To define a converter, select LyX->Preferences and the Converters tab. However, in my installation I don't have any converter for jpeg defined. Are you sure everything got installed? I'm no TeXpert, but it seems like ImageMagick is missing (or not functioning properly). Try opening i-Installer and check so that it is installed. Then try reconfigure LyX (Tools->Reconfigure), give the 'sudo texhash'-command in the Terminal and restart LyX. That should hopefully do it. As for the DVI-output, that is likely because you have no DVI-viewer defined/installed. It's the same on my installation, but I have no problems with it. There are DVI-viewers for the Mac that you can install if you need it.



Ive been searching around the web for an answer to this problem and can find nothing. I am running a Mac with the latest version of OS X and I have followed the installation page that I found on one of the linked sites. My question is when I put a jpg or any other graphic in the document and then try to view it in any of the output views I get the error "No Information for converting jpg format files to eps. Define a converter in the preferences." I understand that I need a converter to do this but how do I add one? Which one do I use? Another item of frustration for me is that when I try and run the view=>DVI command it does nothing. Any help would be great.


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