Template for external gnuplots and converter scripts for LyX [was: Re: Help with gnuplot xtemplate needed]

2024-04-21 Thread Tobias Hilbricht
I copied gnuplot.xtemplate and the converter scripts in Python along
with instructions for setup and configuration on? in? the LyX wiki:


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Help with gnuplot xtemplate needed

2024-04-20 Thread Tobias Hilbricht
I got it myself after a lot of trying and comparing:

In my file gnuplot.xtemplate I wrote "InputFormat gp", because
"InputFormat" and FileFilter extension are the same in the case of Xfig
(fig) and Inkscape (svg), but not with gnuplot: "InputFormat gnuplot"
and FileFilter .gp works!

For anyone interested I attached my working gnuplot.xtemplate. 

Sorry for making noise!


Am Samstag, dem 20.04.2024 um 08:44 +0200 schrieb Tobias Hilbricht:
> Dear LyX-user,
> I would like to have a gnuplot xtemplate. To that end I wrote a shell
> script gnuplot2pdftex.sh like this:
> #!/bin/bash
> GnuplotFile=$1
> BaseName=`basename $GnuplotFile .gp`
> GnuplotName=$BaseName.ptx
> LyxName=$BaseName.pdf_tex
> gnuplot -e "set term cairolatex pdf ; set output '${GnuplotName}' "
> $GnuplotFile
> mv $GnuplotName $LyxName
> This script works on the command line, and I can input the resulting
> file gnuplot.pdf_tex in LyX, and if I put it in a preview box I get a
> preview, and the document compiles.
> I have similar scripts for pstex, png and eps in
> ~/.lyx/scripts and define converters like this:
> \converter "gnuplot" "pdftex2" "$$s/scripts/gnuplot2pdftex.sh $$i
> $$o"
> "needauth"
> and have a file gnuplot.xtemplate written after the model of
> inkscape.xtemplate in ~/.lyx/xtemplate
# Gnuplot External Template
# This file is part of LyX, the document processor.
# Licence details can be found in the file COPYING.
# author Tobias Hilbricht
# based on external templates by:
# author Asger Alstrup Nielsen
# author Angus Leeming
# author Johnathan Burchill
# Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS.

PreambleDef WarnNotFound
%% Print a warning encased in an fbox.
\fbox{Could not find

\typeout{Could not find \lyxtempfilename!}%

PreambleDef InputOrWarn
%% Input the file if it exists, using \input, else print a warning

Template Gnuplot
GuiName "Gnuplot"
A Gnuplot figure.
Note that using this template automatically uses the 
document text in the image (like with the Xfig template).
InputFormat gnuplot
FileFilter "*.{gp}"
AutomaticProduction true
Transform Rotate
Transform Resize
Preview InstantPreview
Format PDFLaTeX
TransformCommand Rotate RotationLatexCommand
TransformCommand Resize ResizeLatexCommand
UpdateFormat pdftex2
UpdateResult "$$AbsPath$$Basename.pdf_tex"
Requirement "xcolor"
Requirement "graphicx"
Requirement "mathtools"
# Preamble WarnNotFound
# Preamble InputOrWarn
ReferencedFile pdflatex "$$AbsOrRelPathMaster$$Basename.pdf_tex"
ReferencedFile pdflatex "$$AbsPath$$Basename.pdf"
Format LaTeX
TransformCommand Rotate RotationLatexCommand
TransformCommand Resize ResizeLatexCommand
UpdateFormat pstex2
UpdateResult "$$AbsPath$$Basename.ps_tex"
Requirement "xcolor"
Requirement "graphicx"
Requirement "mathtools"
# Preamble WarnNotFound
# Preamble InputOrWarn
ReferencedFile latex "$$AbsOrRelPathMaster$$Basename.ps_tex"
ReferencedFile latex "$$AbsPath$$Basename.eps"
ReferencedFile dvi   "$$AbsPath$$Basename.eps"
Format Ascii
Product "[InkscapeGraphics: $$FName]"
Format DocBook
Product ""
UpdateFormat eps
UpdateResult "$$AbsPath$$Basename.eps"
ReferencedFile docbook "$$AbsPath$$Basename.eps"
ReferencedFile docbook-xml "$$AbsPath$$Basename.eps"
Format XHTML
Product ""
UpdateFormat svg
UpdateResult "$$AbsPath$$Basename.svg"
ReferencedFile xhtml "$$AbsPath$$Basename.svg"

lyx-users mailing list

Help with gnuplot xtemplate needed

2024-04-20 Thread Tobias Hilbricht
Dear LyX-user,

I would like to have a gnuplot xtemplate. To that end I wrote a shell
script gnuplot2pdftex.sh like this:

BaseName=`basename $GnuplotFile .gp`
gnuplot -e "set term cairolatex pdf ; set output '${GnuplotName}' "
mv $GnuplotName $LyxName

This script works on the command line, and I can input the resulting
file gnuplot.pdf_tex in LyX, and if I put it in a preview box I get a
preview, and the document compiles.

However, if I have similar scripts for pstex, png and eps in
~/.lyx/scripts and define converters like this:

\converter "gnuplot" "pdftex2" "$$s/scripts/gnuplot2pdftex.sh $$i $$o"

and have a file gnuplot.xtemplate written after the model of
inkscape.xtemplate in ~/.lyx/xtemplate, then preview fails and there is
no image in the compiled document.

Despite a defined converter for pdftex and pstex I get error messages
with lyx -dbg graphics related to convert:

Execution of "convert" failed.
Systemcall.cpp (306): Systemcall: 'python3 -tt "/usr/local/share/lyx-
2.4.0~RC4/scripts/convertDefault.py" gp
beispiel.gp" ps_tex
beispiel.ps_tex"' finished with exit code 1
Error: Die Datei kann nicht konvertiert werden

Keine Information vorhanden, um Dateien im gp-Format nach pstex2 zu
Definieren Sie einen Konverter in den Einstellungen.
convert-im6.q16: no decode delegate for this image format `GP' @
convert-im6.q16: no images defined
beispiel.ps_tex' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3229.
/usr/local/share/lyx-2.4.0~RC4/scripts/convertDefault.py ERROR
Execution of "convert" failed.

What is wrong or what is missing? Thanks for helpful hints in advance!


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Lyx error

2024-04-12 Thread Tobias Hilbricht
Am Donnerstag, dem 11.04.2024 um 18:19 -0400 schrieb Steve Litt:
> If you use non-TeX fonts, you must compile with luatex and lualatex
> instead of xelatex. Check your LyX preferences for compiling.

Here I can compile the OPs LyX-file mb.lyx using non-TeX fonts with
xelatex (converter LaTeX -> XeTeX: xelatex $$i), so perhaps xelatex is
not installed?

lyx-users mailing list

Re: LyX- not finding biber

2024-03-28 Thread Tobias Hilbricht

check if biber is found, at the command line like this:
$ which biber 
$ /home/tobias/.local/bin/biber
If it is not installed, install, e. g.
$ tlmgr install biber
If it is installed but not found you have to place it in $PATH:
$ echo $PATH
shows possible folders.

Hope it helps

Am Donnerstag, dem 28.03.2024 um 12:36 -0700 schrieb Rich Shepard:
> I installed LyX- and JabRef-5.12 on my laptop running
> Slackware64-15.0. When I try to compile a document using pdflatex LyX
> tells
> me that the bibliography processor (biber) is not available (see
> attached.)
> How to I make biber available in
> TIA,
> Rich

lyx-users mailing list

Collaboration ( was: Re: lyx 2.3.7 running on a Mac Ventura 13.6.1)

2024-01-11 Thread Tobias Hilbricht
Am Donnerstag, dem 11.01.2024 um 09:03 + schrieb markhsalmon:
> it does have features that make it easier to use. The university made
> its choice I suspect because of the way multiple authors can
> collaborate

I agree with you that the collaboration features are a big point in
favour of Overleaf. The strong desire by many LaTeX-users (and LyX-
users?) for those collaboration features are expressed by Emiliano
Heyns, the developer of BetterBibTeX for Zotero, in an interview:

"What I’d love to see is an online (because who wants to have to
install stuff these days), real-time, multi-author editor, that would
have a neutered view for my WYSIWYG brethren, a markup view for me
(LaTeX or something else, as long as I get the stuff I care about), a
vim mode preferably but at least something that syncs to offline files
(don’t trust the cloud as the only place for your precious articles).
LyX would be halfway there if the file format wasn’t so strange, and
co-authoring (or even version management, really) is a non-starter." 


I am a WYMIWG brother and like LyX a lot for hiding code from me as
much as possible, but due to missing collaboration features I use it
private only and would not suggest it at work, despite many advantages
of LyX in features apart from collaboration.

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Forward and reverse search not working

2023-12-03 Thread Tobias Hilbricht
Thanks for the scripts, Jürgen!
They work here on Ubuntu, too, as I just found out. The necessary
python-dbus package seems to be present out of the box. Now I have
forward and reverse search with LyX and Evince.

Have a nice first advent sunday!

Am Sonntag, dem 03.12.2023 um 10:22 +0100 schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller:
> Am Sonntag, dem 03.12.2023 um 10:09 +0100 schrieb Tobias Hilbricht:
> > Has anybody a working forward and reverse search configuration with
> > Evince and LyX on Ubuntu?
> Not on Ubuntu, but both ways work well for me with Evince (OpenSuse
> Tumbleweed) with the evince_synx_lyx scripts:
> https://wiki.lyx.org/uploads/Tools/EvinceSyncLyX/evince_sync_lyx.zip
> HTH,
> -- 
> Jürgen

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Forward and reverse search not working

2023-12-03 Thread Tobias Hilbricht
Eckard, thanks for checking!

In the meantime I found that forward search is working: I tried forward
search with Ctrl + left mouse button as in TeXStudio, but in LyX it is
right mouse button and then "Forward search" in the context menu.

However, inverse search still does not work with LyX and Okular (in
"Browse Mode" with Ctrl + left mouse button).

Has anybody a working forward and reverse search configuration with
Evince and LyX on Ubuntu? I downloaded the scripts from the wiki page
and read the Readme - what are the necessary dbus-libraries on Ubuntu
"Assure you have the necessary python libraries installed (particularly
With "apt-cache search python-dbus" I get these packages:

python-dbus-doc - Dokumentation für die Python-Schnittstelle zu D-Bus
python-dbus-dev - main loop integration development files for python3-
python3-dbusmock - mock D-Bus objects for tests

Is it one of those packages?

Thanks for helpful hints in advance!

Am Samstag, dem 02.12.2023 um 23:54 +0100 schrieb Eckhard Höffner:
> I tried it and it did not work. But I did not look for the reason. 
> Am 02.12.23 um 20:21 schrieb Tobias Hilbricht:
> >  
> > Dear readers of this list,
> > 
> > has anybody here a working forward and reverse search configuration
> > on
> > Ubuntu 22.04 with LyX 2.3.7 and Okular (21.12.3)? I tried according
> > to
> > the Wiki https://wiki.lyx.org/LyX/SyncTeX and the Additional Manual
> > without success like this:
> > 
> > PDF command in LyX Settings > Output > General okular --unique
> > "$$o#src:$$n $$f"
> > 
> > Lualatex converter in LyX Settings > File Handling(?) > Converter
> > lualatex -synctex=1 $$i
> > 
> > In Okular > Settings > Editor LyX and command  lyxclient -g %f %l
> > 
> > In Document > Settings > Format I checked "Synchonize with output"
> > and
> > tried all three settings without success.
> > 
> > Since forward and reverse search works with TeXStudio here, I do
> > not
> > think that there is something wrong in the TeX installation. 
> > 
> > Helpful hints appreciated, thanks!
> > Tobias
> > 
> > 
> >  

lyx-users mailing list

Forward and reverse search not working

2023-12-02 Thread Tobias Hilbricht
Dear readers of this list,

has anybody here a working forward and reverse search configuration on
Ubuntu 22.04 with LyX 2.3.7 and Okular (21.12.3)? I tried according to
the Wiki https://wiki.lyx.org/LyX/SyncTeX and the Additional Manual
without success like this:

PDF command in LyX Settings > Output > General okular --unique
"$$o#src:$$n $$f"

Lualatex converter in LyX Settings > File Handling(?) > Converter
lualatex -synctex=1 $$i

In Okular > Settings > Editor LyX and command  lyxclient -g %f %l

In Document > Settings > Format I checked "Synchonize with output" and
tried all three settings without success.

Since forward and reverse search works with TeXStudio here, I do not
think that there is something wrong in the TeX installation. 

Helpful hints appreciated, thanks!

lyx-users mailing list

Re: LyX on Gnome wayland - a new decoration alternative

2023-11-25 Thread Tobias Hilbricht
Am Samstag, dem 25.11.2023 um 12:18 +0100 schrieb Lorenzo Bertini:
> you installed them). These are called "styles", and are .cpp Qt
> plugins rather than themes; you can set them to use a custom .qss if
> you want to theme them. Kvantum instead is a theme engine, and you
> can install themes with it. Very linear and uncomplicated, isn't it?
> :)
> Lorenzo

I stumbled across this thread because qt-apps like LyX on Gnome +
Wayland did behave a bit strange here, too. Out of the box I had
unusual dialogs (files in LyX and TeXStudio, printing in Ocular, both
were in parts untranslated).

It turned out qt5-gtk-platformtheme-packages were not installed, and I
learned that I have to install qt5ct and that I have to set a variable
QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=qt5ct in /etc/environment, too.

If I use kvantum here, then Comboboxes have gray fonts on dark
background, which makes them unusable. So indeed, very linear and
uncomplicated ...

lyx-users mailing list

Re: LyX, Non-TeX-Fonts and export with pandoc

2023-11-19 Thread Tobias Hilbricht

I have added your instructions to the LyX-wiki "Export to OpenDocument
(.odt) and Open Office XML (.docx) file formats with Pandoc".


Am Samstag, dem 18.11.2023 um 23:08 -0500 schrieb Richard Kimberly
> Probably this should go into 2.4, but we'll see if anyone has
> worries.
> On 11/18/23 13:24, Tobias Hilbricht wrote:
> > Am Samstag, dem 18.11.2023 um 12:46 -0500 schrieb Richard Kimberly
> > Heck:
> > > On 11/18/23 07:18, Tobias Hilbricht wrote:
> > > > But when I check that box and want to use Non-TeX-Fonts, the
> > > > export
> > > > option to docx or odt via pandoc disappears.
> > > The reason for this is that, if you use non-TeX fonts, then the
> > > immediate export is to a file that would be compiled with XeLaTeX
> > > or
> > > LuaTeX, and there is no converter defined to convert that format
> > > to
> > > ODT
> > > or whatever.
> > Now that you write it it is quite clear, but it did not occur to me
> > when looking at Settings - Converter ...
> > 
> > > The solution is to define one. This is easiest done I think in
> > > the
> > > configuration files themselves rather than in LyX. Find your user
> > > directory and open the file lyxrc.defaults. In there, you will
> > > find a
> > > line like:
> > > 
> > > \converter latex  odt3    "pandoc -s -f latex -o $$o -t
> > > odt
> > > $$i"    ""
> > > 
> > > Copy it and open the file preferences. Paste twice but change it
> > > to:
> > > 
> > > \converter xetex  odt3    "pandoc -s -f latex -o $$o -t
> > > odt
> > > $$i"    ""
> > > \converter luatex  odt3    "pandoc -s -f latex -o $$o -t
> > > odt
> > > $$i"    ""
> > > 
> > > Save that file and open LyX. Should work, but not tested. The
> > > same
> > > kind
> > > of thing will work for Word formats.
> > A quick test with a simple LyX-document produced docx- and odt-
> > output
> > without errors and with the expected formatting.
> > > There may be some reason we do not include this by default:
> > > Perhaps
> > > pandoc is liable to choke on something we output in those modes.
> > > Hopefully, someone else will know. But I'm guessing it's an
> > > oversight.
> > > 
> > I can understand that and will see how far I can get. Thank you for
> > your advice!
> > Tobias

lyx-users mailing list

Re: LyX, Non-TeX-Fonts and export with pandoc

2023-11-18 Thread Tobias Hilbricht
Am Samstag, dem 18.11.2023 um 12:46 -0500 schrieb Richard Kimberly
> On 11/18/23 07:18, Tobias Hilbricht wrote:
> > 
> > But when I check that box and want to use Non-TeX-Fonts, the export
> > option to docx or odt via pandoc disappears.
> The reason for this is that, if you use non-TeX fonts, then the 
> immediate export is to a file that would be compiled with XeLaTeX or 
> LuaTeX, and there is no converter defined to convert that format to
> ODT 
> or whatever.

Now that you write it it is quite clear, but it did not occur to me
when looking at Settings - Converter ...

> The solution is to define one. This is easiest done I think in the 
> configuration files themselves rather than in LyX. Find your user 
> directory and open the file lyxrc.defaults. In there, you will find a
> line like:
> \converter latex  odt3    "pandoc -s -f latex -o $$o -t odt 
> $$i"    ""
> Copy it and open the file preferences. Paste twice but change it to:
> \converter xetex  odt3    "pandoc -s -f latex -o $$o -t odt 
> $$i"    ""
> \converter luatex  odt3    "pandoc -s -f latex -o $$o -t odt 
> $$i"    ""
> Save that file and open LyX. Should work, but not tested. The same
> kind 
> of thing will work for Word formats.

A quick test with a simple LyX-document produced docx- and odt-output
without errors and with the expected formatting.
> There may be some reason we do not include this by default: Perhaps 
> pandoc is liable to choke on something we output in those modes. 
> Hopefully, someone else will know. But I'm guessing it's an
> oversight.
I can understand that and will see how far I can get. Thank you for
your advice!
lyx-users mailing list

LyX, Non-TeX-Fonts and export with pandoc

2023-11-18 Thread Tobias Hilbricht
Dear readers of this list,
I am referring to LyX 2.3.7 on Ubuntu 22.04 and pandoc
I am able to export documents from LyX to docx or odt by means of
pandoc when I use TeX-Fonts (that is, the box "Do not use TeX-Fonts
(via XeteX or LuaTeX)" is *not* checked).

But when I check that box and want to use Non-TeX-Fonts, the export
option to docx or odt via pandoc disappears.

However, on the command line I can export the following latex-file by
means of pandoc to docx, eg.

pandoc -s -f latex -o Test_Nicht-TeX-Font_pandoc.docx -t docx

%% Test_Nicht-TeX-Font_pandoc.tex
\setmainfont{Liberation Serif}
Dieses Dokument benutzt einen "Nicht-TeX-Font" im Sinne von

Is it possible to export LyX-documents with non-TeX-fonts by means of
pandoc? If yes, what can I do to convince LyX?

Thanks for helpful hints in advance

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Adding horizonal lines for user entry

2023-09-17 Thread Tobias Hilbricht
Am Freitag, dem 15.09.2023 um 20:15 +0200 schrieb Herbert Voss:
> Am 15.09.23 um 20:02 schrieb Rich Shepard:
> > 
> > 
> > Signature:
> > _
> > 
> > Printed Name:
> > __
> > 
> > Organization:
> > __
> > 
> > Date Submitted:
> > 
> Rich,
> insert a box (minipage) of a width like 50% of the textwidth, which
> can 
> be set
> in the box menue. And then use \hrulefill
> Herbert

\hrulefill (and \dotfill and others) are available in LyX via Insert ->
Formatting -> Horizontal Space -> Choose "Variable horizontal space"
and a fill and place this into a minipage. The visual feedback in LyX -
two vertical blue thin lines - does not really mirror the result in the
compiled document. 

If you need this function oftentimes, like I do for exam papers or
feedback forms at school, you can define key combinations in LyX:

Tools -> Settings -> Edit -> Key combinations -> New

Copy the following into "Function" and assign a key combination:

inset-insert space \hrulefill{}


lyx-users mailing list

Re: pdf to inkscape

2023-08-27 Thread Tobias Hilbricht
Am Sonntag, dem 27.08.2023 um 16:07 +0200 schrieb Patrick Dupre:
> > 
> > Am Sonntag, dem 27.08.2023 um 15:33 +0200 schrieb Patrick Dupre:
> > > 
> > > Using Cairo let me only get the first page of the pdf file.
> > > 
> > 
> > Choosing poppler/cairo in Inkscape 1.2.2 I can import any single
> > page
> > of a LyX-generated multipage PDF chosen in the Inkscape-import-
> > dialog.
> Sure, but I need all the pages in once!

Then take the internal importer from Inkscape, I can import here a
multipage PDF (here 55 p.) and get all pages when checking the box in
the Inkscape-import-dialog without corruption.

lyx-users mailing list

Re: pdf to inkscape

2023-08-27 Thread Tobias Hilbricht
Am Sonntag, dem 27.08.2023 um 15:33 +0200 schrieb Patrick Dupre:
> Using Cairo let me only get the first page of the pdf file.

Choosing poppler/cairo in Inkscape 1.2.2 I can import any single page
of a LyX-generated multipage PDF chosen in the Inkscape-import-dialog.

lyx-users mailing list

Re: pdf to inkscape

2023-08-27 Thread Tobias Hilbricht
Am Sonntag, dem 27.08.2023 um 13:45 +0200 schrieb Patrick Dupre:
> I am not sure that it is related to lyx.
Importing LyX-generated (2.3.7) PDFs into Inkscape (1.2.2) works here
on Ubuntu 22.04.

lyx-users mailing list

Re: UTF-8 and the Tufte Book document class

2023-07-19 Thread Tobias Hilbricht
Am Mittwoch, dem 19.07.2023 um 11:44 +0200 schrieb Herbert Voss:
> Am 19.07.23 um 10:42 schrieb Tobias Hilbricht:
> > Am Dienstag, dem 18.07.2023 um 19:53 -0400 schrieb Steve Litt:
> > > R H van der Gaag said on Tue, 18 Jul 2023 14:50:47 +0200
> > > 
> > > > Hi all,
> > > > I am writing a book using the Tufte Book document class, with
> > > > the
> > > > Tufte font included through ``\usepackage{ETbb}`` in the
> > > > preamble.
> > > > This works fine. But the encoding is T1,
> > > Bad idea. https://graphcom.com/type-1-fonts-discontinued-in-2023
> > > 
> > I wonder whether using Tufte Book class is a good idea. It does not
> > compile here with TeXLive 2023 due to a bug which is known for
> > quite
> > some time, but there is no visible maintenance (last revision of
> > the
> The example files sample-book and sample-handout compile fine with
> TL23
> Herbert


you are right for pdflatex anyway and for xelatex with class option
nols, which I just noticed in the tufte doc when I did a second try.
Thanks for checking.
lyx-users mailing list

Re: UTF-8 and the Tufte Book document class

2023-07-19 Thread Tobias Hilbricht
Am Dienstag, dem 18.07.2023 um 19:53 -0400 schrieb Steve Litt:
> R H van der Gaag said on Tue, 18 Jul 2023 14:50:47 +0200
> > Hi all,
> > I am writing a book using the Tufte Book document class, with the
> > Tufte font included through ``\usepackage{ETbb}`` in the preamble.
> > This works fine. But the encoding is T1, 
> Bad idea. https://graphcom.com/type-1-fonts-discontinued-in-2023

I wonder whether using Tufte Book class is a good idea. It does not
compile here with TeXLive 2023 due to a bug which is known for quite
some time, but there is no visible maintenance (last revision of the
class 2015).  By contrast, revisions of the standard book class and
memoir.cls in TeXLive 2023 are end of 2022 and scrbook.cls is 2023.

lyx-users mailing list

Re: UTF-8 and the Tufte Book document class

2023-07-18 Thread Tobias Hilbricht
Am Dienstag, dem 18.07.2023 um 14:50 +0200 schrieb R H van der Gaag:
> Hi all,
> I am writing a book using the Tufte Book document class, with the
> Tufte font included through ``\usepackage{ETbb}`` in the preamble.
> This works fine. But the encoding is T1, and producing a PDF fails
> when I change it to UTF8. I intend to add some Chinese text, and I
> either have to get UTF8 to work

Call the etbb-fonts the LyX-way as non-TeX-fonts (Document - Settings -
Fonts - choose etbb* in the list of serif fonts)? That way you can
compile with XeTeX and utf.

* If etbb are not in the list, you have to make e. g.
known to your OS as a font directory.

Hope it helps
lyx-users mailing list

Re: Frage zu: BibTeX-erzeugtes Literaturverzeichnis MIT Nummerierung ins Inhaltsverzeichnis aufnehmen

2023-07-15 Thread Tobias Hilbricht
Am Samstag, dem 15.07.2023 um 12:25 +0200 schrieb
> mein Ziel ist es, ein mit BibTeX-erzeugtes Literaturverzeichnis MIT
> Kapitel-Nummerierung ins Inhaltsverzeichnis aufzunehmen.
>  (ich nutze KOMA-Script-Bericht)

Siehe beigefügtes Beispiel. Option bibliography=numbered bei der
Dokumentklasse einfügen, steht in der KOMA-Anleitung scrguide.
> MfG Tobias

Description: application/lyx
lyx-users mailing list

Re: texlive 2023 > WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO TO GET 2023 WORKING??

2023-06-19 Thread Tobias Hilbricht
Am Montag, dem 19.06.2023 um 15:57 +0200 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
> Am 19.06.23 um 15:29 schrieb Herbert Voss:
> > 
> > 
> > Am 19.06.23 um 15:11 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
> > > > do you have a file texlive.sh in /etc/profile.d/. ?
> > > > If yes, what's its contents.
> > > 
> > > export PATH=/usr/local/texlive/2022/bin/x86_64-linux:$PATH
> > > export MANPATH=/usr/local/texlive/2022/texmf/doc/man:$MANPATH
> > > export INFOPATH=/usr/local/texlive/2022/texmf/doc/info:$INFOPATH
> > > unset TEXINPUTS
> > > unset TEXMFCONFIG
> > 
> > as root change it to 2023
> > > 
> > > /usr/local/texlive/2022/bin/x86_64-linux/tex
> > > /usr/local/texlive/2022/bin/x86_64-linux/tex
> > > /usr/bin/tex
> > 
> > it looks like an old instance from Debian's own texlive. Delete all
> > files
> > depending to tex in /usr/bin/, e.g. tex, latex, luatex, ...
> There A LOT of files in /usr/bin ..
> I have sudo rm the tex latex lua
> but what else should I remove?

Did you remove Debians "own" TeXLive install completely? Try to find
out if there are packages left from an old install with 
apt list --installed | grep texlive
and then remove those packages.
lyx-users mailing list

Re: texlive 2023 > WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO TO GET 2023 WORKING??

2023-06-19 Thread Tobias Hilbricht
Am Montag, dem 19.06.2023 um 11:14 +0200 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
> I checked with synaptic in my Debian 5.10179-1 (2023-05-12)
>  > 2020_20210202-3
> and with
> latex -v
>  > Tex Live 2022
> and in /usr/local
> is  /texlive/2022 and /texlive/2023
> I have done in my ./profile according to (1-) the (2-)
> 1-
> Post-install: setting PATH
> After the installation finishes, you must add the directory of TeX
> Live 
> binaries to your PATH—except on Windows, where the installer takes
> care 
> of this. The installer shows the exact lines that should be added. As
> an 
> example, for Bourne-compatible shells (e.g., in ~/.profile or
> ~/.bashrc):
>    PATH=/usr/local/texlive/2023/bin/x86_64-linux:$PATH
> Use the initialization file and syntax for your shell, your
> installation 
> directory, and your binary platform name instead of x86_64-linux.
> After 
> editing the init file, log out and log back in.
> If you have multiple TeX installations on a given machine, you need
> to 
> change the search path to switch between them—except on MacOSX.
> 2-
> ./profile
> ...
> # if running bash
> if [ -n "$BASH_VERSION" ]; then
>  # include .bashrc if it exists
>  if [ -f "$HOME/.bashrc" ]; then
>  . "$HOME/.bashrc"
>  fi
> fi
> # set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists
> if [ -d "$HOME/bin" ] ; then
>  PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH"
> fi
> #$HOME/.profile PATH
> PATH=/usr/local/texlive/2023/bin/x86_64-linux:$PATH;export PATH
> MANPATH=/usr/local/texlive/2023/texmf-dist/doc/man:$MANPATH;export
> INFOPATH=/usr/local/texlive/2023/texmf-dist/doc/info:$INFOPATH;
> export 

Hello Wolfgang,

I have installed TeXLive 2023 and preceeding versions according to
and then to adapt $PATH according to
and then to tell apt that I have TeXLive

I never had any problem with these instructions.

lyx-users mailing list

Re: TikZ

2022-09-27 Thread Tobias Hilbricht
Am Dienstag, dem 27.09.2022 um 17:06 +0200 schrieb Daniel CLEMENT via
> Le mardi 27 septembre 2022 à 09:29 +0100, José Matos a écrit :
> > On Fri, 2022-09-23 at 06:40 +, M.B. Schiekel wrote:
> > > Hallo Dan,
> > > 
> > > LaTeX-Preamble:
> > >\usepackage{tikz}
> > >\usepackage{braids}
> > > 
> > > this works perfect - or what support do you wish?
> > > bernhard
> > 
> > If you insert the tikz code inside a preview box the figure will be
> > shown immediately, if you click over it you will see the code.
> > 
> > The preview box can be inserted in the same way as the tex code:
> > 
> > Insert -> TeX Code
> > Insert -> Preview
> Hmm... PFMJI, but I'd like to give this a try. Exactly how should it
> be
> done? 
> If I put the tikz code inside the Preview, I just get the code in the
> output. If I put it inside TeX Code, I get an error ("control
> sequence
> never def'd" about tkzTabInit)
> I know my tikz code is OK because I was able to preview its result
> and
> export to eps from the Qtikz utility. But it would be sooo much
> simpler
> to get that directly under LyX!
> > You are still responsible for adding the correct tikz code...
> > 
> > -- 
> > José Abílio
> -- 
> Daniel CLEMENT

See the attached sample file. 

Description: application/lyx
lyx-users mailing list

Re: Exercises at end of sections

2022-05-30 Thread Tobias Hilbricht
Am Montag, dem 30.05.2022 um 05:38 -0500 schrieb Joseph Hesse:
> Hello,
> I am writing a text book and want to have numbered exercises at the
> end 
> of each section.  Please point me to the docs or packages that will
> let 
> me do this.
> Thank you,
> Joe Hesse


for numbered exercises on my math and chemistry class worksheets and
tests I use and like the package tasks: https://ctan.org/pkg/tasks


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Installing LyX on Linux MInt 20.3 with TeXLive 2021

2022-03-04 Thread Tobias Hilbricht via lyx-users
Am Donnerstag, dem 03.03.2022 um 22:59 + schrieb Graeme via lyx-
> I've just done a clean install of Linux Mint 20.3, and then a full 
> install of TeXLive 2021, which cannot be done with the Mint's
> Synaptic 
> Package Manager. Mint 20.3 includes TeXLive 2019 as part of its 
> distribution, but I have not (yet) installed that version.
> The standard Plain TeX or LaTeX workflows seem to behave normally,
> so 
> I'd now like to install LyX using the (unsupported) PPA 
> available on Launchpad at ppa:lyx-devel/release.
> However, when I try to install it using Mint's Package Manager, it
> lists 
> a number of standard TeX packages that it claims are necessary, and
> will 
> not proceed unless I also install them. These include:
> tex-common
> tex-gyre
> texlive-base
> texlive binaries
> texlive-fonts recommended
> texlive-lang-greek
> texlive-latex-base
> texlive-latex-extra
> texlive-latex-recommended
> texlive-pictures
> texlive-plain-generic
> texlive-science
> tipa
> These are mostly TeXLive 2019 versions for which there are already 
> TeXLive 2021 versions installed. I'd prefer not to have both 2019
> and 
> 2021 versions of TeXLive installed at the same time.
> This prompts a number of linked questions:
> a) Will LyX work OK with a TeXLive 2021 installation?
> b) Is there a way to force Mint's Package Manager to recognise the 
> existence to TeXLive 2021 packages?
> c) Is there a way to install LyX without installing the
> TeXLive 
> 2019 dependencies? (I'd prefer not to have to compile LyX
> from 
> source.)
> d) If I want to install LyX with Mint's Package Manager,
> will 
> this force me to use TeXLive 2019 instead?
> I would welcome advice on how to deal with this problem.
> Graeme


Linux Mint is a Ubuntu derivative, therefore you could proceed
according to the Ubuntu wiki:

* Deinstall all TeXLive-Packages of the distribution
* Install TeXLive manually:  https://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/TeX_Live/ look
at the commands under the heading "Manuell"
* Then, in order to install LyX without dependencies do: 
 look at the commands under the heading "Paketverwaltung die neue TeX
Live Version mitteilen"

In English: https://tug.org/texlive/debian.html#vanilla

Hope it helps,

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Unicode character (U+009C)

2022-01-08 Thread Tobias Hilbricht via lyx-users
Am Freitag, dem 07.01.2022 um 20:25 +0100 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann
via lyx-users:
> On 07.01.22 18:33, Tobias Hilbricht via lyx-users wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > Wolfgang,
> > 
> > attached your formulas in a consistent look with mhchem. I called
> > Libertinus fonts the LyX way via Document -> Settings -> Fonts: Use
> > non
> > TeX Fonts, then choosing Libertinus fonts in the drop down list.
> > Libertinus Math is called by \setmathfont{Libertinus Math} in the
> > LyX
> > preamble.
> > The error message is the result of the symbol set in front of the
> > line
> > 
> > œ$\mathrm{Ca^{2+}}$ dependent kinase
> > 
> > Have you put this symbol just before the first $ on purpose? If so,
> > what is it supposed to be?
> > 
> > Yours
> > Tobias
> > 
> > 
> Thanks for the example file. In my case after ctrl m and inserting
> \ce 
> it does not turn blue, but if I leaf it, I have the blue box in which
> I 
> can insert the chemical formulas - and, of course, Ca^{2+}
> Wolfgang


what I referred to is called the "Popup menu", "Blue menu" is
misleading, sorry. How to get it:

Tools -> Settings -> Edit -> Autocompletion, set "Automatic popup" and
Autocompletion in math mode true.

When done typing \ce in math mode spit out all commands beginning with
\ce, in my configuration \ce, \cent and \centerdot.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Unicode character (U+009C)

2022-01-07 Thread Tobias Hilbricht via lyx-users
Am Freitag, dem 07.01.2022 um 18:48 +0100 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann
via lyx-users:
> On 07.01.22 18:33, Tobias Hilbricht via lyx-users wrote:
> > Am Freitag, dem 07.01.2022 um 14:32 +0100 schrieb Wolfgang
> > Engelmann
> > via lyx-users:
> > > If I run the attached lyx file,I get an error:
> > > Missing character: There is no œ (U+009C) in font
> > > [LibertinusSerif-Regular.otf]
> > > 
> > > show output anyway gives the attached pdf:
> > > 
> > > nuclear ancient Ca2+
> > > (Na+ /Ca2+ exchanger)
> > > Ca 2+ homeostasis
> > > �Ca2+ dependent kinase
> > > 
> > > The exported luatex tex file was tested with this bash line
> > > (oneline!,
> > > thanks to people from the Linux User Group Tuebingen)
> > > 
> > > grep -P "[\xc2\x9c]" A-07-C.tex | grep --color=auto -P
> > > ".{0,2}[\xc2\x9c].{0,2}" > A.txt
> > > 
> > > and tells
> > > 
> > > %%Package inputenc Error: Unicode character œ (U+009C)
> > > œ$\mathrm{Ca^{2+}}$ dependent kinase
> > > 
> > > Could someone tell me, why in the first and the second line of
> > > the
> > > pdf
> > > file the Ca^2+ is shown correctly, whereas it is only shown
> > > correctly
> > > if
> > > I do not (3rd line) put it in mathrm (as done in the 4th line)
> > > 
> > > I also wonder whether this square/cross in front of the 4th line
> > > can
> > > be
> > > searched for under lyx, since it seems to mark extended regular
> > > expressions.
> > > 
> > > Wolfgang
> > 
> > Wolfgang,
> > 
> > attached your formulas in a consistent look with mhchem. I called
> > Libertinus fonts the LyX way via Document -> Settings -> Fonts: Use
> > non
> > TeX Fonts, then choosing Libertinus fonts in the drop down list.
> > Libertinus Math is called by \setmathfont{Libertinus Math} in the
> > LyX
> > preamble.
> > The error message is the result of the symbol set in front of the
> > line
> > 
> > œ$\mathrm{Ca^{2+}}$ dependent kinase
> > 
> > Have you put this symbol just before the first $ on purpose? If so,
> > what is it supposed to be?
> > 
> > Yours
> > Tobias
> > 
> > 
> again: thanks
> no, this œ is the U+009C sign which should go out. How did you find
> it? 
> special editor?
> Wolfgang


I can see the sign in my browser (Firefox) and in my E-Mail
application. It is not visible on screen in LyX when copied or inserted
with Ctrl-shift u 009c, however, it is there and causes the error.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Unicode character (U+009C)

2022-01-07 Thread Tobias Hilbricht via lyx-users
Am Freitag, dem 07.01.2022 um 14:32 +0100 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann
via lyx-users:
> If I run the attached lyx file,I get an error:
> Missing character: There is no œ (U+009C) in font 
> [LibertinusSerif-Regular.otf]
> show output anyway gives the attached pdf:
> nuclear ancient Ca2+
> (Na+ /Ca2+ exchanger)
> Ca 2+ homeostasis
> �Ca2+ dependent kinase
> The exported luatex tex file was tested with this bash line
> (oneline!, 
> thanks to people from the Linux User Group Tuebingen)
> grep -P "[\xc2\x9c]" A-07-C.tex | grep --color=auto -P 
> ".{0,2}[\xc2\x9c].{0,2}" > A.txt
> and tells
> %%Package inputenc Error: Unicode character œ (U+009C)
> œ$\mathrm{Ca^{2+}}$ dependent kinase
> Could someone tell me, why in the first and the second line of the
> pdf 
> file the Ca^2+ is shown correctly, whereas it is only shown correctly
> if 
> I do not (3rd line) put it in mathrm (as done in the 4th line)
> I also wonder whether this square/cross in front of the 4th line can
> be 
> searched for under lyx, since it seems to mark extended regular
> expressions.
> Wolfgang


attached your formulas in a consistent look with mhchem. I called
Libertinus fonts the LyX way via Document -> Settings -> Fonts: Use non
TeX Fonts, then choosing Libertinus fonts in the drop down list.
Libertinus Math is called by \setmathfont{Libertinus Math} in the LyX
The error message is the result of the symbol set in front of the line

œ$\mathrm{Ca^{2+}}$ dependent kinase

Have you put this symbol just before the first $ on purpose? If so,
what is it supposed to be?


Description: application/lyx
lyx-users mailing list

Re: Unicode character (U+009C)

2022-01-07 Thread Tobias Hilbricht via lyx-users
Am Freitag, dem 07.01.2022 um 14:32 +0100 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann
via lyx-users:
> If I run the attached lyx file,I get an error:
> Missing character: There is no œ (U+009C) in font 
> [LibertinusSerif-Regular.otf]
> show output anyway gives the attached pdf:
> nuclear ancient Ca2+
> (Na+ /Ca2+ exchanger)
> Ca 2+ homeostasis
> �Ca2+ dependent kinase
> The exported luatex tex file was tested with this bash line
> (oneline!, 
> thanks to people from the Linux User Group Tuebingen)
> grep -P "[\xc2\x9c]" A-07-C.tex | grep --color=auto -P 
> ".{0,2}[\xc2\x9c].{0,2}" > A.txt
> and tells
> %%Package inputenc Error: Unicode character œ (U+009C)
> œ$\mathrm{Ca^{2+}}$ dependent kinase
> Could someone tell me, why in the first and the second line of the
> pdf 
> file the Ca^2+ is shown correctly, whereas it is only shown correctly
> if 
> I do not (3rd line) put it in mathrm (as done in the 4th line)
> I also wonder whether this square/cross in front of the 4th line can
> be 
> searched for under lyx, since it seems to mark extended regular
> expressions.
> Wolfgang

The chemical symbols look inconsistent, nuclear ancient Ca2+ upright,
Ca2+ homeostasis oblique. Do you have special reasons to avoid mhchem,
which comes preloaded with LyX? If you use the mhchem-macro for
chemicals such as \ce{Ca^2+} in LyX math mode, then you get a
consistent typesetting and a preview.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Itemized lists without indenting

2021-10-23 Thread Tobias Hilbricht
Am Samstag, den 23.10.2021, 20:04 +0200 schrieb jezZiFeR:
> Dear Tobias,
> thanks! I have installed enumitem, but I do not know if I understand
> the (english) example file correctly. First I tried to do, what is
> written on the Tips-page you have mentioned, I am not sure, if the
> English word »Custom inset« is the same as »Benutzerdefinierte
> Aufzählung« or »Auflistungsoptionen« which I find in my German
> installation.

Auflistungsoptionen / Aufzählungsoptionen / Beschreibungsoptionen

>  Nonetheless, with both of them it does not work, when I »pick an
> Enumerate environment, and immediately after the first list marker,
> right click to produce the context menu and«  select one of them.

Did you find enumitem-example.lyx ? Have a look at it in LyX, change
list parameters and compile and see, I attached it for your

Best wishes

> Am 23. Okt. 2021, 15:56 +0200 schrieb Tobias Hilbricht <
> hilbri...@linopus.de>:
> > Am Samstag, den 23.10.2021, 12:00 +0200 schrieb jezZiFeR:
> > > Dear all,
> > > 
> > > I use LyX on OS 10.14.6 with Koma-script-book and would
> > > like
> > > to get rid of indentation in lists, whre each element normally is
> > > indented at left. Is there any possibility to do so?
> > > 
> > > Thanks in advance, best
> > > Jess
> > 
> > One way is to load the module enumitem (document -> settings ->
> > modules), then you can change among other things indentation. If
> > you
> > load the example file https://wiki.lyx.org/Tips/Enumitem then you
> > get a
> > user manual. Just change in the list options labelindent=\parindent
> > to
> > labelindent=0pt available after loading the enumitem module.
> > 
> > Best wishes
> > Tobias
> > 
> > --
> > lyx-users mailing list
> > lyx-users@lists.lyx.org
> > http://lists.lyx.org/mailman/listinfo/lyx-users

Description: application/lyx
lyx-users mailing list

Re: Itemized lists without indenting

2021-10-23 Thread Tobias Hilbricht
Am Samstag, den 23.10.2021, 12:00 +0200 schrieb jezZiFeR:
> Dear all,
> I use LyX on OS 10.14.6 with Koma-script-book and would like
> to get rid of indentation in lists, whre each element normally is
> indented at left. Is there any possibility to do so?
> Thanks in advance, best
> Jess

One way is to load the module enumitem (document -> settings ->
modules), then you can change among other things indentation. If you
load the example file https://wiki.lyx.org/Tips/Enumitem then you get a
user manual. Just change in the list options labelindent=\parindent to
labelindent=0pt available after loading the enumitem module.

Best wishes

lyx-users mailing list

Re: LibreOffice to LyX

2021-10-01 Thread Tobias Hilbricht
Am Donnerstag, den 30.09.2021, 21:38 -0400 schrieb Steve Litt:
> converting to LyX, the answer is don't. LibreOffice is a bug ridden
> program that tries to be all things to all people and fails
> miserably.
> You need a 170 IQ and a doctorate to be able to deal with the quirky,
> often disappearing or changing styles in LibreOffice.
This list should be kept free from remarks such as the one above,
because for many people it is just not true. Abstain from trying to
ignite stupid flame wars.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: How to assign a key code to a local layout

2021-08-09 Thread Tobias Hilbricht
Am Sonntag, den 08.08.2021, 16:21 -0400 schrieb Steve Litt:
> Tobias Hilbricht said on Sun, 08 Aug 2021 19:48:21 +0200
> > Am Sonntag, den 04.07.2021, 11:53 -0400 schrieb Richard Kimberly
> > Heck:
> > > On 7/4/21 9:50 AM, Tobias Hilbricht wrote:  
> > > > Dear readers of this list,
> > > > 
> > > > I created a local layout (Document -> Settings -> Local layout)
> > > > which I
> > > > can invoke via the menu (Insert -> User defined insert -> Local
> > > > insert)
> > > > and which works as expected.
> > > > How can I assign a key code to this local layout?  
> > > 
> > > Probably "flex-insert INSETNAME" is what you want. Just assign
> > > that
> > > command to a key combination.
> > > 
> > > Riki
> > > 
> > > 
> > >   
> > Just in case somebody comes across this thread in quest of an
> > answer to
> > the question how to make the assigned key code appear together with
> > the
> > entry in the menu  - here something I found out accidentally and
> > which
> > I did not find documented:
> > 
> > If I type 
> > 
> > flex-insert "mycustominsert"
> > 
> > - note the quotation marks - and assign a key code, then the key
> > code
> > appears in the menu Insert -> Custom insert -> mycustominsert.
> If I understand the preceding several posts correctly, this can give
> me
> a capability I've been wanting for years. If anybody has the code to
> make a custom insert in a local layout file, could you please post it
> so
> I can replicate your work? To me, it's not at all obvious how to do
> this.
> Thanks,
> SteveT
> Steve Litt 
> Spring 2021 featured book: Troubleshooting Techniques of the
> Successful
> Technologist http://www.troubleshooters.com/techniques

How to LyXify frequently used LaTeX custom commands

First Example: If you have defined a LaTeX custom command - either in
the LaTeX class file, in a LaTeX style file, in the LyX document
preamble or as ERT in the LyX document itself, e. g.

\newcommand\bigsize[1]{{\fontsize{50}{60}\selectfont #1 }}

then you can write all of the following in LyX Document -> Settings ->
Local format:

Format 66

InsetLayout Flex:KingSize!
  LyXType   custom
  LatexType command
  LatexName bigsize
  LabelString   "Big!"

Press the button "Validate", it should return something like "Format is
valid", then press "OK". Now you will find the menu entry "KingSize!"
in LyX Insert -> Custom Insert, and when you click it you can enter

To assign a key code to the new custom inset, go to LyX Tools ->
Settings -> Edit -> Key Board Short Cut -> New and enter the following
line into the text field:

flex-insert "KingSize!"

Click into the gray field "Key board shortcut" and press the keys you
want to assign.

Second Example: I frequently need Rechenkästchen - I do not know the
English word - to this end I have in LaTeX

\pgfmathtruncatemacro\anzahl{(\linewidth-\pgflinewidth)/#1} %
maximale Anzahl Kästchen pro Zeile
\draw (0,0) rectangle (\anzahl*#1,#2*#1) (0,0) grid

This provides the command 
with the mandatory argument rownumber and the optional argument size,
e. g. 
results in 6 rows of 8mm sized Rechenkästchen. To test invocation in
LyX conveniently, write the following in LyX Document -> Settings ->
Local Format:

Format 66

InsetLayout Flex:Kästchen
  LyxType   custom
  LabelString   "Kästchen"
  LatexName kariert
  LatexType command
  Argument 1
LabelString "Größe"
Mandatory   0

Validate and press OK, go to LyX Insert -> Custom Insert -> Kästchen
and press again. Enter a number of rows, compile and see. To modify the
size, right click on the number just entered und press "Größe" in the
context menu (or the corresponding key code), now you can type a size
in dimensions known to LaTeX.

If local formats have been tested as described in the two examples,
they can be written in a layout-file as described in the LyX Customize-
manual, chapter 5. All this is for text-mode commands. I did not get it
to work with LyX math macros. 


lyx-users mailing list

Re: How to assign a key code to a local layout

2021-08-08 Thread Tobias Hilbricht
Am Sonntag, den 04.07.2021, 11:53 -0400 schrieb Richard Kimberly Heck:
> On 7/4/21 9:50 AM, Tobias Hilbricht wrote:
> > Dear readers of this list,
> > 
> > I created a local layout (Document -> Settings -> Local layout)
> > which I
> > can invoke via the menu (Insert -> User defined insert -> Local
> > insert)
> > and which works as expected.
> > How can I assign a key code to this local layout?
> Probably "flex-insert INSETNAME" is what you want. Just assign that
> command to a key combination.
> Riki
Just in case somebody comes across this thread in quest of an answer to
the question how to make the assigned key code appear together with the
entry in the menu  - here something I found out accidentally and which
I did not find documented:

If I type 

flex-insert "mycustominsert"

- note the quotation marks - and assign a key code, then the key code
appears in the menu Insert -> Custom insert -> mycustominsert.

If I omit the quotation marks and type

flex-insert mycustominsert

and assign a key code, then the menu entry appears without the key

This is with LyX


lyx-users mailing list

Re: How to make LyX math macros available across documents?

2021-08-08 Thread Tobias Hilbricht
Am Freitag, den 06.08.2021, 11:15 -0400 schrieb Paul A. Rubin:
> On 8/6/21 5:52 AM, Tobias Hilbricht wrote:
> > Dear readers of this list,
> > 
> > in my worksheets in chemistry I have to write chemical formulas and
> > physical quantities very often. But while that is very easy to do
> > in
> > LyX out of the box with chemical formulas due to the integration of
> > mhchem and its macro \ce, I am still trying to achieve something
> > similar for physical quantities with siunitx and its macro \qty.
> > 
> > What I have so far is a working LyX math macro (in LyX Ctrl+M on
> > \newcommand{\mqty}[2]{\qty{#1}{#1}}) which I can invoke with a
> > keyboard
> > shortcut (Alt+Q for "command-sequence math-insert \mqty; char-left;
> > char-left").
> > 
> > But I have to copy this custom LyX macro from document to document
> > (siunitx loaded, of course). By contrast, I can invoke the macro
> > \ce in
> > math mode with a keyboard shortcut without further ado in every
> > document and enjoy the immediate preview and avoid ERT.
> > 
> > How is it possible to have custom macros available across documents
> > in
> > the same way?
> > 
> > Thanks for helpful hints in advance!
> > 
> > Yours
> > Tobias
> > 
> > 
> > 
>  I can think of at least three possibilities.
> If you will use the custom code routinely, create a document
> containing it and make that document your new default document
> (Document > Settings ... > Save as Document Defaults.
> Create a document template that contains the custom code in its
> preamble. You just create an otherwise empty document with your
> preferred default settings and the custom code and save it in your
> local templates document. When you want to use the custom code, start
> your new document with File > New from Template ... and select the
> correct template.
> Create a module (Customization manual, section 5.2.1) containing the
> custom code, store it in your local layouts folder, and then
> reconfigure LyX so that LyX can find it. Thereafter, you can add it
> to any document using Document > Settings ... > Modules.
> Paul
Dear Paul and Richard,

thank you for your suggestions. I will resort to the "template
solution". This is not the same as invoking an "LyX inbuild" command
like \ce in any document, but for my purpose it is quite sufficient.


lyx-users mailing list

How to make LyX math macros available across documents?

2021-08-06 Thread Tobias Hilbricht
Dear readers of this list,

in my worksheets in chemistry I have to write chemical formulas and
physical quantities very often. But while that is very easy to do in
LyX out of the box with chemical formulas due to the integration of
mhchem and its macro \ce, I am still trying to achieve something
similar for physical quantities with siunitx and its macro \qty.

What I have so far is a working LyX math macro (in LyX Ctrl+M on
\newcommand{\mqty}[2]{\qty{#1}{#1}}) which I can invoke with a keyboard
shortcut (Alt+Q for "command-sequence math-insert \mqty; char-left;

But I have to copy this custom LyX macro from document to document
(siunitx loaded, of course). By contrast, I can invoke the macro \ce in
math mode with a keyboard shortcut without further ado in every
document and enjoy the immediate preview and avoid ERT.

How is it possible to have custom macros available across documents in
the same way?

Thanks for helpful hints in advance!


lyx-users mailing list

Re: ERT expression for dimensions of boxes, images etc.

2021-07-07 Thread Tobias Hilbricht
Am Sonntag, den 04.07.2021, 12:12 -0400 schrieb Paul A. Rubin:
> On 7/4/21 9:33 AM, Tobias Hilbricht wrote:
> > Am Sonntag, den 27.06.2021, 11:58 -0400 schrieb Paul A. Rubin:
> > > On 6/27/21 7:36 AM, Tobias Hilbricht wrote:
> > > > Dear readers of this list,
> > > > 
> > > > is it possible in LyX to enter dimensions in terms of ERT
> > > > expressions
> > > > such as \linewidth+\marginparsep+\marginparwidth into the
> > > > dialogs
> > > > for
> > > > boxes, images (Insert -> Box, Insert -> Image) ?
> > > > 
> > > > If I have defined a length in Document -> Settings -> LaTeX-
> > > > preamble,
> > > > what is the LyX way of sizing boxes and images with that
> > > > length?
> > > > 
> > > > Thanks for helpful hints in advance,
> > > > yours sincerly
> > > > Tobias Hilbricht
> > > > 
> > > With Insert > Graphics, you can click on the "LaTeX and LyX
> > > options"
> > > tab
> > > and insert ERT in the "LaTeX options:" box. For instance, I
> > > entered
> > > "width=\linewidth+\marginparsep+\marginparwidth" for an image and
> > > the
> > > test document compiled with what I think was the intended graphic
> > > size.
> > > 
> > > Unfortunately, I don't see any way to insert ERT in the standard
> > > box
> > > creation dialog.
> > > 
> > > Paul
> > > 
> > Paul,
> > 
> > thank you for your help, this works indeed for images very well. A
> > similar possibility to enter LaTeX-length expressions for boxes
> > would
> > be a nice enhancement.
> > 
> > Yours
> > Tobias
> > 
> Tobias,
> Gern geschehen. Regarding a similar dialog for boxes, you might want
> to 
> enter a feature request ticket in the bug tracker 
> (https://www.lyx.org/trac/wiki/BugTrackerHome 
> <https://www.lyx.org/trac/wiki/BugTrackerHome>;) or else send an
> email to 
> the developer list (lyx-de...@lists.lyx.org).
> Paul

I entered an enhancement request for an option to enter LaTeX-
expressions into the box-dialog.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: How to assign a key code to a local layout

2021-07-04 Thread Tobias Hilbricht
Am Sonntag, den 04.07.2021, 11:53 -0400 schrieb Richard Kimberly Heck:
> On 7/4/21 9:50 AM, Tobias Hilbricht wrote:
> > Dear readers of this list,
> > 
> > I created a local layout (Document -> Settings -> Local layout)
> > which I
> > can invoke via the menu (Insert -> User defined insert -> Local
> > insert)
> > and which works as expected.
> > How can I assign a key code to this local layout?
> Probably "flex-insert INSETNAME" is what you want. Just assign that
> command to a key combination.
> Riki

Fantastic, that works! Thanks!


lyx-users mailing list

How to assign a key code to a local layout

2021-07-04 Thread Tobias Hilbricht
Dear readers of this list,

I created a local layout (Document -> Settings -> Local layout) which I
can invoke via the menu (Insert -> User defined insert -> Local insert)
and which works as expected.
How can I assign a key code to this local layout?

Thank you for helpful hints in advance,


lyx-users mailing list

Re: ERT expression for dimensions of boxes, images etc.

2021-07-04 Thread Tobias Hilbricht
Am Sonntag, den 27.06.2021, 11:58 -0400 schrieb Paul A. Rubin:
> On 6/27/21 7:36 AM, Tobias Hilbricht wrote:
> > Dear readers of this list,
> > 
> > is it possible in LyX to enter dimensions in terms of ERT
> > expressions
> > such as \linewidth+\marginparsep+\marginparwidth into the dialogs
> > for
> > boxes, images (Insert -> Box, Insert -> Image) ?
> > 
> > If I have defined a length in Document -> Settings -> LaTeX-
> > preamble,
> > what is the LyX way of sizing boxes and images with that length?
> > 
> > Thanks for helpful hints in advance,
> > yours sincerly
> > Tobias Hilbricht
> > 
> With Insert > Graphics, you can click on the "LaTeX and LyX options"
> tab 
> and insert ERT in the "LaTeX options:" box. For instance, I entered 
> "width=\linewidth+\marginparsep+\marginparwidth" for an image and
> the 
> test document compiled with what I think was the intended graphic
> size.
> Unfortunately, I don't see any way to insert ERT in the standard box 
> creation dialog.
> Paul

thank you for your help, this works indeed for images very well. A
similar possibility to enter LaTeX-length expressions for boxes would
be a nice enhancement.


lyx-users mailing list

ERT expression for dimensions of boxes, images etc.

2021-06-27 Thread Tobias Hilbricht
Dear readers of this list,

is it possible in LyX to enter dimensions in terms of ERT expressions
such as \linewidth+\marginparsep+\marginparwidth into the dialogs for
boxes, images (Insert -> Box, Insert -> Image) ?

If I have defined a length in Document -> Settings -> LaTeX-preamble,
what is the LyX way of sizing boxes and images with that length?

Thanks for helpful hints in advance,
yours sincerly
Tobias Hilbricht 

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Custom footer and header

2021-03-13 Thread Tobias Hilbricht
Am Samstag, den 13.03.2021, 15:34 +0100 schrieb Ricardo Berlasso:
> I wrote in detail about headers and footers on chapter 12 of "LyX,
> The Other Way of Writing"
> https://frommindtotype.wordpress.com/lyx-book/
> You need to use the fancyhdr package and a bit of preamble code
> magic. 
> Regards,
> Ricardo
> El sáb, 13 mar 2021 a las 14:46, Néstor ()
> escribió:
> > Hello!
> > 
> > I have searched for any info about this before asking you, but it's
> > all a bit confusing.
> > 
> > I just need to put the page number in the footer, and the current
> > chapter title on the header. My document is a Standard Book.
> > 
> > Thank you!
> > 
> > -- 
> > Néstor Amigo


your LyX-book is really very impressive, and your book on Libreoffice
Writer too. Is the LyX-book advertised on one of those lyx.org
documentation pages? It definitely should.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Importing files: Some file types (.tex, .odt) only show up under "All files"

2020-02-25 Thread Tobias Hilbricht
Am Dienstag, den 25.02.2020, 18:22 +0100 schrieb Pavel Sanda:
> On Tue, Feb 25, 2020 at 06:09:29PM +0100, Tobias Hilbricht wrote:
> > Dear Pavel,
> > I did steps 1 - 4, but .tex files do not show up. Regarding to my
> > desktop, I am using GNOME 3.28.4 as it comes with Ubuntu 18.04.4
> > LTS.
> Another shot in the dark:
> does using 
> \use_native_filedialog false
> or
> \use_native_filedialog true
> in your preferences file makes any difference?
> Pavel

There we are! If I write

\use_native_filedialog false

at the end of my ~/.lyx/preferences-file, then it works properly, .tex-
files show up (the look-and-feel of the file-open-dialog changes a
little bit, though), with

\use_native_filedialog true

the problem in consideration returns.
Playing around with this I noticed that my added custom entry in the
preferences-file disappeared, but it still works, with
OpenDocumentText.odt files as well.
So far as I can see now I am happy with this solution - thanks a lot!


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Importing files: Some file types (.tex, .odt) only show up under "All files"

2020-02-25 Thread Tobias Hilbricht
Am Dienstag, den 25.02.2020, 17:29 +0100 schrieb Pavel Sanda:
> On Tue, Feb 25, 2020 at 04:58:52PM +0100, Pavel Sanda wrote:
> > On Tue, Feb 25, 2020 at 09:46:47AM +0100, Tobias Hilbricht wrote:
> > > Thank you for your quick response!
> > > 
> > > I have attached the screenshots "LyX_import_LaTeX.png" and
> > > "LyX_import_all_files.png", which illustrate the problem.
> > 
> > Without looking at the code it seems we are passing control to 
> > the open dialog of your desktop manager.
> > What are you running there (gnome?)
> > 
> > I guess we need to find that out in order to reproduce.
> With looking at the code I have idea what could be the problem.
> Could by chance try the following experiment:
> 1. find configure.py of your lyx installation
> 2. find string "LaTeX (plain)" there and replace it by "LaTeX
> .plain.", save file
> 3. reconfigure lyx
> 4. try whether import starts showing .tex files
> This would not be proper fix, but we just check possible culprit.
> Pavel

Dear Pavel,
I did steps 1 - 4, but .tex files do not show up. Regarding to my
desktop, I am using GNOME 3.28.4 as it comes with Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Importing files: Some file types (.tex, .odt) only show up under "All files"

2020-02-25 Thread Tobias Hilbricht
Thank you for your response!
I did what you suggested and found the following:

Reconfigure changes nothing with respect to the problem under
However, I tried Insert -> File -> Subdocument (? Translation of
"Unterdokument") -> Search in Folder ("Durchsuchen"), and here the menu
choice LaTeX/LyX-Documents shows .tex and .lyx files only, as it should
So there is a difference in the routine calling a file type when using
File -> Import -> LaTeX (plain) and Insert -> File -> Subdocument ->
Search in Folder?
Thankful for any helpful hints
Tobias Hilbricht

Am Dienstag, den 25.02.2020, 12:10 +0200 schrieb Dr Eberhard Lisse:
> I can't reproduce on Mac 10.15.3 LyX 
> If in doubt Tool -> Reconfigure :-)-O
> What happens if you do an Insert -> File ?
> greetings, el
> On 25/02/2020 10:46, Tobias Hilbricht wrote:
> > Thank you for your quick response!
> > 
> > I have attached the screenshots "LyX_import_LaTeX.png" and
> > "LyX_import_all_files.png", which illustrate the problem.
> >  
> > The mime types .tex and .odt seem to be known by my system, because
> > the
> > proper icons show up on the desktop and in the filemanager, and
> > clicking them directly opens the appropriate application. For
> > example,
> > in TeXstudio when I click "Open", only LaTeX-files are shown. I did
> > nothing special on any file related to mime-types that I can think
> > of.
> > 
> > Is it possible to accidentally do something in LyX which
> > malconfigures
> > in the way illustrated by the screenshots?
> > 
> > Thanks for helpful hints in advance!
> > Tobias Hilbricht
> > 

lyx-users mailing list

Importing files: Some file types (.tex, .odt) only show up under "All files"

2020-02-24 Thread Tobias Hilbricht
Dear readers of this list,
I am using LyX on Ubuntu 18.04.4 and have the following issue:
When clicking File -> Import File -> LaTeX (plain), a window pops up
allowing to choose a LaTeX.tex file. However, when navigating to a
folder which contains LaTeX.tex files and the menu just above the
button "Open" says "LaTeX", no file at all shows up. When changing the
menu button to "All Files" all files are shown. The same is true for
OpenDocument.odt files - they do not show up specifically when the menu
says "OpenDocument", but only among many others, which lengthens the
process of file choosing. 

By contrast, when trying to import HTML, the menu just above the "Open"
button reads "HTML", and all HTML-files in the folder are shown; it
works as expected for OpenDocument spreadsheets (ods), too, and for MS-
Word Office-Open XML (docx).

Is this a local malconfiguration - if so, how can I reconfigure my
system properly - or is this a bug?

Thanks for helpful hints
Tobias Hilbricht

lyx-users mailing list

Probleme bei der Erstellung einer PDF

2018-02-21 Thread Tobias Malterer
Sehr geehrtes LYX Team,

Leider kann ich seit neustem keine PDF Datei erstellen, da diese Fehlermeldung 

Ich verwende die LYX-Version 2.2 und habe diese heute neu installiert, da der 
Fehler aufgetreten ist.

Vor der Installation habe ich MikTex und LYX komplett deinstalliert.


Vielen Dank im Voraus,

Mit freundlichen Grüße


Re: Question about development of non-linear writing project

2016-05-31 Thread Tobias
tom  gmx.at> writes:

> > I am worried about this issue too. No traces of this on the webpages and
> > lyx-outline which was a working fork with the corkboard developed by Rob
> > Oakes seems dead for a while now. This i a giant improvement for Lyx and it
> > would be really sad if it was abandoned!
> +1 for corkboard.
> Anyone heard news about the state of this project as of 2015?

Hey there! 

I’ve also been searching the web for quite a while and could not figure out
the current status of the project. Is it still planned to be implemented?
(as was discussed in 2014 for the 2.2 release)

Does anyone have information about this awesome project?

Shortcuts not working, shortcut bar not visible

2014-11-01 Thread Tobias
Hi lyx-users,

When I saw some other people using LyX, they had a bar / line below the
document which showed for every click / action the made the
corresponding shortcut which would have caused the same action.
Unfortunately I don't see such a bar when running LyX. Where can I make
it visible?

Furthermore, I am not able to use shortcuts in general. I followed the
advice here [1]: M-p (alt-p) followed by a space opens the environment
list, but pressing alt-p just prints a p in the document.

OS: Lubuntu 14.04
Lyx: 2.0.6

It would be great if you could help me.

[1] http://wiki.lyx.org/Tips/FrequentlyUsedShortcuts

Best regards,

Re: Shortcuts not working, shortcut bar not visible

2014-11-01 Thread Tobias
Hi Scott,

thanks for your help!

 Consider upgrading LyX using the PPA:

This did the trick for me, the shortcut bar appeared.
Looking at the shortcut bar I noticed that I have to press ALT + a +
whitespace instead of ALT + p + whitespace.

Best regards,

Shortcuts not working, shortcut bar not visible

2014-11-01 Thread Tobias
Hi lyx-users,

When I saw some other people using LyX, they had a bar / line below the
document which showed for every click / action the made the
corresponding shortcut which would have caused the same action.
Unfortunately I don't see such a bar when running LyX. Where can I make
it visible?

Furthermore, I am not able to use shortcuts in general. I followed the
advice here [1]: M-p (alt-p) followed by a space opens the environment
list, but pressing alt-p just prints a p in the document.

OS: Lubuntu 14.04
Lyx: 2.0.6

It would be great if you could help me.

[1] http://wiki.lyx.org/Tips/FrequentlyUsedShortcuts

Best regards,

Re: Shortcuts not working, shortcut bar not visible

2014-11-01 Thread Tobias
Hi Scott,

thanks for your help!

 Consider upgrading LyX using the PPA:

This did the trick for me, the shortcut bar appeared.
Looking at the shortcut bar I noticed that I have to press ALT + a +
whitespace instead of ALT + p + whitespace.

Best regards,

Shortcuts not working, shortcut bar not visible

2014-11-01 Thread Tobias
Hi lyx-users,

When I saw some other people using LyX, they had a bar / line below the
document which showed for every click / action the made the
corresponding shortcut which would have caused the same action.
Unfortunately I don't see such a bar when running LyX. Where can I make
it visible?

Furthermore, I am not able to use shortcuts in general. I followed the
advice here [1]: ""M-p (alt-p) followed by a space opens the environment
list", but pressing alt-p just prints a "p" in the document.

OS: Lubuntu 14.04
Lyx: 2.0.6

It would be great if you could help me.

[1] http://wiki.lyx.org/Tips/FrequentlyUsedShortcuts

Best regards,

Re: Shortcuts not working, shortcut bar not visible

2014-11-01 Thread Tobias
Hi Scott,

thanks for your help!

> Consider upgrading LyX using the PPA:
> http://wiki.lyx.org/LyX/LyXOnUbuntu#toc3

This did the trick for me, the shortcut bar appeared.
Looking at the shortcut bar I noticed that I have to press ALT + a +
whitespace instead of ALT + p + whitespace.

Best regards,

Can't compile files with .eps figures

2010-08-30 Thread Tobias Manrique

After an update to a new computer (Mac OS X 10.6.4) and to the latest TeX
(MacTex-2009) and LyX (1.6.7) versions, none of my former documents that
contain .eps figures will compile (nor does a test file that just contains
an .eps figure).

Compiling via pdflatex and ps2pdf yields the following error message: An
error occurred whilst running epstopdf

--outfile='01 (and, subsequently,  Package pdftex.def Erorr: File
'01.pdf' )

Compiling via dvipdfm at least produces an output, but with blanks in place
of the .eps figures.

My preference settings are unaltered (EPS-- PDF: epstopdf --outfile=$$0

Any hints? I have been looking through mailing lists all day but couldn't
find a solution.


Can't compile files with .eps figures

2010-08-30 Thread Tobias Manrique

After an update to a new computer (Mac OS X 10.6.4) and to the latest TeX
(MacTex-2009) and LyX (1.6.7) versions, none of my former documents that
contain .eps figures will compile (nor does a test file that just contains
an .eps figure).

Compiling via pdflatex and ps2pdf yields the following error message: An
error occurred whilst running epstopdf

--outfile='01 (and, subsequently,  Package pdftex.def Erorr: File
'01.pdf' )

Compiling via dvipdfm at least produces an output, but with blanks in place
of the .eps figures.

My preference settings are unaltered (EPS-- PDF: epstopdf --outfile=$$0

Any hints? I have been looking through mailing lists all day but couldn't
find a solution.


Can't compile files with .eps figures

2010-08-30 Thread Tobias Manrique

After an update to a new computer (Mac OS X 10.6.4) and to the latest TeX
(MacTex-2009) and LyX (1.6.7) versions, none of my former documents that
contain .eps figures will compile (nor does a test file that just contains
an .eps figure).

Compiling via pdflatex and ps2pdf yields the following error message: "An
error occurred whilst running epstopdf

--outfile='01" (and, subsequently, " Package pdftex.def Erorr: File
'01.pdf' ")

Compiling via dvipdfm at least produces an output, but with blanks in place
of the .eps figures.

My preference settings are unaltered (EPS--> PDF: epstopdf --outfile=$$0

Any hints? I have been looking through mailing lists all day but couldn't
find a solution.


Re: How to enter text in math mode?

2008-12-05 Thread Tobias Hilbricht
Am Donnerstag, den 04.12.2008, 21:36 + schrieb Guenter Milde:
 On 2008-12-04, Tobias Hilbricht wrote:

  So my question: How do I enter something like 
  \text{\ce{H+ + OH- = H2O}} 
  in math mode?
 1. Type it as normal text in your paragraph.
 2. Mark it and press Ctrl-M to convert to Math
 3. Repeat (mark and Ctrl-M) to convert to Text-in-Math.

Dear Guenther,

thanks a lot, your advice does the trick!


Tobias Hilbricht

Re: How to enter text in math mode?

2008-12-05 Thread Tobias Hilbricht
Am Donnerstag, den 04.12.2008, 21:36 + schrieb Guenter Milde:
 On 2008-12-04, Tobias Hilbricht wrote:

  So my question: How do I enter something like 
  \text{\ce{H+ + OH- = H2O}} 
  in math mode?
 1. Type it as normal text in your paragraph.
 2. Mark it and press Ctrl-M to convert to Math
 3. Repeat (mark and Ctrl-M) to convert to Text-in-Math.

Dear Guenther,

thanks a lot, your advice does the trick!


Tobias Hilbricht

Re: How to enter text in math mode?

2008-12-05 Thread Tobias Hilbricht
Am Donnerstag, den 04.12.2008, 21:36 + schrieb Guenter Milde:
> On 2008-12-04, Tobias Hilbricht wrote:

> > So my question: How do I enter something like 
>  \text{\ce{H+ + OH- <=>> H2O}} 
> > in math mode?
> 1. Type it as normal text in your paragraph.
> 2. Mark it and press Ctrl-M to convert to Math
> 3. Repeat (mark and Ctrl-M) to convert to Text-in-Math.

Dear Guenther,

thanks a lot, your advice does the trick!


Tobias Hilbricht

How to enter text in math mode?

2008-12-04 Thread Tobias Hilbricht
Dear readers of this list,

I am using LyX 1.5.5 on Ubuntu Linux 8.04 (Hardy) to write down some
chemistry. I found the following hint in the LyX Wiki on using the LaTeX
package mhchem in LyX math mode in order to preview the formulas on
http://wiki.lyx.org/LyX/LyXForX (see the point Chemistry - Typesetting
However, I am unable to reproduce the example mhchem.lyx given on that
internet site: When I type Ctrl-m Ctrl-m in order to get into text in
math mode, I end up in an mbox, and as soon as I enter a space after H+
to write something like this into that mbox: \ce{H+ + OH- = H2O}, the
cursor jumps out of the box. So I can only type single compounds, but no
If I type Ctrl-m to enter math mode and then press Ctrl-l to enter ERT
\text{\ce{H+ + OH- = H2O}} the cursor also jumps out of the text-box
as soon as I enter a space after H+. Again, as a result, only single
compounds are possible with preview. 
The LaTeX amsmath-package is available and checked in LyX document
settings. It is possible to enter pure ERT like $\text{\ce{H+ + OH- =
H2O}}$ and get it typeset by LyX/LaTeX, but then I have no preview.

So my question: How do I enter something like \text{\ce{H+ + OH- =
H2O}} in math mode?

Thanks for helpful hints

Yours sincerely

Tobias Hilbricht

Re: How to enter text in math mode?

2008-12-04 Thread Tobias Hilbricht
Am Donnerstag, den 04.12.2008, 16:24 + schrieb Erez Yerushalmi:

 press control-M and then control-M again.  When you want to return to math
 in the same math box, just do space.

Dear Erez,

thank you for your quick reply. I am afraid it is not that simple,
because what you suggested is just what I try to do with the following:

\ce{H+ + OH- = H2O}

\ce{...} is a macro of the mhchem package.

So be so kind and tell me if you can do Ctrl-m Ctrl-m and type in the
macro mentioned above without the cursor jumping out of the mbox when
entering a space.

I can do what you said with simple text, but not with the macro above. I
am using. If it works for you, do you use LyX 1.5.5, perhaps on Ubuntu

Yours Tobias Hilbricht

  internet site: When I type Ctrl-m Ctrl-m in order to get into text in
  math mode, I end up in an mbox, and as soon as I enter a space after H+
  to write something like this into that mbox: \ce{H+ + OH- = H2O}, the
  cursor jumps out of the box. So I can only type single compounds, but no

Re: How to enter text in math mode?

2008-12-04 Thread Tobias Hilbricht
Am Donnerstag, den 04.12.2008, 16:45 + schrieb Erez Yerushalmi:

 Then I'm really sorry.  I tried it with lyx 1.6.0 and \ce is not
 recognized. I probably need to load in the mhchem package.

Dear Erez,

I probably was not clear enough.

mhchem is a LaTeX package to write chemical compounds and reactions. \ce
is a macro of mhchem, so you have call for mhchem in LyX under Document
- Settings - Preamble.

I would like to enter mhchem macros in math mode rather than in plain
ERT, because then I have a preview. Somebody published in the LyX wiki a
little HowTo and an example file mhchem.lyx:

http://wiki.lyx.org/LyX/LyXForX (see the point Chemistry - Typesetting

If you open mhchem.lyx with a plain text editor then that somebody
managed to get this line into *mhchem.lyx*:

\begin_inset Formula $\text{\ce{H+ + OH- = H2O}}$

I can open mhchem.lyx with LyX and see a preview of the reaction. I can
copy and paste it in LyX and see a preview. But I cannot reproduce
typing this in with LyX 1.5.5 on Ubuntu 8.04 and I want to know if I
miss something, if it is a bug or a regression (perhaps it did work only
with older versions?).

I hope I could point out my problem?!

Yours sincerely

Tobias Hilbricht

 I think I don't really understand what equation you are trying to put

 \ce{...} is a macro of the mhchem package.

How to enter text in math mode?

2008-12-04 Thread Tobias Hilbricht
Dear readers of this list,

I am using LyX 1.5.5 on Ubuntu Linux 8.04 (Hardy) to write down some
chemistry. I found the following hint in the LyX Wiki on using the LaTeX
package mhchem in LyX math mode in order to preview the formulas on
http://wiki.lyx.org/LyX/LyXForX (see the point Chemistry - Typesetting
However, I am unable to reproduce the example mhchem.lyx given on that
internet site: When I type Ctrl-m Ctrl-m in order to get into text in
math mode, I end up in an mbox, and as soon as I enter a space after H+
to write something like this into that mbox: \ce{H+ + OH- = H2O}, the
cursor jumps out of the box. So I can only type single compounds, but no
If I type Ctrl-m to enter math mode and then press Ctrl-l to enter ERT
\text{\ce{H+ + OH- = H2O}} the cursor also jumps out of the text-box
as soon as I enter a space after H+. Again, as a result, only single
compounds are possible with preview. 
The LaTeX amsmath-package is available and checked in LyX document
settings. It is possible to enter pure ERT like $\text{\ce{H+ + OH- =
H2O}}$ and get it typeset by LyX/LaTeX, but then I have no preview.

So my question: How do I enter something like \text{\ce{H+ + OH- =
H2O}} in math mode?

Thanks for helpful hints

Yours sincerely

Tobias Hilbricht

Re: How to enter text in math mode?

2008-12-04 Thread Tobias Hilbricht
Am Donnerstag, den 04.12.2008, 16:24 + schrieb Erez Yerushalmi:

 press control-M and then control-M again.  When you want to return to math
 in the same math box, just do space.

Dear Erez,

thank you for your quick reply. I am afraid it is not that simple,
because what you suggested is just what I try to do with the following:

\ce{H+ + OH- = H2O}

\ce{...} is a macro of the mhchem package.

So be so kind and tell me if you can do Ctrl-m Ctrl-m and type in the
macro mentioned above without the cursor jumping out of the mbox when
entering a space.

I can do what you said with simple text, but not with the macro above. I
am using. If it works for you, do you use LyX 1.5.5, perhaps on Ubuntu

Yours Tobias Hilbricht

  internet site: When I type Ctrl-m Ctrl-m in order to get into text in
  math mode, I end up in an mbox, and as soon as I enter a space after H+
  to write something like this into that mbox: \ce{H+ + OH- = H2O}, the
  cursor jumps out of the box. So I can only type single compounds, but no

Re: How to enter text in math mode?

2008-12-04 Thread Tobias Hilbricht
Am Donnerstag, den 04.12.2008, 16:45 + schrieb Erez Yerushalmi:

 Then I'm really sorry.  I tried it with lyx 1.6.0 and \ce is not
 recognized. I probably need to load in the mhchem package.

Dear Erez,

I probably was not clear enough.

mhchem is a LaTeX package to write chemical compounds and reactions. \ce
is a macro of mhchem, so you have call for mhchem in LyX under Document
- Settings - Preamble.

I would like to enter mhchem macros in math mode rather than in plain
ERT, because then I have a preview. Somebody published in the LyX wiki a
little HowTo and an example file mhchem.lyx:

http://wiki.lyx.org/LyX/LyXForX (see the point Chemistry - Typesetting

If you open mhchem.lyx with a plain text editor then that somebody
managed to get this line into *mhchem.lyx*:

\begin_inset Formula $\text{\ce{H+ + OH- = H2O}}$

I can open mhchem.lyx with LyX and see a preview of the reaction. I can
copy and paste it in LyX and see a preview. But I cannot reproduce
typing this in with LyX 1.5.5 on Ubuntu 8.04 and I want to know if I
miss something, if it is a bug or a regression (perhaps it did work only
with older versions?).

I hope I could point out my problem?!

Yours sincerely

Tobias Hilbricht

 I think I don't really understand what equation you are trying to put

 \ce{...} is a macro of the mhchem package.

How to enter text in math mode?

2008-12-04 Thread Tobias Hilbricht
Dear readers of this list,

I am using LyX 1.5.5 on Ubuntu Linux 8.04 (Hardy) to write down some
chemistry. I found the following hint in the LyX Wiki on using the LaTeX
package mhchem in LyX math mode in order to preview the formulas on
http://wiki.lyx.org/LyX/LyXForX (see the point Chemistry - Typesetting
However, I am unable to reproduce the example mhchem.lyx given on that
internet site: When I type Ctrl-m Ctrl-m in order to get into text in
math mode, I end up in an mbox, and as soon as I enter a space after H+
to write something like this into that mbox: \ce{H+ + OH- <=>> H2O}, the
cursor jumps out of the box. So I can only type single compounds, but no
If I type Ctrl-m to enter math mode and then press Ctrl-l to enter ERT
\text{\ce{H+ + OH- <=>> H2O}} the cursor also jumps out of the text-box
as soon as I enter a space after H+. Again, as a result, only single
compounds are possible with preview. 
The LaTeX amsmath-package is available and checked in LyX document
settings. It is possible to enter pure ERT like $\text{\ce{H+ + OH- <=>>
H2O}}$ and get it typeset by LyX/LaTeX, but then I have no preview.

So my question: How do I enter something like \text{\ce{H+ + OH- <=>>
H2O}} in math mode?

Thanks for helpful hints

Yours sincerely

Tobias Hilbricht

Re: How to enter text in math mode?

2008-12-04 Thread Tobias Hilbricht
Am Donnerstag, den 04.12.2008, 16:24 + schrieb Erez Yerushalmi:

> press control-M and then control-M again.  When you want to return to math
> in the same math box, just do space.

Dear Erez,

thank you for your quick reply. I am afraid it is not that simple,
because what you suggested is just what I try to do with the following:

\ce{H+ + OH- <=>> H2O}

\ce{...} is a macro of the mhchem package.

So be so kind and tell me if you can do Ctrl-m Ctrl-m and type in the
macro mentioned above without the cursor jumping out of the mbox when
entering a space.

I can do what you said with simple text, but not with the macro above. I
am using. If it works for you, do you use LyX 1.5.5, perhaps on Ubuntu

Yours Tobias Hilbricht

> > internet site: When I type Ctrl-m Ctrl-m in order to get into text in
> > math mode, I end up in an mbox, and as soon as I enter a space after H+
> > to write something like this into that mbox: \ce{H+ + OH- <=>> H2O}, the
> > cursor jumps out of the box. So I can only type single compounds, but no
> > reactions.

Re: How to enter text in math mode?

2008-12-04 Thread Tobias Hilbricht
Am Donnerstag, den 04.12.2008, 16:45 + schrieb Erez Yerushalmi:

> Then I'm really sorry.  I tried it with lyx 1.6.0 and \ce is not
> recognized. I probably need to load in the mhchem package.

Dear Erez,

I probably was not clear enough.

mhchem is a LaTeX package to write chemical compounds and reactions. \ce
is a macro of mhchem, so you have call for mhchem in LyX under Document
-> Settings -> Preamble.

I would like to enter mhchem macros in math mode rather than in plain
ERT, because then I have a preview. Somebody published in the LyX wiki a
little HowTo and an example file mhchem.lyx:

http://wiki.lyx.org/LyX/LyXForX (see the point Chemistry - Typesetting

If you open mhchem.lyx with a plain text editor then that somebody
managed to get this line into *mhchem.lyx*:

\begin_inset Formula $\text{\ce{H+ + OH- <=>> H2O}}$

I can open mhchem.lyx with LyX and see a preview of the reaction. I can
copy and paste it in LyX and see a preview. But I cannot reproduce
typing this in with LyX 1.5.5 on Ubuntu 8.04 and I want to know if I
miss something, if it is a bug or a regression (perhaps it did work only
with older versions?).

I hope I could point out my problem?!

Yours sincerely

Tobias Hilbricht

> I think I don't really understand what equation you are trying to put
> it.

> \ce{...} is a macro of the mhchem package.

Re: Is there any way in LyX to obtain a tagged pdf???

2008-02-28 Thread Tobias Krause

Does anyone know if there is possible to obtain a tagged pdf from LyX
using pdflatex or similar???

If you mean Keywords in the PDF properties: the hyperref  package does 
that: pdfkeywords={tag1,tag2,tag3} as optional argument does that.


Re: Is there any way in LyX to obtain a tagged pdf???

2008-02-28 Thread Tobias Krause

Does anyone know if there is possible to obtain a tagged pdf from LyX
using pdflatex or similar???

If you mean Keywords in the PDF properties: the hyperref  package does 
that: pdfkeywords={tag1,tag2,tag3} as optional argument does that.


Re: Is there any way in LyX to obtain a tagged pdf???

2008-02-28 Thread Tobias Krause

Does anyone know if there is possible to obtain a tagged pdf from LyX
using pdflatex or similar???

If you mean Keywords in the PDF properties: the hyperref  package does 
that: pdfkeywords={tag1,tag2,tag3} as optional argument does that.


Re: nopagebreak before itemized list

2008-02-27 Thread Tobias Krause

Did you try to put the part of your doc that should appear on one page in
a minipage?  

No, not yet. And I fear there'd be some unwanted side effects with
The second problem with all environments (e.g. samepage environment) is
that I do not want to have the complete itemized list on one page but
only the first one or two items. This ends up in  convoluted
environments which do not work... (see the attached samepage example)

The needspace package works although it's not perfect: you'll have to
know how many line the paragraph before the itemized list will need and
with itemized lists it's getting kind of tricky due to the different

So in the end a working \nopagebreak command would be the best - but it
looks like this is a LaTeX restriction.


Description: application/lyx

Description: application/lyx

Re: nopagebreak before itemized list

2008-02-27 Thread Tobias Krause

Did you try to put the part of your doc that should appear on one page in
a minipage?  

No, not yet. And I fear there'd be some unwanted side effects with
The second problem with all environments (e.g. samepage environment) is
that I do not want to have the complete itemized list on one page but
only the first one or two items. This ends up in  convoluted
environments which do not work... (see the attached samepage example)

The needspace package works although it's not perfect: you'll have to
know how many line the paragraph before the itemized list will need and
with itemized lists it's getting kind of tricky due to the different

So in the end a working \nopagebreak command would be the best - but it
looks like this is a LaTeX restriction.


Description: application/lyx

Description: application/lyx

Re: nopagebreak before itemized list

2008-02-27 Thread Tobias Krause

Did you try to put the part of your doc that should appear on one page in
a minipage?  

No, not yet. And I fear there'd be some unwanted side effects with
The second problem with all environments (e.g. samepage environment) is
that I do not want to have the complete itemized list on one page but
only the first one or two items. This ends up in  convoluted
environments which do not work... (see the attached samepage example)

The needspace package works although it's not perfect: you'll have to
know how many line the paragraph before the itemized list will need and
with itemized lists it's getting kind of tricky due to the different

So in the end a working \nopagebreak command would be the best - but it
looks like this is a LaTeX restriction.


Description: application/lyx

Description: application/lyx

Command-buffer inset-insert syntax

2008-02-25 Thread Tobias Krause


I'd like to insert a cross-reference via the command-buffer. 
Unfortunately I'm note sure about the syntax. I found the following on 

   For versions of LyX subsequent to 1.4, you have to use
   |inset-insert| instead. The format is
   |LYXCMD:anything:inset-insert ref LatexCommand ref reference
   referenceName \end_inset|. There's also an optional name NAME
   argument that seems to work in docbook: |link

But I don't understand how to do it. How can I insert a Formated 
reference to the label sec:test?

Additionally I'd like to use the command-buffer to go to a label. In 
http://wiki.lyx.org/LyX/LyxFunctionList1-3-2 I found reference-goto but 
this functions does not seem to be available in 1.5.x any more. Is there 
an other function allowing to go to given label via command-buffer in 1.5.x?


Re: Command-buffer inset-insert syntax

2008-02-25 Thread Tobias Krause


lyx -dbg action

I tried that using all debug messages, but the output does not help me 
too much:

This is the debug-output when I insert the reference

   LyXFunc::dispatch: cmd:  action: 231 arg: 'ref LatexCommand ref
   reference tst:1
   ' x: 0 y: 0

   LyXFunc::dispatch: cmd:  action: 232 arg: 'ref LatexCommand ref
   reference tst:1
   ' x: 0 y: 0
   void __thiscall lyx::InsetText::doDispatch(class lyx::Cursor ,class
   lyx::FuncRequest ) [ cmd.action = 232]
   Text::dispatch: cmd:  action: 232 arg: 'ref LatexCommand ref
   reference tst:1
   ' x: 0 y: 0

So I tried inset-insert ref LatexCommand ref reference tst:2
This produced a error message LyX: Insert Command: ref Unknown 
parameter name: and the debug output

   LyXFunc::dispatch: cmd:  action: 232 arg: 'ref LatexCommand ref
   reference tst:2' x: 0 y: 0
   void __thiscall lyx::InsetText::doDispatch(class lyx::Cursor ,class
   lyx::FuncRequest ) [ cmd.action = 232]
   Text::dispatch: cmd:  action: 232 arg: 'ref LatexCommand ref
   reference tst:2' x: 0 y: 0

Somehow it seems to get close but I don't know what to change...


 Original Message  
Subject: Re: Command-buffer inset-insert syntax
From: Pavel Sanda [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: lyx-users@lists.lyx.org
Date: Mon Feb 25 2008 21:45:45 GMT+0100

   For versions of LyX subsequent to 1.4, you have to use
   |inset-insert| instead. The format is
   |LYXCMD:anything:inset-insert ref LatexCommand ref reference
   referenceName \end_inset|. There's also an optional name NAME
   argument that seems to work in docbook: |link

But I don't understand how to do it. How can I insert a Formated 
reference to the label sec:test?

try if you can read something from the console output when you put
the reference through GUI  (run lyx in debug mode, eg: lyx -dbg action)

please report back the correct version if you succeed.

Additionally I'd like to use the command-buffer to go to a label. In 
http://wiki.lyx.org/LyX/LyxFunctionList1-3-2 I found reference-goto but 
this functions does not seem to be available in 1.5.x any more. Is there an 
other function allowing to go to given label via command-buffer in 1.5.x?




Re: Command-buffer inset-insert syntax

2008-02-25 Thread Tobias Krause

Perfect, THANKS!

Just to make it complete: the syntax is

   inset-apply ref LatexCommand Format reference label name\end_inset

where label name is the name of the referenced label and
Format is one of the following:

   ref -- reference
   eqref -- (reference)
   pageref -- page
   vpageref -- on page
   vref -- reference on page
   prettyref -- Formatted reference

As well on the updated function list: 


Command-buffer inset-insert syntax

2008-02-25 Thread Tobias Krause


I'd like to insert a cross-reference via the command-buffer. 
Unfortunately I'm note sure about the syntax. I found the following on 

   For versions of LyX subsequent to 1.4, you have to use
   |inset-insert| instead. The format is
   |LYXCMD:anything:inset-insert ref LatexCommand ref reference
   referenceName \end_inset|. There's also an optional name NAME
   argument that seems to work in docbook: |link

But I don't understand how to do it. How can I insert a Formated 
reference to the label sec:test?

Additionally I'd like to use the command-buffer to go to a label. In 
http://wiki.lyx.org/LyX/LyxFunctionList1-3-2 I found reference-goto but 
this functions does not seem to be available in 1.5.x any more. Is there 
an other function allowing to go to given label via command-buffer in 1.5.x?


Re: Command-buffer inset-insert syntax

2008-02-25 Thread Tobias Krause


lyx -dbg action

I tried that using all debug messages, but the output does not help me 
too much:

This is the debug-output when I insert the reference

   LyXFunc::dispatch: cmd:  action: 231 arg: 'ref LatexCommand ref
   reference tst:1
   ' x: 0 y: 0

   LyXFunc::dispatch: cmd:  action: 232 arg: 'ref LatexCommand ref
   reference tst:1
   ' x: 0 y: 0
   void __thiscall lyx::InsetText::doDispatch(class lyx::Cursor ,class
   lyx::FuncRequest ) [ cmd.action = 232]
   Text::dispatch: cmd:  action: 232 arg: 'ref LatexCommand ref
   reference tst:1
   ' x: 0 y: 0

So I tried inset-insert ref LatexCommand ref reference tst:2
This produced a error message LyX: Insert Command: ref Unknown 
parameter name: and the debug output

   LyXFunc::dispatch: cmd:  action: 232 arg: 'ref LatexCommand ref
   reference tst:2' x: 0 y: 0
   void __thiscall lyx::InsetText::doDispatch(class lyx::Cursor ,class
   lyx::FuncRequest ) [ cmd.action = 232]
   Text::dispatch: cmd:  action: 232 arg: 'ref LatexCommand ref
   reference tst:2' x: 0 y: 0

Somehow it seems to get close but I don't know what to change...


 Original Message  
Subject: Re: Command-buffer inset-insert syntax
From: Pavel Sanda [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: lyx-users@lists.lyx.org
Date: Mon Feb 25 2008 21:45:45 GMT+0100

   For versions of LyX subsequent to 1.4, you have to use
   |inset-insert| instead. The format is
   |LYXCMD:anything:inset-insert ref LatexCommand ref reference
   referenceName \end_inset|. There's also an optional name NAME
   argument that seems to work in docbook: |link

But I don't understand how to do it. How can I insert a Formated 
reference to the label sec:test?

try if you can read something from the console output when you put
the reference through GUI  (run lyx in debug mode, eg: lyx -dbg action)

please report back the correct version if you succeed.

Additionally I'd like to use the command-buffer to go to a label. In 
http://wiki.lyx.org/LyX/LyxFunctionList1-3-2 I found reference-goto but 
this functions does not seem to be available in 1.5.x any more. Is there an 
other function allowing to go to given label via command-buffer in 1.5.x?




Re: Command-buffer inset-insert syntax

2008-02-25 Thread Tobias Krause

Perfect, THANKS!

Just to make it complete: the syntax is

   inset-apply ref LatexCommand Format reference label name\end_inset

where label name is the name of the referenced label and
Format is one of the following:

   ref -- reference
   eqref -- (reference)
   pageref -- page
   vpageref -- on page
   vref -- reference on page
   prettyref -- Formatted reference

As well on the updated function list: 


Command-buffer inset-insert syntax

2008-02-25 Thread Tobias Krause


I'd like to insert a cross-reference via the command-buffer. 
Unfortunately I'm note sure about the syntax. I found the following on 

   For versions of LyX subsequent to 1.4, you have to use
   |inset-insert| instead. The format is
   |LYXCMD::inset-insert ref LatexCommand ref reference
   referenceName \end_inset|. There's also an optional "name NAME"
   argument that seems to work in docbook: |NAME|.

But I don't understand how to do it. How can I insert a "Formated 
reference" to the label "sec:test"?

Additionally I'd like to use the command-buffer to go to a label. In 
http://wiki.lyx.org/LyX/LyxFunctionList1-3-2 I found reference-goto but 
this functions does not seem to be available in 1.5.x any more. Is there 
an other function allowing to go to given label via command-buffer in 1.5.x?


Re: Command-buffer inset-insert syntax

2008-02-25 Thread Tobias Krause


lyx -dbg action

I tried that using all debug messages, but the output does not help me 
too much:

This is the debug-output when I insert the reference

   LyXFunc::dispatch: cmd:  action: 231 arg: 'ref LatexCommand ref
   reference "tst:1"
   ' x: 0 y: 0

   LyXFunc::dispatch: cmd:  action: 232 arg: 'ref LatexCommand ref
   reference "tst:1"
   ' x: 0 y: 0
   void __thiscall lyx::InsetText::doDispatch(class lyx::Cursor &,class
   lyx::FuncRequest &) [ cmd.action = 232]
   Text::dispatch: cmd:  action: 232 arg: 'ref LatexCommand ref
   reference "tst:1"
   ' x: 0 y: 0

So I tried inset-insert ref LatexCommand ref reference "tst:2"
This produced a error message "LyX: Insert Command: ref" "Unknown 
parameter name:" and the debug output

   LyXFunc::dispatch: cmd:  action: 232 arg: 'ref LatexCommand ref
   reference "tst:2"' x: 0 y: 0
   void __thiscall lyx::InsetText::doDispatch(class lyx::Cursor &,class
   lyx::FuncRequest &) [ cmd.action = 232]
   Text::dispatch: cmd:  action: 232 arg: 'ref LatexCommand ref
   reference "tst:2"' x: 0 y: 0

Somehow it seems to get close but I don't know what to change...


 Original Message  
Subject: Re: Command-buffer inset-insert syntax
From: Pavel Sanda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: lyx-users@lists.lyx.org
Date: Mon Feb 25 2008 21:45:45 GMT+0100

   For versions of LyX subsequent to 1.4, you have to use
   |inset-insert| instead. The format is
   |LYXCMD::inset-insert ref LatexCommand ref reference
   referenceName \end_inset|. There's also an optional "name NAME"
   argument that seems to work in docbook: |NAME|.

But I don't understand how to do it. How can I insert a "Formated 
reference" to the label "sec:test"?

try if you can read something from the console output when you put
the reference through GUI  (run lyx in debug mode, eg: lyx -dbg action)

please report back the correct version if you succeed.

Additionally I'd like to use the command-buffer to go to a label. In 
http://wiki.lyx.org/LyX/LyxFunctionList1-3-2 I found reference-goto but 
this functions does not seem to be available in 1.5.x any more. Is there an 
other function allowing to go to given label via command-buffer in 1.5.x?




Re: Command-buffer inset-insert syntax

2008-02-25 Thread Tobias Krause

Perfect, THANKS!

Just to make it complete: the syntax is

   inset-apply ref LatexCommand  reference ""\end_inset

where  is the name of the referenced label and
 is one of the following:

   ref -- 
   eqref -- ()
   pageref -- 
   vpageref -- on 
   vref --  on 
   prettyref -- Formatted reference

As well on the updated function list: 


nopagebreak before itemized list

2008-02-22 Thread Tobias Krause


is there a way to prevent a pagebreak directly before a itemized list?

I tried the ERT [\nopagebreak] but unfortunately this does not work when 
it is used before a itemized list, while is does work perfectly without 
the itemized list. The attached minimal examples show this (the only 
difference is the paragraph settings of the last line: standard vs. 
itemized list).

Is there any other way to prevent the pagebreak?


Description: application/lyx

Description: application/lyx

nopagebreak before itemized list

2008-02-22 Thread Tobias Krause


is there a way to prevent a pagebreak directly before a itemized list?

I tried the ERT [\nopagebreak] but unfortunately this does not work when 
it is used before a itemized list, while is does work perfectly without 
the itemized list. The attached minimal examples show this (the only 
difference is the paragraph settings of the last line: standard vs. 
itemized list).

Is there any other way to prevent the pagebreak?


Description: application/lyx

Description: application/lyx

nopagebreak before itemized list

2008-02-22 Thread Tobias Krause


is there a way to prevent a pagebreak directly before a itemized list?

I tried the ERT [\nopagebreak] but unfortunately this does not work when 
it is used before a itemized list, while is does work perfectly without 
the itemized list. The attached minimal examples show this (the only 
difference is the paragraph settings of the last line: standard vs. 
itemized list).

Is there any other way to prevent the pagebreak?


Description: application/lyx

Description: application/lyx

Re: footnote in a figure

2008-02-17 Thread Tobias Krause


I have to use footnotes in floats for my thesis as well and wrote a
package which helps to handle footnotes in floats. Unfortunately due to
the work on my thesis I'll not be able to finish the documentation
before mid of march.
People who really need to use footnotes in floats may write an email
directly to me - if they are able to figure out how the package works
from an example document and a German documentation.


 Original Message  
Subject: footnote in a figure
From: Aleksandar Kanchev [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: lyx-users@lists.lyx.org
Date: Sun Feb 17 2008 23:26:23 GMT+0100


is it possible to add a footnote in a figure's caption? I want to 
point out the sources of the pictures/figures that I use in my 
article. Whenever I add a footnote to a figure's caption I get some 
syntax error while trying to preview the content in DVI or PDF.
Is there a better way to do this? Adding them at the end of the 
caption looks kind of ugly.


Re: footnote in a figure

2008-02-17 Thread Tobias Krause


I have to use footnotes in floats for my thesis as well and wrote a
package which helps to handle footnotes in floats. Unfortunately due to
the work on my thesis I'll not be able to finish the documentation
before mid of march.
People who really need to use footnotes in floats may write an email
directly to me - if they are able to figure out how the package works
from an example document and a German documentation.


 Original Message  
Subject: footnote in a figure
From: Aleksandar Kanchev [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: lyx-users@lists.lyx.org
Date: Sun Feb 17 2008 23:26:23 GMT+0100


is it possible to add a footnote in a figure's caption? I want to 
point out the sources of the pictures/figures that I use in my 
article. Whenever I add a footnote to a figure's caption I get some 
syntax error while trying to preview the content in DVI or PDF.
Is there a better way to do this? Adding them at the end of the 
caption looks kind of ugly.


Re: footnote in a figure

2008-02-17 Thread Tobias Krause


I have to use footnotes in floats for my thesis as well and wrote a
package which helps to handle footnotes in floats. Unfortunately due to
the work on my thesis I'll not be able to finish the documentation
before mid of march.
People who really need to use footnotes in floats may write an email
directly to me - if they are able to figure out how the package works
from an example document and a German documentation.


 Original Message  
Subject: footnote in a figure
From: Aleksandar Kanchev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: lyx-users@lists.lyx.org
Date: Sun Feb 17 2008 23:26:23 GMT+0100


is it possible to add a footnote in a figure's caption? I want to 
point out the sources of the pictures/figures that I use in my 
article. Whenever I add a footnote to a figure's caption I get some 
syntax error while trying to preview the content in DVI or PDF.
Is there a better way to do this? Adding them at the end of the 
caption looks kind of ugly.


varioref with option draft

2008-02-15 Thread Tobias Krause


is there a way to use varioref with the option draft with LyX?

   * \usepackage[draft]{varioref} in the preamble produces an option clash
   * I don't want to use draft as extra document class option because
 this influences other packages as well
   * I tried \PassOptionsToPackage{draft}{varioref} but does not seem
 to change anything -- I'm not sure if this the correct way to pass
 an optional option to a package


varioref with option draft

2008-02-15 Thread Tobias Krause


is there a way to use varioref with the option draft with LyX?

   * \usepackage[draft]{varioref} in the preamble produces an option clash
   * I don't want to use draft as extra document class option because
 this influences other packages as well
   * I tried \PassOptionsToPackage{draft}{varioref} but does not seem
 to change anything -- I'm not sure if this the correct way to pass
 an optional option to a package


varioref with option draft

2008-02-15 Thread Tobias Krause


is there a way to use varioref with the option "draft" with LyX?

   * \usepackage[draft]{varioref} in the preamble produces an option clash
   * I don't want to use draft as extra document class option because
 this influences other packages as well
   * I tried \PassOptionsToPackage{draft}{varioref} but does not seem
 to change anything -- I'm not sure if this the correct way to pass
 an optional option to a package


Number of LaTeX runs

2008-01-16 Thread Tobias Krause


in the attached minimal example the number of LaTeX runs chosen by LyX 
is not sufficient: using clefval with \cite in the value 4 LaTeX runs 
are necessary to resolve the reference.

clefval_cite_4LaTeXruns.pdf shows how it looks when the exported tex 
file is compiled with 4 LaTeX runs.

clefval_cite_LyX.pdf shows how it looks when LyX compiles the file.

In some documents it helps to compile the PDF in LyX again (after doing 
some irrelevant changes) - but in other files this does not solve the 

Is this a bug? Should LyX be able to chose the sufficient number of 
LaTeX runs?

Is there a way to manipulate the number of LaTeX runs?


Description: application/bibtex
%% LyX 1.5.3 created this file.  For more info, see http://www.lyx.org/.
%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.

%% User specified LaTeX commands.


Bla \TheValue{a} bla.



Description: Adobe PDF document

Description: Adobe PDF document

Description: application/lyx

Re: Number of LaTeX runs

2008-01-16 Thread Tobias Krause

Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
The problem is that this package needs two latex runs _before_ the bibtex run, 
else it will fail. We are not prepared for this case, I think.

Is there a way I can (manually) force LyX to run bibtex after the second 
run - or e.g. to force LyX to run bibtex in each LaTeX run?
Or should there be a bug for a feature which runs bibtex again if there 
are unresolved references?

Btw. just out of curiosity: how does LyX decide how many times to run 
with a file?


Re: Number of LaTeX runs

2008-01-16 Thread Tobias Krause

Actually, the attached patch fixes the problem.

Thank you!
Is this going to be available in the next version of LyX?


Number of LaTeX runs

2008-01-16 Thread Tobias Krause


in the attached minimal example the number of LaTeX runs chosen by LyX 
is not sufficient: using clefval with \cite in the value 4 LaTeX runs 
are necessary to resolve the reference.

clefval_cite_4LaTeXruns.pdf shows how it looks when the exported tex 
file is compiled with 4 LaTeX runs.

clefval_cite_LyX.pdf shows how it looks when LyX compiles the file.

In some documents it helps to compile the PDF in LyX again (after doing 
some irrelevant changes) - but in other files this does not solve the 

Is this a bug? Should LyX be able to chose the sufficient number of 
LaTeX runs?

Is there a way to manipulate the number of LaTeX runs?


Description: application/bibtex
%% LyX 1.5.3 created this file.  For more info, see http://www.lyx.org/.
%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.

%% User specified LaTeX commands.


Bla \TheValue{a} bla.



Description: Adobe PDF document

Description: Adobe PDF document

Description: application/lyx

Re: Number of LaTeX runs

2008-01-16 Thread Tobias Krause

Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
The problem is that this package needs two latex runs _before_ the bibtex run, 
else it will fail. We are not prepared for this case, I think.

Is there a way I can (manually) force LyX to run bibtex after the second 
run - or e.g. to force LyX to run bibtex in each LaTeX run?
Or should there be a bug for a feature which runs bibtex again if there 
are unresolved references?

Btw. just out of curiosity: how does LyX decide how many times to run 
with a file?


Re: Number of LaTeX runs

2008-01-16 Thread Tobias Krause

Actually, the attached patch fixes the problem.

Thank you!
Is this going to be available in the next version of LyX?


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