Re: Arrays or similar in \xymatrix{

2012-02-05 Thread Paul A . Rubin
I'm not entirely sure I know what you want. Does the following file do it?


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\begin_inset Formula $\xymatrix{S_{0}u^{2}\\



Re: Arrays or similar in \xymatrix{

2012-02-05 Thread Paul A . Rubin
I'm not entirely sure I know what you want. Does the following file do it?


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\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Formula $\xymatrix{S_{0}u^{2}\\



Re: Arrays or similar in \xymatrix{

2012-02-05 Thread Paul A . Rubin
I'm not entirely sure I know what you want. Does the following file do it?


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\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Formula $\xymatrix{ &  &  &  & S_{0}u^{2}\\
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S_{0}\ar[urr]\ar[drr] &  &  &  & \genfrac{}{}{0pt}{0}{S_{0}u}{f_{u}}\\
 &  & S_{0}d\ar[urr]\ar[drr]\\
 &  &  &  & S_{0}d^{2}



Arrays or similar in \xymatrix{

2012-02-03 Thread tojarvin

I'm having difficulties creating an binomial option tree. The tree is  
fine, however, LYX refuses to let me create two lines on top of each  
other at the nodes. All fractions and \underset work, but I would like  
the entries (S_0u / f_u) to be equally sized in two lines at each node  
without fraction lines. Neither tables nor array/align,  
*\txt{S_0ud\\f_ud} etc shows up in the figure. Is there anyway around  
this in LYX or do I need to write it in TEX?

My entry looks like:



  S_0u \ar[urr] \ar[drr]   \\

S_0 \ar[urr] \ar[drr] *{\txt4pc{S_0ud\\ f_ud}} \\

  S_0d \ar[urr] \ar[drr]   \\


Best regards,

Arrays or similar in \xymatrix{

2012-02-03 Thread tojarvin

I'm having difficulties creating an binomial option tree. The tree is  
fine, however, LYX refuses to let me create two lines on top of each  
other at the nodes. All fractions and \underset work, but I would like  
the entries (S_0u / f_u) to be equally sized in two lines at each node  
without fraction lines. Neither tables nor array/align,  
*\txt{S_0ud\\f_ud} etc shows up in the figure. Is there anyway around  
this in LYX or do I need to write it in TEX?

My entry looks like:



  S_0u \ar[urr] \ar[drr]   \\

S_0 \ar[urr] \ar[drr] *{\txt4pc{S_0ud\\ f_ud}} \\

  S_0d \ar[urr] \ar[drr]   \\


Best regards,

Arrays or similar in \xymatrix{

2012-02-03 Thread tojarvin

I'm having difficulties creating an binomial option tree. The tree is  
fine, however, LYX refuses to let me create two lines on top of each  
other at the nodes. All fractions and \underset work, but I would like  
the entries (S_0u / f_u) to be equally sized in two lines at each node  
without fraction lines. Neither tables nor array/align,  
*\txt{S_0ud\\f_ud} etc shows up in the figure. Is there anyway around  
this in LYX or do I need to write it in TEX?

My entry looks like:


& & & & S_0u^2\\

& & S_0u \ar[urr] \ar[drr] & & \\

S_0 \ar[urr] \ar[drr] & & & & *{\txt<4pc>{S_0ud\\ f_ud}} \\

& & S_0d \ar[urr] \ar[drr] & & \\

& & & & S_0d^2}

Best regards,