In addition to the other request for feedback, I was wondering if I might 
pester the community for one other favor. I'm currently putting together 
materials for a workshop. It's meant to introduce students (math, science, 
graduate, medical) to open tools and how they can be used for writing. It's 
based on the never-ending book project.

I'm hoping to use both videos and handouts. All of the workshop materials will 
be released under the GPL (or the open documentation license, I haven't decided 
which). Here is a brief outline:

1.) Word processors versus document processors and why you should be using the 
latter (Workshop Discussion)
2.) Preparing major documents, such as your thesis or book, with LyX and LaTeX 
(Workshop Discussion)
4.) Setup and installation of LyX, LaTeX, and related tools (R, Sweave, Knitr) 
(Video Series)
3.) Creating and maintaining a bibliographic database (Zotero, BibTeX) (Video 
5.) Collaboration with version control systems, such as Subversion (Handout)

While I'm still working on the first four points of the outline, I've managed 
to get most of the Version Control handout written. I was wondering if I could 
solicit feedback on what's been produced so far: 

1.) Part 1: Why You Should be Using Version Control 
2.) Part 2: Advanced Stuff 
3.) Part 3.1: Collaboration Fundamentals 
4.) Part 3.2: Locks and Idea Ownership 
5.) Part 3.3: Communication and Logs 
6.) Part 3.4: Using Branches for Review 
7.) Part 4: Handling Conflicts and Errors 

Thoughts related to style, structure, and content would all be appreciated. As 
the project is only tangentially related to LyX, though, I would appreciate 
comments on the posts or private mail. (I don't want to spam uninterested 



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