Thankyou very much Paul

That command worked, but interestingly it doesn't work for standard
figure float where caption 'Figure 0.X:' by default is below the

I've used from the manual:

\renewcommand{\fnum@figure}{   ~\thefigure}

 for standard figure floats to achieve the same result as your suggestion:


What remains is the rather ugly numeration format:
For example : 0.3: My beautiful painting, 2012

Is there any way to remove '0.3:' to just '3. '

Best Regards

% provides commands to set caption
% beside tables/images

%I @renewommand below I deleted a word inputted before the ~ and left
spaces before the ~. (Shane)
\renewcommand{\fnum@figure}{   ~\thefigure}






On 22/01/2017, Paul A. Rubin <> wrote:
> On 01/21/2017 07:42 PM, Shane Eastwood wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> I am using /sidecap/ in a figure float to have the caption on the left
>> or right side of a figure rather than below the figure, How to remove
>> or replace "figure' with another caption when using /sidecap/? For
>> example, instead of:
>> Figure 0.1 : /My beautful painting/ 2012
>> I would prefer
>> 1. /My beautiful painting/ 2012
>> Please see attached Lyx file, and an image for the command if needed.
>> Any assistance greatly appreciated.
>> Shane
> A couple of notes: the image you included did not match the one named in
> the document; and you have \usepackage{babel} twice in the preamble.
> Given that you are using babel, add this to your preamble:
> \addto\captionsenglish{\renewcommand{\figurename}{Image}}
> You can change "Image" to whatever label you want (or nothing, to get no
> label other than the figure number).
> Paul

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