Re: Lyx configuration on a Mac: problems

2009-02-27 Thread Jason Waskiewicz
I'll confess that I've been using LyX on my Mac with no trouble, but 
something in your description struck me as similar to a difficulty I had 
a short time ago on my Linux box.

The specific symptoms you cited were an inability to reconfigure and an 
inability to make PDF and DVI files. I saw these exact symptoms on my 
Linux box and someone on this mailing list suggested that one of my 
layout files was the problem. I found the problematic file, removed it, 
and have had no trouble since.

You might look for this. You might also check the permissions on the 
layout files. If none of this seems to fix the problem, let us know what 
error messages it gives.

--Jason Waskiewicz
 Bowman County Schools

Re: Lyx configuration on a Mac: problems

2009-02-26 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 08:34:33PM +0100, Guido Milanese wrote:

> I made a camparison with LyX on my Ubuntu installation and I cannot 
> detect any problem. The students is using Mac Book Air; Mac OS X 
> version 10.5.6; Lyx version 1.6.1-Universal.

That combination is working for me on 10.5.6.  It's not an Air, but
otherwise similar.  Has the student done the "Reconfigure" step?


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.

Lyx configuration on a Mac: problems

2009-02-26 Thread Guido Milanese

Dear Experts,
I am not a real LyX User (I prefer LaTeX) but I always suggest LyX to 
my students and to everyone wiching to leave the Word-like approach 
to writing.
Most of my students use Windows, and it's all right, some Linux, even 
better, but a PhD student using a Mac apparently cannot reconfigure 
LyX. The LaTeX installation is all right: it produces PDF and DVI 
with no problems at all.
Using LyX, even a very simple file, this student cannot produce PDF or 
DVI. Checking the configuration boxes it seems to me to be all right; 
I made a camparison with LyX on my Ubuntu installation and I cannot 
detect any problem. The students is using Mac Book Air; Mac OS X 
version 10.5.6; Lyx version 1.6.1-Universal.
She tried to install again but to no success. Is this a know problem? 
what can I suggest?

guido, italy

Guido Milanese - Professor of Latin Language and Literature
The Catholic University, Milan and Brescia, Italy