Hello, I am running Lyx 2.0.0 on Windows 7. When I import a figure created in Visio but saved as an emf file, it converts and appears ok in the Lyx editor. However, if I try to view the generated pdf file, adobe reader sits and thinks for a very long time before it is able to display the page containing the graphis. When it finally does, the figure appears vastly blown up in size. I need to scale it down in Lyx to about 20% of the original size to get it to fit, and even then reader will labor for a very long time beofre displaying the page (and sometimes omits the figure entirely). I never noticed this problem before b/c I used to give Lyx the eps file directly, converted from emf by a 3rd party tool which is unf. no longer free :-( so i am reliant on the built-in convertor now. Any ideas?

PS my current workaround is to get visio to save it as a jpg which I import into Lyx. This works ok but doesn't produce as sharp an image

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