Re: The tortured release of 2.3.0 Windows binaries

2018-05-15 Thread Walter van Holst

On 2018-05-14 19:22, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:

refused, and has refused again in the last couple days. His view is 

this kind of warning will confuse some users and that those same users
are at risk of having broken installations if we do not do the upgrade
for them. So his view is that we should do the upgrade silently. I find

Silent updates of software that is not maintained/released by the LyX 
team would be a betrayal of user trust. I think you made the right call.



Re: Google Analytics (or other)

2017-06-20 Thread Walter van Holst

On 2017-06-20 12:54, Trevor Jenkins wrote:

Link to Google Analytics and this user will delete all traces of LyX
from their systems never to re-install.

Same here. Massive violation of user trust. Just put up a Piwik install 
on a VPS someplace and you can achieve the same.

Besides, you'll be in violation of EU legislation.



Re: Koma-script letter error

2016-05-29 Thread Walter van Holst
On 29/05/2016 15:25, Michael Berger wrote:

> Ron, the information you provide is too general; that Latex Error may
> also be generated in hundreds of other cases.
> Please, be more specific.

The name is Walter. Anyway, as a user this is the error that gets
presented to you. If that is not specific enough, it might be worthwhile
to have more specific error message.

Either way, it was a PEBCAK, I had been using the Adress field twice and
omitted to use "end of letter" (which I do not remember being part of
KOMA-Script Letter v2 earlier).



Koma-script letter error

2016-05-29 Thread Walter van Holst
Hi all,

When trying to use the Koma-script Letter template I get this error:\

! LaTeX Error: \begin{letter} on input line 27 ended by \end{document}.


Your command was ignored.
Type  Ito replace it with another command,
orto continue without it.

Suggestions on how to deal with this would be most welcome.



Re: why people give up on open source software

2013-10-24 Thread Walter van Holst
On 24/10/2013 07:32, Richard Talley wrote:
> I've read good things about Scrivener. It's more a 'book project
> management' program than a word processor. I know some people use it for
> everything until it's time to print, then they export to LaTeX. Good
> luck with it.

A somewhat close analog to Scrivener is CeltX. I prefer Scrivener over
CeltX, but if FOSS is a principle, I'd recommend looking into CeltX.



Re: Disable copy and paste

2013-08-08 Thread Walter van Holst
On 8 aug. 2013, at 10:17, Rilke Rainer Michael  wrote:

> Hi List,
> I want to export a lyx document to a pdf. However, I want also that once 
> reading the document it is impossible to copy and paste text from this pdf. 
> Do you have any idea, whether there is a workaround for lyx?

Basically you want DRM. Which is silly at best.

Re: feature request: ribbon menus

2013-04-05 Thread Walter van Holst

On 2013-04-05 16:49, Alex Vergara Gil wrote:

As I said this is my personal opinion so I migth be wrong, but I
haven´t received any useful opinion (besides M$ patent) of why not
doing such a thing just a few user complaining they will affect some
how what they feel is comfortable. Regarding the patent believe me
that if they patent 0s and 1s then we are definitively lost.:)

Several people have responded that ribbon  menus have limited use to 
them, to say the least. I don't think that is a useless opinion.

As someone who spends most of his working hours in Microsoft's ribbon 
menus, allow me to add to the chorus that ribbon menus tend to be 
spiteful and useless. And no, they don't really grow on you. I have no 
idea what flavour of LSD Microsoft's usability experts have been 
consuming, but I hope it is widely available so that if I ever contract 
a terminal disease I'd like to spend my final hours tripping on that 

I'd much rather have people spend time on a concurrent user web 
front-end. Or a curses front-end to LyX. Either of these two are more 
likely to serve users well than the bloody ribbon menus.



Re: Non-Latin font in document

2012-07-16 Thread Walter
I have found XeTeX the best for foreign font output.

I use the following under Document|Settings|LaTeX preamble:

% required for xelatex
\usepackage{doc} % defines \bibtex macro

% apparently for fontspec, not sure if actually needed

%: --- set up commands for different fonts for each language.

%: - thai font
\newcommand{\thai}[1]{{\TH #1}}

%: - chinese
%\newfontfamily{\CH}[Scale=1]{LiSong Pro}
\newfontfamily{\CH}[Scale=1]{AR PL UMing CN}

... once you have that, under 'Edit|Language' you can select Thai and
it should come out, assuming you have the Norasi font.

- Walter

Newlines or vertical spaces in table cells

2011-08-01 Thread Walter
Hi there,

Apologies if there is some documentation for this - I couldn't find it.

Is there some way to force a newline or vertical space within a table
cell's contents?

At the moment many of my larger tables exceed a page width and I would
prefer to (automatically, if posible - otherwise manually) enforce
line breaks within wider table cells.


Re: Lion

2011-07-20 Thread Walter van Holst

On 7/20/11 6:24 PM, Anders Host-Madsen wrote:

Has anyone tried LyX (2.0) under Mac OSX Lion? Has anyone encountered
any problems? I will wait with upgrading until I know LyX can
run under Lion.

Lyx 2.0.0 beta 2 runs fine on Lion.

However, lots of other applications behave wonky on Lion, so I would not 
necessarily recommend upgrading now.



Re: Linux 2.0.0RC2 -> Mac 2.0.0RC3 = Issues

2011-04-20 Thread Walter
>> Due to a recent change in hardware, I have just tried to load my book
>> on to LyX for Mac.
>> Upon opening the file I get two errors about missing elements:
>>  - document.cls
> This suggests to me that you haven't installed LaTeX. The easiest way
> on Mac is to install MacTeX ( Then
> reconfigure LyX, restart, and it should recognize document.cls and
> allow you to generate .pdfs.

Thanks. Downloading now.

>>  - languages module
> This may be in your user's directory on your Linux machine (~/.lyx)
> and if so should be moved to the appropriate location on Mac
> (~/Library/Application Support/LyX-2.0).

This was indeed missing and has now been copied in.

Fingers crossed for success post download!

Thanks a lot for your quick and accurate assistance: much appreciated.

- Walter

Lyx2.0.0RC3: OSX Keyboard Shortcuts Missing

2011-04-20 Thread Walter
This may be my own stupid lack of OSX knowledge, but none of:
 - +i
 - +i
 - +i
 - +i

... seem to actually trigger the 'insert' menu, one of the most common
shortcuts I would use on the Linux platform, usually to insert notes
or citations mid-text.

Is this a real/known bug? If unknown I am hereby reporting it! If not
the case then please advise how I can get my non-mousing input back.


Linux 2.0.0RC2 -> Mac 2.0.0RC3 = Issues

2011-04-20 Thread Walter
Due to a recent change in hardware, I have just tried to load my book
on to LyX for Mac.

Upon opening the file I get two errors about missing elements:
 - document.cls
 - languages module

Is this expected, and how do I remedy?

I'm pretty inexperienced with macs, but believe I should have copied
all of the resources that went along with the original document to the
new machine's filesystem, at the same relative locations (ie: parent
directory and all within).

Right now I am able to edit, but not generate PDF output. In addition
to the above errors on opening the file, an attempt to render gives
 "No information on how to convert SVG files to PNG".

The imagmagick installation seems to require MacPorts which
seems to require XCode which is opening a whole can of worms.

Thanks for any pointers!

- Walter

Re: ** ERROR ** Invalid font: -1 (8)

2011-04-18 Thread Walter
>> My LyX file references a number of fonts however I have not been able to
>> successfully convert to PDF for some time due to various reasons. I have
>> solved them all bar this one, and am quite stumped.

To help anyone else with equivalent strangeness (for the record), I was
able to resolve the error using the following method of debugging:

1. Create a totally new LyX document
2. Test render (result = ok)
3. Copy my real document's LyX preamble in to the new document
4. Test render (result = fail)
5. Isolate the preamble portion causing issues by repeated
commenting in the preamble/re-rendering
6. Test render (result = ok)
7. Copy my real document's content in to the new document
8. Test render (result = fail)
9. Delete portions of the content until isolating the cause, which was
some language/style related commands that were previously
prerequisites for functional multilingual rendering with proper fonts
and may have been related to the legacy preamble.

After some experimenting with the recent builds (now LyX 2.0.0 RC2)
the language setting is not required for rendering properly, only setting a
text-style per foreign language section, plus ensuring some equivalent
preamble to set the font.  (Originally I had to do both!)

I now have a document that correctly mixes Chinese, English, Greek
and will render out to PDF.

UTF-16 warnings remain but do not appear to affect the output.

Thus far I have been unable to get Farsi text to render out correctly,
but have not spent too much time on the problem.

- Walter

Timeline generation

2011-04-18 Thread Walter
Hi all,

Does anyone have a good solution to generate timelines?

Features that are required:
 - Allows marking of both specific events ("point in time") and
periods ("range in time")

Features that are highly desired:
 - Properly functional unicode support (right to left support not
required at this stage, but otherwise font switching for arbitrary

Features that would be a bonus:
 - Handles the case of 'so many elements you'd be lucky to get them to
fit on a page' elegantly (eg: by scaling layout down to a minimum
threshold size for legibility, then page-splitting)
 - Accepts input as a simply delimited text file (ala graphviz .dot
files or mscgen .msc files)

Any recommendations would be appreciated.

I have seen a few non-LyX specific solutions already but they all seem
to lack what I want.  Having said that, if all else fails I suppose I
could try to write one (with only required features), maybe call it
'escgen' (event sequent chart generator) in deference to its high
quality predecessor. However, it seems like a good example in raw TeX
would be enough for me to get some macros going and a more elegant
solution (ie: no need to re-implement unicode font support, no need to
step out to an external generation/update process). Could anyone point
one out?


- Walter

Re: A basic requested feature

2011-04-14 Thread Walter van Holst
On Thu, April 14, 2011 10:43, Stephan Witt wrote:
> Nowadays modern desktop systems are providing the capability to search
> your files, e. g. by content.
> Normally it is supported by indexing services, so it should give you
> quick answer to
> arbitrary questions. Proposing a filename is not such an importing
> feature, IMHO.
> And it is not easy to get it right. I' always expect different points
> of view, how this should work.

It definitely is not easy to get 100% right, 80% would be interesting
enough. I disagree on the desktop search bit, that is mostly helpful
if you know a lot about the document you are looking for.

I would find a name-suggester that would take:

The current date, e.g. 20110414, an abbreviation of the style you are
using, for example 'LTR' for letters and the subject of the document
plus a version number


The most work is probably expanding the various document styles to
include a field that refers to another field that is the most suitable
source for the subject and an abbreviation scheme.

And this assumes of course that people rarely use their own document



** ERROR ** Invalid font: -1 (8)

2011-04-02 Thread Walter
Could someone please enlighten me as to the correct method of resolving this

My LyX file references a number of fonts however I have not been able to
successfully convert to PDF for some time due to various reasons. I have
solved them all bar this one, and am quite stumped.
I don't recall changing any fonts since the last time I successfully output
to PDF (albeit back on 1.6, this is now 2.0rc2).

Other than going in to the LyX file manually and replacing all font
references with a 'known good' one, is there any way to know which line this
error actually references?  As error messages go, this one seems pretty

Full output of progress/debug messages follow...

 12:30:55.079: Previewing ...

12:30:55.108: (buffer-view: Ctrl+R)

12:30:55.284: xelatex "story.tex"

12:30:55.318: This is XeTeX, Version 3.1415926-2.2-0.9997.4 (TeX Live 2010)

12:30:55.319: restricted \write18 enabled.

12:30:55.468: entering extended mode

12:30:55.472: (./story.tex

12:30:55.475: LaTeX2e <2009/09/24>

12:30:55.477: Babel  and hyphenation patterns for english, dumylang,
nohyphenation, pi

12:30:55.478: nyin, ukenglish, usenglishmax, loaded.



12:30:55.936: ** WARNING ** Failed to convert input string to UTF16...

12:30:56.070: ** ERROR ** Invalid font: -1 (8)


12:30:56.073: Output file removed.

12:30:56.082: The process crashed some time after starting successfully.

12:30:56.119: xelatex "story.tex"

12:30:56.156: This is XeTeX, Version 3.1415926-2.2-0.9997.4 (TeX Live 2010)

12:30:56.161: restricted \write18 enabled.

12:30:56.311: entering extended mode

12:30:56.312: (./story.tex

12:30:56.312: LaTeX2e <2009/09/24>

12:30:56.313: Babel  and hyphenation patterns for english, dumylang,
nohyphenation, pi

12:30:56.313: nyin, ukenglish, usenglishmax, loaded.



12:30:56.775: ** WARNING ** Failed to convert input string to UTF16...

12:30:56.909: ** ERROR ** Invalid font: -1 (8)


12:30:56.910: Output file removed.

12:30:56.920: The process crashed some time after starting
successfully.Error: Cannot view file

File does not exist: /tmp/lyx_tmpdir.M22972/lyx_tmpbuf0/story.pdf

12:30:58.133: Error while previewing format: pdf4

- Walter

Re: Poll for the default icon theme in LyX 2.0

2011-03-30 Thread Walter
 ... since it will grow and support the holy grail of open source user
experience consistency :)

- Walter

Re: Subject: LyX 2.0beta3: Spell Checking + Multilingualism

2011-01-28 Thread Walter
 spell-checking the document and adding words to
>> personal dictionaries
> The externally saved personal dictionary is shared between multiple documents 
> per se.

I am unclear on the suggested implementation, however any assumption that
all documents a user is editing should use the same personal
dictionary is flawed.
>From your next comment, I think you see this...

> My idea was to provide the dictionary "inside" the document as an alternative.
> If you are sure a word is correctly spelled you want to transfer this know how
> with the document.

This is a good idea however it is not nearly as flexible as the established and
proven BiBTeX approach, ie: the storage of dictionaries in external dictionary
files that can be linked to documents on a many-to-many basis. This
approach facilitates control for the user ("my physics dictionary", "my
history dictionary", "my computer science dictionary") without making
unnecessary assumptions about the similarity of ALL documents that a
user edits or the number of such domains in which a user actively writes.

> To have multiple private dictionaries is a third option with - like the 
> second one -
> a much higher demand on the usability of the spell checker interface.

This is my suggestion and the only way I can see LyX providing a
competent and future-proof solution for spell checking.

Did your research reveal which interface(s) did or did not support
this approach?

This seems a legitimate need that should be pushed upstream if unavailable
in hunspell and enchant.  Enchant seems the sort of project where
implementing a costly emulation layer against backends missing this
support may occur "for free", at least in terms of the LyX project's developer
time, if a request is acknowledged.  The motivation for enchant's developers
is that this would further assist the enchant project to differentiate enchant's
API/ABI from hunspell's API/ABI in the eyes of application developers,
since hunspell seems to be rapidly subsuming prior systems and value of
the enchant layer is therefore decreasing for some development scenarios.

In addition, enchant probably already has code to read/write external
dictionary files of the sort suggested ("my  dictionary"...) and
could expose an API/ABI for doing so that LyX could easily utilise. Any
functionality identified as missing may be enthusiastically implemented
by the enchant developers.

Hell, they might even extend their scope slightly to throw in some
critical functions for language detection!  (Indeed, on the fact of it it would
seem that there is little point in adding any such code to LyX vs. enchant,
a cross-platform library that already provides concurrent access to
multiple spellchecking engine's dictionaries.  Do one thing and do it well,
the KISS principle?)

Sorry I do not have time to go back and snip all of this, I have been typing
and researching the above since before the dawn (sunrise over Los
Angeles is surprisingly beautiful!) and am now running late for work!

Very keen to hear thoughts...

- Walter

Re: Subject: LyX 2.0beta3: Spell Checking + Multilingualism

2011-01-27 Thread Walter
> This sounds ugly.  Is there any similarity between spell checking APIs?  Is
> there a cross platform, spell checking library unification / abstraction layer
> available? Would it be worth developing one? How difficult is it to detect
> known dictionaries and spell checkers on a cross-platform basis?

Possible answer:

- Walter

Re: Subject: LyX 2.0beta3: Spell Checking + Multilingualism

2011-01-27 Thread Walter
mprovement of the
> spell checker libraries. It's possible to check complete sentences -
> the apple spell checker has this capability. It's even able to auto-dectect
> the language...

(Well "they" do say that Apple is very good at usability, and that open source
 generally isn't.  Perhaps "they" are correct in this assertion, sometimes...)

I will make a note to research aspell dictionaries and capabilities further with
the intention of issuing a goodly whinge on our collective behalf to
the spellcheck
library people, if indeed this functionality is unavailable. (No ETA...)

>> 6. Dictionary Re-Use Support [*]
>>   -
>>   Another point is that of re-use.  Which is to say that, when someone uses
>>   for example 'BibTeX' to compile a biliographic database, that database
>>   may easily be used with other projects and is considered portable.  So
>>   for all physics papers I can use one bibliography, and I may have another
>>   for history papers.  Whilst this is presently handled adequately by LyX,
>>   the equivalent functionality is not present for dictionary databases.
>>   It should be.  This means both adding a 'manage multiple dictionaries in
>>   this project' feature-set, and adding a 'which dictionary do you want to
>>   add the word to' drop-down in the right hand spellchecker sidebar.
> This is a good idea (already mentioned on developers list, AFAICR).
> The idea is to incorporate a personal dictionary into the document.
> But it definitively will not happen tomorrow.

Great, as long as the personal dictionary "in" the document is saved "outside"
the document and as a file that can be:
 a) shared between multiple documents
 b) used with zero or more additional personal dictionaries within a single file
 c) identified as the target dictionary (vs. other active personal
dictionaries) when spell-checking the document and adding words to
personal dictionaries

- Walter

Subject: LyX 2.0beta3: Spell Checking + Multilingualism

2011-01-26 Thread Walter
at present.  Now, I see the adoption
   of XeTeX-specific checkboxes in LyX 2.0beta1 as a *great* step forward
   in this direction, but "there's a ways to go yet".

   As per previous posts whereby I suggested revising the user interface to
   make proper use of available databases and let the user assign fonts
   to unicode blocks and/or languages and/or custom defined text-types for
   font selection purposes, a forward-looking, integrated solution should
   also take in to account spellchecker requirements.

   Otherwise, we poor users are laboured with having to make 1000 manual
   markups just to include a short bit of text!  This is exemplified if,
   for instance, one wishes to quote a place name with translations and their
   romanised equivalents in situ at many points throughout a document
   (my unfortunate situation, and before anyone asks: no I cannot switch to
   compiling a reference table, for reasons of readership and readability)

   In summary, a short list of user-side 'wants' for such a future upgrade
   to multilingual support would be:
- works with unicode TeX systems (XeTeX)
- works with TTF
- provides dialog based font selection (see previous post)
- provides dialog based language selection (see previous post)
- does not require duplicate language markup for the font subsystem
  and the spellchecker subsystem
- upgrades the spellchecker subsystem to be more multilingual aware

   Please do reference the previous message which included a UI mockup for
   further details on the proposed genre of solution: (hosted copy of mockup)

4. Weird behaviour with common prefixes and specialist compounds [X]
   Common prefixes such as micro and proto seem to confuse aspell.  Not sure
   if this is somehow related to how it is linked from LyX, but I assume the
   issue is with them.  For example, 'proto-' does not seem to
   be accepted, forcing 'proto' to be added manually as a valid word.
   Unfortunately, the LyX interface does not offer a proper workaround.
   (Please see point 5.)
   (Note: Upon further investigation, actually a lot of words appear to be
missing from the default dictionary, including "hewn", "proven",
"romanised". A scrabble player would be dismayed: for many points!)
   (PS: Did anyone ever wonder about the etymology of 'hardscrabble'? I think
aspell's default English dictionary could be involved in at least one

5. Right sidebar spellchecker interface: word addition [*]
   At various points throughout my document I use accepted phrases within
   the sphere of my writing such as "Proto-Austro-Tai" and "Tai-Kadai".

   Whilst "Tai" and "Kadai" are also used as individual words, "Proto" and
   "Austro" are not.  With the present spellchecker interface, when such
   'word portions' occur, I am only given two options:

1. Adding these 'word portions' as words in their own right
2. Ignoring them as words in their own right

   Both options are less than ideal because they will subsequently allow
   the individual words to occur alone, ie: such that human input could
   conceivably render "Come hither, pronto!" as "Come hither, proto!" and
   the spellchecker would consider this to be correct, despite the fact
   that proto should possibly not occur as a word in its own right.
   (OK well that's probably arguable, but you still see the point!)

   The best option for resolving this would be to modify the LyX spellchecker
   sidebar interface to allow adding arbitrary words or entire words rather
   than simply word portions thereof that have been identified by aspell as
   unknown.  (ie: When presented with "Proto-Austro-Tai", and "Proto" is
   highlighted, then the user should be able to add "Proto-Austro-Tai" as
   a word in its own right rather than only the 'word portion' "Proto" itself.)
   (If I recall, 'other' word processing solutions include this feature.)

6. Dictionary Re-Use Support [*]
   Another point is that of re-use.  Which is to say that, when someone uses
   for example 'BibTeX' to compile a biliographic database, that database
   may easily be used with other projects and is considered portable.  So
   for all physics papers I can use one bibliography, and I may have another
   for history papers.  Whilst this is presently handled adequately by LyX,
   the equivalent functionality is not present for dictionary databases.
   It should be.  This means both adding a 

Re: Foreign Language Support + Font Setup

2010-11-07 Thread Walter
> My problem at present is that if I type Chinese characters in to my
> document, and the Document > Settings > Language > Encoding options is
> set to something other than 'Unicode (XeTeX) (utf8)', then attempting
> to view the document as PDF generates a LaTeX error.

Sorry, forgot to specify that if I do this and leave the default LaTeX
processing options in place, I get garbage where the Chinese should
be.  I was unable to find a way to select a font that fixed this, even
by following the Unicode wiki page.

I discovered the XeTeX settings on another wiki page, however using
these makes the quick PDF preview button on the toolbar unusable
(it's still LaTeX-linked) and exporting via XeTeX using File > Export >
PDF (xelatex) makes the text disappear altogether.

> I am appealing for help with getting arbitrary fonts to display
> (including, if possible, Thai/Lao/Burmese style combining glyphs) in
> my output as I do not wish or have time to become an expert in the
> historical inadequacies of font formats, their various commercial
> restrictions, format conversions, the evolution of TeX or LyX, or the
> reason why LyX has not yet moved to the otherwise universal default of
> utf8 for everything.

Realised the latter point is possibly because LyX cannot assume that
the local TeX processing environment includes XeTeX.  However, it
would be nice to auto-detect.  In my particular situation on Gentoo
my system is set up exclusively with UTF8-enabled locales, so the
lyx package installation process should probably set intelligent defaults.
I have filed a bug for this @

Still no idea how to get this working...

- Walter

Foreign Language Support + Font Setup

2010-11-07 Thread Walter
Hi there,

I am a recent convert to LyX, currently using v1.6.5 on Gentoo Linux.

It's been working quite alright, though I now have a need for some
pretty heavy duty multilingual text in a single document, specifically
at least Burmese, Chinese, Lao, Thai and Vietnamese in addition to
English, French and German, and this is causing a huge headache.

My problem at present is that if I type Chinese characters in to my
document, and the Document > Settings > Language > Encoding options is
set to something other than 'Unicode (XeTeX) (utf8)', then attempting
to view the document as PDF generates a LaTeX error.

Yesterday I spent a fair amount of time going back and forth between
the Unicode page ( and other web CJK /
TeX resources trying to solve the problem, but have thus far had no

A lot of the resources mentioned 'old' font processing techniques
(using fontforge?), and the path /usr/share/texmf/fonts/ however I
found that entering font names from there did not seem to work, and my
distribution's Cyberbit and some other mentioned fonts are TTF only,
installing in to /usr/share/fonts instead.

Turning to command line foo, I found that 'lyx -dbg font' told me that
the location of fonts being accessed on program startup was in fact

Setting debug level to font
Debugging `font' (Font handling)
GuiFontLoader.cpp(209): Adding font /usr/share/lyx/fonts//cmex10.ttf OK
GuiFontLoader.cpp(209): Adding font /usr/share/lyx/fonts//cmmi10.ttf OK
GuiFontLoader.cpp(209): Adding font /usr/share/lyx/fonts//cmr10.ttf OK
GuiFontLoader.cpp(209): Adding font /usr/share/lyx/fonts//cmsy10.ttf OK
GuiFontLoader.cpp(209): Adding font /usr/share/lyx/fonts//eufm10.ttf OK
GuiFontLoader.cpp(209): Adding font /usr/share/lyx/fonts//msam10.ttf OK
GuiFontLoader.cpp(209): Adding font /usr/share/lyx/fonts//msbm10.ttf OK
GuiFontLoader.cpp(209): Adding font /usr/share/lyx/fonts//wasy10.ttf OK
GuiFontLoader.cpp(209): Adding font /usr/share/lyx/fonts//esint10.ttf OK

This would appear to be an entirely different path to the rest of my
system, which uses /usr/share/fonts, and an entirely different path to

I am appealing for help with getting arbitrary fonts to display
(including, if possible, Thai/Lao/Burmese style combining glyphs) in
my output as I do not wish or have time to become an expert in the
historical inadequacies of font formats, their various commercial
restrictions, format conversions, the evolution of TeX or LyX, or the
reason why LyX has not yet moved to the otherwise universal default of
utf8 for everything.

- Walter

Re: ANNOUNCE: LyX version 2.0.0 (alpha 6)

2010-09-16 Thread Walter van Holst
On Thu, 16 Sep 2010 08:33:08 -0700 (PDT), Marcelo Acuña
>> Tarballs can be found at
> What is LyX-2.0.0alpha6+qt4.dmg?

That is for those among us who sacrifice loads of money on their
translucent white altars of Steve, the demi-god with the Reality
Distortion Field, cultists of OS X.



Re: Fwd: Re: things that I miss in lyx

2010-03-23 Thread Walter van Holst
On Tue, 23 Mar 2010 09:15:08 +0100, Julio Rojas 

> Yup, this is what I think, but when you have several coworkers working
> on collaborative papers in several different LaTeX classes, they
> finally have the last laugh. This is why a layout editor would do
> wonders to convert our main target, people that already uses LaTeX
> directly who wants to speed up their writing and track changes on the
> document.

I would love to have a layout editor in LyX. There is still lots of
untapped potential for LyX. I'm a legal professional and none in that
profession doesn't have a visceral hate for Word's abilities to destroy a
contract's structure.



Fwd: Re: things that I miss in lyx

2010-03-22 Thread Walter van Holst

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: things that I miss in lyx
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2010 13:51:24 +0100
From: Walter van Holst 
To: Jose Quesada 

On Sun, 21 Mar 2010 02:23:34 +0100, Jose Quesada 
> Hi all,
> In no special order, things that I miss in lyx...
> 1. incremental search
> 2. sentence autocapitalization


> 3. grammar check (not crucial)

Grammar checks are non-trivial, it would be nice to have this in a modular
way so we can share this with other open source efforts in this field.

> 4. search highlight occurences

Even nicer, the search implemented by Apple's Preview document viewer
provides a side bar with frequency bars of the search term's occurence on
each page.

> 7. the rest of the world operates on rich text/html. LyX doesn't
> integration is poor, copy-pasting from/to web loses formatting)

Actuall, I prefer the current default of losing formatting. The whole
point of LyX is that you focus on structure and content and have LaTeX
care of formatting. The rest of the world operates on a fundamentally
braindead paradigm and if I wanted to use that paradigm I'd be a happy OOo
camper. Which I am not.

> 8. 'pasted from' and url for every paste from the web (onenote uses this
> and
> it's damn inspired)

That sounds good. Some Zotero-like stuff might be helpful too.



Re: Unavailable document classes [OSX]

2009-06-07 Thread Walter van Holst

BH schreef:

I really have no idea. We check all the standard locations for LaTeX
installations, and I don't remember other reports of such problems.
(Does anyone else experience this? If so, please give some details
about your system and LaTeX installation ... and anything unusual you
might have done.)

It turns out to be a somewhat outdated LaTeX installation. And me 
overlooking the red tick in the LyX installer. :-(



Unavailable document classes

2009-06-05 Thread Walter van Holst


I'm a somewhat infrequent user of LyX on Mac OS X. About every other 
update (my current version is 1.6.1), most of the document classes 
become unavailable. That is LyX can edit documents in them, but not 
produce output.

How do I prevent this from happening? This is an exceedingly annoying 
'feature' of LyX.



Re: multiplatform vector drawing program to use

2008-04-07 Thread Walter H. van Holst

> Of course, there are also other vector drawing programs (besides
> Xfig), so
> what is outlined here is not the only option you have.

If only Linux and Windows are required, I'd recommend Inkscape. It is
much more polished and user friendly than Xfig whose UI is a bit



Re: LyX discussion boards?

2008-03-11 Thread Walter H. van Holst

> of users helping other users. But I find it quite uncomfortable to
> use a mailing list. I had a subscription for a while but got way too
> many emails each day and ended up deleting them without reading them.

A common solution for that is to use a separate folder and filters for
mailinglists. Most mail client packages have that feature, some even
have the ability to delete unread messages after a certain period.


 Walter down?

2007-10-07 Thread Walter H. van Holst
Hello all,

Is down or is it just me?



Re: Self-publishing with LyX

2007-08-31 Thread Walter van Holst

Typhoon wrote:

I have recompiled it with \usepackage{lmodern} as suggested earlier.
Could you, and others with problems, download it from and report the results?

It now looks much better on my system. Thanks!



Re: Self-publishing with LyX

2007-08-29 Thread Walter van Holst

Typhoon wrote:

Hmmm. I guess so. If that offends, you can download from

Thanks for that.

The bad news is that Apple Preview doesn't render it too nicely. I guess 
it suffers from the same font problem that others have mentioned.



Re: lyx 1.3.6 on mac os tiger

2005-09-07 Thread Walter van Holst

Bennett Helm wrote:

The installer has been fixed; the trouble is that those who used the  
1st version of the installer have to implement the fix manually.  (Sorry.)

Well, it works now, so never mind. Putting a message on the Wiki 
regarding this particular issue might be helpful though.

What I stil don't get is that several document classes that used to  
work in 1.3.4 are now gone, such as curriculum vitae and several  
article document klasses (Kluwer, Elsevier, Springer).

Support for these classes should be there. Look in 
Resources/lyx/layouts for the .layout files LyX uses. You'll need to  
be sure your TeX installation includes the relevant .cls files, though.

The .layout files are there and I am using the TeX i-packages, how do I 
check whether those .cls files are included or not?



Re: lyx 1.3.6 on mac os tiger

2005-09-07 Thread Walter van Holst

Bennett Helm wrote:

This was a bug in the 1st version of the installer file. The fix for 
those who have already run the installer is:

In Preferences > Paths > PATH Prefix, enter 
current:/usr/X11R6/bin:/sw/bin:/opt/local/teTeX/bin" (without the 

Now try reconfiguring LyX; restart; reconfigure LyX; restart again. 
That should fix it. (I'm not sure why 2 reconfigures and restarts are 
needed, but I don't have 10.4 to experiment on.)

This did the trick for me, are there any plans to fix this in the 
installer? Or at least to mention it on the Wiki?

What I stil don't get is that several document classes that used to work 
in 1.3.4 are now gone, such as curriculum vitae and several article 
document klasses (Kluwer, Elsevier, Springer).



Curriculum Vitae document template missing

2005-06-06 Thread Walter H. van Holst

I am using LyX both on a Debian Unstable and a Mac OS X 1.4.1 system. It
is version 1.3.4 on the Debian box and 1.3.5 on the iBook. On the Debian
box I can use the Curriculum Vitae document template, but it is
mentioned as unavailable on the iBook. Since the iBook is becoming my
primary system, I'd like to know whether this template is being dropped
or that there are other reasons for it being unavailable.



Re: Document troubles after upgrade

2004-08-31 Thread Walter H. van Holst
On Tue, 2004-08-31 at 09:14, Helge Hafting wrote:

> You have to do edit->reconfigure when upgrading to 1.3.4, or even
> when switching back and forth between 1.3.3 and 1.3.4

Funnily enough I had already tried that before. After switching to
Lyx-QT and again running reconfigure it now gives me different errors.
I'll try to figure out whether the problem resides between the chair and
the keyboard before asking further. Thanks for the input so far.


Help preserving the world's literary heritage by proofreading one page a

Document troubles after upgrade

2004-08-29 Thread Walter H. van Holst

 Recently I upgrade to Lyx 1.3.4 and when I try to load a document I get
the following error dialog:

Texclass error

The document uses an unknown textclass "scrbook" 
-- substituting default

Followed by:

Textclass error
The document uses a missing TeX class "scrbook".
LyX will not be able to produce output.



You have a morbid aversion to dying. You probably resent the fact that
you're at war and might get your head blown off any second. - Col.
Sanderson in Catch-22

Re: Lyx-QT debs

2003-08-17 Thread Walter H. van Holst
On Sun, 2003-08-17 at 14:50, Walter H. van Holst wrote:

>  Lately I have been using the lyx-qt deb from
> and am quite grateful for it. The only problem I have is that it depends
> on a deprecated version of pspell. I would like to be able to upgrade my
> spell checking tools, so does anybody have a recent deb src of lyx-qt
> available so I can build my own deb?

Forget this stupid question, found it already.


You have a morbid aversion to dying. You probably resent the fact that
you're at war and might get your head blown off any second. - Col.
Sanderson in Catch-22

Lyx-QT debs

2003-08-17 Thread Walter H. van Holst

 Lately I have been using the lyx-qt deb from
and am quite grateful for it. The only problem I have is that it depends
on a deprecated version of pspell. I would like to be able to upgrade my
spell checking tools, so does anybody have a recent deb src of lyx-qt
available so I can build my own deb?


Like almost everyone, I receive a lot of spam every day, much of it
offering to help me get out of debt or get rich quick. It's ridiculous.
(Bill Gates)

Re: Spell checker question

2003-06-16 Thread Walter H. van Holst
On Mon, 2003-06-16 at 21:25, Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:

> Hmm... I remember that I saw this error message on my box too, and it was due 
> to conflicts between an old ispell version and the new (GNU) aspell. Can you 
> try to uninstall ispell and aspell completely and install from scratch? I 
> don't have any other ideas ATM.

Given the amount of dependencies involved, I think I'll let it rest for
now. The hyphenation thing was more important and that one has been

Thanks for trying to help me out though.


Q: What's tan and black and looks great on a lawyer? A: A doberman.

Re: Spell checker question

2003-06-16 Thread Walter H. van Holst
On Mon, 2003-06-16 at 20:58, Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:

> What happens if you select "alternative language: nederlands" in preferences 
> (language->spellchecker)? Make shure that you have really selected ispell 
> (and not aspell).

It doesn't help, and yes, I have really selected ispell (although aspell
is installed too).

Should I run lyx with some debugging options?


You have a morbid aversion to dying. You probably resent the fact that
you're at war and might get your head blown off any second. - Col.
Sanderson in Catch-22

Re: Spell checker question

2003-06-16 Thread Walter H. van Holst
On Mon, 2003-06-16 at 08:36, Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:

> Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:
> > What does "whereis ispell" say?

ispell: /usr/bin/ispell /usr/lib/ispell /usr/share/man/man1/ispell.1.gz

> and which files are located in the ispell directory (/usr/lib/ispell/ or 
> something)?

american.aff   british.aff   default.aff   dutch.hash
american.hash  british.hash  default.hash  nederlands.aff
americanmed+.hash  britishmed+.hash  dutch.aff nederlands.hash


Nothing so needs reforming as other people's habits.
 -- Mark Twain

Re: Spell checker question

2003-06-16 Thread Walter H. van Holst
On Mon, 2003-06-16 at 08:52, Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:

> This has nothing to do with the spell checker, but with LaTeX's config. Have a 
> look at your language.dat file (in texmf/tex/generic/config on my box). If 
> dutch is commented out (%! dutch nehyph.tex), remove the comment (%! ) and 
> run "initexmf --dump" as root.

That was the case indeed. I can't find initexmf on my box though, but
texconfig appears to do the trick as well. Thanks.


Reading is the basics for all learning. (Georg W. Bush announcing his
"Reading First" initiative in Reston, Virginia, March 28, 2000)

Spell checker question

2003-06-15 Thread Walter H. van Holst

 I am running LyX-QT 1.3.1 on Debian Testing. Both ispell and
ispell-dutch are installed. Nonetheless, when I try to spell check a
Dutch document I get the following error:

The spellchecker has failed

I'm sorry I can't find any suitable word lists for the language-tag

Since the hyphenation of my Dutch documents is a mess too, I'd very much
appreciate any insights that might help me solving this problem.



Border relations between Canada and Mexico have never been better.
(George W. Bush at a press conference during a trip to Canada)

Re: kLyx ?

2003-01-22 Thread Walter H. van Holst
On Wed, Jan 22, 2003 at 10:47:56AM +0100, harmel wrote:
> what is with kLyx ? is the Development down ?

KLyX has been dead for years. 1.3pre2 can be compiled with a QT frontend 
though, it looks quite pretty.



Re: 1.2.3 rpms

2003-01-20 Thread Walter H. van Holst
>> again I'm looking for rpms for Redhat 7.3 if anybody has them handy.
> (yes, i am too lazy to compile from the tar file and I am afraid to
> screw up my current configuration).

It is just a matter of unpacking the tarball, entering the lyx-1.2.3
directory and doing a 'make rpmdist' as root. After some pondering the
system should put the RPM in /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386.

I haven't succeeded in doing so, but my system is screwed up beyond
hope at the moment.



Re: 1.3pre2 problems

2003-01-14 Thread Walter H. van Holst
On Tue, 2003-01-14 at 20:25, Walter H. van Holst wrote:

> However, when I run /usr/local/lyx-qt/bin/lyx I get a version of LyX
> that has no visible text in the menubar, the menus themselves and the
> dialogs. See the attached screenshot.

Oh, and by the way, X gives the following errors when running LyX

X Error: BadLength (poly request too large or internal Xlib length
error) 16
  Major opcode:  154
  Resource id:  0x46004aa
X Error: BadLength (poly request too large or internal Xlib length
error) 16
  Major opcode:  154
  Resource id:  0x1010101
X Error: BadLength (poly request too large or internal Xlib length
error) 16
  Major opcode:  154
  Resource id:  0x1010101
Mutex destroy failure: Device or resource busy


Reading is the basics for all learning. (Georg W. Bush announcing his
"Reading First" initiative in Reston, Virginia, March 28, 2000)

1.3pre2 problems

2003-01-14 Thread Walter H. van Holst

 I have successfully build 1.3pre2 withe folling configure options:
--prefix=/usr/local/lyx-qt --with-frontend=qt

However, when I run /usr/local/lyx-qt/bin/lyx I get a version of LyX
that has no visible text in the menubar, the menus themselves and the
dialogs. See the attached screenshot.

Is there a path setting that should be done to fix this?


You have a morbid aversion to dying. You probably resent the fact that
you're at war and might get your head blown off any second. - Col.
Sanderson in Catch-22


Random ideas

2003-01-13 Thread Walter H. van Holst

 I have put some brainfarts on what I think should be the underlying
principles of the ideal document processor, they can be found here:

Feel free to shoot at them, laugh at them or to come up with additional


Reading is the basics for all learning. (Georg W. Bush announcing his
"Reading First" initiative in Reston, Virginia, March 28, 2000)

Re: Image underneath text

2002-07-14 Thread Walter H. van Holst

On Sat, 2002-07-06 at 08:00, Herbert Voss wrote:

> >  I would like to have an image underneath the text of my thesis'
> > frontpage. On I have found a method of doing so,
> > but it will cause the image to be repeated on all following pages. How
> > can I keep it confied to just the frontpage?
> something like this?

Close, but then by mixing text and pictures. Sorry for being a clueless
user, but my LaTeX knowledge is ectremely limited and it is hard for me
to see how the example can be adapted to work with one picture and text
instead of two pictures.


We are kept keen on the grindstone of pain and necessity.
(H.G. Wells)

Re: Titlepage troubles

2002-07-09 Thread Walter H. van Holst

On Wed, 2002-07-10 at 08:27, Herbert Voss wrote:

> this has nothing to do with lyx! The image is still too big in
> it's height. Scale it down. that's all

Boy, do I feel stupid.

Scaling it somewhat down does indeed do the trick.

How come LyX is able to put the whole shebang together on a single page
at the higher scale then?


We are kept keen on the grindstone of pain and necessity.
(H.G. Wells)

Re: Titlepage troubles

2002-07-09 Thread Walter H. van Holst

On Wed, 2002-07-10 at 06:16, Herbert Voss wrote:

> here is my dvi, only one page, the title!

OK, then the way LyX handles the size of a picture is a problem. Take
the original example I send, get the picture I mentioned in it and scale
it to 60% instead of the 70% in the document. You'll end up with this

(The picture makes the document too large to send to the mailing list)

Title, picture and author are all on one page, it looks really nice. The
problem is however they are all on the second page, preceded by a blank
page and followed by a (numbered) blank page.


We are kept keen on the grindstone of pain and necessity.
(H.G. Wells)

Re: Titlepage troubles

2002-07-09 Thread Walter H. van Holst

On Tue, 2002-07-09 at 20:12, Herbert Voss wrote:

> try it in this way. I have version 1.2

I have version 1.2 as well and the version you sent is worse. If you
look at the DVI you still see an empty title page, followed by a
numbered page with the title and the figure. The figure however is
shifted tot the right and the author ends up on the third page.


We are kept keen on the grindstone of pain and necessity.
(H.G. Wells)

Titlepage troubles

2002-07-09 Thread Walter H. van Holst


Upon finalising my thesis I decided to put a fancy picture on the
title page. And here my troubles began. The problem is that both the
title and the picture end up on the second page, while the actual
title page remains empty. Attached an example lyx file, the image can
be found on


Description: Binary data

Image underneath text

2002-07-05 Thread Walter H. van Holst


 I would like to have an image underneath the text of my thesis'
frontpage. On I have found a method of doing so,
but it will cause the image to be repeated on all following pages. How
can I keep it confied to just the frontpage?


We are kept keen on the grindstone of pain and necessity.
(H.G. Wells)

Re: Conversion question (LyX -> Word)

2002-06-25 Thread Walter H. van Holst

> Ask them why they want MS-Word.

I have contacted them in the meantime. They want to be able to analyse
every thesis for fraud detection. So it seems that I am allowed now to
come up with a plain text version for the fraud analysis and a pdf one
for the database they are planning to become publicly available.
Thanks so far to everyone for the suggestions offered.



Re: Conversion question (LyX -> Word)

2002-06-25 Thread Walter H. van Holst

> there are tenth of options in latex2html, among which
> you can forbid splitting: here
> latex2html -no_navigation -auto_prefix -split 0 -link 2 -no_subdir
> ...

Ah, thanks a lot. That is at least one second-best option.



Re: Conversion question (LyX -> Word)

2002-06-25 Thread Walter H. van Holst

> Awful standards... why not require everything to be readable with
> Wordstar?

Well, I am not in favour of these either, but there isn't a terrible
lot I can do about it.
> If you don't have heavy
> formulas, tth is probably just fine. Otherwise, try latex2html, but
> at least for me it didn't really work at all :(

I tried latex2html, but that resulted in multiple files. But thanks,
I'll take a new peek at latex2rtf and hevea. There are several
formulas in the thesis and some graphics, let's see what these tools
make of them.


Conversion question (LyX -> Word)

2002-06-25 Thread Walter H. van Holst

Hello, I have written a thesis in LyX and usually used the pdf output
option to make it usable for my coach. Faculty standards however
require a electronic version in a single file that is readable by
MS-Word. PDF is not readably by Word. So far I haven't found any free
tools to convert my document to a MS-Word document. Does anyone here
have a suggestion to end up with a single file that is readable by
Word and still preserves the lay-out?


Re: Including a full-page postscript file

2002-06-15 Thread Len Walter

Ok, I've more or less sorted it out. I installed the chngpage package
and added Evil Red Text surrounding the figure inside the float.

The LaTeX produced is:

The two adjustwidth commands are what did it; once I expanded the
margins the centering worked as designed :)

I'd still like to know if there's an easier way, say
or similar, but this has solved my problem for the present.

Hope this helps someone,

On Sun, 2002-06-16 at 15:16, Len Walter wrote:
> G'day,
> I'm having some trouble including a full page postscript file as one of
> the pages in my LyX document. I want to include the output of another
> program as a PS or EPS file, as a page in my document. I'd just print
> them out separately, but then I'd mess up the page numbering.
> I've read most the the user guide and done a stack of searches for LyX
> and LaTeX ways to do this, including various floats, minipages and
> figures. The problem I always get is that the figure will be pushed off
> to the right hand side of the page. Setting the alignment of the figure
> in a float to left, or setting the alignment of the paragraph to left
> doesn't seem to make much difference.
> The LaTeX produced by LyX for the relevant page looks like this:
> \subsection{Context Diagram}
> \begin{flushleft}%
> \begin{figure*}
> \begin{flushleft}\includegraphics[  angle=270,
>   origin=lt]{slide2}\end{flushleft}
> \end{figure*}
> \end{flushleft}
> \newpage
> The original PS file is full page A4 landscape, so I've rotated it.
> I think I've tried most of the possible permutations of figure
> inclusion, page layout and alignment, and I've really run out of ideas,
> but it seems like this should be possible.
> Does anyone know how I could go about doing this?
> Thanks in advance for any help,
> Len

Including a full-page postscript file

2002-06-15 Thread Len Walter


I'm having some trouble including a full page postscript file as one of
the pages in my LyX document. I want to include the output of another
program as a PS or EPS file, as a page in my document. I'd just print
them out separately, but then I'd mess up the page numbering.

I've read most the the user guide and done a stack of searches for LyX
and LaTeX ways to do this, including various floats, minipages and
figures. The problem I always get is that the figure will be pushed off
to the right hand side of the page. Setting the alignment of the figure
in a float to left, or setting the alignment of the paragraph to left
doesn't seem to make much difference.

The LaTeX produced by LyX for the relevant page looks like this:
\subsection{Context Diagram}

\begin{flushleft}\includegraphics[  angle=270,

The original PS file is full page A4 landscape, so I've rotated it.
I think I've tried most of the possible permutations of figure
inclusion, page layout and alignment, and I've really run out of ideas,
but it seems like this should be possible.

Does anyone know how I could go about doing this?

Thanks in advance for any help,

Re: Attribution question

2002-04-07 Thread Walter H. van Holst

On Sun, 2002-04-07 at 23:08, Herbert Voss wrote:

> if you write it with lyx, it's done by default.

Thanks. Didn't know it would be that simple, so I never tried that.


We are kept keen on the grindstone of pain and necessity.
(H.G. Wells)

Attribution question

2002-04-07 Thread Walter H. van Holst


 I'd like to put a reference to LyX and LaTeX in the foreword of my
thesis, how can I get those names to appear in the jumpy look like they
are supposed to be?


We are kept keen on the grindstone of pain and necessity.
(H.G. Wells)

display pictures in lyx

2002-03-08 Thread Artur Walter


I am a very convinced Lyx user so far. However, after installing the latest 
SUSE 7.3 and lyx 1.1.6fix2 the   *.eps pictures are not longer displayed in 
the text. Furthermore, I permanently got the messages: 

Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
Xlib: XDM authorization key matches an existing client!
Error: Couldn't find per display information
GS [3279] error 256 E:1 1 S:0 0
Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
Xlib: XDM authorization key matches an existing client!
Error: Couldn't find per display information
GS [3281] error 256 E:1 1 S:0 0
Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
Xlib: XDM authorization key matches an existing client!
Error: Couldn't find per display information
GS [3282] error 256 E:1 1 S:0 0
Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
Xlib: XDM authorization key matches an existing client!

Can anyone help me curing this problem.

Many thanks in advance.

regards   Artur Walter

Re: Multi-line footnotes

2001-05-19 Thread Walter H. van Holst

Herbert Voss wrote:

> I don't understand what do you mean with multiline footnotes?

Footnotes that are that long that they will span more than one line on 
paper. The problem is that in the cases this happens the next line of 
text in the footnote is not indented properly. For example

1. The quick brown fox jumps over the five
lazy dogs.

Which should be:

1. The quick brown fox jumps over the five
lazy dogs.



Multi-line footnotes

2001-05-19 Thread Walter H. van Holst


  I am currently writing a scientific paper and would like to be able to 
have mult-line footnotes in a two-column layout with correct 
indentations. I am using the Article template and haven't figured out a 
way to achieve this.


  Walter H. van Holst

Re: Trouble with a newly created document

2000-11-12 Thread Walter H. van Holst

--- Sarah Burgo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> One stupid question (maybe the good one :)) : where did you save your
> document ? With Lyx, the default directory is /home/user. If you
> created a specific directory for your Lyx files, you have to specify
> that directory in your /.lyx/.lyxrc file.

That was exactly the problem. Thank you very much. However, this results in a
feature request: In order to get my digital digital desktop not to become as
cluttered as my real life desktop is, I would like the ability to keep various
documents in separate folders. Such a feature would enhance the usability of
Lyx for those users who have to write documents for different purposes.


 Walter H. van Holst

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Calendar - Get organized for the holidays!

Trouble with a newly created document

2000-11-12 Thread Walter H. van Holst

Hello all,

  I am in the process of writing a thesis and I have decided to use Lyx 
for this purpose. However, as soon as I use the File-View DVI menu, an 
error message appears telling me that there are multiple errors in my 
document. All these errors are as follows:

LaTeX error: Missing \begin{document}.}
You're in trouble here. Try typing  to proceed. If that doesn't 
work, type X  to quit.

Which is rather confusing. Does anyone have a pointer on how to solve this?


Walter H. van Holst

problem with initial startup...`~/' unable to find textclass file

2000-02-04 Thread Walter Tautz [MFCF]

Failed to share colors. Using private colormap
LyXTextClassList::Read: unable to find textclass file
`~/'. Exiting.
LyXSetStyle: an error occured during parsing.

here is the configure options when compiling:

./configure --prefix /software/lyx-1 \
--datadir=/software/lyx-1/data \
/software/xforms-0.88/Include' \
--with-extra-lib=/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/lyx-1/lyx-1/XHIER_lib \
--with-x \
--x-includes=/software/x11r5_dev/Include \

it put the locale/LC* stuff under /software/lyx-1/lib
which I did not specifiy ie. the --libdir options wasn't set
explicity, should it be?


x window problem

1999-03-19 Thread Prof. Dr. Artur Walter

I use Lyx 1.0.1 and have compiled with success!
After starting I get the message
BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
IOT trap/Abort
What is to do ?

Mit freundlichen Gruessen    Artur WALTER

| Prof. Dr. A. Walter    | email:  |
| Department of Mathematics  | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  
| University of Applied Sciences | fon: 49 711 121 2727 (2526) |
| Schellingstraße 24 | fax: 49 711 121 2556    |
| D 70174 Stuttgart  | |

LateX to Lyx

1999-03-19 Thread Prof. Dr. Artur Walter


is there any possibility to convert and LaTeX file into Lyx format?


Mit freundlichen Gruessen    Artur WALTER

| Prof. Dr. A. Walter    | email:  |
| Department of Mathematics  | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  
| University of Applied Sciences | fon: 49 711 121 2727 (2526) |
| Schellingstraße 24 | fax: 49 711 121 2556    |
| D 70174 Stuttgart  | |