Re: Convert "Comment" into "Marginal Note"

2010-02-16 Thread Daniel Lohmann

Hi Diego,

I did something similar for "lyxgreyedout" in my dissertation. The  
caveat is that both., "lyxgreyedout" and "comment" are environments,  
whereas marginpar is a command. So actually you are looking for a  
technique to grab the content of an environment in a way it can be  
passed to a command.

After hours of googling I had found the trick. The amsmath package  
provides  a fairly magic macro called \coll...@body to perform this  

I have added the respective lines from my thesis preamble. I developed  
three variants to typeset the comments, but don't know if the  
marginpar variant ever really worked. The tikz variant was way  
cooler :-)

Have fun,


%** handling of notes  

% LyX typesets "greyed out" notes in an LaTeX environment  
"lyxgreyedout". By

% redefinition of this environment, we can control how notes are printed
% out in the PDF.
% The \coll...@body (provided by amsmath) trick was taken from
% Basically, it can be used to pass all content of an enviroment to a  

%%   % Variant 1: typeset notes as \marginpar (yet to be completed)
%%  \makeatletter
%%  \renewenvironment{lyxgreyedout}{\coll...@body\@NOTE}{\global 

%%  \newcomma...@note[1]{\marginpar{#1}}
%%  \makeatother
%%  \addtolength{\textwidth}{-5cm}

%%  % Variant 2: typeset notes as footnotes. We use the bigfoot package
%%  % to define our own footnote stack for the notes
%%  % The following replaces the default \footnote command by an own
%%  % to ensure that ordinary footnotes are always printed first
%%  \DeclareNewFootnote{A}
%%  \renewcommand{\footnote}{\footnoteA}
%%  % This defines the \footnoteNOTE command for the extra stack.
%%  % "greyed out" are printed as sans-serif, red colored footnotes
%%  % with captial arabic numbering
%%  \DeclareNewFootnote[para]{NOTE}[Alph]
%%  \renewcommand{\footnoteNOTE}{%
%%\textcolor{red}{\Footnotemark\thefootnoteNOTE} \FootnotetextNOTE 

%%  % redefine the lyxgreyedout environment
%%  \makeatletter
%%  \makeenvironment{lyxgreyedout}{\coll...@body\@NOTE}{\global 
%%  \newcomma...@note[1]{\footnotenote{\begin{minipage}[t]{\textwidth} 

%%  \makeatother

%%   % Variant 3: typset notes with tikz as marginpars
%%   \makeatletter
%%   \makeenvironment{lyxgreyedout}{\coll...@body\todonote}{\global 

%%   \makeatother
%%   \newcommand{\todoNOTE}[1]{%
%% \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, baseline=-0.75ex]%
%%   \node [coordinate] (inText) {};%
%% \end{tikzpicture}%
%% \marginpar{%
%%   \begin{sffamily}%
%%   \begin{scriptsize}%
%%   \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture]%
%% %  \draw node[draw=Orange_4, fill=Orange_4!50, text width =  
3.4cm ] (inNote)
%%   \draw node[draw=Gray_40, fill=Gray_10, text width =  
3.4cm ] (inNote)

%%   {#1};
%%   \end{tikzpicture}%
%%   \end{scriptsize}%
%%   \end{sffamily}%
%% }%
%% \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]%
%%   \draw[draw = Gray_40, thick]
%% %  \draw[draw = Orange_4, thick]
%%   ([yshift=-0.2cm] inText)
%% -| ([xshift=-0.2cm] inNote.west)
%% -| (inNote.west);
%% \end{tikzpicture}%
%%   }%

  % Variant 4: ignore them at all -- for the final print

On 13.02.2010, at 19:51, Diego wrote:

Hi, using LyX I'm trying to convert the "comments" into "marginal  

I tried several things but without luck.

The best shot was like this:


or like this:


But what I get is only the first character of the text converted.  
Like in the attached image.

I searched a lot trying to find how to solve this but without luck.  
I found the explanation of what is happening here:

Unexpected Output
Only one character is in the new font
You thought you changed font over a selection of text, but only the  
first character has come out in the new font.
You have most probably used a command instead of a declaration. The  
command should take the text as its argument. If you don't group the  
text, only the first character will be passed as the argument.

What I don't know and wasn't able to find is how to group the text.

Hope someone could help me :-)

Many thanks.

Best Regards,

Convert "Comment" into "Marginal Note"

2010-02-13 Thread Diego
Hi, using LyX I'm trying to convert the "comments" into "marginal notes".
I tried several things but without luck.
The best shot was like this:
or like this:
But what I get is only the first character of the text converted. Like in the 
attached image.
I searched a lot trying to find how to solve this but without luck. I found the 
explanation of what is happening here: 
Unexpected Output
Only one character is in the new font
You thought you changed font over a selection of text, but only the first 
character has come out in the new font.
You have most probably used a command instead of a declaration. The command 
should take the text as its argument. If you don't group the text, only the 
first character will be passed as the argument.
What I don't know and wasn't able to find is how to group the text.
Hope someone could help me :-)
Many thanks.
Best Regards,