Table captions

1999-07-29 Thread Nuno Guerra

Dear Lyx users,

Perhaps you can help me with these 2 questions:

The space left between the table caption and the table is a little small
for my taste. I know how to change this for each caption, but is there a
way to make a certain distance be the default setting?

Is there a way to limit the width of a caption? Sometimes, if the table
width is small and the caption is long, it doesn't look good.

I'm using version 1.0.3. Thank you in advance for your help.

Nuno Guerra

DECivil - Instituto Superior Tecnicotelef:  +351.1.8418428
Av. Rovisco Pais, 1 fax:+351.1.8497650

LyX crash

1999-03-27 Thread Nuno Guerra

LyX developers and users,

I'm using LyX since version 0.10.7 and I'm very happy with it. I'm now
using version 1.0.1 and yesterday, and again today, Lyx crashed.

Here is the information I can give:  

- it happened in two different computers: one with Linux 2.0.30 and
  another with 2.0.35; in the first I use fvwm95 and the second fvwm2;
- I had more than 2 documents opened; one of them was my thesis and it
  has a large number of figures; the others were small documents with
  a couple of tables and a few figures;
- the bigger file's size (tese2.lyx) is about 32 bytes 
- it crashed after I copied (with Control-Y) a figure float from one
  of the small documents to the one containing my thesis;
- I had done this previously without any problem;
- I had been working on the documents for a few hours;
- the message after the crash was:

lyx: SIGSEGV signal caught
Sorry, you have found a bug in LyX. If possible, please read 'Known bugs'
under the Help menu and then send us a full bug report. Thanks!
lyx: Attempting to save document /home/nguerra/d/txt/tese2.lyx as...
  1) /home/nguerra/d/txt/tese2.lyx.emergency

[1]Segmentation faultlyx -width 700 -height 560 tese2.lyx

- before I restarted lyx I looked for the files tese2* and I saw there
  were 3 important ones:

- the first two were the same size; the 3rd was a little larger;
- I copied the files tese2.lyx.emergency and tese2.lyx~ to different names
- when I restarted lyx I was told there was an emergency file and
  asked if I wanted that file; I said yes and the following message
  was displayed:

Reading of document is not complete.
Maybe the document is truncated

- the file was, in fact, truncated;
- I tried the 1st file and the same thing happened;
- only the file tese2.lyx~ was not truncated; I used the copy I had
  done to continue working on this file and only a few lines I had
  written weren't there; nothing too important was missing,
- I tried to make it crash again under gdb, but without success.

Sorry if this has become too long. Is there anything you can tell me
about these 2 crashes? I'll be running lyx under gdb for a while to
see if I can give you a complete bug report.

Thanks for any help,

Nuno Guerra

DECivil - Instituto Superior Tecnicotelef:  +351.1.8418428
Av. Rovisco Pais, 1 fax:+351.1.8497650