
I'm relatively new to LyX, so please excuse me if this is trivial; I haven't found a solution to this: I've used biblatex with LaTeX and used the possibility to create reference lists per section via the refsection environment. Doing this in LyX causes some trouble as biblatex creates mytexfileN-blx.aux files (where N is the number of the corresponding refsection) which have to be run through bibtex individually. LyX doesn't know about this and so doesn't compile the correct references. My temporary solution was to enter latexmk in the bibtex preference file (so LyX runs latexmk whenever it's supposed to run bibtex). However, this takes more time to compile than necessary and is not very clean. Is there a way to ONLY use latexmk to compile a document? Or else, is there a way to tell LyX about the additional .aux files that should be run through bibtex?


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