The embedded objects manual teaches us that by using the arydshln package
one can create tables with horizontal/vertical dashed lines.

However, I want to do the same in the math environment.  I need to
represent matrices in block-diagonal notation and the use of dashed lines
is one way to distinguish the different parent matrices.

In math mode I can create horizontal dashes within a pmatrix inserting
\hdashline before the first element of a given line in order to put the
dash over it.  However, for the vertical dashes, I had to resort to ERT:
(within the ERT):
a                 & b \\
\hdashline c & d
Notice the "{c:c}" that puts the vert dash between the columns.

It works but it's not wysiwyg... is there no other way to do this within
Rudi Gaelzer
Institute of Physics
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
Registered linux user # 153741

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