Begin forwarded message:

> From: Norbert Böhm <>
> Subject: Re: How to enlarge a Graphic?
> Date: April 17, 2014 6:00:12 AM EDT
> To: Stephen Buonopane <>
> Am 17.04.2014 05:08, schrieb Stephen Buonopane:
>> On Apr 16, 2014, at 9:48 AM, Richard Heck wrote:
>>> On 04/16/2014 05:06 AM, Norbert Böhm wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> can I ask here to a Lyx - Problem with Graphics?
>>>> So, the Problem is, that I want to set a Graphic over the holy entire
>>>> of a A4 - Page. I may set of the margins for this site. I think there is a 
>>>> special TEX - command to do this, but I searched yesterday for many hours 
>>>> and found different and unclear answers.
>>> Just FYI for anyone who wants to answer this: What Norbert wants to do is 
>>> have a graphic that covers the entire page, and not just the page within 
>>> the margins. For the horizontal aspect, one can center it. But how to do it 
>>> for the vertical aspect?
>>> Richard
>> Try using the pdfpages package as described here
>> In LyX you can do this with Insert -> File -> External Material -> PDFPages
> Hello!
> Unfortunately are both ways wrong on my system. Wenn I try the way of Les, 
> there is no Graphic seen on the PDF, wenn I try the way of Stephen, the Latex 
> - Error episode runs.
> But still I´ve found the "GOLDEN WAY", with the tip of Stephen.
> Note, that you seems to me like Latex - profis, and I´m a Latex- donkey, I´m 
> a Lyx- user! And now I´tell you the way for simple lyx users.
> This way has a plus and a minus:
> + you don´t need to touch the Latex - priamble, you don´t need Texcode!
> - you have to produce your Graphic as PDF
> So, Stephens way ist easyer in Lyx. First you change your graphic in a PDF - 
> Dokument (it´s easy to export it as PDF from GIMP)
> Than you go in your LYX - Dokument on the Side, where you want the Graphic, 
> may be make an new page and if you want to see the Graphic without topline 
> and pagenumber, set this in Texcode:
> \thispagestyle{empty}
> This is to clean your page, not the command to insert graphic!
> And now you insert your graphic:
> - click on: insert - file - extern Material (!)
>  at the opening window search four your pdf- pic, and insert it
> - under that field you can choose the type of dokument - choose pdf
> - overtake this,
> and on the other upper button "large and turning" click:
> -  wide 100  % large
> (may be here you can play a little bit with this options, but this works 
> striktly. And may be, there are some little other names for this options, 
> cause I use the german surface)
> Now I see on Lyx and on my PDF a large Graphic over the entire of the choosen 
> page - in a realy good quality (zoom it!)
> I hope other people can enjoy this simple way now too
> and maybe it will be discribed in the Handbooks.
> Thank you Les, inadvertently I print out your picture. So I pin it on my wall 
> now to show my guests how intelligent Lyx - users are : )
> And thank you Stephen, that I can work on my great work : )
> Are we happy?
> We are!

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