Re: Typing oe ligatures in French

2004-06-30 Thread Reuben Thomas
Dominik WaÃenhoven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> You could add a shortcut to your local .bind-file, e.g.
> \bind "M-o"   "command-sequence ert-insert; self-insert \oe{};
> inset-toggle"
> \bind "M-S-O" "command-sequence ert-insert; self-insert \OE{};
> inset-toggle"

Thanks, this works fine...but for some reason, only if I have no
preferences file in my ~/.lyx directory; otherwise, my ~/.lyx/lyxrc
file is ignored.

I can get around this problem by adding the lines to the preferences
file, but I presume they'll be lost if I change any of the

I'm using LyX 1.3.4. Is this a bug? Or am I doing something wrong?


Re: Typing oe ligatures in French

2004-06-05 Thread Reuben Thomas
Uwe StÃhr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Use the command \oe or \OE.

Thanks. Forgive my ignorance (and I have tried to look in the docs),
but what's the quickest way to type this? Adding an ERT box and then
typing \oe every time is a bit slow; on the other hand, search and
replace of "oe" once the document is complete is a bit error-prone.

> LyX doesn't support these characters because the input encoding is
> always latin1, see LyX bug 845:

In the User Guide, it says:

"This input method is particularly handy when you use accented
characters only from time to time. It works by default for latin1
characters, but other input methods will be used if you setup your
locale correctly."

If the User Guide is wrong, it should be corrected; otherwise, I'd
like to know how to set my locale for LyX to use Latin9 (ISO-8859-15)
(at the moment my locale is en_GB.UTF8, and LyX seems to use latin1).


Typing oe ligatures in French

2004-06-04 Thread Reuben Thomas
What's the easiest way to type oe ligatures in French? I was a bit
surprised to find this wasn't an automatic ligature in LaTeX when
using French given it's almost always what you want.


Cut and paste from OpenOffice to LyX (1.3.4)

2004-05-23 Thread Reuben Thomas
I thought I'd found something about this on the web before, but I can't 

On my RH Fedora 1 system I'm trying to cut'n'paste from OOo 1.1.0 to LyX 
1.3.4. This doesn't work: only the first line or maybe few lines is 
pasted (this is by selecting the text with the mouse in OOo, then pasting 
with the middle button or menu->Copy external selection in LyX).

However, if I copy from OOo to KWrite, this works OK (suggesting 
OpenOffice can work) and if I copy from KWrite to LyX this works OK too 
(suggesting that LyX can work).

Is this a LyX problem? An OOo problem? Is there a better fix or workaround 
than using KWrite as an intermediate program?

BTW, I notice that in the French menus (OK, it's not me trying to do this, 
it's someone else who runs LyX in French) it says "Copier Selection 
Externe" and presumably it should be "Coller Selection Externe".

-- | aphorism, n.  a wise lie

"ASCII" considered obscure

2004-04-25 Thread Reuben Thomas
When importing text into an OpenOffice document, I suggested to a naïve
user that she export the LyX document as text. She had two problems, both
of which merit attention to LyX's menus, I think.

First, in most programs, "Text" is a file type listed on the save dialog,
not under "Export", which tends to be reserved for non-editable formats
such as PDF. This is certainly the case in most word processors. Hence,
she was confused because there was no option in "Save as" to change the
file type to text.

Secondly, and much easier to fix, she then said "but there's no option to
export as text". She didn't know that ASCII means plain text. I suggest
the menu entry be changed to say "Plain text" or similar, again, in line
with most wordprocessors.

-- | sad, a.  the efforts of musical debutantes (Bierce)

Re: xfig tip

2004-04-07 Thread Reuben Thomas
> Oh, I know how to use it. I'm just busy. And lazy.

Again, with this wiki as with most, it's as quick to cut-and-paste
whatever you have than to ask someone else to do it. Since it's informal,
you can just dump an email into the wiki if you're particularly busy;
someone with more time (perhaps someone who benefits from the info) can
clean it up later.

-- | impatience, n.  the urge to do nothing

Re: xfig tip

2004-04-07 Thread Reuben Thomas
> I'm no wiki-spert. Maybe someone could do it for me?

The point of wikis is that you don't have to be an expert. There isn't
really much to learn. Try it.

C++, n.  an octopus made by nailing extra legs onto a dog (Anon)

Re: Why no new para after enumeration? (1.3.4)

2004-04-06 Thread Reuben Thomas
> Nawfal, you could cheat by outputting a protected space and then
> starting a new paragraph. Ugly.

This explains why I thought I couldn't override the system

-- | impeccable, a.  not liable to detection (Bierce)

Re: Why no new para after enumeration? (1.3.4)

2004-04-05 Thread Reuben Thomas
> Easy! This particular developer might start sulking and ignore you if
> you start using pejorative language.

I must have been reading too much slashdot or something recently. I'll
stop with the pejoratives, already. Sorry.

I'll double check my changes (I changed the NextNoIndents in
from 1 to 0 and then saved into ~/.lyx/layouts and restarted
LyX), and then get back to you if I still can't make it work.

-- | Eschatology Generally Breeds Dire Fanaticism

Re: Why no new para after enumeration? (1.3.4)

2004-04-05 Thread Reuben Thomas
> Reuben, I believe that this is configurable behaviour. Hack your
> ${PREFIX}/share/lyx/layouts/ file,

Another problem: am I right in thinking that I can't override
/usr/share/lyx/layouts/ with ~/.lyx/layouts/
Testing suggests that I can't, which sucks.

-- | wet nurse, n.  lactating lackey

Re: Why no new para after enumeration? (1.3.4)

2004-04-05 Thread Reuben Thomas
> Reuben, I believe that this is configurable behaviour. Hack your
> ${PREFIX}/share/lyx/layouts/ file, changing NextNoIndent
> to 0. (Your lyx executable is to be found at ${PREFIX}/bin/lyx.)

Thanks. Hacking is acceptable for me, but not really for the
user on whose behalf I'm asking. Without changing the style file at all
(which is fine) it would be good if this were implemented by setting the
next paragraph's "do not indent" flag rather than by omitting the blank
line from the LaTeX (which is not really the same thing). Then a user who
wanted to indent a paragraph after an enumeration could do so by unticking
the flag.

Even simpler (from the user's point of view) would be to change the flag
so that it is just an "indent paragraph" flag, and to set it automatically
according to the usual rules in all places.

-- | plagiarism, n.  the mind burgles

Re: Why no new para after enumeration? (1.3.4)

2004-04-05 Thread Reuben Thomas
> ? ? ?? 5 ?? 2004 14:12 Reuben Thomas ???(a):
> > Why doesn't LyX leave a paragraph gap between an enumeration (say) and a
> > standard paragraph? This means it's impossible to control indentation at
> > the beginning of the paragraph following the indent without resorting to
> > ERT.
> The standard is not to make indentation at the first para, but only starting
> from the second one; e.g.:

I understand how indentation normally works; perhaps I was being unclear.
If I look at the LaTeX generated by Export, I get:

The next paragraph...

There is no gap after \end{enumeration}, so no new paragraph is started,
so it's not indented.

If I manually add a line after \end{enumeration}, then there is a new
paragraph, and it's indented.

-- | The shorter the better

Re: Problem with bullets in French (LyX 1.3.4)

2004-04-05 Thread Reuben Thomas
> Load babel in the preamble before you invoke \StandardLayout

Thanks. Is this general principle in the user guide? (I read the section
about the preamble but didn't find anything.)

-- | computation, n.  automated pedantry

Why no new para after enumeration? (1.3.4)

2004-04-05 Thread Reuben Thomas
Why doesn't LyX leave a paragraph gap between an enumeration (say) and a
standard paragraph? This means it's impossible to control indentation at
the beginning of the paragraph following the indent without resorting to

-- | impeccable, a.  not liable to detection (Bierce)

Problem with bullets in French (LyX 1.3.4)

2004-04-05 Thread Reuben Thomas
If you select language as French, LyX uses frenchb in babel (reasonable
enough!). However, this package overrides list formatting. In particular,
it overrides the settings for bullets, so that customizing them in LyX has
no effect.

By default, LyX should override this feature of frenchb, by adding
\StandardLayout to the preamble. Also, LyX users who really want the
changes in frenchb (which personally seem very dubious to me) should be
able to switch back (with the understanding that LyX's standard bullet
machinery will stop working if they do).

Now, I would of course like to do this myself while I'm waiting for the
next version of LyX, but I can't, because if I add \StandardLayout to the
preamble, it's too early (babel hasn't been called yet) whereas if I put
it in the body of the document it's too late (because I get an error
telling me I can only use that command in the preamble).

I can of course hack the LaTeX, but that is not pretty; is there some
other workaround?

-- | Slow Pedestrian Crossing (Anon)

Manual typo

2004-04-05 Thread Reuben Thomas
In the 1.3.4 UserGuide.lyx:

"you have to resolve to fancy": resolve -> resort

Re: [pdftex] Re: tex2pdf 2.1 released -- appologies for my ignorance

2001-06-12 Thread Reuben Thomas

>  > Several people have informed me that pdftex _does_ do PDF
>  > bookmarking and suggested I check out some more recently releases.
> it has done for many years. your 13d should do it

>  > A simple "-version" on my RedHat 7.1 system reveals that I'm using
>  > "pdfTeX (Web2C 7.3.1) 3.14159-0.13d" which is part of RedHat's tetex
>  > 1.0.7-15 RPM.  I take it that is dated?
> yes. dont trust redhat an inch.

I don't understand this. First, RedHat is just repackaging tetex, they don't
choose the version of pdftex to ship. Secondly, it seems that RH is shipping
v0.13d, which is the same version you said should be fine above. What am I

-- | Careful Cyclists Approaching From Right


2001-06-04 Thread Reuben Thomas

I've seen this mentioned in the docs, but where can I get it (preferably in
RPM form for RedHat 7.1)?

-- | Careful Cyclists Approaching From Right

Re: Languages (was Re: sorting tables?)

2001-06-01 Thread Reuben Thomas

> > > Anyway, past discussions have usually ended up with Python as best because
> > > it's readable/writable even for newbies.  Scheme/Lisp usually dropped as a
> > > bad idea because no-one cares to type all the ()'s and Perl as a possible
> > > second language.

There's also Lua (, which is much smaller than python, rather
simpler, and was specifically designed a) to be embedded in applications and
b) as an application extension language. A typical build of the compiler/
run-time-system and standard library shared libraries is about 100kb (hence
you can easily link it statically if that's easier without much bloat).

It's a lovely little language with clean syntax, such that configuration
files can be written directly in it (if you like), and reflection of C
functions into Lua is extrememly easy.

Lua is BSD-ish licensed, and written in pure (and I do mean pure) ANSI C. It
compiles out of the box on almost anything (and it has been ported, among
other odd environments, to Palm OS, EPOC and RISC OS; indeed, on the last
two it compiles without alteration).

It is widely used as an embedded application control language, especially
for scripting game engines.

-- | Caution Children At Play Drive Slowly

Making a layout for ENTCS

2001-05-29 Thread Reuben Thomas

I am currently writing a paper using entcs.cls (Elsevier's Electronic Notes
in Theoretical Computer Science style).

It has a slightly unusual requirement: the \author, \address & so on
commands must go in a special environment:


I'm developing entcs.layout, based on article.layout, as I go, and most of
the features are fairly clear to implement, but I can't see how to do this
one. Glancing at the other standard layout files, I can't see that any of
them has this problem either.

Can anyone help? Of course, I can just put the begin/end environment in as
ERT for now...

-- | wit, n.  educated insolence (Aristotle)

xfig documentation and use

2001-05-29 Thread Reuben Thomas

It seems that the docs for xfig use have sadly lagged behind reality: you
can no longer include raw LaTeX, only LyX (presumably you're supposed to
import the LaTeX document you want to include, save it as LyX, then include
the LyX document? Seems a bit long-winded).

So now xfig figures are treated as "External material". All well and good, a
nice simple interface, *but* even though I selected LaTeX fonts in my xfig
diagrams, they are all rendered as Times and Courier (whereas I'm using
Computer Modern in my LyX document). Is there a way to get the right fonts
in xfig documents other than using the hack-around of saving my xfig diagram
as mixed, then pasting in the .pstex_t file directly as ERT or somesuch?

L'art des vers est de transformer en beautés les faiblesses (Aragon)

Re: A couple of small points in lyxrc.example (lyx 1.1.6)

2001-01-18 Thread Reuben Thomas

> I think that it's fair to say that use of lyxrc is deprecated and support for
> it will probably be removed eventually. The idea is to use the GUI
> Preferences popup instead, the output of which is saved to a new file
> "preferences".

Thanks, I hadn't realised that. Perhaps it would be worth displaying a
warning to this effect if you have a lyxrc file and no preferences file,
when LyX starts?

Also, in that case, the preferences should count as being modified, so that
you can save them immediately (I just toggled an option twice to get the
same result, but that's not quite as obvious).

-- | certain, a.  insufficiently analysed

A couple of small points in lyxrc.example (lyx 1.1.6)

2001-01-18 Thread Reuben Thomas

When reconciling my current lyxrc with the latest lyxrc.example, I found the
following stylistic inconsistencies (i.e. small things, but nice to fix):

1. Some commented out commands have "# " before them (e.g. \serverpipe), but
most just "#". Something like s/# \\/#\\/ is what you need to fix it.

2. Some blocks of config information have two blank lines before (e.g. that
for \label_init_length), but most have only one.

3. "#\print_to_file -o" has an unnecessary space at the end of the line.

4. EXPORT SECTION: some of the comments could be made a bit shorter (say to
restrict to 76 chars rather than 80?).

Finally, looking at european.kbd, I have the following lines added to mine;
is there some reason they're not suitable for the distribution:

\kmod - macron aAeEiIoOuU
\kxmod macron i "\\={\\i}"
\kxmod macron j "\\={\\j}"

(I suppose they're not needed for (m?)any European languages, but neither do
they clash with anything already there).

-- | computation, n.  automated pedantry

Pointer to RPMs on

2000-06-05 Thread Reuben Thomas

I can't easily find a pointer to the location of RPMs on
Since Kayvan Sylvan keeps well up to date with LyX releases, and as so
many people find RPMs convenient, it's a pity that there isn't a clearer

-- | maxim, n.  wisdom for fools

Re: Finding linuxdoc-sgml.sty

1999-11-12 Thread Reuben Thomas

> Note that LyX-configure uses LaTeX to find the packeages so if
> LyX-configure does not find it, LaTeX can not find it.

That's not true, because the sgml2tex script sets up the paths so that
LaTeX can find the relevant style files.

-- | certain, a.  insufficiently analysed

Document classes menu

1999-11-11 Thread Reuben Thomas

The document classes menu has become longer than my screen is high. Can it
be fixed so that I have access to all the document classes? (I suppose a
work-around for the moment is to trim the classes I don't use, but that is
ugly, and I'll have to do it each time I reconfigure LyX).

-- | certain, a.  insufficiently analysed

Finding linuxdoc-sgml.sty

1999-11-11 Thread Reuben Thomas

I've just installed sgmltools v1 (LinuxDoc) as a RedHat package. When I
reconfigured LyX, it found the converter sgml2lyx OK, but it didn't find

Scanning the list archive, I find the solution: make a symlink from the
TeX tree to /usr/lib/sgmltools. However, this is a kludge, as it is not
needed for sgml2latex to work. It seems to me that LyX-configure should be
fixed so that it finds linuxdoc-sgml.sty without needing such a link.

-- | certain, a.  insufficiently analysed


1999-09-23 Thread Reuben Thomas

I can't find anything in the manual about which logos (\LaTeX, \BibTeX
&c.) are recognised and converted. Further, this would be a useful thing
to be able to define by hand; I'd like I/O to map to the same thing, but
better kerned, for example.

-- | certain, a.  insufficiently analysed

Changing fonts

1999-09-15 Thread Reuben Thomas

I'm getting to the end of my thesis, so have started to think about things
like fonts. I've chosen palatino, but selecting palatino leaves all the
math in CM. I've just found the "palatcm" package which does the business,
but unfortunately it's not listed in the fonts menu, so I have to put it
in the preamble. It'd be nice if the fonts menu could be extended with
other options like this.

-- | certain, a.  insufficiently analysed

Export as PostScript oddity

1999-09-14 Thread Reuben Thomas

Why, when I select "Export as PostScript" do I get the Print dialogue box?
Is this normal? (I don't remember it before!)

Also, the Edit menu is ugly because the last two entries make it much
wider than it needs to be. Could these entries somehow be made shorter, by
rewording them or by using a sub-menu?

-- | certain, a.  insufficiently analysed

Previews of EPS in colour (or not!)

1999-08-23 Thread Reuben Thomas

I've just used EPS figures for the first time, and there's an oddity:
while the pictures are drawn in colour correctly when I preview the
PostScript, the picture in the LyX window doesn't appear in colour, even
though I've ticked the "Colour" option; instead it appears as greyscale.
Is this correct?

A related matter: probably others have asked for this, but it would be
most useful to scale a picture by a %age of its size, and have the option
to keep the aspect ratio when scaling it (e.g. if "Keep aspect ratio" were
selected, then it would be possible only to select one scaling method, not
both horizontal and vertical).

-- | certain, a.  insufficiently analysed


1999-08-15 Thread Reuben Thomas

My error "\listfiles can only be used in the preamble" was caused by an
included file, plus the bug that errors in included files are referred to
main files. So nothing new there. Sorry.

-- | certain, a.  insufficiently analysed

Two problems

1999-08-15 Thread Reuben Thomas

1. Some of the tags in lyxrc seem to be out of order again in the source,
as \print_command is no longer recognised in 1.0.4pre4.

2. I'm currently getting the error "\listfiles can only be used in the
preamble" when I process a document of mine. This error is reported on
line 2, where it certainly *is* in the preamble. What am I doing wrong?
Processing the file manually with LaTeX seems to work fine. I get this
error with both 1.0.3 and 1.0.4pre4 (hence the bug report above!).

-- | certain, a.  insufficiently analysed

Non-breaking spaces that break

1999-07-16 Thread Reuben Thomas

I have some sympathy for this, but if I have non-breaking spaces around
math boxes, they can actually break. This is not what a LyX user expects,
though it's reasonable by thinking about the LaTeX that is generated.

-- | certain, a.  insufficiently analysed

Debugging printing flags

1999-07-16 Thread Reuben Thomas

OK, I'm now trying to print multiple unsorted copies using dvilj. It's
giving me an error message ("argument to -c not a valid integer"). -c is
the flag I've told LyX to use for multiple copies, and it's the right one
according to the man page. Unfortunately I can't see what command line LyX
is actually constructing. This is ironic, as when it doesn't work it's
overwritten by an error message, but when it does it's not.

How can I see the command line so I can debug the process?

-- | certain, a.  insufficiently analysed


1999-07-16 Thread Reuben Thomas

I am using LyX 1.0.3, and when it starts up it complains:

LyX: Unknown tag `\print_collcopies_flag' [around line 360 of file

which is odd, as it's in the default lyxrc. I've only just noticed as I've
never tried to print multiple copies before.

-- | certain, a.  insufficiently analysed


1999-07-07 Thread Reuben Thomas


1. Bind url-insert to "M-i u" by default (this shortcut is currently

2. Most insert dialogues, e.g. insert URL and insert file, leave an empty
insertion if you cancel them. Others, e.g. insert reference, leave
nothing. The latter behaviour seems more sensible, and it'd be nice if all
dialogues (e.g. insert URL) had a cancel button. A little bit of
inconsistency seems to have crept into more recent additions to the
dialogue box set, perhaps because different authors have added them.

-- | certain, a.  insufficiently analysed

Turning off the splash screen

1999-06-27 Thread Reuben Thomas

Is it possible? The reason I ask is that when I try to run LyX on the MI/X
Mac X server, I get the following error:

BadLength (poly request too large or internal Xlib length error)

Since this also happens with xgalaga which has lots of large flashy
graphics, I was wondering if this could be the problem.

-- | certain, a.  insufficiently analysed


1999-06-02 Thread Reuben Thomas

Does this command do anything? It seems to have no effect for me in
1.0.3pre4 (and I did have several documents loaded when I tried it, and
had been switching between them).

-- | certain, a.  insufficiently analysed

Exporting notes?

1999-05-21 Thread Reuben Thomas

It'd be useful if notes were exported as comments in LaTeX files, so that
you don't lose them by mistake if you go from LyX to LaTeX.

-- | certain, a.  insufficiently analysed

Re: Lyx tmp files

1999-05-18 Thread Reuben Thomas

> Does anybody know the reason for this behavior?

It is a bug. 1.0.3 will cure it, and 1.0.3pre? already does; download and
compile it from

-- | certain, a.  insufficiently analysed

Re: Linebreak in Paragraph style

1999-05-18 Thread Reuben Thomas

> is it possible to inser a Linebreak after the paragraph-style?

If you're using the LaTeX document classes then the answer is "not
easily". I've done it myself by modifying the article.cls file (and
calling it myarticle.cls). It's quite easy if you know any TeX: I just
copied the definition of \subsubsection over that for \paragraph.

Koma-script might have an option for this sort of thing, but I don't know.

I'll happily send you the myarticle.cls file if you like.

-- | certain, a.  insufficiently analysed

ps2pdf: a final note

1999-05-08 Thread Reuben Thomas

>From the manpage: "it produces PDF 1.2 output...compressed with...gzip".
This suggests that in fact its compression is pretty good, probably better
than LZW.

-- | certain, a.  insufficiently analysed

PDF from PS

1999-05-08 Thread Reuben Thomas

A cautionary message: recently "pstill" has been cited as a way of getting
smaller PDF output than using ps2pdf, as has pdflatex. I've already said
that in my experience pdflatex produced larger files than ps2pdf, and
would just like to report that I've had the same problem with pstill.

I'm not saying that pstill does a bad job, but just the usual message:
Your Mileage May Vary.

For information, the file I was working on had been typeset with pslatex,
and used only the standard PDF fonts. The PS file was about 50kb; the PDF
produced by pstill was about the same size, and that produced by ps2pdf
about 27Kb. I made sure I used compression in pstill, so I'm not sure why
its output was so much bigger.

For what it's worth, I tried ps2pdf on (which is supplied with
pstill). The results were: 19192 bytes
testfile.pdf (ps2pdf): 2523 bytes
testfile.pdf (pstill, with the recommended options): 4161 bytes

I have GhostScript 5.50. I strongly recommend those who had trouble with
the output of ps2pdf make sure they have the latest version of
GhostScript. Perhaps pstill is better on files with lots of graphics in; I
don't have any of those.

As a final hint, I found that if I used the fontmap.table file of pstill
to map the standard fonts to the freely-available URW PS fonts, they were
included in the generated PDF document, because pstill decided that since
the font's *real* name wasn't that of a standard font, it should be
included. To avoid this behaviour, I downloaded Acrobat Reader, and
installed its fonts in pstill; then everything worked as it should: the
fonts were read, but the standard fonts were not included in my documents.

[Apologies if anyone feels that this message has no place in this list,
but I thought that it might be of interest given the recent discussion
about PS/PDF generation from LyX.]

-- | certain, a.  insufficiently analysed

Re: help with Bibliography & TOC please !

1999-05-08 Thread Reuben Thomas

> How can I make Bibliography show up as a TOC item, e.g.,

It seems that LyX needs a FAQ. But more to the point, there should be an
easy way of making starred sections show up in the TOC. For the
Bibliography, it should default to showing up (because that's what most
people want). I think this is a bad default in LaTeX.

-- | certain, a.  insufficiently analysed

Re: LyX to PDF (was: Why are EPS files so big?)

1999-05-06 Thread Reuben Thomas

>* Ghostscript's ps2pdf creates huge files due to the
>  non-compression of bitmap images. Also, the file is ugly
>  to view on-screen because the Type-1 (vector) fonts are
>  sampled to Type-3 (bitmap) fonts. PDF readers can't use
>  anti-aliasing in this case and printers can only print in
>  the maximum resolution that was given by dvips.
>  (lyx->latex->dvips->ps2pdf)

It seems much better to me. Perhaps it's because I use pslatex, so the
fonts remain scalable (at least, they look pretty scalable and
anti-aliased in gv).

>* pdf(la)tex is an alternativ to the tex compiler that
>  generates directly pdf files instead of dvi. I haven't

My experience of pdflatex (admittedly a while ago, and it was early days
then) was that it produced much larger files than dvips+ps2pdf, but then I
wasn't using graphics.

I agree that a better way is needed, and that for the moment the optimum
solution seems to be Distiller (for quality, and it should be given that
Adobe make it).

-- | certain, a.  insufficiently analysed

Re: Why are EPS files so big?

1999-05-05 Thread Reuben Thomas

> It's the same problem we had with screenshots: user manuals, system
> manuals, etc, mostly over 100 pages (yes, we kicked Word and do them now

Out of interest, have you tried making PDF files instead of PS? Aren't
they always compressed?

Alternatively, what happens when you gzip one of your large PS files?
Since gv can view PS files even when compressed, this is a nice way to
keep them, and gzipped PS is typically smaller than PDF.

-- | certain, a.  insufficiently analysed

Using LaTeX2HTML with LyX

1999-04-27 Thread Reuben Thomas

Further to my recent remarks that most of the problems seem to be cured by
LaTeX2HTML 99.1, this is in fact *not* the case; however, it does seem
that the problem is not with \( and \) in general, but only under certain
circumstances, possibly when they are used in arguments enclosed in [],
e.g. \item[\(i+j\}]...

I'm continuing to investigate, but for the moment it seems easiest just to
convert all \( and \) to $ in documents you want to process with

I'm also in correspondence with Ross Moore, the LaTeX2HTML maintainer.

-- | maxim, n.  wisdom for fools

Re: Using LaTeX2HTML with LyX

1999-04-27 Thread Reuben Thomas

> Reuben> 1. LaTeX2HTML doesn't seem to like \( and \).
> This is weird, since \(...\) is LaTeX and $...$ is plain TeX.

...and indeed it now works fine (I've upgraded to LaTeX2HTML 99.1, which
could be the reason).

> You could maybe report the problems to its author.

I have.

It seems the only problem now is with square brackets; the other two seem
to have been solved (or at least, with \( and \) working, spaces at the
end of a line aren't a problem).

-- | maxim, n.  wisdom for fools

More customisation!

1999-04-25 Thread Reuben Thomas

I hope LyX is gradually moving towards making it easier to customise at
different levels to support currently unsupported LaTeX packages and
applications. I'm interested in being able to customise the menus (this
could also be useful to *remove* unused options).

In particular, I'd like to be able to add more than one user-defined
option to the File->Export menu. I'd like to have options for HTML, PDF
and softwrapped text export.

Hopefully LyX will, in the end, be a small editor/displayer with a lot of
plugins, mostly written in the scripting language, but with some of the
commoner and more complex ones, such as the math symbols popup and the
contents dialogue, written in C++ directly. This way users of all levels
of competence will be able to customise LyX and, more importantly, add
functions to it, and LaTeX package maintainers will be able to add LyX
support for their package without either having to submit it for inclusion
in LyX (it can rather be distributed with the package) or having to learn
a huge program before they can develop for it.

-- | maxim, n.  wisdom for fools

Using LaTeX2HTML with LyX

1999-04-25 Thread Reuben Thomas

I've recently been trying to use LaTeX2HTML with LyX (working, obviously,
on exported LaTeX files), and have found the following problems:

1. LaTeX2HTML doesn't seem to like \( and \).

2. If you have a math environment at the end of a line, LaTeX2HTML runs it
in to the next line, losing the space that LaTeX would leave between the
end of one line and the beginning of the next.

3. If you use [ and ] in item labels, LaTeX2HTML gets confused.

Fortunately, these are all soluble: 3 is soluble manually, by putting
braces {} around any square brackets used in labels (of course, these must
be TeX text (red) braces); and for 1 and 2 I append the small Perl script
below (actually, it's just a sed script written in Perl).

I'd be interested to know of any other problems and solutions that others
have found (by the way, I'm using LaTeX2HTML v98.1, which is the latest I
can find).

# Convert LyX-generated LaTeX for LaTeX2HTML processing
# R.R.T.   22-25/4/99

while (<>) {
s/$/ /;

-- | maxim, n.  wisdom for fools

Re: Word counting options

1999-04-23 Thread Reuben Thomas

> Hmmm, I took a look at what is needed, and it will be yet more
> spaghetti code added to lyx 1.0... I'm not sure anymore I want to do
> that now, especially since it is a feature I've never needed. 

I sympathise with this, but I hope that you *will* plan the feature for
the next version.

-- | maxim, n.  wisdom for fools

Re: Word counting options

1999-04-23 Thread Reuben Thomas

> Well, I was going to have a look at it, since counting the total
> number of words in a document should not be too difficult, and then
> James message made me think again: either I implement a full blown
> word counter which counts separately footnotes, sections appendices,
> number of time the letter 'f' is used, number of occurences of the
> word 'the', number of times bold+italics is used in the document,
> either people will be unhappy with the feature. So I guess you'd better
> stick with using spellchecking for now :) 

No! Please do a simple word count! People may want more, but having a
simple word count is *much* better than nothing.

The rest can be implemented later, and fairly simply: what's needed is:

1. Count all words
2. Word-count in current selection.
3. Count number of occurrences of search-and-replace selection.

3 is the most powerful as it takes advantage of search-and-replace, and
whatever functionality you add to that will automatically be added to the
rest. I've never used it in my text editor anyway, only 1 & 2.

There are other things one might want, such as only word-counting certain
environments, but that needn't worry you for now.

-- | maxim, n.  wisdom for fools

Custom exporting as text

1999-03-25 Thread Reuben Thomas

To answer my own question: if you want the "Export>Custom" dialogue to
default to "ASCII" put "ascii" as "\custom_export_type". Fairly obvious, I
suppose, but could the developers please add this to the list of types in

-- | maxim, n.  wisdom for fools

Exporting text

1999-03-24 Thread Reuben Thomas

[I think I sent this message already, but I'm not sure I saw it on the
list and it wasn't answered; I apologise if it's just that no-one's
answered it.]

I want to set up my Custom export option so that it pipes plain text
through a command to turn it into paragraphs rather than lines (by the
way, for exporting to wordprocessors such an option would be very useful
in LyX; anyone who wants my script is welcome to it, but it's written in

My question is: what setting do I use for \custom_export_format? It only
mentions lyx, dvi, tex and ps, yet presumably I can export plain text
using this command.

-- | maxim, n.  wisdom for fools

Custom exporting as text

1999-03-22 Thread Reuben Thomas

I want to set the \custom_export_command to use a program I wrote (in
Icon, as it happens, my only Icon program!) to softwrap a text file (it
would be useful if LyX could output text in paragraps automatically, but
never mind).

In the lyxrc file, it says the filetype has to be one of "lyx, dvi, tex,
ps" but surely it can be "txt" or something as well?

-- | maxim, n.  wisdom for fools

Exporting files

1999-03-22 Thread Reuben Thomas

One big disadvantage of the usual export method (it doesn't prompt for a
filename) is that to export a DVI, PS or text form of a document in a
directory for which you don't have write permission, you have to save the
LyX document in your directory first. An "Export as..." option would be
nice, or even just a file selector every time with the default name
already filled in, so that you can normally just click OK, but change
directory and click OK if you want.

-- | maxim, n.  wisdom for fools