Install Fourier package/style

2010-01-24 Thread KR Thorne
I managed to get the Fourier-GUT package installed on my laptop, but now I have 
a netbook that I need to sync with the laptop files and *cannot* seem to find 
the info on how to install the Fourier-GUT in LyX.

I tried doing what the readme said regarding using updmap, but keep getting an 
error that says "could not find at all." The file IS there, because 
I hunted around in the Fourier-GUT folders and found it. But the install is not 
finding it.

Please note I am running Linux 8 Helena on my brand-new Gateway LT2108u 
netbook, so the above was accomplished via terminal. I have only been using 
Linux about 6 mos, so I don't know all the geek-speak (very little, actually). 
The instructions I've found usually seem written in ancient Sumerian, as I only 
recently left the Windows environment where you just click an .exe file and 
everything is installed for you. Simple, newbie, dummy-proof English would be 
most appreciated!!



Font error

2009-09-27 Thread KR Thorne
After importing an OpenOffice document into LyX, I am now formatting into book 
form but encountered an error in part of the text when converting to PDF 
(pdflatex and ps2pdf):

Font LGR/cmr/m/n/10=grmn1000 at 10.0pt not loadable:Metric (TFM) file not 
Font LGR/cmr/m/n/10=grmn1000 at 10.0pt not loadable:Metric (TFM) file not 

Description:{}! But for the time bein\textgreek{'}

I wasn't able to read the size data for this font,
so I will ignore the font specification.
[Wizards can fix TFM files using TFtoPL/PLtoTF.]
You might try inserting a different font spec;
e.g., type `l\font='.


The text in question is formatted the same as all the rest of the text, which I 
am copy-pasting one chapter at a time. Chapters 1-3 worked fine to convert to 
PDF, but this text in Chapter 4 returns the above error. At the end of "But for 
the time bein" is an apostrophe, to indicate dialect (bein' = being minus the 
g). The font is the same as the text immediately before/same as the entire 
chapter, as well as the three preceding chapters.

The original document was done in OpenOffice 2.0 in Windows, then imported into 
LyX 1.6.2 running on Linux Mint 7 Gloria.

How do I remedy this? I tried deleting the text in question, starting a little 
ways before it and retyping it, but with the same result. I also tried 
selecting a chunk of text and changing it to various other formats, like Sans 
Serif and Huger, then back again, but this tactic was also unsuccessful.

Any suggestions are appreciated.


Help needed: LyX files Win->Linux Mint Gloria 7

2009-08-27 Thread KR Thorne
I created a number of files in LyX under Windows Vista, saved in .lyx format. I 
have just migrated over to Linux Mint Gloria 7, and now my files will not open. 
I receive an error message:

/media/FreeAgent Drive/Encryption Folder/Seagate
Backup/KRT-PC/C/Users/KRT/Documents/Writing/GTG_TWI_newedit_test.lyx is not a 
readable LyX document.

I also tried the files I had copied to a data DVD, but cannot open them either.
Both the Windows Lyx and the Linux LyX are the latest release, 1.6.2.
This is extremely important, as these are manuscripts representing several 
years of work. At present I cannot simply open them in Windows, as my Windows 
installation was not working and the recovery disks are unsuccessful (ticket 
open with the laptop mfr).
Any help would be greatly appreciated!