On 22/03/11 15:51, Rob Oakes wrote:
> Dear Users and Developers,
> Thank you to both Pavel and Stefano for ollowing up with Google about why the 
> GSoC application was turned down. Is there any way that I could help in that 
> review? Stefano, will you be attending the IRC meeting to be held later 
> today? I think it's very important that we understand why LyX was rejected as 
> a mentoring organization, and I'd be willing to hep in any way necessary.
> While I have some ideas about why it may have happened, I think that Pavel 
> hit the nail on the head. When I talk to people about LyX, they seem to think 
> of it as a specialized academic writing tool. Basically, a program which 
> helps professors and students write a thesis or articles. (To be even more 
> narrow, it seems like many think it is for math and physics people to write a 
> thesis or article.) Which is to say, a specialized program with an incredibly 
> small user base and use.
> While that stereotype may be somewhat true (I don't think anyone would argue 
> that many of the developers and users are within academics), it significantly 
> understates LyX's appeal, especially if you consider the enhancements 
> available in the upcoming version. From my own personal experience, I've 
> found LyX to be the most capable pre-press/writing tool I've ever come 
> across. If I were a publishing company or involved in the creation of any 
> type of documentation, I would be looking  at LyX very carefully. It's the 
> only tool that I know that allows you to manage collaboration, typesetting 
> the final output, and target both electronic and print from the same source. 
> With the recent explosion of electronic publishing and eBooks, I think that 
> makes it *highly* relevant.
> Yet, I'm not sure that the wider community appreciates that. (Hearing 
> Google's rationale for rejecting the GSoC application will help somewhat in 
> clarifying how LyX is perceived.) Which really brings me to the reason I'm 
> writing.
> Would it be worth trying to promote LyX to people who might find it helpful? 
> We've talked for a long time about writing a LyX book, which is an excellent 
> and wonderful project. But what if we first tested those waters by tackling 
> some smaller projects first?
> For example:
> 1.) I just learned about a new open design magazine this morning, called 
> LibreGraphics magazine (http://libregraphicsmag.com/). The goal of the 
> publication is to help designers find tools for their work. It seems like an 
> article about using LyX for book design would be a natural fit for their 
> target audience. 
> 2.) In similar vein, the LibreGraphics meeting is also coming up. This year, 
> it will be held in Montreal. LibreGraphics targets a similar demographic, and 
> it seems like such a presentation would be a natural fit. Even better, they 
> pay the travel expenses of presenters 
> (http://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2011/). Might anyone be interested in 
> talking about using LyX to talk about book design, typography, or writing?
> 3.) It's been some time since Linux magazine or one of the other trade 
> publications published a general purpose article on LyX. Might it be worth 
> creating and submitting one? We might try and target Linux users magazine 
> (http://www.linuxuser.co.uk/), ZdNet, or one of the large Linux blogs (like 
> OMG!Ubuntu, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/).
> 4.) It seems that there are people willing to help promote/evangelize LyX, 
> but I'm not sure we offer much in the way of promotional materials to help. 
> Would it be worthwhile to create a limited number of tutorials for people, 
> like Venom, who will be holding seminars or workshops? (I've also thought 
> about teaching a design workshop through my local library, and these 
> materials would help provide a curriculum.)
> The tutorials could address some of the finer points of using LyX that are 
> not covered in the manuals. For example, how do you collaborate using version 
> control? What is the process for creating custom, typeset publications with 
> LyX and LaTeX? We could publish cohesive examples and then walk through how 
> the code works. They might describe principles of design, or typographical 
> effects, and how they can be accomplished using LyX. Maybe we could create a 
> writeup on how to prepare files for multiple output formats (print, web, 
> eBook) using a single source. I'm sure that there are other tutorials that 
> I'm overlooking.
> Which really brings me to the point I want to make: if we target the right 
> groups and create nice looking materials, it could go a long ways to 
> clarifying LyX's position in the free-softare world. It's also likely that we 
> might find developers to contribute time and code, businesses who would be 
> willing to support future development, and others who could help grow the LyX 
> user base.
> Many of the other projects who were accepted seem to have dedicated 
> marketing/promotion teams. Would it be worth trying to organize such an 
> endeavor for LyX? It might provide a great way for less code savvy types to 
> contribute to the project.
> Cheers,
> Rob

Not sure if this helps but I produce my local rugby clubs newsletter in
LyX and include some LaTeX for some of the formatting (mainly tables)

feel free to have a look at http://www.zleap.net/rugby.php

I include in the footer that I have created it with LyX and LaTeX

I have also used it to produce various other documents such as the joe
command reference found elsewhere on my site.



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