
I am completely lost on this one.

 I have a beamer document where I mix references cited in the body of the
text, with others that only appear in the bibliography.The reference I cite
in the body of the document  is replaced, in the body of the text) by the
citation of the first reference in the bibliography (which happens to be a
\nocite reference).

This is not really a Lyx problem, I think, since I get it also with the
exported latex file (but it was working before I have imported my original
beamer latex file in Lyx and adopted natbib as the bibliography system -
since Lyx proposes this one and jurabib, but jurabib is not compatible with
beamer, since it keeps asking me to load hyperref after jurabib (hyperref
is loaded by beamer, to my knowledge). If instead I use harvard and agsm in
the latex file, the pdf compiles without this problem.

Any way, I have tried many things and nothing seems to solve my strange
problem. I really need your lights on this one.

I have created a very small exported latex file with its bbl and aux. I
attach them to this message in the file test.zip.

I would really be grateful to you if you could take a look to this document
and check if you can locate the source of the problem. The blg file is
clean, there is no error message from bibtex. My bibtex document has been
checked by bibdesk and its is not supposed to contain a my problem.

I am sorry for taking your time but I have spent more than two hours on
this one, without any success...

Thank you very much in advance for your help.


Prof. Murat Yildizoglu

Université Montesquieu Bordeaux IV
Avenue LĂ©on Duguit
33608 Pessac cedex

Bureau : F-331




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