Re: Beamer document: Undefined control sequence [FIXED]

2020-04-10 Thread Rich Shepard

On Fri, 10 Apr 2020, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

I think you have a typo in the last line of your preamble, in the argument
to \logo (should be \pdfuseimage rather than \pfuseimage)?


Oops! That did sneak in somehow. Correcting the typo didn't fix the problem,
but I'm not using a logo in this webinar so I commented out those two lines.
That fixed the problem.

Also, thanks for using the EastLansing theme. Go Green! Go White! Go

Glad you're not partisan, Paul.

I've used several themes in presentations because I tire of one, and I want
to control audience response by the colors and layout used with in-person
presentations. I don't think it's that important with webinars.

Stay well,

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Beamer document: Undefined control sequence

2020-04-10 Thread Paul A. Rubin

On 4/10/20 11:18 AM, Rich Shepard wrote:

I copied a .lyx beamer class file to a new name and am modifying the copy
for a different presentation. (I did this because I like the layout in 

original and copying is a quick way to get that in the new document.)

However, when I compile it (pdflatex) using Ctrl-h an error box 
displays an
undefined control sequence in \makebeamertitle only the copied file, 
not the

original. Yet, the .pdf file is produced and displays. A mwe.lyx is

While I close the error box and go on, I'd like to understand what 
broke in

the copy so I can fix it.

I hope you're all healthy -- and stay that way -- and coping with the
pandemic and economic disruptions.




I think you have a typo in the last line of your preamble, in the 
argument to \logo (should be \pdfuseimage rather than \pfuseimage)?

Also, thanks for using the EastLansing theme. Go Green! Go White! Go State!


lyx-users mailing list

Beamer document: Undefined control sequence

2020-04-10 Thread Rich Shepard

I copied a .lyx beamer class file to a new name and am modifying the copy
for a different presentation. (I did this because I like the layout in the
original and copying is a quick way to get that in the new document.)

However, when I compile it (pdflatex) using Ctrl-h an error box displays an
undefined control sequence in \makebeamertitle only the copied file, not the
original. Yet, the .pdf file is produced and displays. A mwe.lyx is

While I close the error box and go on, I'd like to understand what broke in
the copy so I can fix it.

I hope you're all healthy -- and stay that way -- and coping with the
pandemic and economic disruptions.


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Richard B.
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Applied Ecosystem Services, LLC.
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lyx-users mailing list