Dear Misters,

I wold begin my request with a special "thanks" to all of you for the 
continuing efforts in order to 

make LyX even more user friendly, as my favourite LaTeX front-end.

Recently, I came up with a problem with the new release of the stabilized 
version 2.0.5, I installed
LyX 2.0.4 and MikTeX on 9-10-12, since the version 2.0.5 has some useful 
improvements, I thought
that it could be easy to update using a simple "installer" as the comment on 
the site states: 

Installer: LyX-2.0.5.-Installer-2.exe (~35 MB)
 this one if you already have an older version of LyX installed and you 
want to update it. 

This installer requires that LaTeX (MikTeX or TeXLive) already be installed. 

With Windows 7 I wonder if the direct installation of the *.exe file implies 
the formation of two distinct 

versions of LyX at the same time or, as the comment says, the update of my 
current version. I hope
you will be able to give me the detailed explanation on how the version update 
should be done properly.

Best Regards
Andrea Landella

P.S.:I truly apologize for any possible grammatical mistakes, because English 
is not my first language.

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