On Tue, Feb 27, 2001 at 11:33:59AM -0800, Kenward Vaughan wrote:
> The offending line in the "bad" file is:
>    \def\input@path{{/home/daddy/Chemistry/Ochem//}}
> If I comment this out using %% then the script succeeds.
> Surely someone knows what this does, its purpose, etc??  Obviously it's tied
> to the 1.1.16 converter methodology, since a plain Latex export doesn't have
> it (nor the other 3 lines at the beginning).  
> Why is it inserted; is it important?  I know nearly zilch about
> Latex/Tex/Lyx code.  
> Is the ochem drawing package the only one likely to be bothered by this, or
> could it mess up other scripts used for other purposes?
> Can I turn off its generation?  or hope that someone adds a "use plain Latex
> file" button in the converter section to do just that?

I just visited the land of Serendip... :)

After my last post I decided to check out Herbert's 2 Mb file.  While
visiting the site, I happened to be scrolling down the page and saw the
entry concerning a Path to Files, and lo! there was **that line**.

I do not fully understand what function it serves except possibly creating a
Latex-based addition to a path that is searchable by things, or perhaps a
return path for movement of files by Latex scripts.  ANYWAY...

The package I use generates a file for each drawing in the document. If they
already exist, and match what's in the document then things are cool.  But
if they aren't complete files (say--left over from a run which had an error
in the code, or from another document), then an error can occur. I reran my
"bad" Latex file and noted in the log a reference to one of these files,
with my home path attached to it.  That file actually existed, dated over a
month ago.

I toasted the old drawing files in that directory (I don't usually keep
them, as my script attests), and viola!  Things worked normally.

I'm still don't know how to use that pathway, as an attempt to put some
other, required accessory files into that directory (instead of copying them
into the tmp dir as done in the script) failed.  Is there a way to point to
this path in ERT areas in my document?  I don't know if the package would
accept it, but that would be nice.

I apologize for the near-monologue generated by this issue on the list. 
Tracking down the source of this problem has been quite a learning (and
taxing) experience!  I hope that the posts wind up being helpful to someone
else at some point down the road.

BTW, Dekel, your suggestion concerning my definitions for converter and
format do seem to be much slicker, and now I understand what happens when I
export things (in the sense of what Lyx does to identify and move a
formatter's product back into the working directory).  Thanks very much!

I like what I've seen so far in 1.1.16 a Lot!  My thanks to the Lyx team for
the effort you obviously put into this work.  I have never looked back since
beginning to work with Lyx.  

Kenward Vaughan
It is not so very important for a person to learn facts.  For that he
doesn't really need a college education, for he can learn them from
books.  The value of an education in a liberal arts college is not the
learning of many facts but the training of the mind to thinking--something
that cannot be learned from books.     Albert Einstein

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