Re: Again on BibTeX

2003-12-10 Thread Jeannette Meyer
Hi Tibor,

> The only (hopefully) problem, that I still have, is that my Bibliography
> does not appeare in my Table of Contents. I do not really know, if
> there is a Latex command to accomplish it, but I would be very thankful
> for all hints.

Right-click on your BibTeX generated references field, and check "Add 
bibliography to toc". Does that help? Otherwise I guess you can put bibtotoc 
or bibtotocnumbered (if you want it numbered) in the options field of the 
document settings (Layout - Document).


Re: LyX and flowcharts

2003-12-06 Thread Jeannette Meyer
On Saturday 06 December 2003 19:51, Paul Smith wrote:
> > Just be aware that StarOffice was known to produce horrible EPS
> > basically unimportable to anything else (including LyX). Don't
> > know how the situation is with OpenOffice.
> Matej, thanks for the warning! Indeed, the EPS file is not importable
> from OpenOffice into LyX, as the bounding box is not specified. However,
> I can use the PDF or JPG format and produce a PDF output LyX file
> instead of a DVI one.

I usually print to PS from OpenOffice, and then use ps2eps. Works very well 
for me.


Re: how to adapt the toc and the register individually?

2003-11-28 Thread Jeannette Meyer

> > And how can I add the pages register and references to the toc (as a new
> > section, each)?

Do you use bibtex? Then right-click on the box saying "BibTeX Generated 
References" and check "Add bibliography to TOC"


Re: moc library

2003-11-10 Thread Jeannette Meyer
> I have been trying to compile the lates LyX with Qt, but ./configure
> failed to find
> some libraries, I supppose:
> checking for moc2... not found
> checking for moc... not found
> configure: error: moc binary not found in $PATH or /bin !

Did you define the path to your qt directory?
e.g. ./configure --with-frontend=qt --with-qt-dir=/usr/lib/qt3
(or wherever your qt dir resides).


Re: No comment/listing on a figure

2003-11-10 Thread Jeannette Meyer
On Monday 10 November 2003 09:25, Toby Allen wrote:
> I'm wondering how to have figures without comments or
> figure number attached to them. I need to have no
> labeling for several figures in my thesis.

Just delete the caption part in the float? Or just insert a graphic (without 
any floating environment)?


Re: Modifying Title page

2003-11-06 Thread Jeannette Meyer
On Thursday 06 November 2003 00:31, Toby Allen wrote:
> I am working on my thesis at the moment using report
> class. My question is what do I need to do to modify
> the title page? There is a set format That I have to
> follow which is:
> A thesis submitted in partical fulfilment of the
> requirements for the degree of
> Bachelor of Science (Honours)
> by
> Me
> School of Chemistry
> University of Sydney
> Uni_logo picture
> date

I did my title page entirely in Lyx (with a lot of ERT though). I use the 
report (koma-script) class and just put the stuff I wanted between 
\begin{titlepage} and \end{titlepage}. Works quite fine, I formatted the 
title etc. by hand and put a lot of \vfill commands in between.


Re: Problem installing -1.3.3/Qt

2003-11-02 Thread Jeannette Meyer
Hi Rich,

On Sunday 02 November 2003 02:24, Rich Shepard wrote:
>   I tried building lyx-1.3.3/qt on my new laptop running Slackware-9.1.
> Configure worked just fine, once I figured out to use './configure
> --with-frontend=qt --with-qt-dir=/usr/local/qt-3.2.2' and it compiled with
> no errors.
>   However, both 'checkinstall' and 'make install' failed with
> 'install-xfonts: Error 1' and a couple of more errors after that. This was
> when trying 'test -f /xfonts/PSres.upr && /usr/bin/ginstall -c -m 644
> xfonts/PSres.upr /usr/local/share/lyx/xfonts/PSres.upr'.

I seem to remember this error from when I tried to install lyx-1.3.3/qt on my 
machinge  (Suse 8.0). I solved it by installing the bluesky fonts in 
/usr/share/texmf/fonts/type1. Though it took me quite some time before I 
found what was going wrong Make sure to run texhash after installing any 

Hope that helps.


Re: Label placement for table reference

2003-10-27 Thread Jeannette Meyer
On Monday 27 October 2003 21:37, Rich Shepard wrote:
>   I want to put a cross-reference in the body of the text to a table. The
> table is placed in a float. Where do I place the label?
>   If placed at the beginning of the caption it is a 'caption label'. If at
> the immediate left of the table itself the table is captioned "10.1" but
> the cross reference is "10".

Place it at the beginning of the caption (right before your caption text). 
That should work, at least it works for me. The same goes for figures. You 
can rename the 'cap:' to 'fig:' or 'table:' if you want.


Re: Column alignment in a table (LyX-1.3.3)

2003-10-27 Thread Jeannette Meyer

>   What I want is to have the column title centered, but the data in
> the rows below it left-aligned.

Change the title cell to a multicolumn cell (in table settings). Then you can 
set the horizontal alignment individually.


Re: Unnumbered pages

2003-10-27 Thread Jeannette Meyer

> I am writing my thesis at the moment and I need to
> have the Abstract, Title page, Lists of Tables and
> Figures, etc to be unnumbered. That is I need the
> numbering to start at chapter one and have the first
> pages numbered i,ii,iii,iv etc. How do I do this?

Put (in ERT):

where you want to start with the roman numbering (e.g. right before the toc), 


where you want to start the arabic numbering. If you use

...stuff on your titlepage...

the titlepage has no page number. I don't know if this works for all document 
classes, though. I use report (koma-script) for my thesis.

> Also what is a good bibtex style that doesnt display
> titles of the references and is unsorted?

There should be something like unsrt.bst, but you can also create your own 
bibtex style with latex makebst.

Good luck!


Re: footnote in Table

2003-10-20 Thread Jeannette Meyer
Hi Sam,

On Monday 20 October 2003 10:54, Samuel Hammer wrote:
> I want to have some footnotes in a table.
> I've inserted them the normal way but in the DVI file I can only see the
> little numbers in the table,but nothing  appears  at the bottom of the
> page.

Have a look at

If you want the footnotes right behind the table

(works for normal tables in a float, too, at least in my document)

Good luck.


Re: page rotated in pdf-output?

2003-09-30 Thread Jeannette Meyer
> Check that the eps files do not contain any Orientation info,
> or if you can re-create these figures, that they are exported
> in portrait mode, or without any info either about portrait or
> about landscape.
> (seems a better procedure to set the rotation properties when
> inserting the figure rather than hardcoding it in the eps).


The eps files do not contain any orientation info (as far as I can tell from 
checking on them in a text editor). They are exported in portrait mode, and 
they show up right in LyX. Strange, too, if I only include only one of the 
files, everything works fine, but when I include the same file twice on the 
same page (in a table), it doesn't...

Thanks anyway.


page rotated in pdf-output?

2003-09-30 Thread Jeannette Meyer
Dear list,

I am preparing a presentation using prosper. The orientation of the whole 
document should be landscape. However, in the pdf output (view-pdf) one page 
is rotated to a portrait position when I put some eps figures on it, which 
makes it pretty unreadable.. First I thought this was because the figures 
have a greater height then width, but even after changing this, this strange 
behavior remains. I tried pdf figures, but that did not work either.

I'm using LyX 1.3.2 on SuSe 8.0, acroread 
Converters: ps2pdf, epstopdf
BTW: view-pdflatex (with pdflatex) results in strange output, no color 
background, no landscape at all, papersize far to big...

Any help would be very much appreciated.


Re: How to cross-reference subfigures?

2003-09-26 Thread Jeannette Meyer
Juergen and Helge,

Thank you very much for your hints. That helped a lot.



How to cross-reference subfigures?

2003-09-25 Thread Jeannette Meyer
Dear list,

I am writing my diploma thesis with lyx and up to now things work great. 
However, there is one issue I could not solve so far: I have quite many 
subfigures in my figure floats, which I would like cross-reference in the 
text. I did not find any hint on this in the documentation, and the link on 
subfigures on Herbert's pages seems to be dead. I can circumvent this problem 
by just adding "a" or "b" after the reference on the figure, but I do not 
really like that solution. 
I'm sure a better knowledge of latex or at least a good book would help a lot, 
but unfortunately a have neither yet...

Thank you,


Re: mwbk bullets

2003-09-18 Thread Jeannette Meyer
Hi Gordon,

On Thursday 18 September 2003 16:45, gordon wrote:
> I'm using the book (mwbk) document type, but all bullets (itemize)
> appear as dashes. What would be the easiest way to prevent this?

Did you try to change this behavior in Layout-Document-Bullets, Set Bullets?


Re: Equations in book class

2003-09-11 Thread Jeannette Meyer

>   On a related issue, if want to put spaces in the equation, pressing the
> space bar moves the cursor out the right side. I don't know what I've
> missed here.

I think you have to use the Insert Space Buttom from the Math Panel. You can 
chose from thin, medium and thick spaces, etc. Or just press Strg-C-Space to 
insert a protected blank.


Fwd: [pyblio] open source bibliography [LyX in Nature]

2003-09-04 Thread Jeannette Meyer

--  Forwarded Message  --

Subject: [pyblio] open source bibliography
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2003 11:56:15 -0700
From: Eric Zollars <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Pybliographer ML <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thought you might be interested. This was published in the most recent
issue of Nature. Oddly, the BibTeX format is not mentioned.

*Open-source answer to bibliography problem*

*/Sir/* –
David M. Leslie and Meredith J. Hamilton say in their Correspondence
"Multitude of reference styles delays publication" that a standard
format is needed for citation and bibliography styles. The
well-established LaTex family of open-source packages is such a system.
Many journals in the physical and mathematical sciences provide their
bibliographic style files directly on their websites, reducing the
problem of format management. Life-sciences journals could easily follow
their example.

Leslie and Hamilton repeat a familiar objection to LaTeX: the learning
curve takes away time from research work. This problem has largely been
solved in the form of an open-source graphical interface to LaTeX called
LyX (, providing standard functionality such as
cut/paste and spell-checking. New users are relieved of the time
investment necessary for using LaTeX alone, yet they still derive its
well-known performance benefits. The Lyx interface handles standard file
formats, most significantly Adobe PDF, which many journals require for
electronic submission. It is therefore compatible with other tools used
by authors to view, share and submit their written work.

Leslie and Hamilton discuss one standardization tool, the digital object
identifier (DOI). But although there is substantial incentive for
publishers to adopt DOI for increased visibility and accessibility, the
benefits of simply changing long-established reference and citation
styles are unclear. LaTeX/LyX may represent a more realistic solution.
We hope investigators will also consider such open-source applications
in the broader context of conducting their scientific work as suggested
in your Editorial "In praise of open software"

*Michael C. Wendl* & *David J. Dooling*
/Genome Sequencing Center, Washington University,  Forest Park
Boulevard, Box 8501, St Louis, Missouri 63108, USA/

This email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek
Welcome to geek heaven.
Pybliographer-general mailing list


change position of sub-caption

2003-08-26 Thread Jeannette Meyer
Hi list,

Is it possible to have the sub-caption (i.e. the caption of the subfigure, 
like (a), (b) etc.) on the right side of the image instead below it?

Thanks in advance.



Re: spam-mail?

2003-08-25 Thread Jeannette Meyer
Hi Katrin,

Looks like sobig-f, this new virus/worm trying to spread via e-mail. See e.g.


On Monday 25 August 2003 15:50, Katrin Pietzsch wrote:
> hi list,
> no lyx-related question this time. i'm just wondering about a mail i
> got today and another one by the same sender. Since it doesn't make
> much sense to me, i'm wondering whether this mail is truely related to
> lyx/ latex or whether this is simply spam.
> regards,
> Katrin
> Anfang der weitergeleiteten E-Mail:
> > Datum: Mo, 25. Aug 2003  14:20:27 Europe/Berlin
> > Betreff: Re: Wicked screensaver
> >
> > Please see the attached file for details.

Re: Image quality in exported documents

2003-08-19 Thread Jeannette Meyer

> > can't get my images and charts etc to look acceptable I may have no
> > choice.
> It's definitely possible to get the images to look as they should.. might
> need to play around a little in the beginning and figure out a mechanism
> that works for different image formats..

I did play around a bit to get good-looking images and charts in Lyx. The best 
way I found so far for creating such figures is either exporting to eps 
directly for printing to a ps file, than run it through ps2eps. In some cases 
the pdf output does not look very good on screen, but it usually does so when 


Re: Restoring the default state of section headers?

2003-08-09 Thread Jeannette Meyer

> i need some help with section headers in my thesis. The situation is the
> following:
> I am using article (coma-script) as document class. Because i wanted to
> include my references in my table of contents with a numbering, i
> preceded them with a section title. To get rid of the hardcoded
> references title, i used the latex-command "\def\section*#1{}" which i
> found in the mailing list archives.

I'm not an expert, but for my thesis I just put the command bibtotocnumbered 
in Layout - Document - Options. Works fine for me, i.e. the toc includes 
references, preceded by a section number.

> Now i do have an appendix following the references, which should also be
> part of the TOC with the appropriate section header. The problem is, the
> aforementioned command isn't allowing me to do so.
> So, what command can be issued after my references to restore the
> default section header format?

Should be obsolete then.

Good luck,


Re: Dialog box

2003-06-18 Thread Jeannette Meyer
On Thursday 19 June 2003 06:34, Jan Peters wrote:
> Is there any dialog box where I can set the h, b or t parameter for
> a float? And specify that it should/or not have a page by itsself?

Try a right mouse click in the float box.


Re: Table Appearance

2002-12-16 Thread Jeannette Meyer
I had the same problem last week and I just removed the upper/lower borders of 
the upper two rows (right-click the table, chose row/column).


On Monday 16 December 2002 07:45, Paul Medwell wrote:
> How is it possible to remove the extra space that appears at the top of
> tables?
> (I know that it can be done, because there is a table in the User's
> Guide without it, although there is no mention on how to do it. Even if
> I copy this table as soon as I add a row the space then appears between
> the existing table and the new row.)
> Many thanks,
> Paul