Hi all,

Don't fall into the same trap I did...

In my "SkipThis" environment, I wanted to have the environment, as displayed 
in the LyX user interface, have noticible spaces between consecutive 
paragraphs of the environment.

According to the "Customizing LyX: Features for the Advanced User" document, 
the ItemSep and ParSep commands inside the LyX style should do that. But when 
I do this:

Style Skipthis
  CopyStyle             Normal
  LatexType             Environment
  LatexName             skipthisL
  LeftMargin            "MMMMMM"
  RightMargin           "MMMMMM"
  ParSep                2in
  ItemSep               2in
        Family Sans
        Size Smaller
        Color Blue


When I do the preceding, in the LyX user interface every paragraph runs into 
the paragraph before it. I've tried values of 2in, -2in, and 0in -- it always 
causes consecutive paragraphs of the Skipthis environment to overlap.

Can you guess what I did wrong?

ParSep and ItemSep take floats, not lengths, as arguments. 2in should have 
been 2.0 or whatever.

Also, I found that once I set ParSep and ItemSep, my paragraph indents stoped 
working, so I had to also add the following:

ParIndent       "MMM"


Steve Litt
Recession Relief Package

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