Am 07.01.22 um 15:18 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann via lyx-users:
a short lyx file (attached) with just one reference and some text is not correctly exported to lualatex pdf (thick reference instead of a blue reference, no bibliography shown).

I use lualatex and the biblatex-spbasic style file (attached).
In the latex log I am told to rerun biber:

Package biblatex Warning: Please (re)run Biber on the file:

Question: Why do I have to (re)run biber and how is it done?


your example cannot work! In the lyx file you have defined:

bibfiles "SP-WITTE-2022-AUX"

but your attached bibfile has the filename: "OneRef.bib"

Changing the filename with clicking on the "prinbibliography" button in
the openedĀ  LyX file to the correct one and then running the document
everything is fine.

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