> For some reason, when I insert a "Split" environment in an equation, LyX
> does not insert the "&" into the LaTeX source and as a result

You can do this by yourself by adding a column (can be done via the math toolbar). See also the LyX Math manual sec. 18 as reference.
Attached is an example showing the split environment in action.

It seems that LyX 1.6.5 had a bug with the split environment that is fixed in LyX 1.6.6 (http://www.lyx.org/trac/ticket/6700).

> the equations are not aligned to the left. This is in contrast with the 
> for the  "Array" environment. Is this normal?

Yes, see sec. 18.2-18.6 for a description of the different AMS formula 

regards Uwe

Attachment: split.lyx
Description: application/lyx

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