Re: More on 1.6 beta4 crashing on Ubuntu

2008-07-20 Thread Michael Beckmann

Hi Pandita

your document did not cause any problems on my computer, however, since 
the bug you found seems to be reproducible under certain circumstances 
it'll probably be fixed in one of the next releases.
If you are in the need to work with lyx in the meantime I suggest that 
you compile and install the last stable version.



Hi Michael and all list members

I posted the following question to the list:

"I have just compiled Lyx 1.6 beta4 on Ubuntu (8.04) and installed it. 
When I tried to open my Lyx documents, one document is constantly 
crashing when I click on the title in the document (very strange).  Can 
someone tell me how to fix it?"

Then Michael asked me "Could you run lyx in the terminal and post the 
crash/error output?" I followed his advice and I got the following 
terminal output:

CoordCache.cpp(39): break on pointer: 0x8bb1640 hint: x size: 4
lassert.cpp(21): ASSERTION false VIOLATED IN CoordCache.cpp:40
Assertion triggered in void lyx::doAssert(const char*, const char*, long
int) by failing check "false" in file lassert.cpp:23

Then Michael wrote:

I'm not sure what this actually means, maybe somebody else has an idea.

Can you provide the document as Pavel suggested? Does the error
occur only with this document or with every (even newly created) file?

Please remember to reply to all recipients (i.e ) when
answering emails in the userlist, otherwise its just me reading it
and I'm not really an expert :-)

So I have attached my document herewith. Really hope somebody kindly helps.

Thanking in advance

Ven. Pandita

[Fwd: Re: 1.6 beta4 crashing on Ubuntu]

2008-07-18 Thread Michael Beckmann

I'm not sure what this actually means, maybe somebody else has an idea.

Can you provide the document as Pavel suggested? Does the error occur 
only with this document or with every (even newly created) file?

Please remember to reply to all recipients (i.e 
when answering emails in the userlist, otherwise its just me reading it 
and I'm not really an expert :-)


 Original Message 
Subject:Re: 1.6 beta4 crashing on Ubuntu
Date:   Fri, 18 Jul 2008 17:30:46 +0530
To:     Michael Beckmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi! Michael

I did as you said, and the following is the terminal output. I pray you
can find out the problem and solution. I don't know whether it is
relevant or not but it happened after regular updates.

Thanking in advance

Ven. Pandita

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ /usr/local/bin/lyx
CoordCache.cpp(39): break on pointer: 0x8bb1640 hint: x size: 4
lassert.cpp(21): ASSERTION false VIOLATED IN CoordCache.cpp:40
Assertion triggered in void lyx::doAssert(const char*, const char*, long
int) by failing check "false" in file lassert.cpp:23

You wrote:

on my computer runs lyx beta 4 from svn in Ubuntu Hardy. I could not
find the error you described. Could you run lyx in the terminal and
post the crash/error output?

Re: 1.6 beta4 crashing on Ubuntu

2008-07-18 Thread Michael Beckmann

Hi there,

on my computer runs lyx beta 4 from svn in Ubuntu Hardy. I could not 
find the error you described. Could you run lyx in the terminal and post 
the crash/error output?




I have just compiled Lyx 1.6 beta4 on Ubuntu (8.04) and installed it. When I
tried to open my Lyx documents, one document is constantly crashing when I
click on the title in the document (very strange).  Can someone tell me how
to fix it?

Ven. Pandita

Change Tracking not visible in output. How to install {xcolor} and {soul}?

2007-09-05 Thread Michael Beckmann

Dear Lyx Users!

I'd like to see the change tracking in the pdflatex output. However, I 
only get the error that I've to install xcolor and soul or define 
\lyxdeleted and \lyxadded. As I'm not a latex professional I couldn't 
really figure out how to do that.

Any Ideas? (You have been great so far :-)!)

btw: I'm running lyx 1.5.0 on Ubuntu 7.04


Re: moving to linux...part3: preferred bibtex editor: Zotero

2007-06-14 Thread Michael Beckmann
I use a combination of Zotero, a firefox plugin (, and 
Jabref. In the future Zotero itself might hopefully be able to directly 
push citations to lyx which will probably mean the end for jabref on my 
laptop. Until now it has at least a direct copy function (ctrl+alt+c) 
which allows you to insert a citation in Bibtex format.
At the moment I use Zotero to collect citations and pdf files (which is 
very easy with the built in attachment function. When I'm done I export 
the database from Zotero to Jabref (either via ctrl+alt+c or the export 
to Bibtex mode) and use JR only to store the database and to push to lyx.
Zotero makes my life a lot easier as I'm able to manage my literature 
while browsing without having to klick around between several programs. 
The plugin is able to grab citations directly from webpages and from the 
most important online Databases (e.g. WebOfScience, Jstor, Blackwell, 
Wikipedia and many more) with one single click! Amazon is also supported 
which is very nice for books.
I think Zotero is one of the most promising programs in the field of 
literature management. The only thing that I miss is a push to lyx 
function from within firefox. I've filed a feature request a while ago 
( and one of 
the developers wrote that he thinks it wouldn't be very difficult to 
program a lyx integration for Zotero and they would guide someone 
through it. But I've got no programming experience at all, so I don't 
think that someone is working on that at the moment. Is there maybe 
someone here in lyx community who has the knowledge and is interested to 
make that work (and probably many scientists happy)?
If one day Zotero can communicate with lyx I'm pretty sure that a whole 
bunch of MSWord/Endnote people would switch to lyx as the combination 
offers a huge potential to save some time and trouble when writing 
scientific papers. But thats just me dreaming ... :-)


Ares schrieb:

Here I am back with a new, silly question: what is the most favourite
bibtex editor under GNU/linux? I have been using JabRef under Windows,
but I realised that it runs under the Java Runtime Environment, and I
do not want to install new components if I do not really need them...

So, let's go with the poll!

Re: Annotate PDFs with comments

2007-06-08 Thread Michael Beckmann

Betreff: Re: Annotate PDFs with comments
Datum: Fri, 08 Jun 2007 19:56:03 +0200
Von: Michael Beckmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
An: Oisin Feeley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Referenzen: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

There is pdfedit ( I think it
has an annotation function but I havent tried it. Its still a beta and
crashes every now and then but I think it looks pretty promising!


Oisin Feeley schrieb:

A quick FYI:

A while ago there was a thread on this list discussing the possibility
of adding annotations to a PDF [1] using Free software, mainly as a
way in which an editor can add comments on a manuscript.  It seemed
that there were three options: 1) purchasing Adobe Acrobat Standard;
2) waiting for the poppler library and associated tools (KDE's okular
and GNOME's evince) to add this functionality; 3) using a Windows

It seems that there's now another possibility which is a PostScript
annotator "flpsed" [2] which has the ability to convert to/from PDF.
This was mentioned in the comments to a recent Linux Journal article
on working with PDFs in GNU/Linux [3].




Bibtex-key decapitalized in 1.5 beta2

2007-05-14 Thread Michael Beckmann

Dear Lyx users,

Since I installed version 1.5 beta2 on my Ubuntu 7.04 system all bibtex 
keys seem to be de-capitalized in lyx.

The bibtex database is ok and shows keys with capital letters.
I use Jabref to push the citations directly to lyx which means that a 
key with a capital letter is pushed to lyx (e.g. Elton1958). When I open 
the citation dialogue I cannot change the citation style of the citation 
as the key seems to be not present in the list (there: elton1958). It is 
possible to remove the Elton1958 key and replace it by the elton1958. 
After that the citation style can be changed again, however that makes 
the push to lyx function kind of ridiculous :-)

Any ideas on this one?