Re: Bug in pretty ref

2000-07-26 Thread Vincent VAQUIN

Herbert Voss a écrit :
 Vincent VAQUIN wrote:
  I'am using lyx.1.1.5 with Linux, and I have a bug when I want to insert,
  in cross reference, pretty ref.
   can you send an example-file?
 prettyref needs a label definiaion like \label{tab:MyTable}
 than \prettyref{tab:Mytable} gives in dvi-output Table aNumber.
 from my point of view, lyx doesn't create the labels in
 prettyref-style, so it's not possible to use cross-reference
 with the prettyref-button.

Thanks a lot.

 your attached lyx-file shows how all works with pure latex-code,
 but this isn't lyx-like ... :-(

I don't understand... My text was written with LyX...


Re: Bug in pretty ref

2000-07-26 Thread Vincent VAQUIN

Herbert Voss a écrit :
 Vincent VAQUIN wrote:
  I'am using lyx.1.1.5 with Linux, and I have a bug when I want to insert,
  in cross reference, pretty ref.
   can you send an example-file?
 prettyref needs a label definiaion like \label{tab:MyTable}
 than \prettyref{tab:Mytable} gives in dvi-output Table aNumber.
 from my point of view, lyx doesn't create the labels in
 prettyref-style, so it's not possible to use cross-reference
 with the prettyref-button.

Thanks a lot.

 your attached lyx-file shows how all works with pure latex-code,
 but this isn't lyx-like ... :-(

I don't understand... My text was written with LyX...


Re: Bug in pretty ref

2000-07-26 Thread Vincent VAQUIN

Herbert Voss a écrit :
> > > > > Vincent VAQUIN wrote:
> > > > > > I'am using lyx.1.1.5 with Linux, and I have a bug when I want to insert,
> > > > > > in cross reference, pretty ref.
> > >
> > > can you send an example-file?
> prettyref needs a label definiaion like \label{tab:MyTable}
> than \prettyref{tab:Mytable} gives in dvi-output Table aNumber.
> from my point of view, lyx doesn't create the labels in
> prettyref-style, so it's not possible to use cross-reference
> with the prettyref-button.

Thanks a lot.

> your attached lyx-file shows how all works with pure latex-code,
> but this isn't lyx-like ... :-(

I don't understand... My text was written with LyX...


Re: Bug in pretty ref

2000-07-25 Thread Vincent VAQUIN

Herbert Voss a écrit :
  Herbert Voss a écrit :
   Vincent VAQUIN wrote:
I'am using lyx.1.1.5 with Linux, and I have a bug when I want to insert,
in cross reference, pretty ref.
 can you send an example-file?

Well, here it is.


#LyX 1.1 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 2.16
\textclass article
\language default
\inputencoding latin1
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single 
\papersize Default
\paperpackage widemarginsa4
\use_geometry 0
\use_amsmath 0
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language french
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Title

\layout Author

\layout Date

\layout Section

This is my first section
\begin_inset LatexCommand \label{FirstSection}


\layout Standard

This is a very interesting text.
 This is a very interesting text.
 This is a very interesting text.
 This is a very interesting text.
 This is a very interesting text.
\layout Section

This is my second section
\layout Standard

Au commencement, Dieu créa les cieux et la terre.
 La terre était informe et vide et l'esprit de Dieu flottait au-dessus des
\layout Standard

This a cross-reference 
\begin_inset LatexCommand \prettyref{FirstSection}


 to the firts section.
\layout Standard

And so on...


Re: Bug in pretty ref

2000-07-25 Thread Vincent VAQUIN

Herbert Voss a écrit :
  Herbert Voss a écrit :
   Vincent VAQUIN wrote:
I'am using lyx.1.1.5 with Linux, and I have a bug when I want to insert,
in cross reference, pretty ref.
 can you send an example-file?

Well, here it is.


#LyX 1.1 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 2.16
\textclass article
\language default
\inputencoding latin1
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single 
\papersize Default
\paperpackage widemarginsa4
\use_geometry 0
\use_amsmath 0
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language french
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Title

\layout Author

\layout Date

\layout Section

This is my first section
\begin_inset LatexCommand \label{FirstSection}


\layout Standard

This is a very interesting text.
 This is a very interesting text.
 This is a very interesting text.
 This is a very interesting text.
 This is a very interesting text.
\layout Section

This is my second section
\layout Standard

Au commencement, Dieu créa les cieux et la terre.
 La terre était informe et vide et l'esprit de Dieu flottait au-dessus des
\layout Standard

This a cross-reference 
\begin_inset LatexCommand \prettyref{FirstSection}


 to the firts section.
\layout Standard

And so on...


Re: Bug in pretty ref

2000-07-25 Thread Vincent VAQUIN

Herbert Voss a écrit :
> > Herbert Voss a écrit :
> > >
> > > Vincent VAQUIN wrote:
> > > > I'am using lyx.1.1.5 with Linux, and I have a bug when I want to insert,
> > > > in cross reference, pretty ref.
> can you send an example-file?

Well, here it is.


#LyX 1.1 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 2.16
\textclass article
\language default
\inputencoding latin1
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single 
\papersize Default
\paperpackage widemarginsa4
\use_geometry 0
\use_amsmath 0
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language french
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Title

\layout Author

\layout Date

\layout Section

This is my first section
\begin_inset LatexCommand \label{FirstSection}


\layout Standard

This is a very interesting text.
 This is a very interesting text.
 This is a very interesting text.
 This is a very interesting text.
 This is a very interesting text.
\layout Section

This is my second section
\layout Standard

Au commencement, Dieu créa les cieux et la terre.
 La terre était informe et vide et l'esprit de Dieu flottait au-dessus des
\layout Standard

This a cross-reference 
\begin_inset LatexCommand \prettyref{FirstSection}


 to the firts section.
\layout Standard

And so on...


Bug in pretty ref

2000-07-22 Thread Vincent VAQUIN

I'am using lyx.1.1.5 with Linux, and I have a bug when I want to insert,
in cross reference, pretty ref.
I can insert it, but when I try to compile, lyx say : error, and I have
this message :
"paragraph ended before \@prettyref was complete. I suspect you'have
forgotten a '}'."
On the tex source document, I have this :
blabla \prettyref{r=E9f=E9rence} blabla
What's wrong ?


Bug in pretty ref

2000-07-22 Thread Vincent VAQUIN

I'am using lyx.1.1.5 with Linux, and I have a bug when I want to insert,
in cross reference, pretty ref.
I can insert it, but when I try to compile, lyx say : error, and I have
this message :
"paragraph ended before \@prettyref was complete. I suspect you'have
forgotten a '}'."
On the tex source document, I have this :
blabla \prettyref{r=E9f=E9rence} blabla
What's wrong ?


Bug in pretty ref

2000-07-22 Thread Vincent VAQUIN

I'am using lyx.1.1.5 with Linux, and I have a bug when I want to insert,
in cross reference, pretty ref.
I can insert it, but when I try to compile, lyx say : error, and I have
this message :
"paragraph ended before \@prettyref was complete. I suspect you'have
forgotten a '}'."
On the tex source document, I have this :
blabla \prettyref{r=E9f=E9rence} blabla
What's wrong ?


X-Window on Windows 98

2000-05-25 Thread Vincent VAQUIN

I saw it's possible to have LyX on Windows 98. But I saw that I need a
X-server for that purpose.
Where can I get a non-commercial X server ?


X-Window on Windows 98

2000-05-25 Thread Vincent VAQUIN

I saw it's possible to have LyX on Windows 98. But I saw that I need a
X-server for that purpose.
Where can I get a non-commercial X server ?


X-Window on Windows 98

2000-05-25 Thread Vincent VAQUIN

I saw it's possible to have LyX on Windows 98. But I saw that I need a
X-server for that purpose.
Where can I get a non-commercial X server ?


Re: Strange comportement

2000-05-18 Thread Vincent VAQUIN

Jean-Marc Lasgouttes a écrit :
 Vincent 1) LyX tells me, when I want to compile some documents :
 Vincent missing \begin{document} in messages boxes; Of course, when I
 Vincent edit the .tex file, the command is here !
 Yes, but the error means there is some text before the
 \begin{document} which should not be there. This comes in general from
 an error in the preamble. Could you show us the proamble of your

1) This is the preamble of a document which saids "missing
\begin{document}" : 
\def\input@path{{/home/vincent/Desktop/Mes-docs/Doc Linux//}}


%% LyX specific LaTeX commands.




2) This is the preamble of a document which works well :


%% LyX specific LaTeX commands.
%% Special footnote code from the package 'stblftnt.sty'
%% Author: Robin Fairbairns -- Last revised Dec 13 1996
\expandafter\def\csname SF@gobble@opt \endcsname{\@ifnextchar[%]
  \expandafter\noexpand\csname SF@gobble@opt \endcsname}




\title{My Title}

\author{Vincent VAQUIN}


I don't see what's wrong... Thanks for your help.


Re: Strange comportement

2000-05-18 Thread Vincent VAQUIN

Jose Abilio Oliveira Matos a écrit :
 On Thu, May 18, 2000 at 11:16:34AM +0200, Vincent VAQUIN wrote:
  1) This is the preamble of a document which saids "missing
  \begin{document}" :
  \def\input@path{{/home/vincent/Desktop/Mes-docs/Doc Linux//}}
   Isn't the problem here?

YES, it was the problem ! I changed some names of my directories.
And the problem is only when there is a "blank" in the name.
Thank you very much, all of you.


Re: Strange comportement

2000-05-18 Thread Vincent VAQUIN

Jean-Marc Lasgouttes a écrit :
 Vincent 1) LyX tells me, when I want to compile some documents :
 Vincent missing \begin{document} in messages boxes; Of course, when I
 Vincent edit the .tex file, the command is here !
 Yes, but the error means there is some text before the
 \begin{document} which should not be there. This comes in general from
 an error in the preamble. Could you show us the proamble of your

1) This is the preamble of a document which saids "missing
\begin{document}" : 
\def\input@path{{/home/vincent/Desktop/Mes-docs/Doc Linux//}}


%% LyX specific LaTeX commands.




2) This is the preamble of a document which works well :


%% LyX specific LaTeX commands.
%% Special footnote code from the package 'stblftnt.sty'
%% Author: Robin Fairbairns -- Last revised Dec 13 1996
\expandafter\def\csname SF@gobble@opt \endcsname{\@ifnextchar[%]
  \expandafter\noexpand\csname SF@gobble@opt \endcsname}




\title{My Title}

\author{Vincent VAQUIN}


I don't see what's wrong... Thanks for your help.


Re: Strange comportement

2000-05-18 Thread Vincent VAQUIN

Jose Abilio Oliveira Matos a écrit :
 On Thu, May 18, 2000 at 11:16:34AM +0200, Vincent VAQUIN wrote:
  1) This is the preamble of a document which saids "missing
  \begin{document}" :
  \def\input@path{{/home/vincent/Desktop/Mes-docs/Doc Linux//}}
   Isn't the problem here?

YES, it was the problem ! I changed some names of my directories.
And the problem is only when there is a "blank" in the name.
Thank you very much, all of you.


Re: Strange comportement

2000-05-18 Thread Vincent VAQUIN

Jean-Marc Lasgouttes a écrit :
> Vincent> 1) LyX tells me, when I want to compile some documents :
> Vincent> missing \begin{document} in messages boxes; Of course, when I
> Vincent> edit the .tex file, the command is here !
> Yes, but the error means there is some text before the
> \begin{document} which should not be there. This comes in general from
> an error in the preamble. Could you show us the proamble of your
> document?

1) This is the preamble of a document which saids "missing
\begin{document}" : 
\def\input@path{{/home/vincent/Desktop/Mes-docs/Doc Linux//}}


%% LyX specific LaTeX commands.




2) This is the preamble of a document which works well :


%% LyX specific LaTeX commands.
%% Special footnote code from the package 'stblftnt.sty'
%% Author: Robin Fairbairns -- Last revised Dec 13 1996
\expandafter\def\csname SF@gobble@opt \endcsname{\@ifnextchar[%]
  \expandafter\noexpand\csname SF@gobble@opt \endcsname}




\title{My Title}

\author{Vincent VAQUIN}


I don't see what's wrong... Thanks for your help.


Re: Strange comportement

2000-05-18 Thread Vincent VAQUIN

Jose Abilio Oliveira Matos a écrit :
> On Thu, May 18, 2000 at 11:16:34AM +0200, Vincent VAQUIN wrote:
> > 1) This is the preamble of a document which saids "missing
> > \begin{document}" :
> > \batchmode
> > \makeatletter
> > \def\input@path{{/home/vincent/Desktop/Mes-docs/Doc Linux//}}
>   Isn't the problem here?

YES, it was the problem ! I changed some names of my directories.
And the problem is only when there is a "blank" in the name.
Thank you very much, all of you.


Strange comportement

2000-05-17 Thread Vincent VAQUIN

I'm using lyx 1.1.4 fix3 with linux Mandrake 7.02, latex web2c 7.3.1 and
tex version 3.14159
Today, LyX have a strange comportment.
1) LyX tells me, when I want to compile some documents : missing
\begin{document} in messages boxes;
Of course, when I edit the .tex file, the command is here !
1.1) but some documents, without anything in preamble, work nicely.

2) with some documents, which use, in latex preambule,
\usepackage{french} or \usepackage[french]{babel} I have this message
before my text when I view it in psviewer :
Latex//frpatch.sty  Latex//french.cfg

2.1) But, some documents, with \usepackage[french]{babel} in latex
preambule works finely !

3) I try to add \usepackage[french]{babel} in the documents which said
"missing \begin{document}" (like in 1) and, sometime, it's work, and
sometime no ! (like in 2 and 2.1)
3.1) When I add \usepackage[french]{babel} in document which have not
previously, and don't work, like in 1, I have errors : "the package
babel has already been loaded with option[]".

4) I try to add \usepackage[french]{babel} in documents which, like in
1.1, works well, and I had the message "the package babel has already
been loaded".

5) So I decide to apply latex directly to the .tex file created by LyX.
I took a file which not work with or without preamble. I killed the
preamble. I made "latex the-file.tex", no problem. After I made "dvips
-o the-file.dvi", no problem, I got a ps file. When I viewed
it, there was a firt page with :
and my text starting at the second page.

The file .aux consist in :

So I took the same file, adding the preamble \usepackage[french]{babel}
with LyX, and apply latex directly on the .tex file created by lyx. And
I had exactly the same thing...

I'm very annoying because I don't understand what's happen !
NB : I try "reconfigure" and "texhash", but there was no changement.
If you can help me, I would be very happy !


Strange comportement

2000-05-17 Thread Vincent VAQUIN

I'm using lyx 1.1.4 fix3 with linux Mandrake 7.02, latex web2c 7.3.1 and
tex version 3.14159
Today, LyX have a strange comportment.
1) LyX tells me, when I want to compile some documents : missing
\begin{document} in messages boxes;
Of course, when I edit the .tex file, the command is here !
1.1) but some documents, without anything in preamble, work nicely.

2) with some documents, which use, in latex preambule,
\usepackage{french} or \usepackage[french]{babel} I have this message
before my text when I view it in psviewer :
Latex//frpatch.sty  Latex//french.cfg

2.1) But, some documents, with \usepackage[french]{babel} in latex
preambule works finely !

3) I try to add \usepackage[french]{babel} in the documents which said
"missing \begin{document}" (like in 1) and, sometime, it's work, and
sometime no ! (like in 2 and 2.1)
3.1) When I add \usepackage[french]{babel} in document which have not
previously, and don't work, like in 1, I have errors : "the package
babel has already been loaded with option[]".

4) I try to add \usepackage[french]{babel} in documents which, like in
1.1, works well, and I had the message "the package babel has already
been loaded".

5) So I decide to apply latex directly to the .tex file created by LyX.
I took a file which not work with or without preamble. I killed the
preamble. I made "latex the-file.tex", no problem. After I made "dvips
-o the-file.dvi", no problem, I got a ps file. When I viewed
it, there was a firt page with :
and my text starting at the second page.

The file .aux consist in :

So I took the same file, adding the preamble \usepackage[french]{babel}
with LyX, and apply latex directly on the .tex file created by lyx. And
I had exactly the same thing...

I'm very annoying because I don't understand what's happen !
NB : I try "reconfigure" and "texhash", but there was no changement.
If you can help me, I would be very happy !


Strange comportement

2000-05-17 Thread Vincent VAQUIN

I'm using lyx 1.1.4 fix3 with linux Mandrake 7.02, latex web2c 7.3.1 and
tex version 3.14159
Today, LyX have a strange comportment.
1) LyX tells me, when I want to compile some documents : missing
\begin{document} in messages boxes;
Of course, when I edit the .tex file, the command is here !
1.1) but some documents, without anything in preamble, work nicely.

2) with some documents, which use, in latex preambule,
\usepackage{french} or \usepackage[french]{babel} I have this message
before my text when I view it in psviewer :
Latex//frpatch.sty  Latex//french.cfg

2.1) But, some documents, with \usepackage[french]{babel} in latex
preambule works finely !

3) I try to add \usepackage[french]{babel} in the documents which said
"missing \begin{document}" (like in 1) and, sometime, it's work, and
sometime no ! (like in 2 and 2.1)
3.1) When I add \usepackage[french]{babel} in document which have not
previously, and don't work, like in 1, I have errors : "the package
babel has already been loaded with option[]".

4) I try to add \usepackage[french]{babel} in documents which, like in
1.1, works well, and I had the message "the package babel has already
been loaded".

5) So I decide to apply latex directly to the .tex file created by LyX.
I took a file which not work with or without preamble. I killed the
preamble. I made "latex the-file.tex", no problem. After I made "dvips
-o the-file.dvi", no problem, I got a ps file. When I viewed
it, there was a firt page with :
and my text starting at the second page.

The file .aux consist in :

So I took the same file, adding the preamble \usepackage[french]{babel}
with LyX, and apply latex directly on the .tex file created by lyx. And
I had exactly the same thing...

I'm very annoying because I don't understand what's happen !
NB : I try "reconfigure" and "texhash", but there was no changement.
If you can help me, I would be very happy !
