Re: lyx changes the file access privileges

2018-11-25 Thread pdv
On 25/11/2018 06:00, Daniel Kian Mc Kiernan (the best Daniel of the 
bunch) wrote:

On 11/24/18 7:11 PM, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:

On 11/24/18 6:33 PM, Daniel Kian Mc Kiernan wrote:

On 11/24/18 1:05 PM, paolo m.  wrote:

As i change a lyx file name (say test1.lyx ) with a new name  (say
test2.lyx) , by the command 'file -> save as', the new file created has
the usual access mode, but, when saved, its mode change so that is
inaccessible to groups and to the world.
That does not happen when test1.lyx is opened by a text editor, e.g.
kate, then saved with a new name (say test3.lyx)

Here is the result:
% ll *lyx
pol  pol  test3.lyx 1745 21:54 -rw-rw-r--
pol  pol  test2.lyx 1746 21:53 -rw---
pol  pol  test1.lyx 1745 21:52 -rw-rw-r--

Any ideas?

Curious, I checked my own .lyx files, and found that most were 600,
many were 644, and some were 664.  There was no clear relationship
between dates and permissions, and at least two files with the same
date had different permissions.

I blame global warming.

I do not believe LyX sets file permissions itself. The write routine
simply uses basic_ofstream, which just creates the file using the
current umask, or whatever other default permissions are in place.

Well, all of my LyX files were created with LyX or with cp, and I've not 
run chmod on them.  I've never played with my configuration to change 
the default permissions.  And, as I said, there was no clear 
relationship between dates and permissions, which would be expected if 
defaults changed with updates to my OS.

I could be very mistaken, but I'm inclined to think both that LyX has at 
times selected permissions, and that it has selected differently for 
“Save As…” from what it has selected for “Save”.

There is no practical problem for me here, and a practical problem could 
be addressed by chmod.  But the situation is puzzling.

On macos when creating a new file with LyX (no difference between 2.3 
and 2.4) and on the first save the permissions are as defined by the 
umask (usually -rw-r--r--). However on the next save the g and w 
permissions are cleared, turning them into (-rw--).

Looking at all my .lyx files most of the older ones have the permissions 
(-rw-r--r--) and most of the younger ones the permissions (-rw--) 
with the break occurring somewhere in sept 2014.

This may be a coincidence, but it could also mean that this strange 
behavior started around that time.

Re: Position of tilde

2013-05-13 Thread PDV
> Hello all! I apologise if this has been asked to death, but is there any 
way to get a normal looking tilde? Like
> this --> ~? I want to use it instead of saying "approximately" but when I 
use the keyboard tilde
> (\textasciitilde) it appears at the top of the line in the pdf output 
instead of the middle where I want it.
> I've tried the tilde math symbol as well ($\sim$) but it's a bit too fancy 
haha. Any ideas?
> Cheers!
> Alex

I have figured this out. In your preamble use:


and then instead of the tilde use:


in ERT. 

This gets me a "normal" looking tilde for my uses. 


rettie  writes:


Re: Consolidating the bibliography for article submissions

2009-07-16 Thread pdv
In article <>,
 Manolo Martí­nez 

Copy the contents of the .bbl file in place of the \bibliography{} 
command in the .tex file.

> Hi,
> Nobody can help me with this, then?
> Thx
> M
> Manolo Martí­nez escribió:
> > To clarify what I'm asking here, I'm interested in the easiest, 
> > shortest way to go from:
> >
> > a) A Lyx file with a bibtex bibliography, to
> >
> > b) Another Lyx (or a .tex) file, where this bibliography has been 
> > resolved into /bibitems, so that it can be shared with people without 
> > having to share the .bib file independently.
> >
> > I would have thought many of you have gone through this problem before?
> >
> > Thanks again.
> > Manolo
> >
> > Manolo Martí­nez escribió:
> >> Dear all,
> >>
> >> Is there any easy way to convert a bibtex list of references in part 
> >> of a .tex document? I know the roundabout way which consists of 
> >> exporting the lyx document to LaTeX, and then copying back the list 
> >> of references from the .bbl file.
> >>
> >> A Lyx plugin to do this would be extremely useful. Many publishers 
> >> accept LaTeX submissions but, I think, it is somewhat untidy to send 
> >> the .tex file and the .bib files separately, while going through the 
> >> .bbl route is a real pain in the neck.
> >>
> >> Thanks. Cheers,
> >> Manolo
> >>
> >
> >