Re: Math Instant Preview Failing due to Fontspec

2016-01-31 Thread Robert Susmilch
Thanks, that did the trick. I assume that the setting of the default rendering 
engine was important, obviously it is always the last setting one doesn’t try 
that fixes things.


Robert Susmilch
The "gobbledygook" in this email is due to this email having been "signed" 
with PGP for security.

On Sunday, January 31, 2016 09:41:04 AM Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
> Am Samstag, den 30.01.2016, 22:50 -0600 schrieb Robert Susmilch:
> > Dear List,
> > 
> > I am attempting to track down lack of instant preview for math
> > equations. It 
> > seemed to be a random event between different files not working. I
> > chalked it 
> > up to random incompatibilities between all the various classes and
> > preambles, 
> > etc. However, even a new document doesn’t seem to work with a basic
> > equation. 
> > I have looked into the tmp directory, and found that the previews are
> > not 
> > generated because:
> > 
> > 
> > !
> > ! Fatal fontspec error: "cannot-use-pdftex"
> > ! 
> > ! The fontspec package requires either XeTeX or LuaTeX to function.
> > ! 
> > ! You must change your typesetting engine to, e.g., "xelatex" or
> > "lualatex"
> > ! instead of plain "latex" or "pdflatex".
> > ! 
> > ! See the fontspec documentation for further information.
> > ! 
> > ! For immediate help type H .
> > !...  
> Switch on "Use non-TeX fonts" in Document > Settings > Fonts. This
> should cause LyX to use XeTeX for preview generation.
> Jürgen

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: Math Instant Preview Failing due to Fontspec

2016-01-31 Thread Robert Susmilch
Are we talking within the instant preview settings section? I have an older 
2.2.0 dev version, and did not see it in there (though I switched back to 
stable 2.1.4 on Fedora 22.)


Robert Susmilch
The "gobbledygook" in this email is due to this email having been "signed" 
with PGP for security.

On Sunday, January 31, 2016 04:25:21 PM Guillaume Munch wrote:
> Le 31/01/2016 08:41, Jürgen Spitzmüller a écrit :
> > Switch on "Use non-TeX fonts" in Document > Settings > Fonts. This
> > should cause LyX to use XeTeX for preview generation.
> You can also just set "default output format" to XeTeX, though this
> might be a new feature of 2.2.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Math Instant Preview Failing due to Fontspec

2016-01-30 Thread Robert Susmilch
Dear List,

I am attempting to track down lack of instant preview for math equations. It
seemed to be a random event between different files not working. I chalked it
up to random incompatibilities between all the various classes and preambles,
etc. However, even a new document doesn’t seem to work with a basic equation.
I have looked into the tmp directory, and found that the previews are not
generated because:

! Fatal fontspec error: "cannot-use-pdftex"
! The fontspec package requires either XeTeX or LuaTeX to function.
! You must change your typesetting engine to, e.g., "xelatex" or "lualatex"
! instead of plain "latex" or "pdflatex".
! See the fontspec documentation for further information.
! For immediate help type H .

I have changed my graphics driver under Document settings to XeTeX, but no
dice. I also changed my default engine to pdflatex, but I wouldn’t be able to
compile my document then.
I am using KOMA-Script and fontspec. All the equations render if I preview the
ENTIRE document, but not the instant preview. Is there a setting I’m missing?
Is this not possible unless everything is vanilla pdflatex? I can manually
load the TeX file into Texmaker, compile under LuaLaTeX, and a nice preview
pdf comes up.


Robert Susmilch
==The "gobbledygook" in this email is due to this email having been 
with PGP for security.
%% LyX 2.1.4 created this file.  For more info, see
%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.
\documentclass[letterpaper,american,twoside, twocolumn, headsepline,DIV,BCOR=0in,index=totoc,toc=listofnumbered,toc=graduated,unicode=true]{scrreprt}
 breaklinks=true,pdfborder={0 0 0},backref=page,colorlinksúlse]


%% LyX specific LaTeX commands.

%% User specified LaTeX commands.

\defaultfontfeatures{Ligatures={Common,TeX},Numbers={Proportional, OldStyle, SlashedZero}, Contextuals = Swash, Fractions=On}% ,Scale=MatchLowercase} bug in current Biolinum
\setmainfont{Linux Libertine O}
\setsansfont{Linux Biolinum O}
\setmonofont[Numbers={Monospaced, Lining, SlashedZero}]{Linux Libertine Mono O}

%\setromanfont [Ligatures={Common,TeX}, Numbers={OldStyle}]{Linux Libertine O}
%\setsansfont [Ligatures={Common}, BoldFont={Fontin Sans Bold}, ItalicFont={Fontin Sans Italic}]{Fontin Sans}
%\setsansfont[Ligatures={Common,TeX}, Numbers={OldStyle}]{Linux Biolinum O}
%\setromanfont [Ligatures={Common,TeX}, Numbers={OldStyle}]{Libertine}
%\setsansfont [Ligatures={Common}, BoldFont={Fontin Sans Bold}, ItalicFont={Fontin Sans Italic}]{Fontin Sans}
%\setsansfont[Ligatures={Common,TeX}, Numbers={OldStyle}]{Linux Biolinum O}

% Wrap minted environment in a pretty box.

%\setlist{noitemsep} % to leave space around whole list
% More control per list
%\setlist[2]{noitemsep} % sets the itemsep and parsep for all level two lists to 0
%\setenumerate{noitemsep} % sets no itemsep for enumerate lists only
%\begin{enumerate}[noitemsep] % sets no itemsep for just this list




% Vertically stretch a table row this amount
% Or use this command
% \setlength{\extrarowheight}{2pt}

% Make nicer looking captions

% Indent KOMA script captions

% Make KOMA script caption labels (eg Figure 1:) bold.

% Adjust the KOMA caption fonts smaller

% Note that tables should have the caption above the 

Re: modernCV.lyx: Change Name Font Size [UPDATE]

2016-01-23 Thread Robert Susmilch

Depending on which style you are using (casual, oldstyle, etc.) I found for 
the casual style that the name font size is defined in the file 
moderncvstylecasual.sty on line 66:

The first number is the font size in points, the second number is the 
baselineskip in points.

I imagine there is a similar line in the other styles.

Robert Susmilch
The "gobbledygook" in this email is due to this email having been "signed" 
with PGP for security.

On Saturday, January 23, 2016 12:09:27 PM Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Fri, 22 Jan 2016, Rich Shepard wrote:
> > In addition to changing the size of my name on the first page I need to
> > learn how to display page numbers (Settings -> Headers is set to "Fancy")
> > and to put a date (in \small{} font) at the very end.
>Figured out how to paginate and add the date. It would be very helpful
> for me to learn how to slightly shrink the size of my name at the top so it
> fits on a single line.
> Rich

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: Nomenclature prints 'Seite' instead of 'page'

2016-01-05 Thread Robert Susmilch
I think this is a similar issue that I’ve encountered. 

I’ve copied and pasted material between different LyX documents that had 
languages set to different languages (such as English, English (USA), etc) and 
the words would be underlined in blue (IIRC). Much frustration and search 
revealed that this was highlighting different languages within the document 
compared to the global document language, which LyX then highlighted. 

I imagine that LyX, or another package, is picking up those German words and 
setting a language switch somewhere. I’ve successfully fixed my highlighting 
issues by switching the default language to whatever the offenders language was 
(seen by placing the cursor on the words, and seen at the bottom status bar), 
then back to my desired language. This sounds exactly like what fixed your 
issue, when you swapped languages. This global setting seems to overwrite all 
local language settings once applied.


Robert Susmilch
The "gobbledygook" in this email is due to this email having been "signed" 
with PGP for security.

On Tuesday, January 05, 2016 08:53:00 PM Michael Berger wrote:
> Hi,
> Starting the original document with the global language settings
> activated the word "Seite" prints in the Nomenclature. After
> deactivating the global settings the correct result "page" is returned.
> After this first and only repair the correct result "page" is returned
> even when the global settings is reactivated and this is permanent.
> Anyway, this was the behavior in the 40 pages original document.
> I reported this to Günter and he commented:
> In any case, you found a bug in LyX. The question is, whether it only
> appears in a very specific corner case or maybe is "self healing". If
> you can reproduce the problem with a minimal example, it would be nice
> if you could post it to the list or file a bug report at
> The minimized example is attached.
> However, very much to my surprise the behavior is now slightly different
> in that one may now repeatedly toggle the global language settings ON or
> OFF and will accordingly get "Seite" or "page".
> I also found the culprit right on the front page:
> Universität Leipzig
> Institut für Linguistik
> Beethovenstraße 15
> D-04107 Leipzig, Germany
> With these four lines  removed the problem is also gone. (but of course,
> they are needed)
> So, what have we here and where is my mistake?
> Cheers,
> Michael
> LyX Document

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: Why does Lyx insert a \par in a center environment?

2015-12-13 Thread Robert Susmilch

I’ve found for myself that if you need absolute control you need to use ERT. I 
was attempting to use LyX with the MLA style format (from the era of 
typewriters, ugh) and had to use the following:


Otherwise I would get additional space around the section titles.

Also, as noted here,
you need a /par for it to work.


Robert Susmilch
The "gobbledygook" in this email is due to this email having been "signed" 
with PGP for security.

On Sunday, December 13, 2015 03:09:29 PM David wrote:
> Hi,
> I've noticed that Lyx inserts a \par before the end of a center
> environment. I'm curious: why is that done and can it be prevented?
> Cheers,
> David

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: Inserting custom class file into lyx

2015-11-29 Thread Robert Susmilch
Why are you explicitly including the rtmsc-defs? A search on my system says 
that rtmsc.sty is part of the rtthesis example file, while rtmsc-defs.sty and 
rtmsc-defs-utf8.sty are part of the core rtthesis package. You might want to 
copy all the files from rtthesisex to your rtthesis installed directory, 
/usr/share/tex/latex/ and run texhash again.

What is inside your rtthesis.layout file?


Robert Susmilch
The "gobbledygook" in this email is due to this email having been "signed" 
with PGP for security.

On Sunday, November 29, 2015 03:44:14 PM Sajjad wrote:
> It could have been great if I could have pull this through. I tried the
> following preamble and it ended with the error :
> ///
> \setupThesis{
> author={Sajjadul Islam},
> title={Laser Sintering},
> type=msc,
> department=itn
> }
> \usepackage{rtmsc-defs}
> ///
> And The error I got is:
> ///
> LaTeX Error: File `rtmsc.sty' not found.
> //
> Since you already got hold of the rtthesis class you will not find anything
> inside the rtthesis folder named rtthesis.sty once you unzip the folder. I
> am not sure where it is pointing to by rtmsc.sty.
> But I do believe that we can pull this through together. Let me describe
> how i managed to insert the LaTeX .cls file into the LyX interface and you
> could both address the issue .
> 1. I believe that you already have the file. I unzipped it
> into /usr/share/tex/latex/ , create a directory called rtthesis and copied
> all the files inside the newly created directory.
> 2. Then I ran texhash command with the root priviledge.
> 3. I created a rtthesis.layout file inside ~/.lyx/ and ran from LyX
> interface Tools->Reconfigure.
> 4. Restarted Lyx and I found the rtthesis showed up.
> Since then I just got the class loading properly , but still stuck with the
> issue of the inserting the options from the interface either through
> preamble/TeX code. Before inserting as preamble , I also tried to insert
> the above code directly into the LyX interface by inserting TeX code. But
> it did not help .
> Thanks
> On Sun, Nov 29, 2015 at 4:10 AM, Sajjad <> wrote:
> > If you insert the following through LaTeX preamble how will it affect the
> > environment combos at LyX interface where you can insert the
> > title,author,section, etc.
> > 
> > \setupThesis{author = {My name}, title = {My nice thesis}, city =
> > {Important city}, year = 2015, type = phd}
> > 
> > I hope that you understand my concern here. If you go to the upper left
> > corner of the LyX interface you will see the environment combo. You can
> > insert author,title,Abstract through
> > 
> > the interface as well.
> > 
> > Right now I am creating the title, author through the interface and the
> > preview does not show the front page, front matter, and the Abstract does
> > not show the roman
> > 
> > numbering as shown in the pdf you mentioned. If I use setupThesis how can
> > I supress the title, author element that shows up in the interface ?
> > Should the interface
> > 
> > not be adjusted accordingly to the document class that is currently loaded
> > ?
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Thanks
> > 
> > On Sat, Nov 28, 2015 at 10:54 PM, Sajjad <> wrote:
> >> Thanks
> >> 
> >> In one of the previous posts the following LaTeX command :
> >> 
> >> 
> >> \setupThesis{key1=value1,key2=value2}
> >> 
> >> 
> >> I did not find it anywhere in the LaTeX book I am using. Is it something
> >> advanced that you can use custom command ?>> 
> >> On Sat, Nov 28, 2015 at 7:02 PM, Sajjad <> wrote:
> >>> Thanks !
> >>> 
> >>> It worked out eventually. Now I still have many options to enter and you
> >>> suggested to preamble . Is there any reference to it where I can started
> >>> with ?
> >>> 
> >>> On Sat, Nov 28, 2015 at 1:44 AM, Sajjad <> wrote:
> >>>> Thanks for the hint!
> >>>> 
> >>>> I tried but the issue prevails.  I am still getting the same error
> >>>> while trying for a pdf preview.
> >>>> 
> >>>> The .cls file came along with the a pdf file that n

Re: Inserting custom class file into lyx

2015-11-28 Thread Robert Susmilch
Within LyX in the help menu, are some very nice tutorials. It is a good 
starting point. Otherwise, generic Latex books can be found that can help.

Useful ones include,

LaTeX Beginner’s Guide by Stefan Kottwitz
Simplified Introduction to LaTeX by Harvey Greenburg
The (Not So) Short Introduction to LaTeX by Tobias Oetiker

There is a LyX wiki as well. It is a steep learning curve though.

In all honesty, unless there is a lot of math in your thesis, it may be easier 
to learn something like Scribus. I’m not knocking LaTeX or LyX... in fact I 
love them. However, I am starting to learn Scribus and it can be much easier 
to do things, IMHO.

For example, I have to write a “business proposal” for one of my classes. I 
would like to place pull quotes into the margins, or wrap text around a quote. 
I googled long and hard, to find a lot of manual work may be involved. From 
what I can see with Scribus, I would place a text frame where I want the 
quote, and let the other column text wrap around it automatically. 

However, this is a shift from what LaTeX and LyX are, which is "What You See 
Is What You Mean" instead of "What You See Is What You Get." With Scribus, you 
have to setup styles and be concerned about formatting, while with LaTeX you 
specify a format and it will automatically be consistent. I believe the lines 
are blurring though. LaTeX is fundamentally a programming language, with 
further programming languages used within things such as biblatex. I cannot 
count the hours spent trying to fight something out with LyX and LaTeX, which 
should have been simple.

All that said, its issues and problems are also it’s strength. Since it is 
fundamentally a modular programming language, you can automate and get it to 
do anything you wish. The same could be said for Scribus, as it is an open 
source program, you can add and change whatever you wish as well.

I suppose it boils down to, is this a one off use of LaTeX, or something you 
wish to learn and utilize throughout life? If so, it may be worth while to 
learn LaTeX and Scribus, due to the strengths and weaknesses inherent to each 
program. That is my personal motivation for learning both programs.

Robert Susmilch
The "gobbledygook" in this email is due to this email having been "signed" 
with PGP for security.

On Saturday, November 28, 2015 07:02:13 PM Sajjad wrote:
> Thanks !
> It worked out eventually. Now I still have many options to enter and you
> suggested to preamble . Is there any reference to it where I can started
> with ?
> On Sat, Nov 28, 2015 at 1:44 AM, Sajjad <> wrote:
> > Thanks for the hint!
> > 
> > I tried but the issue prevails.  I am still getting the same error while
> > trying for a pdf preview.
> > 
> > The .cls file came along with the a pdf file that narrates how to use it
> > and all the references are make to the LaTeX commands/notation which I am
> > not aware of. At the beginning of the document it, indeed mentions that
> > 
> > "You must decide on an input encoding from start, and select the
> > corresponding
> > class option from tabell B.12 on sida 30. You must also tell rtthesis
> > whether you
> > intend to use part sectioning or not, see tabell B.1. There are many more
> > class op-
> > tions, but they will be mentioned below where there is room for a more
> > detailed
> > discussion for the corresponding features."
> > 
> > How is it possible to insert all the options that are mentioned in the
> > documentation through LyX instead of LaTeX ?
> > 
> > 
> > Thanks
> > Sajjadul
> > 
> > On Fri, Nov 27, 2015 at 10:34 PM, Sajjad <> wrote:
> >> Hello forum,
> >> 
> >> I managed to insert a custom .cls file into the lyx interface as I can
> >> access it from the Documents->Settings.
> >> 
> >> But I get the following error once i try to generate a preview pdf . The
> >> errors are as follows:
> >> 
> >> 
> >> /
> >> //
> >> 
> >> 1. Class rtthesis Error: One of the options `latin1' and `utf8' must be
> >> given
> >> 
> >> One of the options `latin1' and `utf8' must be given
> >> 
> >> to select the character encoding of the loaded
> >> 
> >> captions. Guessing your preference is just too
> >> 
> >> dangerous
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 2. Package rtthesis-captions Error: One of the options `latin1' and
> >> `utf8' must
> >> 
> >> 
> >> One of the

Re: Inserting custom class file into lyx

2015-11-28 Thread Robert Susmilch
It is from the rtthesis example file, found here

More specifically,

Within that zip file is a file called “main.pdf” and there is an appendix B. On 
page 13 they talk about the setupThesis command. They give examples of 
key=value pairs in Table B.2 (page 14)

For example, within the preamble you could set the following,
\setupThesis{author = {My name}, title = {My nice thesis}, city = {Important 
city}, year = 2015, type = phd}

The preamble can be found in Document -> Settings -> Latex Preamble

There are many more options that you can decide on further into the document. 
From a quick glance, I believe that most of them should be used in the 
preamble as they are global settings.

Robert Susmilch
The "gobbledygook" in this email is due to this email having been "signed" 
with PGP for security.

On Saturday, November 28, 2015 10:54:28 PM Sajjad wrote:
> Thanks
> In one of the previous posts the following LaTeX command :
> \setupThesis{key1=value1,key2=value2}
> I did not find it anywhere in the LaTeX book I am using. Is it
> something advanced that you can use custom command ?
> On Sat, Nov 28, 2015 at 7:02 PM, Sajjad <> wrote:
> > Thanks !
> > 
> > It worked out eventually. Now I still have many options to enter and you
> > suggested to preamble . Is there any reference to it where I can started
> > with ?
> > 
> > On Sat, Nov 28, 2015 at 1:44 AM, Sajjad <> wrote:
> >> Thanks for the hint!
> >> 
> >> I tried but the issue prevails.  I am still getting the same error while
> >> trying for a pdf preview.
> >> 
> >> The .cls file came along with the a pdf file that narrates how to use it
> >> and all the references are make to the LaTeX commands/notation which I am
> >> not aware of. At the beginning of the document it, indeed mentions that
> >> 
> >> "You must decide on an input encoding from start, and select the
> >> corresponding
> >> class option from tabell B.12 on sida 30. You must also tell rtthesis
> >> whether you
> >> intend to use part sectioning or not, see tabell B.1. There are many more
> >> class op-
> >> tions, but they will be mentioned below where there is room for a more
> >> detailed
> >> discussion for the corresponding features."
> >> 
> >> How is it possible to insert all the options that are mentioned in the
> >> documentation through LyX instead of LaTeX ?
> >> 
> >> 
> >> Thanks
> >> Sajjadul
> >> 
> >> On Fri, Nov 27, 2015 at 10:34 PM, Sajjad <> wrote:
> >>> Hello forum,
> >>> 
> >>> I managed to insert a custom .cls file into the lyx interface as I can
> >>> access it from the Documents->Settings.
> >>> 
> >>> But I get the following error once i try to generate a preview pdf . The
> >>> errors are as follows:
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> ///
> >>> 
> >>> 1. Class rtthesis Error: One of the options `latin1' and `utf8' must be
> >>> given
> >>> 
> >>> One of the options `latin1' and `utf8' must be given
> >>> 
> >>> to select the character encoding of the loaded
> >>> 
> >>> captions. Guessing your preference is just too
> >>> 
> >>> dangerous
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> 2. Package rtthesis-captions Error: One of the options `latin1' and
> >>> `utf8' must
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> One of the options `latin1' and `utf8' must
> >>> 
> >>> be given to select the character encoding
> >>> 
> >>> of the loaded captions
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> 3. Package rtthesis-papers-captions Error: One of the options `latin1'
> >>> and
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> One of the options `latin1' and
> >>> 
> >>> `utf8' must be given to select the
> >>> 
> >>> character encoding of the loaded
> >>> 
> >>> captions
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> 4. LaTeX Error: Option clash for package inputenc.
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> \setcounter
> >>> 
> >>> {secnumdepth}{3}
> >>> 
> >>> The package inputenc has already been loaded with options:
> >>> 
> >>> [latin1]
> >>> 
> >>> There has now been an attempt to load it with options
> >>> 
> >>> [latin9]
> >>> 
> >>> Adding the global options:
> >>> 
> >>> latin1,latin9
> >>> 
> >>> to your \documentclass declaration may fix this.
> >>> 
> >>> Try typing  to proceed.
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> ///
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> I am quite new to LaTex and I must use the custom class to write the
> >>> report.  Do I have to insert the required values as asked through the
> >>> .layout file or the .clas file.
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> Some hints over this issue is earnestly requested.
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> Thanks
> >>> 
> >>> Sajjadul

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: Inserting custom class file into lyx

2015-11-27 Thread Robert Susmilch
Did you go to Document Settings -> Document Class -> Class Options and under 
Custom enter either “utf8” or “latin1”?

As for the additional options, it looks like you need to pass them to 
\setupThesis{key1=value1,key2=value2} which you should be able to enter into 
the preamble. Otherwise you can enter latex commands within a document by 
entering “Tex Code” under the insert menu. 

I couldn’t get LyX to load the class, and have not played around with custom 
classes in LyX yet. However, creating a barebones latex file I get the same 
error you do if I do not pass the option of “utf” to the rtthesis class.


Robert Susmilch
The "gobbledygook" in this email is due to this email having been "signed" 
with PGP for security.

On Saturday, November 28, 2015 01:44:52 AM Sajjad wrote:
> rtthesis

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: Inserting custom class file into lyx

2015-11-27 Thread Robert Susmilch

Try going to Document Settings -> Language -> Encoding and choose Other. 
Within that list are UNICODE options. Otherwise, the list will request a 
minimal working example, which is the bare minimum lyx file that creates the 
error. I stress the word “minimum” as no one wants megabytes flying around to 
everyone on the list, unless it is necessary.

Also, you may manually load packages through the preamble. You can also load 
class options through the Document Settings dialog under Document Class -> 
Class Options.


Robert Susmilch
The "gobbledygook" in this email is due to this email having been "signed" 
with PGP for security.

On Friday, November 27, 2015 10:34:54 PM Sajjad wrote:
> Hello forum,
> I managed to insert a custom .cls file into the lyx interface as I can
> access it from the Documents->Settings.
> But I get the following error once i try to generate a preview pdf . The
> errors are as follows:
> ///
> 1. Class rtthesis Error: One of the options `latin1' and `utf8' must be
> given
> One of the options `latin1' and `utf8' must be given
> to select the character encoding of the loaded
> captions. Guessing your preference is just too
> dangerous
> 2. Package rtthesis-captions Error: One of the options `latin1' and `utf8'
> must
> One of the options `latin1' and `utf8' must
> be given to select the character encoding
> of the loaded captions
> 3. Package rtthesis-papers-captions Error: One of the options `latin1' and
> One of the options `latin1' and
> `utf8' must be given to select the
> character encoding of the loaded
> captions
> 4. LaTeX Error: Option clash for package inputenc.
> \setcounter
> {secnumdepth}{3}
> The package inputenc has already been loaded with options:
> [latin1]
> There has now been an attempt to load it with options
> [latin9]
> Adding the global options:
> latin1,latin9
> to your \documentclass declaration may fix this.
> Try typing  to proceed.
> ///
> I am quite new to LaTex and I must use the custom class to write the
> report.  Do I have to insert the required values as asked through the
> .layout file or the .clas file.
> Some hints over this issue is earnestly requested.
> Thanks
> Sajjadul

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: LyX with NewTXMath unable to load metric data

2015-11-05 Thread Robert Susmilch
I think that's a great idea. What advantage does "stix" give me? I see
on CTAN that it is math fonts, but do they "blend" with any other fonts,
such as heavier weight fonts, etc. Much as with Libertine the math
equations felt out of place since Libertine is a bit heavier weight,
hence my quest to get Libertine working as the math font.


Robert Susmilch
The "gobbledygook" in this email is due to this email having been
"signed" with PGP for security. Please see for
more information.

On 11/05/2015 01:21 AM, Guenter Milde wrote:
> On 2015-11-04, Robert Susmilch wrote:
> Just for the record:
>> If I use package stix, it compiles but I cannot use any 
>> other fonts in document settings (kind of defeats the purpose.)
> However, you can 
> * look at the font package calls in an exported file or the View>Source
>   window (set the scope to "preamble" or "complete document"),
> * copy them to the user preamble, after loading the stix package,
> * set the GUI font selection to "default",
> try compiling again.
> Usually, the last loaded package determines the font settings. There might,
> however be clashes between some packages you have to solve yourself
> (remember, the "user preamble" is "use at your own risk").
> Günter

Re: LyX with NewTXMath unable to load metric data

2015-11-05 Thread Robert Susmilch
I will keep that in mind. However, my issue at the time was writing a
short paper in CSE style with no biblatex CSE style file. I had six
references and had already burned up a lot of time gathering the data
for the paper. I had learned Python, R and a little SageMath (all three
I was a novice in starting out) and didn't feel like diving into any
bibliography stuff for a style I will never use again. Not to say I
don't want to contribute but with a family and my wife and I back into
school I have limited time.

I had started writing it in LibreOffice because Zotero could insert with
CSE style citations and bibliography. However, placement of figures and
floats, as well as tables was horrible. The math editor was a joke. If
it is anything like I hear Word is for equations, I understand
completely. I finally ended up with the equations on a separate page
because inline equations were horrid. I also could not get the figures
to behave, as they anchored EVERYWHERE but a nice neat column. I
eventually the figures within table cells to tame them.

At some point of hair pulling and looking at my output, I cheated. I
simply copied the text over to LyX with the citations already embedded
as plain text, created hanging indents for the bibliography, and redid
the figures and tables as proper floats. I took the equations and placed
them inline into the text. I then fought with the actual paper content
and page length limitations instead of the damn formatting! (If anyone
is interested I have the before and after in dropbox.)


Robert Susmilch
The "gobbledygook" in this email is due to this email having been
"signed" with PGP for security. Please see for
more information.

On 11/05/2015 12:34 AM, John Kane wrote:
> I would second Guillaume Munch's suggestion.  Lyz is a bit fussy but
> once working preforms well. *
> *
> On 4 November 2015 at 18:15, Guillaume Munch <
> <>> wrote:
> Le 04/11/2015 22:46, Robert Susmilch a écrit :
> Dear List,
> I have been doing quite a few papers in LyX, and tried switching to
> LibreOffice for Zotero integration, however the math and figure
> placement
> drove me up the wall so badly, I came back to LyX/LaTeX,
> cheated, and entered
> my citations and references manually via cut and paste.
> I have looked at several fonts, and like Libertine, however I
> cannot get
> Libertine to work for the math font.
> At first libertine would not show up as installed in LyX, but a
> reboot may
> have fixed that. It now shows up under math font. However, even
> a basic
> document gives me an error while trying LuaTex:
> ! Font \=zxxrl7z at 10pt not loadable: metric data not found or bad.
> relax
> l.11 This is a fancy equation $\sum
>   _{i=1}^{\infty}b^{i}$.
> I wasn't able to read the size data for this font,
> so I will ignore the font specification.
> [Wizards can fix TFM files using TFtoPL/PLtoTF.]
> You might try inserting a different font spec;
> e.g., type `I\font='.
> This happens with Times New Roman and Garamond for the NewTX
> math font. Euler
> and Kurier both work (but are ugly IMHO.)
> PDFLatex gives a similar error, but complains that there is no
> font of size
> 8.8 pt loadable.
> XeXtex coplains about missing temp pdf.
> I have tried some suggestions of reinstalling texlive-collection-
> fontsrecommended. I have wiped my preamble out and removed all
> loaded modules
> in document settings.
> This is all on a Fedora 22 system, using LyX  2.1.4.
> What am I missing?
> You are trying to use NewTXMath with the libertine option if I
> understand correctly. I don't know what goes wrong. But, have you
> tried the stix fonts with pdflatex (\usepackage{stix} in the
> preamble) ? Stix is self-contained, so you have to remove other font
> packages first, including math symbols, to try. I know a couple
> other fonts for text and math that give good results.
> For Zotero have you tried LyZ ?
> -- 
> John Kane
> Kingston ON Canada

LyX with NewTXMath unable to load metric data

2015-11-04 Thread Robert Susmilch
Dear List,

I have been doing quite a few papers in LyX, and tried switching to 
LibreOffice for Zotero integration, however the math and figure placement 
drove me up the wall so badly, I came back to LyX/LaTeX, cheated, and entered 
my citations and references manually via cut and paste.

I have looked at several fonts, and like Libertine, however I cannot get 
Libertine to work for the math font.

At first libertine would not show up as installed in LyX, but a reboot may 
have fixed that. It now shows up under math font. However, even a basic 
document gives me an error while trying LuaTex:

! Font \=zxxrl7z at 10pt not loadable: metric data not found or bad.
l.11 This is a fancy equation $\sum
I wasn't able to read the size data for this font,
so I will ignore the font specification.
[Wizards can fix TFM files using TFtoPL/PLtoTF.]
You might try inserting a different font spec;
e.g., type `I\font='.

This happens with Times New Roman and Garamond for the NewTX math font. Euler 
and Kurier both work (but are ugly IMHO.)

PDFLatex gives a similar error, but complains that there is no font of size 
8.8 pt loadable.

XeXtex coplains about missing temp pdf.

I have tried some suggestions of reinstalling texlive-collection-
fontsrecommended. I have wiped my preamble out and removed all loaded modules 
in document settings.

This is all on a Fedora 22 system, using LyX  2.1.4.

What am I missing?


Robert Susmilch

This is LuaTeX, Version beta-0.79.1 (TeX Live 2014) (rev 4971)  (format=lualatex 2015.10.15)  4 NOV 2015 16:42
 restricted \write18 enabled.
LaTeX2e <2011/06/27>
Babel <3.9k> and hyphenation patterns for 6 languages loaded.

Document Class: article 2007/10/19 v1.4h Standard LaTeX document class
File: size10.clo 2007/10/19 v1.4h Standard LaTeX file (size option)
) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/newtx/newtxmath.sty
Package: newtxmath 2014/04/07 v1.25
`newtxmath' v1.25, 2014/04/07 Math macros based on txfonts (msharpe) (/usr/shar
Package: amsmath 2013/01/14 v2.14 AMS math features
For additional information on amsmath, use the `?' option.
Package: amstext 2000/06/29 v2.01
File: amsgen.sty 1999/11/30 v2.0
)) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/amsmath/amsbsy.sty
Package: amsbsy 1999/11/29 v1.2d
) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/amsmath/amsopn.sty
Package: amsopn 1999/12/14 v2.01 operator names
LaTeX Info: Redefining \frac on input line 210.
LaTeX Info: Redefining \overline on input line 306.
LaTeX Info: Redefining \ldots on input line 378.
LaTeX Info: Redefining \dots on input line 381.
LaTeX Info: Redefining \cdots on input line 466.
LaTeX Font Info:Redeclaring font encoding OML on input line 566.
LaTeX Font Info:Redeclaring font encoding OMS on input line 567.
LaTeX Info: Redefining \[ on input line 2665.
LaTeX Info: Redefining \] on input line 2666.
) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/generic/ifxetex/ifxetex.sty
Package: ifxetex 2010/09/12 v0.6 Provides ifxetex conditional
) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/generic/oberdiek/ifluatex.sty
Package: ifluatex 2010/03/01 v1.3 Provides the ifluatex switch (HO)
Package ifluatex Info: LuaTeX detected.
) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/xkeyval/xkeyval.sty
Package: xkeyval 2012/10/14 v2.6b package option processing (HA)
File: xkeyval.tex 2012/10/14 v2.6b key=value parser (HA)
(/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/generic/xkeyval/keyval.tex))) (/usr/share/te
LaTeX Font Info:Redeclaring symbol font `operators' on input li

Re: LyX with NewTXMath unable to load metric data

2015-11-04 Thread Robert Susmilch
Dear Guillaume,

So I take it that Libertine works as both the serif and math font?

Reinstall everything such as texlive* and latex? Am I missing an obscure 


Robert Susmilch
The "gobbledygook" in this email is due to this email having been "signed" 
with PGP for security. Please see for more information.

On Thursday, November 05, 2015 12:22:45 AM Guillaume Munch wrote:
> Le 04/11/2015 23:38, Robert Susmilch a écrit :
> > Dear Guillaume,
> > 
> > Yes, I am trying to use Libertine with the Math font option under
> > Document-
> > 
> >> Settings->Fonts. If I use package stix, it compiles but I cannot use any
> > 
> > other fonts in document settings (kind of defeats the purpose.)
> Ok, I misunderstood that you were interested in Libertine specifically
> and thought that you were trying various fonts. In any case your example
> works well here so it might be an issue with your installation,
> though I am not an expert of such issues.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: LyX with NewTXMath unable to load metric data

2015-11-04 Thread Robert Susmilch
Dear Guillaume,

Yes, I am trying to use Libertine with the Math font option under Document-
>Settings->Fonts. If I use package stix, it compiles but I cannot use any 
other fonts in document settings (kind of defeats the purpose.)

I have not tried LyZ, but the issue was not Zotero or Lyx itself, but the lack 
of a bibliography for CSE style. I monkeyed around with Lyx for a long time, 
but for a one off paper I couldn’t justify the time spent to learn the 
bibliography commands and such, for only six references.


Robert Susmilch
The "gobbledygook" in this email is due to this email having been "signed" 
with PGP for security. Please see for more information.

On Wednesday, November 04, 2015 11:15:03 PM Guillaume Munch wrote:
> You are trying to use NewTXMath with the libertine option if I
> understand correctly. I don't know what goes wrong. But, have you tried
> the stix fonts with pdflatex (\usepackage{stix} in the preamble) ? Stix
> is self-contained, so you have to remove other font packages first,
> including math symbols, to try. I know a couple other fonts for text and
> math that give good results.
> For Zotero have you tried LyZ ?

Re: LyX with NewTXMath unable to load metric data

2015-11-04 Thread Robert Susmilch
Dear List and Guillaume,

I installed Fedora 23 in a virtual machine, and out of the box it displayed 
the same issue if I installed Lyx, Libertine, and Newtx packages. Once I 
installed texlive-collection-fontsextra (which is different than 
fontsrecommended) Libertine works as a math font.

Problem solved. I thank everyone for their consideration, and especially 
Guillaume for investigating.


Robert Susmilch
The "gobbledygook" in this email is due to this email having been "signed" 
with PGP for security. Please see for more information.

On Thursday, November 05, 2015 12:39:13 AM Guillaume Munch wrote:
> Le 05/11/2015 00:30, Robert Susmilch a écrit :
> > Dear Guillaume,
> > 
> > So I take it that Libertine works as both the serif and math font?
> Yes, it worked with both at the same time.
> > Reinstall everything such as texlive* and latex? Am I missing an obscure
> > package?
> Let's hope that somebody else has a reply for you.

Re: esint.sty in RedHat/Centos 7. Where? Why omitted?

2015-03-25 Thread Robert Susmilch
Hash: SHA1

On 03/25/2015 12:51 PM, Paul Johnson wrote:
 On Tue, Mar 24, 2015 at 6:53 AM, José Matos
 On Saturday 21 March 2015 22:38:09 Paul Johnson wrote:
 Can somebody explain the problems surrounding packaging of
 Note that I am writing this from Fedora, so I am not sure that
 all applies to RHEL/CentOS (although I suspect it does).
 Since the tex installed comes from texlive that means that all
 the (la)tex packages have been split into its package.
 If you want to install something like the previous mega packages,
 there are several schemes available:
 $ yum list texlive-scheme* . texlive-scheme-basic.noarch 
 texlive-scheme-context.noarch texlive-scheme-full.noarch 
 texlive-scheme-gust.noarch texlive-scheme-medium.noarch 
 texlive-scheme-minimal.noarch texlive-scheme-small.noarch 
 texlive-scheme-tetex.noarch texlive-scheme-xml.noarch
 If you install texlive-scheme full you will get all the packages.
 Medium should be a nice compromise.
 On a fresh install of RHEL 7, I find LyX 2.1 works well enough,
 except the old problem about missing esint.sty re-appears. Any
 documents with integrals won't compile because esint.sty is
 Could you try:
 # yum install tex(esint.sty)
 And see if this works?
 Hello, Jose.
 Am I typing this incorrectly?
 # yum install tex(esint.sty) bash: syntax error near unexpected
 token `('
 I searched like this:
 # yum provides esint.sty Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks 
 base | 3.6 kB  00:00:00 epel/x86_64/metalink |  15 kB  00:00:00 
 epel | 4.4 kB  00:00:00 extras | 3.4 kB  00:00:00 pjku | 2.9 kB
 00:00:00 updates | 3.4 kB  00:00:00 epel/x86_64/primary_db | 4.0 MB
 00:00:00 (1/2): epel/x86_64/updateinfo | 317 kB  00:00:00 (2/2):
 epel/x86_64/pkgtags | 1.4 MB  00:00:00 Loading mirror speeds from
 cached hostfile * base: * epel: * extras: * updates: epel/x86_64/filelists_db | 6.1 MB  00:00:00 
 updates/7/x86_64/filelists_db | 3.9 MB  00:00:00 No matches found
 There is a separate package for this in Fedora, texlive-esint, but
 not in any EL7 repos I could find.
 I'd like to build my own version of that RPM, but apparently I have
 to rebuild the whole texlive package for Fedora in order to do
 that.  I made the mistake once of doing that in the RHEL 5 era, may
 do again.
 I'll keep trying, will let you know
 Note that this will work for all other .sty file.
 In Ubuntu systems there is no similar problem.  I find
 esint.sty is included in a package texlive-latex-extra.  I'm
 not finding it in similar on RedHat, but I have to admit that
 their new improved package management system is somewhat
 I searched long enough to see there is some peculiar history
 with packaging of esint.sty. I DO find the Fedora package in texlive-esint-  I will rebuild that on the
 EL7 systems if I have to. But I can't see why this is necessary
 at all.
 I guess that there is a missing requirement for texlive packages
 in Fedora/EPEL, if that happens again please report it here or on
 Redhat bugzilla.
 That type of issues in on my TODO list to determine a minimum
 list of dependencies for the lyx rpms on Fedora/EPEL.
 Regards, -- José Abílio

# yum whatprovides */esint.sty

Loaded plugins: langpacks
4:texlive-esint-svn15878.1.1-1.1.fc21.noarch : Extended set of
integrals for Computer Modern
Repo: fedora
Matched from:
Filename: /usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/esint/esint.sty

4:texlive-esint-svn15878.1.1-1.1.fc21.noarch : Extended set of
integrals for Computer Modern
Repo: @fedora
Matched from:
Filename: /usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/esint/esint.sty

- -- 

Robert Susmilch
Version: GnuPG v2


Re: esint.sty in RedHat/Centos 7. Where? Why omitted?

2015-03-25 Thread Robert Susmilch
Hash: SHA1

On 03/25/2015 12:51 PM, Paul Johnson wrote:
 On Tue, Mar 24, 2015 at 6:53 AM, José Matos
 On Saturday 21 March 2015 22:38:09 Paul Johnson wrote:
 Can somebody explain the problems surrounding packaging of
 Note that I am writing this from Fedora, so I am not sure that
 all applies to RHEL/CentOS (although I suspect it does).
 Since the tex installed comes from texlive that means that all
 the (la)tex packages have been split into its package.
 If you want to install something like the previous mega packages,
 there are several schemes available:
 $ yum list texlive-scheme* . texlive-scheme-basic.noarch 
 texlive-scheme-context.noarch texlive-scheme-full.noarch 
 texlive-scheme-gust.noarch texlive-scheme-medium.noarch 
 texlive-scheme-minimal.noarch texlive-scheme-small.noarch 
 texlive-scheme-tetex.noarch texlive-scheme-xml.noarch
 If you install texlive-scheme full you will get all the packages.
 Medium should be a nice compromise.
 On a fresh install of RHEL 7, I find LyX 2.1 works well enough,
 except the old problem about missing esint.sty re-appears. Any
 documents with integrals won't compile because esint.sty is
 Could you try:
 # yum install tex(esint.sty)
 And see if this works?
 Hello, Jose.
 Am I typing this incorrectly?
 # yum install tex(esint.sty) bash: syntax error near unexpected
 token `('
 I searched like this:
 # yum provides esint.sty Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks 
 base | 3.6 kB  00:00:00 epel/x86_64/metalink |  15 kB  00:00:00 
 epel | 4.4 kB  00:00:00 extras | 3.4 kB  00:00:00 pjku | 2.9 kB
 00:00:00 updates | 3.4 kB  00:00:00 epel/x86_64/primary_db | 4.0 MB
 00:00:00 (1/2): epel/x86_64/updateinfo | 317 kB  00:00:00 (2/2):
 epel/x86_64/pkgtags | 1.4 MB  00:00:00 Loading mirror speeds from
 cached hostfile * base: * epel: * extras: * updates: epel/x86_64/filelists_db | 6.1 MB  00:00:00 
 updates/7/x86_64/filelists_db | 3.9 MB  00:00:00 No matches found
 There is a separate package for this in Fedora, texlive-esint, but
 not in any EL7 repos I could find.
 I'd like to build my own version of that RPM, but apparently I have
 to rebuild the whole texlive package for Fedora in order to do
 that.  I made the mistake once of doing that in the RHEL 5 era, may
 do again.
 I'll keep trying, will let you know
 Note that this will work for all other .sty file.
 In Ubuntu systems there is no similar problem.  I find
 esint.sty is included in a package texlive-latex-extra.  I'm
 not finding it in similar on RedHat, but I have to admit that
 their new improved package management system is somewhat
 I searched long enough to see there is some peculiar history
 with packaging of esint.sty. I DO find the Fedora package in texlive-esint-  I will rebuild that on the
 EL7 systems if I have to. But I can't see why this is necessary
 at all.
 I guess that there is a missing requirement for texlive packages
 in Fedora/EPEL, if that happens again please report it here or on
 Redhat bugzilla.
 That type of issues in on my TODO list to determine a minimum
 list of dependencies for the lyx rpms on Fedora/EPEL.
 Regards, -- José Abílio

# yum whatprovides */esint.sty

Loaded plugins: langpacks
4:texlive-esint-svn15878.1.1-1.1.fc21.noarch : Extended set of
integrals for Computer Modern
Repo: fedora
Matched from:
Filename: /usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/esint/esint.sty

4:texlive-esint-svn15878.1.1-1.1.fc21.noarch : Extended set of
integrals for Computer Modern
Repo: @fedora
Matched from:
Filename: /usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/esint/esint.sty

- -- 

Robert Susmilch
Version: GnuPG v2


Re: esint.sty in RedHat/Centos 7. Where? Why omitted?

2015-03-25 Thread Robert Susmilch
Hash: SHA1

On 03/25/2015 12:51 PM, Paul Johnson wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 24, 2015 at 6:53 AM, José Matos <>
> wrote:
>> On Saturday 21 March 2015 22:38:09 Paul Johnson wrote:
>>> Can somebody explain the problems surrounding packaging of
>>> esint.sty?
>> Note that I am writing this from Fedora, so I am not sure that
>> all applies to RHEL/CentOS (although I suspect it does).
>> Since the tex installed comes from texlive that means that all
>> the (la)tex packages have been split into its package.
>> If you want to install something like the previous mega packages,
>> there are several schemes available:
>> $ yum list texlive-scheme* . texlive-scheme-basic.noarch 
>> texlive-scheme-context.noarch texlive-scheme-full.noarch 
>> texlive-scheme-gust.noarch texlive-scheme-medium.noarch 
>> texlive-scheme-minimal.noarch texlive-scheme-small.noarch 
>> texlive-scheme-tetex.noarch texlive-scheme-xml.noarch
>> If you install texlive-scheme full you will get all the packages.
>> Medium should be a nice compromise.
>>> On a fresh install of RHEL 7, I find LyX 2.1 works well enough,
>>> except the old problem about missing esint.sty re-appears. Any
>>> documents with integrals won't compile because esint.sty is
>>> missing.
>> Could you try:
>> # yum install tex(esint.sty)
>> And see if this works?
> Hello, Jose.
> Am I typing this incorrectly?
> # yum install tex(esint.sty) bash: syntax error near unexpected
> token `('
> I searched like this:
> # yum provides esint.sty Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks 
> base | 3.6 kB  00:00:00 epel/x86_64/metalink |  15 kB  00:00:00 
> epel | 4.4 kB  00:00:00 extras | 3.4 kB  00:00:00 pjku | 2.9 kB
> 00:00:00 updates | 3.4 kB  00:00:00 epel/x86_64/primary_db | 4.0 MB
> 00:00:00 (1/2): epel/x86_64/updateinfo | 317 kB  00:00:00 (2/2):
> epel/x86_64/pkgtags | 1.4 MB  00:00:00 Loading mirror speeds from
> cached hostfile * base: * epel:
> * extras: * updates:
> epel/x86_64/filelists_db | 6.1 MB  00:00:00 
> updates/7/x86_64/filelists_db | 3.9 MB  00:00:00 No matches found
> There is a separate package for this in Fedora, texlive-esint, but
> not in any EL7 repos I could find.
> I'd like to build my own version of that RPM, but apparently I have
> to rebuild the whole texlive package for Fedora in order to do
> that.  I made the mistake once of doing that in the RHEL 5 era, may
> do again.
> I'll keep trying, will let you know
> pj
>> Note that this will work for all other .sty file.
>>> In Ubuntu systems there is no similar problem.  I find
>>> esint.sty is included in a package texlive-latex-extra.  I'm
>>> not finding it in similar on RedHat, but I have to admit that
>>> their "new improved" package management system is somewhat
>>> unhelpful.
>>> I searched long enough to see there is some peculiar history
>>> with packaging of esint.sty. I DO find the Fedora package in
>>> "texlive-esint-...".  I will rebuild that on the
>>> EL7 systems if I have to. But I can't see why this is necessary
>>> at all.
>>> pj
>> I guess that there is a missing requirement for texlive packages
>> in Fedora/EPEL, if that happens again please report it here or on
>> Redhat bugzilla.
>> That type of issues in on my TODO list to determine a minimum
>> list of dependencies for the lyx rpms on Fedora/EPEL.
>> Regards, -- José Abílio

# yum whatprovides */esint.sty

Loaded plugins: langpacks
4:texlive-esint-svn15878.1.1-1.1.fc21.noarch : Extended set of
integrals for Computer Modern
Repo: fedora
Matched from:
Filename: /usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/esint/esint.sty

4:texlive-esint-svn15878.1.1-1.1.fc21.noarch : Extended set of
integrals for Computer Modern
Repo: @fedora
Matched from:
Filename: /usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/esint/esint.sty

- -- 

Robert Susmilch
Version: GnuPG v2


Re: Urgent help needed; writing my thesis and no document class available

2015-03-22 Thread Robert Susmilch
Hash: SHA1

On 03/22/2015 10:30 AM, Steve Litt wrote:
 On Sun, 22 Mar 2015 10:18:22 -0400 Richard Heck
 On 03/22/2015 02:51 AM, Hifza Siddiq wrote:
 I have been writing my thesis for a while with lyx and i must
 be done by tomorrow and lyx is not functioning properly. i ran
 the packaging manager and wanted to install a new package when
 all of a sudden miktex error appeared and since then all
 document classes are lost and so are the packages installed
 earlier (jurabib etc.). I reallly need help now. I have
 re-installed lyx many times now (newest version 2.1.3 answell
 as the older versions) but nothing works out.
 It sounds as if MikTeX is your problem. Have you re-installed
 Hifza, this is both a suggestion to you and a question to others as
 to whether it's feasible.
 If Richard's idea didn't work, then today is the tomorrow you 
 mentioned, and your priority is to get the thing printed, not to
 solve a technical problem.
 Do you have a friend with LyX set up on another computer? Perhaps
 you can get it printed on his/hers, perhaps after installing some
 Everyone: How time consuming would it be for him to throw on
 Ubuntu 14.04 and get LyX running there? Or, if he's already running
 Ubuntu 14.04, perhaps Debian Wheezy?
 Hifza, I'm so sorry about this. It really sucks, and I hope a
 solution can be found in time.
 Steve Litt* 
 Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance

Virtual box and try installing Ubuntu, Fedora, etc and share a folder.
Export to PDF or allow USB passthrough to your printer (unless it's a
network printer.)

Ubuntu and Fedora would be about 5 minutes of your time to start a
download going, and run through a generic installer on vanilla Virtual
Box hardware.

Honestly the longest time would be getting Virtual Box setup with
making sure the modules are compiled for your kernel and making sure
that your user is added to the virtual box group.

That's where I'd be going. Or a wipe and reinstall making sure you
have 10 duplicates of all your thesis data!

- -- 

Robert Susmilch
Version: GnuPG v2


Re: Urgent help needed; writing my thesis and no document class available

2015-03-22 Thread Robert Susmilch
Hash: SHA1

On 03/22/2015 10:30 AM, Steve Litt wrote:
 On Sun, 22 Mar 2015 10:18:22 -0400 Richard Heck
 On 03/22/2015 02:51 AM, Hifza Siddiq wrote:
 I have been writing my thesis for a while with lyx and i must
 be done by tomorrow and lyx is not functioning properly. i ran
 the packaging manager and wanted to install a new package when
 all of a sudden miktex error appeared and since then all
 document classes are lost and so are the packages installed
 earlier (jurabib etc.). I reallly need help now. I have
 re-installed lyx many times now (newest version 2.1.3 answell
 as the older versions) but nothing works out.
 It sounds as if MikTeX is your problem. Have you re-installed
 Hifza, this is both a suggestion to you and a question to others as
 to whether it's feasible.
 If Richard's idea didn't work, then today is the tomorrow you 
 mentioned, and your priority is to get the thing printed, not to
 solve a technical problem.
 Do you have a friend with LyX set up on another computer? Perhaps
 you can get it printed on his/hers, perhaps after installing some
 Everyone: How time consuming would it be for him to throw on
 Ubuntu 14.04 and get LyX running there? Or, if he's already running
 Ubuntu 14.04, perhaps Debian Wheezy?
 Hifza, I'm so sorry about this. It really sucks, and I hope a
 solution can be found in time.
 Steve Litt* 
 Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance

Virtual box and try installing Ubuntu, Fedora, etc and share a folder.
Export to PDF or allow USB passthrough to your printer (unless it's a
network printer.)

Ubuntu and Fedora would be about 5 minutes of your time to start a
download going, and run through a generic installer on vanilla Virtual
Box hardware.

Honestly the longest time would be getting Virtual Box setup with
making sure the modules are compiled for your kernel and making sure
that your user is added to the virtual box group.

That's where I'd be going. Or a wipe and reinstall making sure you
have 10 duplicates of all your thesis data!

- -- 

Robert Susmilch
Version: GnuPG v2


Re: Urgent help needed; writing my thesis and no document class available

2015-03-22 Thread Robert Susmilch
Hash: SHA1

On 03/22/2015 10:30 AM, Steve Litt wrote:
> On Sun, 22 Mar 2015 10:18:22 -0400 Richard Heck <>
> wrote:
>> On 03/22/2015 02:51 AM, Hifza Siddiq wrote:
>>> Hello.
>>> I have been writing my thesis for a while with lyx and i must
>>> be done by tomorrow and lyx is not functioning properly. i ran
>>> the packaging manager and wanted to install a new package when
>>> all of a sudden miktex error appeared and since then all
>>> document classes are lost and so are the packages installed
>>> earlier (jurabib etc.). I reallly need help now. I have
>>> re-installed lyx many times now (newest version 2.1.3 answell
>>> as the older versions) but nothing works out.
>> It sounds as if MikTeX is your problem. Have you re-installed
>> it?
>> Richard
> Hifza, this is both a suggestion to you and a question to others as
> to whether it's feasible.
> If Richard's idea didn't work, then today is the "tomorrow" you 
> mentioned, and your priority is to get the thing printed, not to
> solve a technical problem.
> Do you have a friend with LyX set up on another computer? Perhaps
> you can get it printed on his/hers, perhaps after installing some
> packages.
> Everyone: How time consuming would it be for him to throw on
> Ubuntu 14.04 and get LyX running there? Or, if he's already running
> Ubuntu 14.04, perhaps Debian Wheezy?
> Hifza, I'm so sorry about this. It really sucks, and I hope a
> solution can be found in time.
> SteveT
> Steve Litt* 
> Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance

Virtual box and try installing Ubuntu, Fedora, etc and share a folder.
Export to PDF or allow USB passthrough to your printer (unless it's a
network printer.)

Ubuntu and Fedora would be about 5 minutes of your time to start a
download going, and run through a generic installer on vanilla Virtual
Box hardware.

Honestly the longest time would be getting Virtual Box setup with
making sure the modules are compiled for your kernel and making sure
that your user is added to the virtual box group.

That's where I'd be going. Or a wipe and reinstall making sure you
have 10 duplicates of all your thesis data!

- -- 

Robert Susmilch
Version: GnuPG v2


Re: Lyx numbering equations

2015-03-20 Thread Robert Susmilch
Hash: SHA1

On 03/15/2015 09:59 PM, Hal Kierstead wrote:
 This would be nice, and I think that I would use it, but I can
 think of many other improvements that might be easier to implement.
 For example: 1. LyX could remember the kind of reference associated
 with a label. So instead of typing Lemma 14, I would only need to
 type the reference to its label.  LyX already knows this because
 its suggestions for labels look like lem: … .  I often forget
 whether a reference is to a lemma or proposition, etc. 2. When I
 know the label for a reference it would be nice to be able to enter
 it directly from the keyboard (of course it would also be nice to
 be able to enter its current number). 3. When I highlight a
 reference in the pop-up window and then use the goto and return
 buttons, it would be nice to still have the reference highlighted. 
 4. The best thing, which is apparently very hard, would be to have
 tex2lyx work perfectly on tex files that were originally created by
 LyX, but have been modified by a coauthor without changing the
 front matter.
 But it is a great app; I only wish my coauthors and students would
 use it.

Dear Hal,

I don't have much experience with Lyx right now, just beginning.
However I can tell you this future student plans on utilizing it when
I can!
- -- 

Robert Susmilch
Version: GnuPG v2


Re: Lyx numbering equations

2015-03-20 Thread Robert Susmilch
Hash: SHA1

On 03/15/2015 07:26 PM, David A Case wrote:
 On Sat, Mar 14, 2015, Robert Susmilch wrote:
 I have Googled a way to refer to numbered equations in text, such
 as See equation (3) in Lyx but everything I read, whether from
 other users or wikis, suggests labeling the already numbered
 equations and then using the label to cross reference.
 This seems absurd 
 This has been discussed before on this list.  The requirement to
 have a label makes good sense: how do you propose to refer to an
 equation that does not have a label?  Remember that its number will
 change as equations are added or removed, whereas the label will
 not change.
 It seems like you may wish to have a cross reference that says the 
 following: refer to the *current* equation (3), and update the
 number in the cross reference if the corresponding equation number
 changes.  This might be implemented by having LyX create a unique
 but hidden label for every numbered equation, and providing some
 sort of user interface to refer to it.
 For good reasons or bad, this is not the way LyX and latex work.
 Note that numbered equations are no different in this respect than
 are numbered sections, etc.
 dave case
Dear Dave,

Yes I see this now about sections, I think that might be an oversight

I have been very busy with work, a two year old, and getting both
myself and wife back to college after 10 and 15 years away from school
respectively to write back to everyone.
- -- 

Robert Susmilch
Version: GnuPG v2


Re: Lyx numbering equations

2015-03-20 Thread Robert Susmilch
Hash: SHA1

On 03/20/2015 09:38 AM, Benedict Holland wrote:
 Hi everyone,
 I am going to take a strong line on this one and say it works as 
 designed and the design is very well done. The reason for is it 
 that you do have references and labels, under the table, that lyx 
 is managing for you. You have an equation, you number the
 question, you label the equation, and you never have to worry about
 it again. The reference automatically updates with the removal or
 addition of equations prior to the referenced one. The entire point
 of the labeling system is to make the numbering decoupled from
 where an equation appears in the document and to that extent, it
 performs very well. After reading various comments I actually have
 no idea what the OP would like or what other people are
 Equation labels should be human readable and make sense to you and 
 the document. That is the proper use. If you are making them all 
 a1, a2,... aN, I can't help you but typically there are not many 
 equations in documents anyway. Each one is a bit different and 
 requires a slightly different human readable note attached with a 
 number that you don't care about. It seems perfect to me.

Dear Ben,

I haven't used Lyx for long, but for years and years have heard about
Latex so was excited to find Lyx. Especially since I'm going back to

My issue is simple (I think).

Let's take an example
much like a text book in math or science uses many equations and
refers to them by number (since you can have multiple variations of a
named equation).

I have copied and pasted this section out of a larger document, so the
number equations have shifted back to 1, 2, 3, etc. However it's
simply an example of what I'm thinking.

- -- 

Robert Susmilch
Version: GnuPG v2


Re: Lyx numbering equations

2015-03-20 Thread Robert Susmilch
Hash: SHA1

On 03/15/2015 02:19 AM, Scott Kostyshak wrote:
 On Sat, Mar 14, 2015 at 12:56 PM, Robert Susmilch wrote:
 Dear List,
 I have Googled a way to refer to numbered equations in text, such
 as See equation (3) in Lyx but everything I read, whether from
 other users or wikis, suggests labeling the already numbered
 equations and then using the label to cross reference.
 This seems absurd given that Lyx purports to free you to write
 and not micromanage things like this. The tutorial goes on and on
 about using citations, bibliography, automatic section and
 chapter title numbering that takes care of itself. If I can
 number an equation and it's automatic that means the equation
 numbering can / will change as they are moved about, added or
 deleted, etc.
 So can this be done? Have I failed Google 101? I'm running Lyx
 2.1.3. If it can't be done then really, what's the point?
 Dear Robert,
 If I understand correctly, you want to reference an equation
 without specifying a label. But how would LyX know which equation
 you want to reference?
Dear Scott,

Why, by the special numbered equation number I can view in my outline.
Lyx CLEARLY knows where they are as you can click on them and it takes
one to them in the document.

Also if you enter another equation before a currently numbered
equation it correctly numbers BOTH equations, so internally it is
keeping track of them.

I did notice that you can't reference sections in the table of
contents without a label. I'm a rookie so didn't see this the first
time, but it seems like an oversight to not have a drop-down box to
select these kinds of things in cross-reference.

For example, in the cross-reference dialog, select a label, or show a
category of internal labels such as Table of Contents or Equations.
- -- 

Robert Susmilch
Version: GnuPG v2


Re: Lyx numbering equations

2015-03-20 Thread Robert Susmilch
Hash: SHA1

On 03/20/2015 09:38 AM, Benedict Holland wrote:
 Hi everyone,
 I am going to take a strong line on this one and say it works as 
 designed and the design is very well done. The reason for is it 
 that you do have references and labels, under the table, that lyx 
 is managing for you. You have an equation, you number the
 question, you label the equation, and you never have to worry about
 it again. The reference automatically updates with the removal or
 addition of equations prior to the referenced one. The entire point
 of the labeling system is to make the numbering decoupled from
 where an equation appears in the document and to that extent, it
 performs very well. After reading various comments I actually have
 no idea what the OP would like or what other people are
 Equation labels should be human readable and make sense to you and 
 the document. That is the proper use. If you are making them all 
 a1, a2,... aN, I can't help you but typically there are not many 
 equations in documents anyway. Each one is a bit different and 
 requires a slightly different human readable note attached with a 
 number that you don't care about. It seems perfect to me.

Dear Ben,

I haven't used Lyx for long, but for years and years have heard about
Latex so was excited to find Lyx. Especially since I'm going back to

My issue is simple (I think).

Let's take an example
much like a text book in math or science uses many equations and
refers to them by number (since you can have multiple variations of a
named equation).

I have copied and pasted this section out of a larger document, so the
number equations have shifted back to 1, 2, 3, etc. However it's
simply an example of what I'm thinking.

- -- 

Robert Susmilch
Version: GnuPG v2


Re: Lyx numbering equations

2015-03-20 Thread Robert Susmilch
Hash: SHA1

On 03/15/2015 02:19 AM, Scott Kostyshak wrote:
 On Sat, Mar 14, 2015 at 12:56 PM, Robert Susmilch wrote:
 Dear List,
 I have Googled a way to refer to numbered equations in text, such
 as See equation (3) in Lyx but everything I read, whether from
 other users or wikis, suggests labeling the already numbered
 equations and then using the label to cross reference.
 This seems absurd given that Lyx purports to free you to write
 and not micromanage things like this. The tutorial goes on and on
 about using citations, bibliography, automatic section and
 chapter title numbering that takes care of itself. If I can
 number an equation and it's automatic that means the equation
 numbering can / will change as they are moved about, added or
 deleted, etc.
 So can this be done? Have I failed Google 101? I'm running Lyx
 2.1.3. If it can't be done then really, what's the point?
 Dear Robert,
 If I understand correctly, you want to reference an equation
 without specifying a label. But how would LyX know which equation
 you want to reference?
Dear Scott,

Why, by the special numbered equation number I can view in my outline.
Lyx CLEARLY knows where they are as you can click on them and it takes
one to them in the document.

Also if you enter another equation before a currently numbered
equation it correctly numbers BOTH equations, so internally it is
keeping track of them.

I did notice that you can't reference sections in the table of
contents without a label. I'm a rookie so didn't see this the first
time, but it seems like an oversight to not have a drop-down box to
select these kinds of things in cross-reference.

For example, in the cross-reference dialog, select a label, or show a
category of internal labels such as Table of Contents or Equations.
- -- 

Robert Susmilch
Version: GnuPG v2


Re: Lyx numbering equations

2015-03-20 Thread Robert Susmilch
Hash: SHA1

On 03/15/2015 07:26 PM, David A Case wrote:
 On Sat, Mar 14, 2015, Robert Susmilch wrote:
 I have Googled a way to refer to numbered equations in text, such
 as See equation (3) in Lyx but everything I read, whether from
 other users or wikis, suggests labeling the already numbered
 equations and then using the label to cross reference.
 This seems absurd 
 This has been discussed before on this list.  The requirement to
 have a label makes good sense: how do you propose to refer to an
 equation that does not have a label?  Remember that its number will
 change as equations are added or removed, whereas the label will
 not change.
 It seems like you may wish to have a cross reference that says the 
 following: refer to the *current* equation (3), and update the
 number in the cross reference if the corresponding equation number
 changes.  This might be implemented by having LyX create a unique
 but hidden label for every numbered equation, and providing some
 sort of user interface to refer to it.
 For good reasons or bad, this is not the way LyX and latex work.
 Note that numbered equations are no different in this respect than
 are numbered sections, etc.
 dave case
Dear Dave,

Yes I see this now about sections, I think that might be an oversight

I have been very busy with work, a two year old, and getting both
myself and wife back to college after 10 and 15 years away from school
respectively to write back to everyone.
- -- 

Robert Susmilch
Version: GnuPG v2


Re: Lyx numbering equations

2015-03-20 Thread Robert Susmilch
Hash: SHA1

On 03/15/2015 09:59 PM, Hal Kierstead wrote:
 This would be nice, and I think that I would use it, but I can
 think of many other improvements that might be easier to implement.
 For example: 1. LyX could remember the kind of reference associated
 with a label. So instead of typing Lemma 14, I would only need to
 type the reference to its label.  LyX already knows this because
 its suggestions for labels look like lem: … .  I often forget
 whether a reference is to a lemma or proposition, etc. 2. When I
 know the label for a reference it would be nice to be able to enter
 it directly from the keyboard (of course it would also be nice to
 be able to enter its current number). 3. When I highlight a
 reference in the pop-up window and then use the goto and return
 buttons, it would be nice to still have the reference highlighted. 
 4. The best thing, which is apparently very hard, would be to have
 tex2lyx work perfectly on tex files that were originally created by
 LyX, but have been modified by a coauthor without changing the
 front matter.
 But it is a great app; I only wish my coauthors and students would
 use it.

Dear Hal,

I don't have much experience with Lyx right now, just beginning.
However I can tell you this future student plans on utilizing it when
I can!
- -- 

Robert Susmilch
Version: GnuPG v2


Re: Lyx numbering equations

2015-03-20 Thread Robert Susmilch
Hash: SHA1

On 03/20/2015 09:38 AM, Benedict Holland wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I am going to take a strong line on this one and say it works as 
> designed and the design is very well done. The reason for is it 
> that you do have references and labels, under the table, that lyx 
> is managing for you. You have an equation, you number the
> question, you label the equation, and you never have to worry about
> it again. The reference automatically updates with the removal or
> addition of equations prior to the referenced one. The entire point
> of the labeling system is to make the numbering decoupled from
> where an equation appears in the document and to that extent, it
> performs very well. After reading various comments I actually have
> no idea what the OP would like or what other people are
> suggesting.
> Equation labels should be human readable and make sense to you and 
> the document. That is the proper use. If you are making them all 
> a1, a2,... aN, I can't help you but typically there are not many 
> equations in documents anyway. Each one is a bit different and 
> requires a slightly different human readable note attached with a 
> number that you don't care about. It seems perfect to me.
> ~Ben

Dear Ben,

I haven't used Lyx for long, but for years and years have heard about
Latex so was excited to find Lyx. Especially since I'm going back to

My issue is simple (I think).

Let's take an example
much like a text book in math or science uses many equations and
refers to them by number (since you can have multiple variations of a
"named" equation).

I have copied and pasted this section out of a larger document, so the
number equations have shifted back to 1, 2, 3, etc. However it's
simply an example of what I'm thinking.

- -- 

Robert Susmilch
Version: GnuPG v2


Re: Lyx numbering equations

2015-03-20 Thread Robert Susmilch
Hash: SHA1

On 03/15/2015 02:19 AM, Scott Kostyshak wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 14, 2015 at 12:56 PM, Robert Susmilch
> <> wrote:
>> Dear List,
>> I have Googled a way to refer to numbered equations in text, such
>> as "See equation (3)" in Lyx but everything I read, whether from
>> other users or wikis, suggests labeling the already numbered
>> equations and then using the label to cross reference.
>> This seems absurd given that Lyx purports to free you to write
>> and not micromanage things like this. The tutorial goes on and on
>> about using citations, bibliography, automatic section and
>> chapter title numbering that takes care of itself. If I can
>> number an equation and it's automatic that means the equation
>> numbering can / will change as they are moved about, added or
>> deleted, etc.
>> So can this be done? Have I failed Google 101? I'm running Lyx
>> 2.1.3. If it can't be done then really, what's the point?
> Dear Robert,
> If I understand correctly, you want to reference an equation
> without specifying a label. But how would LyX know which equation
> you want to reference?
> Best,
> Scott
Dear Scott,

Why, by the special numbered equation number I can view in my outline.
Lyx CLEARLY knows where they are as you can click on them and it takes
one to them in the document.

Also if you enter another equation before a currently numbered
equation it correctly numbers BOTH equations, so internally it is
keeping track of them.

I did notice that you can't reference sections in the table of
contents without a label. I'm a rookie so didn't see this the first
time, but it seems like an oversight to not have a drop-down box to
select these kinds of things in cross-reference.

For example, in the cross-reference dialog, select a label, or show a
category of "internal labels" such as Table of Contents or Equations.
- -- 

Robert Susmilch
Version: GnuPG v2


Re: Lyx numbering equations

2015-03-20 Thread Robert Susmilch
Hash: SHA1

On 03/15/2015 07:26 PM, David A Case wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 14, 2015, Robert Susmilch wrote:
>> I have Googled a way to refer to numbered equations in text, such
>> as "See equation (3)" in Lyx but everything I read, whether from
>> other users or wikis, suggests labeling the already numbered
>> equations and then using the label to cross reference.
>> This seems absurd 
> This has been discussed before on this list.  The requirement to
> have a label makes good sense: how do you propose to refer to an
> equation that does not have a label?  Remember that its number will
> change as equations are added or removed, whereas the label will
> not change.
> It seems like you may wish to have a cross reference that says the 
> following: "refer to the *current* equation (3), and update the
> number in the cross reference if the corresponding equation number
> changes."  This might be implemented by having LyX create a unique
> but hidden label for every numbered equation, and providing some
> sort of user interface to refer to it.
> For good reasons or bad, this is not the way LyX and latex work.
> Note that numbered equations are no different in this respect than
> are numbered sections, etc.
> dave case
Dear Dave,

Yes I see this now about sections, I think that might be an oversight

I have been very busy with work, a two year old, and getting both
myself and wife back to college after 10 and 15 years away from school
respectively to write back to everyone.
- -- 

Robert Susmilch
Version: GnuPG v2


Re: Lyx numbering equations

2015-03-20 Thread Robert Susmilch
Hash: SHA1

On 03/15/2015 09:59 PM, Hal Kierstead wrote:
> This would be nice, and I think that I would use it, but I can
> think of many other improvements that might be easier to implement.
> For example: 1. LyX could remember the kind of reference associated
> with a label. So instead of typing Lemma 14, I would only need to
> type the reference to its label.  LyX already knows this because
> its suggestions for labels look like lem: … .  I often forget
> whether a reference is to a lemma or proposition, etc. 2. When I
> know the label for a reference it would be nice to be able to enter
> it directly from the keyboard (of course it would also be nice to
> be able to enter its current number). 3. When I highlight a
> reference in the pop-up window and then use the goto and return
> buttons, it would be nice to still have the reference highlighted. 
> 4. The best thing, which is apparently very hard, would be to have
> tex2lyx work perfectly on tex files that were originally created by
> LyX, but have been modified by a coauthor without changing the
> front matter.
> But it is a great app; I only wish my coauthors and students would
> use it.
> Hal

Dear Hal,

I don't have much experience with Lyx right now, just beginning.
However I can tell you this future student plans on utilizing it when
I can!
- -- 

Robert Susmilch
Version: GnuPG v2


Lyx numbering equations

2015-03-14 Thread Robert Susmilch
Hash: SHA1

Dear List,

I have Googled a way to refer to numbered equations in text, such as
See equation (3) in Lyx but everything I read, whether from other
users or wikis, suggests labeling the already numbered equations and
then using the label to cross reference.

This seems absurd given that Lyx purports to free you to write and not
micromanage things like this. The tutorial goes on and on about using
citations, bibliography, automatic section and chapter title numbering
that takes care of itself. If I can number an equation and it's
automatic that means the equation numbering can / will change as they
are moved about, added or deleted, etc.

So can this be done? Have I failed Google 101? I'm running Lyx 2.1.3.
If it can't be done then really, what's the point?


Robert Susmilch
Version: GnuPG v2


Lyx numbering equations

2015-03-14 Thread Robert Susmilch
Hash: SHA1

Dear List,

I have Googled a way to refer to numbered equations in text, such as
See equation (3) in Lyx but everything I read, whether from other
users or wikis, suggests labeling the already numbered equations and
then using the label to cross reference.

This seems absurd given that Lyx purports to free you to write and not
micromanage things like this. The tutorial goes on and on about using
citations, bibliography, automatic section and chapter title numbering
that takes care of itself. If I can number an equation and it's
automatic that means the equation numbering can / will change as they
are moved about, added or deleted, etc.

So can this be done? Have I failed Google 101? I'm running Lyx 2.1.3.
If it can't be done then really, what's the point?


Robert Susmilch
Version: GnuPG v2


Lyx numbering equations

2015-03-14 Thread Robert Susmilch
Hash: SHA1

Dear List,

I have Googled a way to refer to numbered equations in text, such as
"See equation (3)" in Lyx but everything I read, whether from other
users or wikis, suggests labeling the already numbered equations and
then using the label to cross reference.

This seems absurd given that Lyx purports to free you to write and not
micromanage things like this. The tutorial goes on and on about using
citations, bibliography, automatic section and chapter title numbering
that takes care of itself. If I can number an equation and it's
automatic that means the equation numbering can / will change as they
are moved about, added or deleted, etc.

So can this be done? Have I failed Google 101? I'm running Lyx 2.1.3.
If it can't be done then really, what's the point?


Robert Susmilch
Version: GnuPG v2
