To whom it may concern

I am a student learning to use LyX for the first time, without any help. I
am not familiar with TeX and LaTeX at all.

The user's manual explains that you need to download a program with which to
create a database to do referencing. I have found a few sites where I'm
supposed to be able to download these programs, but every time I select a
'download' button, either nothing happens and the site just uploads itself
again, or the app that I downloaded missed a basic file. Explanations of how
to use the programs on these sites are also a bit confusing to me - the
authors mostly assume that you are familiar with TeX and LaTeX.

I am completely lost! Can somebody please advise me on where to find
information that explains how to use LyX, or at least how to get going with
a 'referencing database', in basic terms? Also, can I please be referred to
a good link where I can obtain such a 'database program'? I use Windows.

I have read the tutorial and gone on to the user's manual, but for a
complete newbie these are still proving to be too cryptic sometimes. I am at
my wit's end and not even sure of what questions I should be asking here...
:( I am, however, eager to learn how to use LyX because it is such a

Thank you very much.
M. Heyns

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