Dear all,

For those of you having problems generating PDF in A4 paper format, when
pdflatex is used in conjunction with hyperref and despite having selected A4
in Page Layout under Documents Settings, here is next a simple solution. I'm
working under LyX 1.6.7 with book (Memoir).

In addition to selecting the A4 format in Page Layout, the generated LaTeK
code must contain the \documentclass entry with the "a4paper" option
included. By writing the custom command a4paper in the Document Settings,
this solves the problem.
Go to menu Documents -> Settings... -> Document Class -> Custom: and add
"a4paper" (without the quotes).

Sorry if this is no news for you, but I spent 2 days searching for FAQ
/forums / blogs / web before finding. It does not require the use of tex2pdf
(as suggested here
Unfortunately, I had not detected this problem before printing all my thesis
exemplaries :(((. As my PDF were output in Letter format, the printer driver
of my university printing service applied a shrinkage to convert Letter into
A4 without margin losses, screwing up my nice formatting :(

I don't know if this was corrected in LyX 2.0, but I would suggest
developpers to specifically add "a4paper" automatically in \documentclass
when the option is selected in Page Layout.

My 2 cents,

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