceschi wrote:

> [...]
> I need to create EPS images (especially graphs and schemas) to be imported in
> LyX; I tried:
> 1) xfig: it lacks of cad-like snapping function
What do you mean? Do you mean the "grid mode" and "point position"
functions in xfig? Every newly drawn item snaps to a point on the grid,
the point distances can be set to fixed values...
> 2) killustrator: as above
don't know...
> 3) qcad: it is good for me but does not export EPS
What kind of vector graphic format does it export? Perhaps there's some
tool around that can convert its output to EPS?
> 4) ipe: I think it would be the best guess, but I did't find any working
> binaries for RedHat 6.1 and could not compile it :-(
Well, this URL (http://SAL.KachinaTech.COM/E/2/IPE.html) says, that
you'll need Motif to compile. Since Motif is commercial, this might be
the reason you don't have it. Perhaps lesstif (a "free" Motif clone)
helps, but I'm not sure. At least there is a binary here:
ftp://ftp.postech.ac.kr/pub/ipe/bin/ipe-linux-elf-static-motif.gz, but I
don't whether it will run on your system. (My system lacks of a
libstdc++.so.26, so I cannot execute it, but there's even a complete
statically linked binary which I did not test yet)...
> 5) stardraw (staroffice): the EPS files are well read by gv (and ghostscript)
> but if I insert them in a LyX (both 1.0.3 and 1.1.2) document and try to view
> the resulting PS with gv, gv complains and shows everything except the image I
> inserted. Exactly the same thing happens with EPS images generated by gimp.
That sounds weird. What "complaints" do you get? Perhaps this is a
/path/to/my/epsfile problem, that's been discussed here every now and
then. The easiest solution maybe is to put the eps files in the same
directory as your lyx file. Perhaps you could export your lyx document
to TeX and run latex on the .tex file and see if it gives some errors
previously invisible (by you, or by LyX itself).

> Is this (5) a LyX bug or a "myself bug"?  Is there a "generating EPS for LyX
> guide"?
I use eps files pretty much and don't have problems. Unfortunately I
don't know about a EPS for LyX guide, but usually it's not needed...

Perhaps the EPS files you created are not real eps but ps files. You can
convert ps files to epsi (which is basically the same as eps) with the
ps2epsi tool that should belong to every distribution out there, the
manpage says it belongs to Ghostscript).
> Thank you very much for your kind reply.
Please give us (me) some more information, perhaps your problems
dissolve soon :-)

Good luck,

Re: PDF output (was Re: How to use custom export)

1999-11-24 Thread Frank Mahler

Tuukka Toivonen wrote:
> Or you could change Layout->Document->Fonts to "times" which (I guess) uses
> Type1 fonts and, when exported to .ps and .pdf with ps2pdf, produces good
> looking antialiased fonts even in acroread.
In formulas cm-fonts are used. The use of \usepackge{mathptm} or
{mathptmx} is a solution, but not always wanted. This way pdflatex
produces much better output than ps2pdf.

Unfortunately there's no pdf distiller that can use compression, so
Unix-made pdf's are typically around 30-40% larger than those, that
acrobat's distiller produces under Windows...

So the proposal of Horst G. Kausch (Message-ID:
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) is what I'd really like to have
in some future version of LyX !

  while (!asleep()) sheep++;

Re: Announce: LyX 1.1.1

1999-10-27 Thread Frank Mahler

Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

> While this version is certainly not as stable as we would like it to
> be, we urge you to try it out and report all problems. It is planned
> to release a bug-fix 1.1.2 as soon as possible.

Unfortunately it does not use translated menus? Although the locales are
installed, lyx does not try to open them? What happened to this?

But: I can't say it as often as I should: LyX is great!

  while (!asleep()) sheep++;

Re: [PB] funny matrices in lyx

1999-10-11 Thread Frank Mahler

Yann MORERE wrote:
> hello everybody
> I would like to do this type of matrices under LyX :
>n-m   m
> (  a11  a12 ) 1  (
> X = |  a21  a22 | 2  |
> (  a31  a32 ) 3  ( represent a bracket
> I've tried matrices of matrices but i don't like the results.. Is ther
> anoter way to do that?
Hmmm, quite tricky. I've appended a LyX file, second and third version
are looking quite good? Sure this is a bit complicated, perhaps there's
a better solution, but how?

Perhaps you should omit the brackets and use a tabular layout like I did
in the last trial...


  while (!asleep()) sheep++;

#This file was created by  Tue Oct 12 09:15:20 1999
#LyX 1.0 (C) 1995-1999 Matthias Ettrich and the LyX Team
\lyxformat 2.15
\textclass article
\language german
\inputencoding latin1
\fontscheme times
\graphics dvips
\float_placement !htb
\paperfontsize 12
\spacing single 
\papersize Default
\paperpackage a4wide
\use_geometry 0
\use_amsmath 0
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation skip
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language german
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle plain

\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula 
n-m & m & \\
\left( \begin{array}{c}
\end{array}\right.  & \left. \begin{array}{c}
\end{array}\right)  & \left. \begin{array}{c}


\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula 
 & n-m & m & \\
X= & \left( \begin{array}{c}
\end{array}\right.  & \left. \begin{array}{c}
\end{array}\right)  & \left. \begin{array}{c}


\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula 
 & n-m & m & \\
X= & \left( \begin{array}{r}
\end{array}\right.  & \left. \begin{array}{l}
\end{array}\right)  & \left. \begin{array}{l}


\layout Standard
\added_space_top 0.3cm \added_space_bottom 0.3cm \align center \LyXTable
5 5 0 0 -1 -1 -1 -1
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
8 0 0 "" ""
8 0 0 "" ""
8 0 0 "" ""
8 0 0 "" ""
8 0 0 "" ""
0 8 1 0 0 0 0 "" ""
0 8 1 0 0 0 0 "" ""
0 8 1 0 0 0 0 "" ""
0 8 1 0 0 0 0 "" ""
0 8 1 0 0 0 0 "" ""
0 8 1 0 0 0 0 "" ""
0 8 1 0 0 0 0 "" ""
0 8 1 0 0 0 0 "" ""
0 8 1 0 0 0 0 "" ""
0 8 1 0 0 0 0 "" ""
0 8 1 0 0 0 0 "" ""
0 8 1 0 0 0 0 "" ""
0 8 1 0 0 0 0 "" ""
0 8 1 0 0 0 0 "" ""
0 8 1 0 0 0 0 "" ""
0 8 1 0 0 0 0 "" ""
0 8 1 0 0 0 0 "" ""
0 8 1 0 0 0 0 "" ""
0 8 1 0 0 0 0 "" ""
0 8 1 0 0 0 0 "" ""
0 8 1 0 0 0 0 "" ""
0 8 1 0 0 0 0 "" ""
0 8 1 0 0 0 0 "" ""
0 8 1 0 0 0 0 "" ""
0 8 1 0 0 0 0 "" ""


\begin_inset Formula \( n-m \)


\begin_inset Formula \( m \)





\begin_inset Formula \( a11 \)


\begin_inset Formula \( a12 \)



\begin_inset Formula \( 1 \)


\begin_inset Formula \( X= \)


\begin_inset Formula \( a21 \)


\begin_inset Formula \( a22 \)



\begin_inset Formula \( 2 \)



\begin_inset Formula \( a31 \)


\begin_inset Formula \( a32 \)



\begin_inset Formula \( 3 \)







Re: Feature request

1999-10-05 Thread Frank Mahler

Hi Gorik,

you wrote:
>  a) (how) is it possible to draw a nth-square root ? It should look like
> n   /\
> _  /   n
>  \/  1 - x

M-m s in math mode gives a _s_quare root, M-m r an n-th root.
Unfortunately, there's no clickable button associated with it.

>  b) I think that it should be possible to divide a long text in lyx into
> different files (such as the chapters of a book), e.g. called a
> "project".  Then there could be one page covering the project
> (containing [...]

You should have a look at the \include-Features in the Insert-Menu.
Read the "Extended Features" document that you can reach under the Help
menu, chapter 1.5 deals with multipart documents...

> Clicking on a document should lyx then make to jump to the correct
> window/file.  So the different chapters can be compiled to a dvi-file
That's exactly what's happening now, at least with LyX-1.0.4

> (including the header stuff!) while writing the text (resulting in wrong
> pagenumbers et al.). If the text is complete, the whole text can be
> compiled.
> I assume that this request is not new.
The only problem left is inserting cross-references that are not
originated in the current document. This one's a bit tricky but not
unsolveable. Ask me, if you have problems with it.
>  c) similarily, it should be possible to use MINIPAGES with lyx (e.g. in
> the same way as included eps-files, where you click on the file and open
> a window that shows the minipage/eps-file contents)
In the above mentioned "Extended Features" document section 1.9.2 deals
with minipages. There are handled a bit more complicated than you
described above, but it works. Sure, the WYSIWYM layout is not that
"clear" as with eps-files which is due to the fact, that LyX does not
know how the minipage will look like in Real World (TM), before it has
been rendered by LaTeX. With eps files this step is done via Ghostscript
in a background process, so LyX DOES know about the appearance of the
eps file.

Future enhancements could---perhaps?---render the minipage seperately
(is that really possible with LaTeX?) and insert the resulting dvi-file
(better: eps-file) in a LyX environment similar to included eps-files.
But that are dreams of the future!

> More to come...
...yeah, but---please---read the documentation before asking! Thanks...

  while (!asleep()) sheep++;

Re: LyX 1.0.4.

1999-09-29 Thread Frank Mahler

"nnes)"@mgate.uni-hannover.de wrote:
Hi Lars. This is what our mailgate does with your address. Pretty
> Finally we have LyX version 1.0.4 ready.
Yeah! Very great. Im pleased to see, that finally german umlauts in math
mode work, even after reloading the document! Thank you, I really need
this feature!
> Highlights for this release:
> - several bugfixes.
> - DocBook support
> - new layouts
> - better handling of custom pagesizes.
> - more document files translated to other languages.
Nice to hear about that.

Still one popup (or call it dialog box?) behaves strange when I fit it
to full screen height: Open the Insert cross-reference dialog, there
appears a name-box (I cannot use it, what's it good for?). This field
resizes very bad and then covers about 90% of the list box and therefore
makes it unreadable.

But, to say that again.

Wow, a lot happend since 0.10.7 I wrote my thesis for a diploma with.

Now time has come to write my master's thesis, I'm very glad to have
LyX. A collegue writes with Word (uaahhhrgh...), anotherone tries it
with Scientific Word (quite good)... Both call it a curse :-\

  while (!asleep()) sheep++;

Different page numbering for toc, abstract, preface...

1999-08-31 Thread Frank Mahler

Hi there!

I'm about to write more and more for my master thesis with LyX (as I did
for my thesis for a diploma). Since the pages around the "real content"
are growing (table of contents, abstract, thanksgivings, ...), I'd
really like to use another numbering scheme for those pages, i. e. small
roman numbers (i, ii, iii, ...)

Eventually those numbers should restart with an arabic number "1" on the
first right page of the first chapter (section, I use the article

I think, I can put some \renewcommand{} instructions in LaTeX mode into
my document, but have no idea, how that is done (I'm no TeXpert at

So there's anyone out there, who can help me?

  while (!asleep()) sheep++;

German umlauts in math equations, again...

1999-08-19 Thread Frank Mahler

Hi there!

I just made an upgrade to Suse-6.2 and am finally able to enter german
umlauts in math-text-mode.

Unfortunately when I save and then re-load the document again, all
umlauts are gone!

So I think this is a bug :-)

I'd really like to use umlauts in math equation, so, is there a solution
to this in the near future?

Again: LyX is great!

  while (!asleep()) sheep++;

Re: equation numbering by chapter?

1999-08-06 Thread Frank Mahler

Hi Michael!

You wrote:
> Is it possible to do equation numbering according to chapter?
> for example the equations in chapter 2 to be  numbered as
> 2.1, 2.2, etc...
> the equations in chapter 3 to be
> 3.1, 3.2, etc...
> and so on?
Sure. You'll have to fiddle with the LaTeX-Preamble, but it's not that

Just add the following to lines:


This sets a dot between the current section number and does the (normal)
arabic numbering scheme for your formulas. Sure you want to start the
numbering with 1 when a new section begins, so you have to use the
\@addtoreset directive, to "reset" the numbering with each section.
> Also is it possible to do this for figures and tables?
Replace the phrases {\theequation} with {\thetable}, {\thefigure} and
{equation} with {table}, {figure} and don't forget to adapt the
\@addtoreset command as well.

To the others in this list:

--> What about (another feature for the next version?) a dialog box to
handle this behaviour? I think, it's quite common to use the mentioned
numbering scheme with larger documents? Or is it worth to be added to an

To Michael: Hope this helps!

  while (!asleep()) sheep++;

Re: German Umlaute in math mode.

1999-05-31 Thread Frank Mahler

Hi Jean-Marc, hi all...
> In fact, since 1.0.3pre4, it is possible to enter 8bit characters if
> your keyboard has them (thanks to Leonid Zeitlin). The compose key or
> LyX own accent support do not work, though.
If I understand you right, it should be possible to enter, e.g. an 'ö'
within math mode?

Well, I can't get it (I use a fresh compiled 1.0.3pre4 from May, 21,

Any suggestions? I'd definitely like this feature!


Reproducable Segfault with "Notes in Formulas"

1999-05-26 Thread Frank Mahler

Hi there!

I just found a reproducable segfault-bug in LyX-1.0.3pre2 (sorry, did
not try the most current release -- perhaps later this day...).

I create a displayed math formula. Then, within math mode, I hit 'M-e n'
which is insert note (I use LANG=de). What happens is an inserted yellow
"Note"-box in front of the formula (which is ok, I think) -- the formula
itself gets left adjusted (although I made it display style, it should
stay centered!). I enter a note and close the dialog box.

Then the cursor is located between the inserted note-box and the math
(math mode is left after inserting the note).

I hit Backspace and LyX segfaults.

When I insert the note outside of the math-mode, everything is fine
(except the left adjusted display math, in the dvi file everything is
fine again).

When I move the cursor after erraneously inserting a note from within
math mode, I can delete the note box with backspace later on without
crashing LyX!

So there are strange things goin' on (TM), hope you can come around with
my description...

But, again! LyX is great stuff and I really wonder, what other text
processor I would use for writing my thesis with (I see all those
cursing collegues using Word :->>>)... 

BTW: Is it really necessary to enable the note insertion from within
math mode? Perhaps you could easily disable this option and everything
will be fine (in fact I inserted the note erraneously and wanted to type
M-e m, which is insert label in the german keyboard layout).


Re: Multiline Math-Equations in tables

1999-04-22 Thread Frank Mahler

Alexander Wollmann wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I have a problem with inserting math-equations in a table. As described in the
> user-guide you can´t insert a multiline-equation with C-Enter. But I need this!!
> Is there an easy way to do this (perhaps a minipage in one cell or something
> like that)?
> If someone can help me, I would be thankful for a fast solution because I´m
> sitting here with a friend who has to finish his work until tomorrow.
Sorry, no idea, but a workaround...

Create seperate LyX documents, one for each multiline formula you need
and set the page layout to empty. Then create dvi files with File/Export
dvi and use dvips -E foo.dvi -o foo.eps to create eps files of your
multiline equations. Then you can insert those equations as eps graphics
in your table cells...


  "After 49.7 days of continuous operation, your Windows 95-based 
   computer may stop responding (hang)."
   (see support.microsoft.com)

German locale with 1.1.2? (was Re: Announce: LyX 1.1.1)

1999-01-02 Thread Frank Mahler

Hi Jean-Marc, hi all!

Jean-Marc wrote on a mail I posted earlier:
> Did you run 'make install'? [...]

> [...]   I thought those locale problems had been
> fixed already... As a work around, you can try to set the variable
> LYX_LOCALEDIR to /usr/local/share/locale, or whatever place it has
> been installed in.
It has been installed in /usr/local/share/locale, to be precise in a
subdirectory de/LC_MESSAGES.

Unfortunately no combination of LANG and LYX_LOCALEDIR gives me german
menus :-(

Sorry for my late answer: This "bug" remains even in LyX-1.1.2 that I
just tested.

Any hints?

  while (!asleep()) sheep++;