Re: Bibliographic citations citation style formatting

2023-07-13 Thread Rich Shepard

On Thu, 13 Jul 2023, Herbert Voss wrote:

That is only a LyX problem; the output (pdf) should be ok!


Yes, the PDF output has et al. citations and all authors in the

Because the LyX display does not reflect that is distracting; I spent the
past couple of days trying to fix it when I need to focus on writing the
index and implementing a different chapter heading look (which will wait
until the index is done.)

Best regards,

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Bibliographic citations citation style formatting

2023-07-13 Thread Herbert Voss

Rich Shepard schrieb:
> On Thu, 13 Jul 2023, Herbert Voss wrote:
>> LyX itself uses the only for more than _three_ authors, which
>> looks
>> like a bug to me. It should recognize for biblatex the setting of the
>> above option field.
> HHerbert,
> I agree. (And all options in the Citation Style section does the trick.)
> Seeing, in the LyX document itself, both et al. and all three author names
> troubled me. Yesterday I read part of TLC3/II chapter 15 on bibliographic
> styles and could not identify which of the many options I needed; hadn't
> made it to chapte 16 on citation styles.

That is only a LyX problem;  the output (pdf) should be ok!


> --
> lyx-users mailing list

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Bibliographic citations citation style formatting

2023-07-13 Thread Rich Shepard

On Thu, 13 Jul 2023, Herbert Voss wrote:

Remove the module apa(natbib) from documents->preferences->modules

Since bibtex, natlib, and juralib have been deprecated would it be
reasonable to drop them from LyX? I've no idea how many LyX users run older
versions of TeXLive and supported these options.

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Bibliographic citations citation style formatting

2023-07-13 Thread Rich Shepard

On Thu, 13 Jul 2023, Herbert Voss wrote:

LyX itself uses the only for more than _three_ authors, which looks
like a bug to me. It should recognize for biblatex the setting of the
above option field.


I agree. (And all options in the Citation Style section does the trick.)

Seeing, in the LyX document itself, both et al. and all three author names
troubled me. Yesterday I read part of TLC3/II chapter 15 on bibliographic
styles and could not identify which of the many options I needed; hadn't
made it to chapte 16 on citation styles.

Best regards,

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Bibliographic citations citation style formatting

2023-07-13 Thread Rich Shepard

On Thu, 13 Jul 2023, Herbert Voss wrote:

Remove the module apa(natbib) from documents->preferences->modules


I'm suitably embarassed by not checking all settings and seeing this. Mea

and then insert into documents->preferences->bibliography the options

However, inside LyX it doesn't look right for the citation, but the pdf is 

There are three sections in the Bibliography settings dialog box: Citation
Style (with an options box), Bibliography Style (without an options box),
and Bibliography Generation (with an options box). Are all the above options
entered in the Citation Style section?

Many thanks,

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Bibliographic citations citation style formatting

2023-07-13 Thread Herbert Voss

Am 13.07.23 um 07:01 schrieb Herbert Voss:

and then insert into documents->preferences->bibliography the options


However, inside LyX it doesn't look right for the citation, but the 
pdf is ok.

LyX itself uses the only for more than _three_ authors, which 
looks like
a bug to me. It should recognize for biblatex the setting of the above 
option field.

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Bibliographic citations citation style formatting

2023-07-12 Thread Rich Shepard

On Wed, 12 Jul 2023, Rich Shepard wrote:

Here's a different one from a report written a couple of months ago. See
second attachment (citation-style.png). Notice that the citation is a pair
of question marks (and all variants of that are the only display options)
while the citation (Langless2000) is what should be displayed.

Fixed this one. While the Settings dialog box showed the authoryear, it was
not in the list of authors. Scrolling down that list I clicked on that name
and the proper entry was loaded. The LyX and PDF files are correct.

However, ... there are still bibliography errors that can be seen in the
mwe.lyx file (attached, along with a mwe.bib containing two entries).

Creating the new file (KOMA-Sctipt book class), the bibliography setting is
stuck at bibtex, not biblatex. I need to fix this for the MWE and future new
docs. It also presents only bibtex citation styles, not the biblatex ones.

I need help setting biblatex as the default for all book and report docs and
having all multi-author docs (3 or more authors) display citations and
bibliography entrries as the first author + et al.

Now to read TLC3/II on biblatex.


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\begin_layout Enumerate
assessment of streams and rivers for determining whether designated beneficial
 uses have been attained, for measurements of biodiversity, or for quantifying
 ecosystem function (
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\begin_inset CommandInset citation
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key "Chessman2007"
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\begin_inset CommandInset citation
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.) In addition to mixed taxonomic levels being given the same weight in a
 diversity or integrity index, these metrics do not accommodate the range
 of benthic macroinvertebrate life history strategies.
 These life history differences mean that taxa collected at any site depends
 on the collection date (
\begin_inset CommandInset citation
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\begin_inset CommandInset citation
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\begin_inset CommandInset citation
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key "Bogan2007"
literal "false"


.) For example, at one extreme are the terrestrial

Bibliographic citations citation style formatting

2023-07-12 Thread Rich Shepard

Running lyx- on Slackware64-14.2 linux.

When I push a multi-author bibliographic citation from JabRef-5.1 sometimes
it displays with all the author's names, sometimes with first author's name
and 'et al.' See attached image.

In both cases, looking at the Settings -> Citation Style -> formatting I'm
presented with variants of the displayed citation, and not both types.

I don't recall having this problem before. Looking at a couple of documents
with bibliographic citations, all multi-author citations are of the '... et
al.' type.

Here's a different one from a report written a couple of months ago. See
second attachment (citation-style.png). Notice that the citation is a pair
of question marks (and all variants of that are the only display options)
while the citation (Langless2000) is what should be displayed.

How can I clean up both of these documents so they properly display

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Citations discrepancy

2023-07-12 Thread Rich Shepard

On Wed, 12 Jul 2023, Herbert Voss wrote:

run in a terminal
texdoc biblatex
pages 49ff

And yes, the LC3 has also a large chapter about biblatex (II-472f, II-547f).


That's really good to know. I've not yet looked at LC3 part II; now I will.

Best regards,

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Citations discrepancy

2023-07-12 Thread Herbert Voss

Am 12.07.23 um 15:29 schrieb Rich Shepard:

On Wed, 12 Jul 2023, Herbert Voss wrote:

Use instead
maxbibnames=99, maxcitenames=1

Okay. What do I read to learn more about bibliography options? Does 
one of
the LyX manuals have this information? Or, perhaps, The LaTeX 
Companion, 3rd


run in a terminal

texdoc biblatex

pages 49ff

And yes, the LC3 has also a large chapter about biblatex (II-472f, II-547f).

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Citations discrepancy

2023-07-12 Thread Rich Shepard

On Wed, 12 Jul 2023, Herbert Voss wrote:

Use instead
maxbibnames=99, maxcitenames=1


Okay. What do I read to learn more about bibliography options? Does one of
the LyX manuals have this information? Or, perhaps, The LaTeX Companion, 3rd

Much appreciated,


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Citations discrepancy

2023-07-12 Thread Herbert Voss

Rich Shepard schrieb:
> On Wed, 12 Jul 2023, Herbert Voss wrote:
>> insert into document->preferences->bib->option
>> maxnames=1
>> then you'll always get for citations and the bibliography if
>> there
>> are more than one author.
> Herbert,
> Thank you. Is there an option that limits citations to one name but has
> all
> authors named in the bibliography?

Use instead

maxbibnames=99, maxcitenames=1


> --
> lyx-users mailing list

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Citations discrepancy

2023-07-12 Thread Rich Shepard

On Wed, 12 Jul 2023, Herbert Voss wrote:

insert into document->preferences->bib->option

then you'll always get for citations and the bibliography if there
are more than one author.


Thank you. Is there an option that limits citations to one name but has all
authors named in the bibliography?

Best regards,

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Citations discrepancy

2023-07-12 Thread Herbert Voss

Am 11.07.23 um 20:07 schrieb Rich Shepard:

I have multi-author publications cited in my book. Some have all authors'
names in the in-text citation while others have the first author's 
last name

followed by 'et al.' Before, the latter is the only one I've seen. When I
look at the settings for the all-name citations I don't see an option to
change that to 'et al.' How can I fix this?

insert into document->preferences->bib->option

then you'll always get for citations and the bibliography if there
are more than one author.

lyx-users mailing list

Citations discrepancy

2023-07-11 Thread Rich Shepard

I have multi-author publications cited in my book. Some have all authors'
names in the in-text citation while others have the first author's last name
followed by 'et al.' Before, the latter is the only one I've seen. When I
look at the settings for the all-name citations I don't see an option to
change that to 'et al.' How can I fix this?

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Tufte Handout class handling of citations broken by LyX v2.3.6.2

2022-06-27 Thread Trevor Jenkins
It appears (in that it works) that the solution to my issue back in April 2022 

Document > Settings > Local Layout 

Input ../citeengines/basic.citeengine


Hey presto. New LyX documents using class Tufte Handout that contain citations 
in them are again formatted as expected. 

Regards, Trevor.

<>< Re: deemed!

> On 29 Apr 2022, at 00:18, Trevor Jenkins  wrote:
> I have a number of (old) LyX files that use the Tufte Handout class 
> (tufte-handout.cls). In LyX version 2.0 these were formatted correctly that 
> is the citation of a reference appears in marginalia; numbered in sequence 
> with formal sidenotes. However, for new and modified files the most recent 
> LyX version breaks this behaviour! A reference is placed in the text 
> and the citation only appears in the bibliography at the end of the final 
> document. Depending on exactly which style of reference is selected via 
> Insert > Citation the reference may also be incorrect and appear as 
> {author?}. But none of the styles available via Insert > Citation give the 
> documented result that Tufte Handout is supposed to produce.
> This breakage makes LyX useless for me as I only use Tufte Handout (and have 
> no interest or desire to use a different LaTeX class in its place).
> Regards, Trevor.
> <>< Re: deemed!

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Tufte Handout class handling of citations broken by LyX v2.3.6.2

2022-04-29 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Am Freitag, dem 29.04.2022 um 00:18 +0100 schrieb Trevor Jenkins:
> I have a number of (old) LyX files that use the Tufte Handout class
> (tufte-handout.cls). In LyX version 2.0 these were formatted
> correctly that is the citation of a reference appears in marginalia;
> numbered in sequence with formal sidenotes. However, for new and
> modified files the most recent LyX version breaks this
> behaviour! A reference is placed in the text and the citation only
> appears in the bibliography at the end of the final document.
> Depending on exactly which style of reference is selected via Insert
> > Citation the reference may also be incorrect and appear as
> {author?}. But none of the styles available via Insert > Citation
> give the documented result that Tufte Handout is supposed to produce.
> This breakage makes LyX useless for me as I only use Tufte Handout
> (and have no interest or desire to use a different LaTeX class in its
> place).

Could you please provide an example document?


> Regards, Trevor.
> <>< Re: deemed!

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
lyx-users mailing list

Re: Tufte Handout class handling of citations broken by LyX v2.3.6.2

2022-04-29 Thread Dr Eberhard Lisse

This is a LaTeX issue, not a LyX one as far as I can see.

And perhaps one between chair and screen (lack of RTFM perhaps) :-)-O


On 29/04/2022 01:18, Trevor Jenkins wrote:

I have a number of (old) LyX files that use the Tufte Handout class
(tufte-handout.cls).  In LyX version 2.0 these were formatted
correctly that is the citation of a reference appears in marginalia;
numbered in sequence with formal sidenotes.  However, for new and
modified files the most recent LyX version breaks this
behaviour!  A reference is placed in the text and the citation only
appears in the bibliography at the end of the final document.
Depending on exactly which style of reference is selected via Insert >
Citation the reference may also be incorrect and appear as {author?}.
But none of the styles available via Insert > Citation give the
documented result that Tufte Handout is supposed to produce.

This breakage makes LyX useless for me as I only use Tufte Handout
(and have no interest or desire to use a different LaTeX class in its

Regards, Trevor.

<>< Re: deemed!

To email me replace 'nospam' with 'el'

lyx-users mailing list

Tufte Handout class handling of citations broken by LyX v2.3.6.2

2022-04-28 Thread Trevor Jenkins
I have a number of (old) LyX files that use the Tufte Handout class 
(tufte-handout.cls). In LyX version 2.0 these were formatted correctly that is 
the citation of a reference appears in marginalia; numbered in sequence with 
formal sidenotes. However, for new and modified files the most recent LyX 
version breaks this behaviour! A reference is placed in the text and 
the citation only appears in the bibliography at the end of the final document. 
Depending on exactly which style of reference is selected via Insert > Citation 
the reference may also be incorrect and appear as {author?}. But none of the 
styles available via Insert > Citation give the documented result that Tufte 
Handout is supposed to produce.

This breakage makes LyX useless for me as I only use Tufte Handout (and have no 
interest or desire to use a different LaTeX class in its place).

Regards, Trevor.

<>< Re: deemed!

lyx-users mailing list

RE: Need Help Reducing Horizontal Distance/Spacing between Author & Year in citations

2021-10-21 Thread Hisham Yacob
Hi Paul,

Yes! That’s exactly what I wanted. Thank you so much!


From: Paul A. Rubin<>
Sent: Thursday, 21 October 2021 7:46 pm
Subject: Re: Need Help Reducing Horizontal Distance/Spacing between Author & 
Year in citations

On 10/21/21 5:39 PM, Hisham Yacob wrote:
Hi all,

I don’t know why I didn’t think to include the lyx file in the email (since my 
original post was on the LyX subreddit, which was why I used pictures instead). 
Anyway, attached is an example lyx file.

Thanks you.


From: Paul A. Rubin<>
Sent: Thursday, 21 October 2021 5:07 pm
Subject: Re: Need Help Reducing Horizontal Distance/Spacing between Author & 
Year in citations

On 10/21/21 4:29 PM, Hisham Yacob wrote:
Hi everyone,

How do I go about compressing the horizontal spacing (highlighted in yellow, in 
case it's unclear what I'm trying to ask here) between author and year, both in 
individual references and grouped references like in the third line.


The spacing between Adam and (2020) seems like there's double spacing, instead 
of a single space. Also, when referencing multiple papers, I want the comma to 
hug the name. i.e. I want it to be:

NAME, YEAR instead of

NAME , YEAR which is what it's doing right now.

I tried tweaking the preamble and options but I can't seem to get it to work. 
I'm using Style format "Natbib(BibTeX)", variant "Author-year" and Biblio style 

I hope I’ve been sufficient clear with my question.



Can you post a minimal example (LyX file plus .bib file if you are using an 
external bibliographic database)? That would help us suss out what is going on.


Is the attached file what you want? I just removed the space from the label 
field of each bibliography entry (but left it in the key field).


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Need Help Reducing Horizontal Distance/Spacing between Author & Year in citations

2021-10-21 Thread Paul A. Rubin

On 10/21/21 5:39 PM, Hisham Yacob wrote:

Hi all,

I don’t know why I didn’t think to include the lyx file in the email 
(since my original post was on the LyX subreddit, which was why I used 
pictures instead). Anyway, attached is an example lyx file.

Thanks you.



*From: *Paul A. Rubin <>
*Sent: *Thursday, 21 October 2021 5:07 pm
*To: * <>
*Subject: *Re: Need Help Reducing Horizontal Distance/Spacing between 
Author & Year in citations

On 10/21/21 4:29 PM, Hisham Yacob wrote:

Hi everyone,

How do I go about compressing the horizontal spacing (highlighted
in yellow, in case it's unclear what I'm trying to ask here)
between author and year, both in individual references and grouped
references like in the third line.

The spacing between Adam and (2020) seems like there's double
spacing, instead of a single space. Also, when referencing
multiple papers, I want the comma to hug the name. i.e. I want it
to be:

NAME, YEAR instead of

NAME , YEAR which is what it's doing right now.

I tried tweaking the preamble and options but I can't seem to get
it to work. I'm using Style format "Natbib(BibTeX)", variant
"Author-year" and Biblio style "plainnat"

I hope I’ve been sufficient clear with my question.




Can you post a minimal example (LyX file plus .bib file if you are 
using an external bibliographic database)? That would help us suss out 
what is going on.


Is the attached file what you want? I just removed the space from the 
label field of each bibliography entry (but left it in the key field).


Description: application/lyx
lyx-users mailing list

RE: Need Help Reducing Horizontal Distance/Spacing between Author & Year in citations

2021-10-21 Thread Hisham Yacob
Hi all,

I don’t know why I didn’t think to include the lyx file in the email (since my 
original post was on the LyX subreddit, which was why I used pictures instead). 
Anyway, attached is an example lyx file.

Thanks you.


From: Paul A. Rubin<>
Sent: Thursday, 21 October 2021 5:07 pm
Subject: Re: Need Help Reducing Horizontal Distance/Spacing between Author & 
Year in citations

On 10/21/21 4:29 PM, Hisham Yacob wrote:
Hi everyone,

How do I go about compressing the horizontal spacing (highlighted in yellow, in 
case it's unclear what I'm trying to ask here) between author and year, both in 
individual references and grouped references like in the third line.


The spacing between Adam and (2020) seems like there's double spacing, instead 
of a single space. Also, when referencing multiple papers, I want the comma to 
hug the name. i.e. I want it to be:

NAME, YEAR instead of

NAME , YEAR which is what it's doing right now.

I tried tweaking the preamble and options but I can't seem to get it to work. 
I'm using Style format "Natbib(BibTeX)", variant "Author-year" and Biblio style 

I hope I’ve been sufficient clear with my question.



Can you post a minimal example (LyX file plus .bib file if you are using an 
external bibliographic database)? That would help us suss out what is going on.


Description: example.lyx
lyx-users mailing list

Re: Need Help Reducing Horizontal Distance/Spacing between Author & Year in citations

2021-10-21 Thread Paul A. Rubin

On 10/21/21 4:29 PM, Hisham Yacob wrote:

Hi everyone,

How do I go about compressing the horizontal spacing (highlighted in 
yellow, in case it's unclear what I'm trying to ask here) between 
author and year, both in individual references and grouped references 
like in the third line.

The spacing between Adam and (2020) seems like there's double spacing, 
instead of a single space. Also, when referencing multiple papers, I 
want the comma to hug the name. i.e. I want it to be:

NAME, YEAR instead of

NAME , YEAR which is what it's doing right now.

I tried tweaking the preamble and options but I can't seem to get it 
to work. I'm using Style format "Natbib(BibTeX)", variant 
"Author-year" and Biblio style "plainnat"

I hope I’ve been sufficient clear with my question.




Can you post a minimal example (LyX file plus .bib file if you are using 
an external bibliographic database)? That would help us suss out what is 
going on.


lyx-users mailing list

Need Help Reducing Horizontal Distance/Spacing between Author & Year in citations

2021-10-21 Thread Hisham Yacob
Hi everyone,

How do I go about compressing the horizontal spacing (highlighted in yellow, in 
case it's unclear what I'm trying to ask here) between author and year, both in 
individual references and grouped references like in the third line.


The spacing between Adam and (2020) seems like there's double spacing, instead 
of a single space. Also, when referencing multiple papers, I want the comma to 
hug the name. i.e. I want it to be:

NAME, YEAR instead of

NAME , YEAR which is what it's doing right now.

I tried tweaking the preamble and options but I can't seem to get it to work. 
I'm using Style format "Natbib(BibTeX)", variant "Author-year" and Biblio style 

I hope I’ve been sufficient clear with my question.



lyx-users mailing list

Re: How to get numeric citations?

2020-02-04 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Am Dienstag, den 04.02.2020, 16:06 + schrieb Miranda Buckle:
> For the main “thesis” document
> In Document—>Settings—>Bibliography
> Style format: Biblatex (natbib mode)
> Variant: author-number
> Biblatex citation style: numeric
> Biblatex bibliography style: numeric 
> When I go to Chapter 1 document for example
> In Document—>Settings—>Bibliography
> Style format: Biblatex (natbib mode)
> Variant: author-number
> Biblatex citation style: numeric
> Biblatex bibliography style: numeric 
> However when I add a citation it is still a label…..

Yes, the numeric widget does only change the appearance in the lyX
workarea with Biblatex. To get numeric citations in the output, you
need to select a numeric bibliography and citation style (such as the
standard one simply called "numeric"; there are others with "numeric"
in their name that slightly differ in output).

Hope this helps,

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
lyx-users mailing list

How to get numeric citations?

2020-02-04 Thread Miranda Buckle

You probably have had enough questions about LyX citations!

But I have another one; if you could point me in the right direction it would 
be so helpful.

I am using a thesis template downloaded from Github; I would like numeric 
citations, but the template gives labels.

There is a document called “thesis” which has a Biblatex bibliography in it (I 
have a bibliography exported from Mendeley as a .bib file; I replaced the 
original Biblatex database.)

For the main “thesis” document
In Document—>Settings—>Bibliography
Style format: Biblatex (natbib mode)
Variant: author-number
Biblatex citation style: numeric
Biblatex bibliography style: numeric 

When I go to Chapter 1 document for example
In Document—>Settings—>Bibliography
Style format: Biblatex (natbib mode)
Variant: author-number
Biblatex citation style: numeric
Biblatex bibliography style: numeric 

However when I add a citation it is still a label…..

If I make a completely new document and add a Bibliography environment, I can 
get numeric citations, just not if I use documents which reference my 
bibliography in the “thesis” template. The document preamble is:

%% LyX 2.3.4 created this file. For more info, see
%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.

I started using Lyx today so apologies if this is a very basic query!

lyx-users mailing list

Re: No possibility for text before or after etc in biblatex citations [SOLVED]

2019-08-09 Thread Niklas Huldén

On 9.8.2019 15:38, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

Am Freitag, den 09.08.2019, 15:13 +0300 schrieb Niklas Huldén:

Now I notice that you can't have a footnote citation with a whole
bibliography post AND use qualified citation lists. If I change the
citation style it works.

Right, there is no \footfullcites command in biblatex.

I'm sorry, I am writing an article to a historical magazine that
all the sources to be in footnotes with the first mentioning of the
source containing the bibliography of this source in whole. I got
and tried to accomplish too much. It's easier to cite in
texts :)

The way to do this is to use a style that supports this, e.g. biblatex-
chicago, biblatex-dw or biblatex-historian. These styles automatically
give the full reference at first mention, and they automatically use


Ok. Thank you for this. I will look into these.


Re: No possibility for text before or after etc in biblatex citations [SOLVED]

2019-08-09 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Am Freitag, den 09.08.2019, 15:13 +0300 schrieb Niklas Huldén:
> Now I notice that you can't have a footnote citation with a whole 
> bibliography post AND use qualified citation lists. If I change the 
> citation style it works.

Right, there is no \footfullcites command in biblatex.

> I'm sorry, I am writing an article to a historical magazine that
> demands 
> all the sources to be in footnotes with the first mentioning of the 
> source containing the bibliography of this source in whole. I got
> greedy 
> and tried to accomplish too much. It's easier to cite in
> anthropological 
> texts :)

The way to do this is to use a style that supports this, e.g. biblatex-
chicago, biblatex-dw or biblatex-historian. These styles automatically
give the full reference at first mention, and they automatically use


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: No possibility for text before or after etc in biblatex citations [SOLVED]

2019-08-09 Thread Niklas Huldén

On 9.8.2019 14:48, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

Am Freitag, den 09.08.2019, 14:47 +0300 schrieb Niklas Huldén:

So you can insert individual "before and after" text in Lyx:s


Well. as I said this is a completely new file. I certainly didn't put
there manually. Mysterious!

This is at least the reason it does not work in that file.


Ok, I deleted the "Input ../citeengines/basic.citeengine" and this file 
indeed now works as excpected. Still, my old file never had that Input, 
and it still does not work.


Now I notice that you can't have a footnote citation with a whole 
bibliography post AND use qualified citation lists. If I change the 
citation style it works.

I'm sorry, I am writing an article to a historical magazine that demands 
all the sources to be in footnotes with the first mentioning of the 
source containing the bibliography of this source in whole. I got greedy 
and tried to accomplish too much. It's easier to cite in anthropological 
texts :)

Thank you all for your efforts!


Re: No possibility for text before or after etc in biblatex citations

2019-08-09 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Am Freitag, den 09.08.2019, 13:52 +0200 schrieb Axel Dessecker:
> True or not, it works under 2.3.3.

But only at a very basic level. And certainly not with qualified
citation lists (what Niklas needs).


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: No possibility for text before or after etc in biblatex citations

2019-08-09 Thread Axel Dessecker
Am Freitag, 9. August 2019, 13:47:27 CEST schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller:
> Am Freitag, den 09.08.2019, 13:29 +0200 schrieb Axel Dessecker:
> > our testciting file
> > just needed some fine-tuning. You have to load the biblatex-citation-
> > styles
> > module, hide the references in the end of your text, add
> > \printbibliography as
> > ERT, and add some stuff to the preamble.
> This is no longer true as of LyX 2.3.0.
> Jürgen

True or not, it works under 2.3.3.


Re: No possibility for text before or after etc in biblatex citations

2019-08-09 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Am Freitag, den 09.08.2019, 14:47 +0300 schrieb Niklas Huldén:
> So you can insert individual "before and after" text in Lyx:s
> Citation 
> manager?


> Well. as I said this is a completely new file. I certainly didn't put
> it 
> there manually. Mysterious!

This is at least the reason it does not work in that file.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: No possibility for text before or after etc in biblatex citations

2019-08-09 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Am Freitag, den 09.08.2019, 13:29 +0200 schrieb Axel Dessecker:
> our testciting file 
> just needed some fine-tuning. You have to load the biblatex-citation-
> styles 
> module, hide the references in the end of your text, add
> \printbibliography as 
> ERT, and add some stuff to the preamble.

This is no longer true as of LyX 2.3.0.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: No possibility for text before or after etc in biblatex citations

2019-08-09 Thread Niklas Huldén

On 9.8.2019 14:25, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

Am Freitag, den 09.08.2019, 13:30 +0300 schrieb Niklas Huldén:

Ok, here comes two. "ShorttextNH.lyx" is made from my original file.

This works for me as expected.

So you can insert individual "before and after" text in Lyx:s Citation 
manager? If you can, my configuration has to be messed up.


Textciting.lyx is a new file that acts even weirder. I cant use any
Citation styles and it crashes LyX quite regularly trying to set

You have

Input ../citeengines/basic.citeengine

in Document > Settings > Local Layout.


Well. as I said this is a completely new file. I certainly didn't put it 
there manually. Mysterious!

Thank you


Re: No possibility for text before or after etc in biblatex citations

2019-08-09 Thread Niklas Huldén

On 9.8.2019 14:29, Axel Dessecker wrote:

Am Freitag, 9. August 2019, 12:55:32 CEST schrieb Niklas Huldén:

On 9.8.2019 13:43, Axel Dessecker wrote:

Am Freitag, 9. August 2019, 12:30:10 CEST schrieb Niklas Huldén:

On 9.8.2019 12:26, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

Am Fr., 9. Aug. 2019 um 11:19 Uhr schrieb Niklas Huldén>>:
  Hi everyone!
  I noticed that I can't use the options for editing text in

  citations in the Lyx citation manager using biblatex.
  It is described here
  I do not get any of the individual "text before" or "text after"
  alternatives shown in the wiki. No "General text before or after"
  either. Makes no difference which bibliography style or citation
  style I
  use. Biblatex with biber. I'm using LyX 2.3.3 and MiKTeX: 2.9.7140
  Windows 10 Enterprise, 64-bit, build 17134. I have updated MikTeX
  reconfigured LyX.

Please send a minimal example document.


Ok, here comes two. "ShorttextNH.lyx" is made from my original file.
Textciting.lyx is a new file that acts even weirder. I cant use any
Citation styles and it crashes LyX quite regularly trying to set
options. My installations might be out of order. Will try myself on my
Mac at home.

All the best!

  best regards,


The testciting.lyx file just complains for not finding articles.bib, which
you didn't include in your message. So does the short text from your
original file. Are you sure you have the correct combination of biblatex
and biber versions?


Sorry, the articles.bib is included in my MicTex installation. I send it
as an attachment also.


Thank you. Sorry, no MikTeX around here, only texlive. Your testciting file
just needed some fine-tuning. You have to load the biblatex-citation-styles
module, hide the references in the end of your text, add \printbibliography as
ERT, and add some stuff to the preamble. What I used here comes from a recent
paper I wrote, which was in German and followed the APA style. But this is of
course highly configurable.

Ok, that is how I used to configure files. I was under the impression 
that Lyx 2.3.3 should cope with Biblatex straight out of packet :) Can 
you use individual texts for multiple sources in LyXs Citation manager 
this way? I don't have the "biblatex-citation-styles module any more


Re: No possibility for text before or after etc in biblatex citations

2019-08-09 Thread Axel Dessecker
Am Freitag, 9. August 2019, 12:55:32 CEST schrieb Niklas Huldén:
> On 9.8.2019 13:43, Axel Dessecker wrote:
> > Am Freitag, 9. August 2019, 12:30:10 CEST schrieb Niklas Huldén:
> >> On 9.8.2019 12:26, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
> >>> Am Fr., 9. Aug. 2019 um 11:19 Uhr schrieb Niklas Huldén  >>> 
> >>> <>>:
> >>>  Hi everyone!
> >>>  
> >>>  I noticed that I can't use the options for editing text in
> >>>  individual
> >>>  citations in the Lyx citation manager using biblatex.
> >>>  It is described here
> >>>  I do not get any of the individual "text before" or "text after"
> >>>  alternatives shown in the wiki. No "General text before or after"
> >>>  either. Makes no difference which bibliography style or citation
> >>>  style I
> >>>  use. Biblatex with biber. I'm using LyX 2.3.3 and MiKTeX: 2.9.7140
> >>>  on
> >>>  Windows 10 Enterprise, 64-bit, build 17134. I have updated MikTeX
> >>>  and
> >>>  reconfigured LyX.
> >>> 
> >>> Please send a minimal example document.
> >>> 
> >>> Jürgen
> >> 
> >> Ok, here comes two. "ShorttextNH.lyx" is made from my original file.
> >> Textciting.lyx is a new file that acts even weirder. I cant use any
> >> Citation styles and it crashes LyX quite regularly trying to set
> >> options. My installations might be out of order. Will try myself on my
> >> Mac at home.
> >> 
> >> All the best!
> >> Niklas
> >> 
> >>>  best regards,
> >>>  Niklas
> > 
> > Niklas,
> > 
> > The testciting.lyx file just complains for not finding articles.bib, which
> > you didn't include in your message. So does the short text from your
> > original file. Are you sure you have the correct combination of biblatex
> > and biber versions?
> > 
> > Axel
> Sorry, the articles.bib is included in my MicTex installation. I send it
> as an attachment also.
> Regards
> Niklas

Thank you. Sorry, no MikTeX around here, only texlive. Your testciting file 
just needed some fine-tuning. You have to load the biblatex-citation-styles 
module, hide the references in the end of your text, add \printbibliography as 
ERT, and add some stuff to the preamble. What I used here comes from a recent 
paper I wrote, which was in German and followed the APA style. But this is of 
course highly configurable.


Description: application/lyx

Re: No possibility for text before or after etc in biblatex citations

2019-08-09 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Am Freitag, den 09.08.2019, 13:30 +0300 schrieb Niklas Huldén:
> Ok, here comes two. "ShorttextNH.lyx" is made from my original file. 

This works for me as expected.

> Textciting.lyx is a new file that acts even weirder. I cant use any 
> Citation styles and it crashes LyX quite regularly trying to set 
> options. 

You have

Input ../citeengines/basic.citeengine

in Document > Settings > Local Layout.



Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: No possibility for text before or after etc in biblatex citations

2019-08-09 Thread Niklas Huldén

On 9.8.2019 13:43, Axel Dessecker wrote:

Am Freitag, 9. August 2019, 12:30:10 CEST schrieb Niklas Huldén:

On 9.8.2019 12:26, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

Am Fr., 9. Aug. 2019 um 11:19 Uhr schrieb Niklas Huldén>>:
 Hi everyone!
 I noticed that I can't use the options for editing text in individual

 citations in the Lyx citation manager using biblatex.
 It is described here
 I do not get any of the individual "text before" or "text after"
 alternatives shown in the wiki. No "General text before or after"
 either. Makes no difference which bibliography style or citation
 style I
 use. Biblatex with biber. I'm using LyX 2.3.3 and MiKTeX: 2.9.7140 on
 Windows 10 Enterprise, 64-bit, build 17134. I have updated MikTeX and
 reconfigured LyX.

Please send a minimal example document.


Ok, here comes two. "ShorttextNH.lyx" is made from my original file.
Textciting.lyx is a new file that acts even weirder. I cant use any
Citation styles and it crashes LyX quite regularly trying to set
options. My installations might be out of order. Will try myself on my
Mac at home.

All the best!

 best regards,


The testciting.lyx file just complains for not finding articles.bib, which you
didn't include in your message. So does the short text from your original
file. Are you sure you have the correct combination of biblatex and biber


Sorry, the articles.bib is included in my MicTex installation. I send it 
as an attachment also.


Description: application/bibtex

Re: No possibility for text before or after etc in biblatex citations

2019-08-09 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Am Freitag, den 09.08.2019, 13:30 +0300 schrieb Niklas Huldén:
> Ok, here comes two. "ShorttextNH.lyx" is made from my original file. 
> Textciting.lyx is a new file that acts even weirder. I cant use any 
> Citation styles and it crashes LyX quite regularly trying to set 
> options. My installations might be out of order. Will try myself on
> my 
> Mac at home.

Please also send the bib file.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: No possibility for text before or after etc in biblatex citations

2019-08-09 Thread Axel Dessecker
Am Freitag, 9. August 2019, 12:30:10 CEST schrieb Niklas Huldén:
> On 9.8.2019 12:26, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
> > Am Fr., 9. Aug. 2019 um 11:19 Uhr schrieb Niklas Huldén  > 
> > <>>:
> > Hi everyone!
> > 
> > I noticed that I can't use the options for editing text in individual
> > citations in the Lyx citation manager using biblatex.
> > It is described here
> > I do not get any of the individual "text before" or "text after"
> > alternatives shown in the wiki. No "General text before or after"
> > either. Makes no difference which bibliography style or citation
> > style I
> > use. Biblatex with biber. I'm using LyX 2.3.3 and MiKTeX: 2.9.7140 on
> > Windows 10 Enterprise, 64-bit, build 17134. I have updated MikTeX and
> > reconfigured LyX.
> > 
> > Please send a minimal example document.
> > 
> > Jürgen
> Ok, here comes two. "ShorttextNH.lyx" is made from my original file.
> Textciting.lyx is a new file that acts even weirder. I cant use any
> Citation styles and it crashes LyX quite regularly trying to set
> options. My installations might be out of order. Will try myself on my
> Mac at home.
> All the best!
> Niklas
> > best regards,
> > Niklas


The testciting.lyx file just complains for not finding articles.bib, which you 
didn't include in your message. So does the short text from your original 
file. Are you sure you have the correct combination of biblatex and biber 


Re: No possibility for text before or after etc in biblatex citations

2019-08-09 Thread Niklas Huldén

On 9.8.2019 12:26, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
Am Fr., 9. Aug. 2019 um 11:19 Uhr schrieb Niklas Huldén <>>:

Hi everyone!

I noticed that I can't use the options for editing text in individual
citations in the Lyx citation manager using biblatex.
It is described here
I do not get any of the individual "text before" or "text after"
alternatives shown in the wiki. No "General text before or after"
either. Makes no difference which bibliography style or citation
style I
use. Biblatex with biber. I'm using LyX 2.3.3 and MiKTeX: 2.9.7140 on
Windows 10 Enterprise, 64-bit, build 17134. I have updated MikTeX and
reconfigured LyX.

Please send a minimal example document.


Ok, here comes two. "ShorttextNH.lyx" is made from my original file. 
Textciting.lyx is a new file that acts even weirder. I cant use any 
Citation styles and it crashes LyX quite regularly trying to set 
options. My installations might be out of order. Will try myself on my 
Mac at home.

All the best!

best regards,

Description: application/lyx

Description: application/lyx

Re: No possibility for text before or after etc in biblatex citations

2019-08-09 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Am Fr., 9. Aug. 2019 um 11:19 Uhr schrieb Niklas Huldén :

> Hi everyone!
> I noticed that I can't use the options for editing text in individual
> citations in the Lyx citation manager using biblatex.
> It is described here
> I do not get any of the individual "text before" or "text after"
> alternatives shown in the wiki. No "General text before or after"
> either. Makes no difference which bibliography style or citation style I
> use. Biblatex with biber. I'm using LyX 2.3.3 and MiKTeX: 2.9.7140 on
> Windows 10 Enterprise, 64-bit, build 17134. I have updated MikTeX and
> reconfigured LyX.

Please send a minimal example document.


> best regards,
> Niklas

No possibility for text before or after etc in biblatex citations

2019-08-09 Thread Niklas Huldén

Hi everyone!

I noticed that I can't use the options for editing text in individual 
citations in the Lyx citation manager using biblatex.

It is described here
I do not get any of the individual "text before" or "text after" 
alternatives shown in the wiki. No "General text before or after" 
either. Makes no difference which bibliography style or citation style I 
use. Biblatex with biber. I'm using LyX 2.3.3 and MiKTeX: 2.9.7140 on 
Windows 10 Enterprise, 64-bit, build 17134. I have updated MikTeX and 
reconfigured LyX.

best regards,

Re: citations out of order??

2019-06-21 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Am Freitag, den 21.06.2019, 07:26 -0400 schrieb Neal Becker:
> It's an IEEE conf paper, so ieeetr style.

A minimal example file (including bib) would help to see what you see.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: citations out of order??

2019-06-21 Thread Neal Becker
Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

> Am Donnerstag, den 20.06.2019, 15:08 -0400 schrieb Neal Becker:
>> I'm writing IEEEtrans (conference) paper.  For some reason, the 1st
>> citation
>> is labelled [4].  The following citations are in order starting with
>> [1].
>> What's going on?  The latex code just says \cite{whatever}.
> Which bst style is this? Normally, the numbering follows the alphabetic
> order of the entries in the bibliography, so it is normal that they
> appear "unordered" in the text. If you want to number them as they are
> cited, use an "unsrt" style.
> Jürgen

It's an IEEE conf paper, so ieeetr style.

Re: citations out of order??

2019-06-21 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Am Donnerstag, den 20.06.2019, 15:08 -0400 schrieb Neal Becker:
> I'm writing IEEEtrans (conference) paper.  For some reason, the 1st
> citation 
> is labelled [4].  The following citations are in order starting with
> [1].  
> What's going on?  The latex code just says \cite{whatever}.

Which bst style is this? Normally, the numbering follows the alphabetic
order of the entries in the bibliography, so it is normal that they
appear "unordered" in the text. If you want to number them as they are
cited, use an "unsrt" style.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

citations out of order??

2019-06-20 Thread Neal Becker
I'm writing IEEEtrans (conference) paper.  For some reason, the 1st citation 
is labelled [4].  The following citations are in order starting with [1].  
What's going on?  The latex code just says \cite{whatever}.
Any ideas?

Re: I can not insert citations

2018-12-30 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Am Sonntag, den 30.12.2018, 08:49 -0300 schrieb Sergio Celani:
> Thank you so much for the help. 

You're welcome.

> I installed the previous version again. Since I can't find the first
> version of the windows installer, I decided to wait for the next
> version of the installer, which I guess will not take long, since the
> bug is quite serious.

The good news is that we identified the problem, and the fix is rather
straightforward. So yes, I suppose it will not take too long (but then,
it certainly depends on the availability of the fellow who builds the
windows installer, Riki).


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: I can not insert citations

2018-12-30 Thread Sergio Celani
Thank you so much for the help. I installed the previous version again.
Since I can't find the first version of the windows installer, I decided to
wait for the next version of the installer, which I guess will not take
long, since the bug is quite serious.


El dom., 30 dic. 2018 a las 7:47, Jürgen Spitzmüller ()

> Am Sonntag, den 30.12.2018, 09:55 +0100 schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller:
> > Am Samstag, den 29.12.2018, 21:09 -0300 schrieb Sergio Celani:
> > > Dear Lyx users
> > >
> > > I have the following problem with the latest version of Lyx in
> > > Windows 10.
> > > I open a document with several references. When you click on the
> > > icon
> > > to insert a cite in the document, the window opens but no cite
> > > appears. Although several references are included in the document.
> > > This does not happen with version 2.3.1
> > > Attached two screenshots. In the first one corresponds to Lyx 2.3.2
> > > (with the problem) The second one is in Lyx 2.3.1.
> > > The problem occurs with all the documents that I have tried
> >
> > I am afraid this is a bug. Citing from the bibliography environment
> > seems to be broken in 2.3.2 (I am currently investigating). I am
> > surprised nobody noticed this before.
> >
> > The only advice I gan give you now is to downgrade to LyX 2.3.1.
> Further investigation reveals that this bug only concerns the latest
> Windows binary (built from lyx-2.3.2-1). It was introduced precisely by
> the fix that this build was supposed to provide (slow cut operations
> with bibtex).
> If you have access to the first windows binary of LyX 2.3.2 (which
> seems to have been removed from the download server), you can also
> downgrade to that one.
> I suppose we will release a new windows binary of 2.3.2 as soon as we
> have tackled this issue.
> Jürgen
> >
> > Jürgen
> >

Re: I can not insert citations

2018-12-30 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Am Sonntag, den 30.12.2018, 09:55 +0100 schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller:
> Am Samstag, den 29.12.2018, 21:09 -0300 schrieb Sergio Celani:
> > Dear Lyx users
> > 
> > I have the following problem with the latest version of Lyx in
> > Windows 10.
> > I open a document with several references. When you click on the
> > icon
> > to insert a cite in the document, the window opens but no cite
> > appears. Although several references are included in the document.
> > This does not happen with version 2.3.1
> > Attached two screenshots. In the first one corresponds to Lyx 2.3.2
> > (with the problem) The second one is in Lyx 2.3.1.
> > The problem occurs with all the documents that I have tried
> I am afraid this is a bug. Citing from the bibliography environment
> seems to be broken in 2.3.2 (I am currently investigating). I am
> surprised nobody noticed this before.
> The only advice I gan give you now is to downgrade to LyX 2.3.1.

Further investigation reveals that this bug only concerns the latest
Windows binary (built from lyx-2.3.2-1). It was introduced precisely by
the fix that this build was supposed to provide (slow cut operations
with bibtex).

If you have access to the first windows binary of LyX 2.3.2 (which
seems to have been removed from the download server), you can also
downgrade to that one.

I suppose we will release a new windows binary of 2.3.2 as soon as we
have tackled this issue.


> Jürgen

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: I can not insert citations

2018-12-30 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Am Samstag, den 29.12.2018, 21:09 -0300 schrieb Sergio Celani:
> Dear Lyx users
> I have the following problem with the latest version of Lyx in
> Windows 10.
> I open a document with several references. When you click on the icon
> to insert a cite in the document, the window opens but no cite
> appears. Although several references are included in the document.
> This does not happen with version 2.3.1
> Attached two screenshots. In the first one corresponds to Lyx 2.3.2
> (with the problem) The second one is in Lyx 2.3.1.
> The problem occurs with all the documents that I have tried

I am afraid this is a bug. Citing from the bibliography environment
seems to be broken in 2.3.2 (I am currently investigating). I am
surprised nobody noticed this before.

The only advice I gan give you now is to downgrade to LyX 2.3.1.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Maxed out number of citations?

2018-10-11 Thread Daniel

On 09/10/2018 14:16, Daniel wrote:

On 09/10/2018 14:11, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
Am Di., 9. Okt. 2018 um 12:38 Uhr schrieb Daniel >:

    Can't test it at the moment since my solution was to move part of the
    document to another document and input it into my master document 
and I

    am working on it at the moment. But it would be strange if the
    with the label would be the problem since it worked with that 
label all

    the time and did so after splitting the documents.

Well, LaTeX points fingers to it, so it is the first thing to check.

Thanks. I'll try it out tonight.

Thanks again. Turns out commenting out the passage solved the problem. 
However, I have still no idea what is going on. There must have been 
some strange conflict with a landscape page that was before the passage 
since moving that figure up while leaving the passage untouched solved 
the problem as well...


Re: Maxed out number of citations?

2018-10-09 Thread Daniel

On 09/10/2018 14:11, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
Am Di., 9. Okt. 2018 um 12:38 Uhr schrieb Daniel >:

Can't test it at the moment since my solution was to move part of the
document to another document and input it into my master document and I
am working on it at the moment. But it would be strange if the
with the label would be the problem since it worked with that label all
the time and did so after splitting the documents.

Well, LaTeX points fingers to it, so it is the first thing to check.

Thanks. I'll try it out tonight.


Re: Maxed out number of citations?

2018-10-09 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Am Di., 9. Okt. 2018 um 12:38 Uhr schrieb Daniel :

> Can't test it at the moment since my solution was to move part of the
> document to another document and input it into my master document and I
> am working on it at the moment. But it would be strange if the paragraph
> with the label would be the problem since it worked with that label all
> the time and did so after splitting the documents.

Well, LaTeX points fingers to it, so it is the first thing to check.


> Daniel

Re: Maxed out number of citations?

2018-10-09 Thread Daniel

On 09/10/2018 11:55, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
Am Di., 9. Okt. 2018 um 11:14 Uhr schrieb Daniel >:

Thanks. I don't see what's wrong with the label, and if I don't add the
additional citation, everything works just fine...

And if you comment out the paragraph with that label, does it still 
produce errors?

Can't test it at the moment since my solution was to move part of the 
document to another document and input it into my master document and I 
am working on it at the moment. But it would be strange if the paragraph 
with the label would be the problem since it worked with that label all 
the time and did so after splitting the documents.


Re: Maxed out number of citations?

2018-10-09 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Am Di., 9. Okt. 2018 um 11:14 Uhr schrieb Daniel :

> Thanks. I don't see what's wrong with the label, and if I don't add the
> additional citation, everything works just fine...

And if you comment out the paragraph with that label, does it still produce


> Daniel

Re: Maxed out number of citations?

2018-10-09 Thread Daniel

On 09/10/2018 11:05, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
Am Mi., 26. Sep. 2018 um 14:46 Uhr schrieb Daniel >:


I have a strange problem with one of my child documents: when I add one
more citation it does not compile. It does not matter where I add a
citation. Removing another citation no matter where fixes the problem.
Very strange. I am using Biblatex.

Attached is the LaTeX log and message pane content.

I hope someone can make sense of it and help.

The error messages don't look related to biblatex/the bibliography. They 
point to a label in your document:

\item \label{enu:Geometric-Gini-special}for any $r\in\left(0,1\right)$,

Thanks. I don't see what's wrong with the label, and if I don't add the 
additional citation, everything works just fine...


Re: Maxed out number of citations?

2018-10-09 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Am Mi., 26. Sep. 2018 um 14:46 Uhr schrieb Daniel :

> Hi,
> I have a strange problem with one of my child documents: when I add one
> more citation it does not compile. It does not matter where I add a
> citation. Removing another citation no matter where fixes the problem.
> Very strange. I am using Biblatex.
> Attached is the LaTeX log and message pane content.
> I hope someone can make sense of it and help.

The error messages don't look related to biblatex/the bibliography. They
point to a label in your document:
\item \label{enu:Geometric-Gini-special}for any $r\in\left(0,1\right)$,


> Best,
> Daniel

RE: temporarily disable 3-pass processing of citations/bibliography

2018-09-15 Thread Mark.Bravington
[ Small correction to recipe below ]

From: Bravington, Mark (Data61, Hobart)
Sent: 16 September 2018 11:40
To: Richard Kimberly Heck;
Subject: RE: temporarily disable 3-pass processing of citations/bibliography

> From: Richard Kimberly Heck []
Sent: 15 September 2018 12:12
To: Bravington, Mark (Data61, Hobart);
Subject: Re: temporarily disable 3-pass processing of citations/bibliography

On 8/13/18 8:21 PM, wrote:
> > Including citations/references, or even telling Lyx that they *might* be 
> > used (see below), slows down PDF preview quite a bit, ie 
> > Document->View(PDF). Is there a way to temporarily turn off the 3-pass 
> > system (~3 calls to pdflatex interspersed by calls to biber or bibtex)? Of 
> > course, it's then fine for all citations to appear as "labels" or [?] .


> Not sure how helpful this is now: But you could export to LaTeX and run 
> everything else manually.
> Riki

[ Minor corrections with **...** below ]

Aha! Armed with that hint, I was able to define a Format and Converter that 
give "one-pass-only" PDFs; pig-ugly refs, no biblio, but very quick!

The Format I called "PDF (nobib)" and it mimicks Lyx's existing "PDF 
(pdflatex)" Format ** except that the Viewer needs to be set to Custom, with a 
value "auto" **.

The Converter looks exactly like Lyx's "Latex (pdf) -> PDF (latex)" but 
obviously ends " ... -> PDF (nobib)" instead. The only change needed to the 
Converter was to clear the "Extra flags" field.

This seems to do what I want (I think--- I am no expert on La/tex, and have not 
tested beyond a basic case). It might be worth adding this as a built-in format 
and converter (or I may be the only person who sees the speed as a problem...). 

** Some experimentation was required to get this to work--- the documentation 
doesn't describe what to do with the Viewer field, nor mention Custom/auto. **

** DELETED --- FIX GIVEN ABOVE The only and very minor issue is that, when 
defining the new Format, I cannot select "pdfview" as the Viewer--- which is 
what Lyx uses for all other PDF outputs. instead, I had to choose "custom" and 
then type the name of my viewer (Sumatra) into a box. No big deal, obvs. **


RE: temporarily disable 3-pass processing of citations/bibliography

2018-09-15 Thread Mark.Bravington
> From: Richard Kimberly Heck []
Sent: 15 September 2018 12:12
To: Bravington, Mark (Data61, Hobart);
Subject: Re: temporarily disable 3-pass processing of citations/bibliography

On 8/13/18 8:21 PM, wrote:
> > Including citations/references, or even telling Lyx that they *might* be 
> > used (see below), slows down PDF preview quite a bit, ie 
> > Document->View(PDF). Is there a way to temporarily turn off the 3-pass 
> > system (~3 calls to pdflatex interspersed by calls to biber or bibtex)? Of 
> > course, it's then fine for all citations to appear as "labels" or [?] .


> Not sure how helpful this is now: But you could export to LaTeX and run 
> everything else manually.
> Riki

Aha! Armed with that hint, I was able to define a Format and Converter that 
give "one-pass-only" PDFs; pig-ugly refs, no biblio, but very quick!

The Format I called "PDF (nobib)" and it mimicks Lyx's existing "PDF 
(pdflatex)" Format. The Converter looks exactly like Lyx's "Latex (pdf) -> PDF 
(latex)" but obviously ends " ... -> PDF (nobib)" instead. The only change 
needed to the Converter was to clear the "Extra flags" field.

This seems to do what I want (I think--- I am no expert on La/tex, and have not 
tested beyond a basic case). It might be worth adding this as a built-in format 
and converter (or I may be the only person who sees the speed as a problem...).

The only and very minor issue is that, when defining the new Format, I cannot 
select "pdfview" as the Viewer--- which is what Lyx uses for all other PDF 
outputs. instead, I had to choose "custom" and then type the name of my viewer 
(Sumatra) into a box. No big deal, obvs.


Re: temporarily disable 3-pass processing of citations/bibliography

2018-09-14 Thread Richard Kimberly Heck
On 8/13/18 8:21 PM, wrote:
> Including citations/references, or even telling Lyx that they *might* be used 
> (see below), slows down PDF preview quite a bit, ie Document->View(PDF). Is 
> there a way to temporarily turn off the 3-pass system (~3 calls to pdflatex 
> interspersed by calls to biber or bibtex)? Of course, it's then fine for all 
> citations to appear as "labels" or [?] .
> This is particularly noticeable when Lyx 2.3.0 bibliography "style" is set to 
> biblatex/biber, in which case Lyx *always* seems to use 3 passes whether 
> there are citations or bibliography or not. The speed is no problem for final 
> production, but a bit annoying when trying to get a quick preview. 
> To be clear: my preferred default for all documents, whether they include 
> references or not, would be to set 
> Document->Settings->Bibliography->Citation_style->Style_format to "biblatex". 
> But this is annoyingly slow on some documents. Setting the same thing to 
> "bibtex" still leads to 3 passes if any citations/bibliography are present--- 
> as it should--- but with bibtex at least Lyx is then smart enough to just do 
> 1 pass if there are no citations/bibliography. However, biblatex is better, 
> so I'd prefer it to be the default...
> So 2 questions here: 
>  - (less important) with biblatex/biber, can the 3 passes automatically be 
> reduced to 1 when there are no "live" citations or bibliographies, eg not in 
> any active branches? This already happens with bibtex.
>  - (more useful) can the 3 passes be reduced to 1 regardless of biblatex vs 
> bibtex, by just changing one thing somewhere? And yes, this will lead to [?] 
> and/or printing-the-label type citations. A 
> "Document->settings->bibliography->turn_off_citations_and_biblio" box would 
> be perfect longer-term. But a hack would be fine for now ;)
> FWIW I am using Lyx 2.3.0 under Windows 10--- "official" biblatex/biber 
> support only appeared in Lyx 2.3.

Not sure how helpful this is now: But you could export to LaTeX and run
everything else manually.


temporarily disable 3-pass processing of citations/bibliography

2018-08-13 Thread Mark.Bravington
Including citations/references, or even telling Lyx that they *might* be used 
(see below), slows down PDF preview quite a bit, ie Document->View(PDF). Is 
there a way to temporarily turn off the 3-pass system (~3 calls to pdflatex 
interspersed by calls to biber or bibtex)? Of course, it's then fine for all 
citations to appear as "labels" or [?] .

This is particularly noticeable when Lyx 2.3.0 bibliography "style" is set to 
biblatex/biber, in which case Lyx *always* seems to use 3 passes whether there 
are citations or bibliography or not. The speed is no problem for final 
production, but a bit annoying when trying to get a quick preview. 

To be clear: my preferred default for all documents, whether they include 
references or not, would be to set 
Document->Settings->Bibliography->Citation_style->Style_format to "biblatex". 
But this is annoyingly slow on some documents. Setting the same thing to 
"bibtex" still leads to 3 passes if any citations/bibliography are present--- 
as it should--- but with bibtex at least Lyx is then smart enough to just do 1 
pass if there are no citations/bibliography. However, biblatex is better, so 
I'd prefer it to be the default...

So 2 questions here: 

 - (less important) with biblatex/biber, can the 3 passes automatically be 
reduced to 1 when there are no "live" citations or bibliographies, eg not in 
any active branches? This already happens with bibtex.
 - (more useful) can the 3 passes be reduced to 1 regardless of biblatex vs 
bibtex, by just changing one thing somewhere? And yes, this will lead to [?] 
and/or printing-the-label type citations. A 
"Document->settings->bibliography->turn_off_citations_and_biblio" box would be 
perfect longer-term. But a hack would be fine for now ;)

FWIW I am using Lyx 2.3.0 under Windows 10--- "official" biblatex/biber support 
only appeared in Lyx 2.3.


Re: Chicago-Style Citations and Bibliography

2018-02-15 Thread Daniel Kian Mc Kiernan
Thank you very much!  I have saved chicago-aq.bst, and the attached 
version, modified as per 

since the journal in question also wants full first names.

On 02/15/2018 04:20 AM, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
2018-02-15 13:00 GMT+01:00 Jürgen Spitzmüller < 

Thank you.  That template answered a large share of my questions.

However, chicago,bst does not actually produce a bibliography
conforming to the demands of journals published by the U Chicago.

A specific issue is in the handling of the titles of
articles.  U Chicago wants these followed by a period and then
enclosed in quotation marks.  There is a standard response
found on the web for enclosing titles in quotation marks, but
it is not conforming, because the period is placed outside of
the marks.

Looking at the structure of chicago.bst, it seems that a fix
would certainly be possible but non-trivial.

Yes, the bst syntax is at best "interesting". But it's not that
hard. Please find attached a modified version that enquotes
article titles.

And here a version that moves the period inside the quote.



It appears that the most practical solution is still going to
be for me to punt to using the command-line programs.

%%%  @BibTeX-style-file{
%%% author  = "Glenn Paulley",
%%% version = "4",
%%% date= "28 August 1992",
%%% time= "10:23:39 199",
%%% filename= "chicago.bst",
%%% address = "Data Structuring Group
%%%Department of Computer Science
%%%University of Waterloo
%%%Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
%%%N2L 3G1",
%%% telephone   = "(519) 885-1211",
%%% FAX = "(519) 885-1208",
%%% checksum= "26323 1654 5143 37417",
%%% email   = "",
%%% codetable   = "ISO/ASCII",
%%% keywords= "",
%%% supported   = "yes",
%%% abstract= "A BibTeX bibliography style that follows the
%%%`B' reference style of the 13th Edition of
%%%the Chicago Manual of Style. A detailed
%%%feature list is given below.",
%%% docstring   = "The checksum field above contains a CRC-16
%%%checksum as the first value, followed by the
%%%equivalent of the standard UNIX wc (word
%%%count) utility output of lines, words, and
%%%characters.  This is produced by Robert
%%%Solovay's checksum utility.",
%%%  }
% "Chicago" BibTeX style, chicago.bst
% ===
% BibTeX `chicago' style file for BibTeX version 0.99c, LaTeX version 2.09
% Place it in a file called chicago.bst in the BibTeX search path.
% You need to include chicago.sty as a \documentstyle option.
% (Placing it in the same directory as the LaTeX document should also work.)
% This "chicago" style is based on newapa.bst (American Psych. Assoc.)
% found at
%   Citation format: (author-last-name year)
% (author-last-name and author-last-name year)
% (author-last-name, author-last-name, and author-last-name year)
% (author-last-name et al. year)
% (author-last-name)
% author-last-name (year)
% (author-last-name and author-last-name)
% (author-last-name et al.)
% (year) or (year,year)
% year or year,year
%   Reference list ordering: alphabetical by author or whatever passes
%for author in the absence of one.
% This BibTeX style has support for abbreviated author lists and for
%year-only citations.  This is done by having the citations
%actually look like
% The LaTeX style has to have the following (or similar)
% \let\@internalcite\cite
% \def\fullcite{\def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{##1, ##3}\@internalcite}
% \def\fullciteA{\def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{##1}\@internalcite}
% \def\shortcite{\def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{##2, ##3}\@internalcite}
% \def\shortciteA{\def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{##2}\@internalcite}
% \def\citeyear{\def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{##3}\@in

Re: Chicago-Style Citations and Bibliography

2018-02-15 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
2018-02-15 13:00 GMT+01:00 Jürgen Spitzmüller :

> Thank you.  That template answered a large share of my questions.
>> However, chicago,bst does not actually produce a bibliography conforming
>> to the demands of journals published by the U Chicago.
>> A specific issue is in the handling of the titles of articles.  U Chicago
>> wants these followed by a period and then enclosed in quotation marks.
>> There is a standard response found on the web for enclosing titles in
>> quotation marks, but it is not conforming, because the period is placed
>> outside of the marks.
>> Looking at the structure of chicago.bst, it seems that a fix would
>> certainly be possible but non-trivial.
> Yes, the bst syntax is at best "interesting". But it's not that hard.
> Please find attached a modified version that enquotes article titles.

And here a version that moves the period inside the quote.


> Jürgen
>> It appears that the most practical solution is still going to be for me
>> to punt to using the command-line programs.

Description: Binary data

Re: Chicago-Style Citations and Bibliography

2018-02-15 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
> Thank you.  That template answered a large share of my questions.
> However, chicago,bst does not actually produce a bibliography conforming
> to the demands of journals published by the U Chicago.
> A specific issue is in the handling of the titles of articles.  U Chicago
> wants these followed by a period and then enclosed in quotation marks.
> There is a standard response found on the web for enclosing titles in
> quotation marks, but it is not conforming, because the period is placed
> outside of the marks.
> Looking at the structure of chicago.bst, it seems that a fix would
> certainly be possible but non-trivial.

Yes, the bst syntax is at best "interesting". But it's not that hard.
Please find attached a modified version that enquotes article titles.


> It appears that the most practical solution is still going to be for me to
> punt to using the command-line programs.

Description: Binary data

Re: Chicago-Style Citations and Bibliography

2018-02-15 Thread Daniel Kian Mc Kiernan

On 02/14/2018 11:38 PM, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

LyX supports Chicago via BibTeX as well.

Well, I'm not sure that's _really_ true.  But, if it is, then
explaining how LyX is got to do that would answer my query. 
Proposing an experimental process by which it is hoped that the

answer might be found would be another matter.

See attached example for using chicago.bst with natbib.

Thank you.  That template answered a large share of my questions.

However, chicago,bst does not actually produce a bibliography 
conforming to the demands of journals published by the U Chicago.

A specific issue is in the handling of the titles of articles.  U 
Chicago wants these followed by a period and then enclosed in 
quotation marks.  There is a standard response found on the web for 
enclosing titles in quotation marks, but it is not conforming, because 
the period is placed outside of the marks.

Looking at the structure of chicago.bst, it seems that a fix would 
certainly be possible but non-trivial.

It appears that the most practical solution is still going to be for 
me to punt to using the command-line programs.

Re: Chicago-Style Citations and Bibliography

2018-02-15 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann

Am 15.02.2018 um 09:49 schrieb Dr Eberhard Lisse:

Didn't work for me...

...but then I didn't have chicago.bst installed. :-)-O

Sometimes it is that simple...


On 2018-02-15 09:38 , Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

 LyX supports Chicago via BibTeX as well.

 Well, I'm not sure that's _really_ true.  But, if it is, then
 explaining how LyX is got to do that would answer my query.
 Proposing an experimental process by which it is hoped that the
 answer might be found would be another matter.

See attached example for using chicago.bst with natbib.


worked here

Re: Chicago-Style Citations and Bibliography

2018-02-15 Thread Dr Eberhard Lisse
Didn't work for me...

...but then I didn't have chicago.bst installed. :-)-O

Sometimes it is that simple...


On 2018-02-15 09:38 , Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
> LyX supports Chicago via BibTeX as well.
> Well, I'm not sure that's _really_ true.  But, if it is, then
> explaining how LyX is got to do that would answer my query. 
> Proposing an experimental process by which it is hoped that the
> answer might be found would be another matter.
> See attached example for using chicago.bst with natbib.
> Jürgen

Re: Chicago-Style Citations and Bibliography

2018-02-14 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
> LyX supports Chicago via BibTeX as well.
> Well, I'm not sure that's _really_ true.  But, if it is, then explaining
> how LyX is got to do that would answer my query.  Proposing an experimental
> process by which it is hoped that the answer might be found would be
> another matter.

See attached example for using chicago.bst with natbib.


Description: application/lyx

Re: Chicago-Style Citations and Bibliography

2018-02-14 Thread Daniel Kian Mc Kiernan

On 02/14/2018 09:58 PM, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

2018-02-15 3:29 GMT+01:00 Mc Kiernan Daniel Kian:

I use BibTeX, because that's what LyX first embraced; and the
version of LyX ported for Fedora still does not support BibLaTeX. 
Switching to BibLaTeX would involve more time and effort than

playing with the .tex file, because I would need to revise the
bibliographic database. 

Fair enough. I was just asking.

I understood and understand.

If LyX is not going to support Chicago style except through
BibLaTeX, then trying to avoid wrestling with the .tex file of the
paper at hand is not reasonable; though it might well be
reasonable to migrate to BibLaTeX for future papers.

LyX supports Chicago via BibTeX as well.

Well, I'm not sure that's _really_ true.  But, if it is, then 
explaining how LyX is got to do that would answer my query.  Proposing 
an experimental process by which it is hoped that the answer might be 
found would be another matter.

An Example that produced the yowlings about conflicting
specifications would be a crufty non-Minimal non-Working Example. 
I wasn't seeking to get the yowling decyphered.  My actual query

stands with or without mentioning those yowlings; my point in
mentioning them was to preempt a suggestion that merely dropped
something into the preamble.

You wrote you get LaTeX errors when tweaking with the preamble. We can 
help you resolving this, but only with an example where we see what 
goes wrong.

It's not something to resolve.  Pursuing that issue is just crufty. 
If someone asked me how to perform a merge sort, and mentioned en 
passant that she'd tried something that didn't work, I wouldn't demand 
that we pore over her code; I'd show her how to write a merge sort. 
If someone didn't know how to parallel park, I wouldn't demand that he 
show me what he'd tried; I'd just walk him through the process.  If 
someone didn't know where to buy bread in my neighborhood, I would 
insist that we look in the stores in which he tried; I'd take him to 
the right store.

As I have said elsewhere: [1] The proper solution (if there is one) 
involves understanding the various settings in the Bibliography 
dialog.  I don't, and the documentation is severely wanting, but 
someone here might understand them well enough to know what to do. [2] 
There are simply too many variables here for it to be practical to 
effect what would amount to a multivariate optimization by 
experimenting with possible configurations and watching what pops-up 
in the logs or rendering.

If no one here understands the Bibliography settings well enough to 
answer my question, then I should just generate a .tex file and use 
other programs to process it.

Thank you for the .layout file.  I am in fact just playing with
the damn'd .tex file, and will finish that shortly after
completing a process of turning useful citations (which identify
chapters and sections) into lousy citations (which only offer page
numbers peculiar to the edition used).

It's very Microsoft-ish if LyX cannot simply be told to disable
the insertions and other processing associated with the
Bibliography configuration.

It can, in fact. But what _exactly_ are you trying to disable?

I keep saying exactly what I mean.  In this case, I wasn't referring 
merely to some _part_ of the insertions and other processing 
associated with the Bibliography configuration; and I used the word 
“simply” advisedly.

Re: Chicago-Style Citations and Bibliography

2018-02-14 Thread Dr Eberhard Lisse
The notion that we can lower their levels of stress by subjecting people
to coërcion and to adjustive discrimination is remarkable and at best a
questionable and somewhat desperate stretch, rather than a profound



On 2018-02-15 07:32 , Daniel Kian Mc Kiernan wrote:>
> No, I have a really blunt way of responding to those who are
> condescending or dogmatic rather than at all helpful in response to
> requests for help.  If I'm drowning and you throw a horseshoe, don't
> expect gratitude.
> On 02/14/2018 09:13 PM, Dr Eberhard W Lisse wrote:
>> You have a really funny way of asking for help.
>> el
>> — Sent from Dr Lisse’s iPad Mini
>> On 15 Feb 2018, 01:30 +0200, Mc Kiernan Daniel Kian
>> <>, wrote:
>>> That is a signally absurd response.
>>> A minimal example would be an empty LyX document.  I could show you
>>> a screen-shot of an empty preamble, but you presumably know how that
>>> looks.  Likewise for the Bibliography dialog.
>>> I could go a bit further, and post a bibtex file, and a LyX document
>>> with a cite element and bibligraphy element, and ask “What do I do
>>> to get LyX to render that cite element and the bibliogrpahy in
>>> Chicago style?” But, again, you presumably know how bibtex files,
>>> cite elements, and bibliography elements look.
>>> So far, I've seen you post one willfully passive-aggressive response
>>> to one person, and then this foolish response to me.  This list
>>> begins to look to be a source of abuse, rather than constructive
>>> response.
>>> On 02/14/2018 03:11 AM, Dr Eberhard Lisse wrote:
>>>> As a general rule,
>>>> provide a Minimal Working Example, ie the shortest LyX file with
>>>> the shortest BIB file that demonstrates the issue.
>>>> greetings, el
>>>> On 14/02/2018 02:13, Daniel Kian Mc Kiernan wrote:
>>>>> I've an article, prepared in LyX, whose citations and bibliography
>>>>> I need to have rendered in Chicago style.  (Indeed, If I can get
>>>>> the sections titles  to conform automatically to Chicago-journal
>>>>> style, that would be great.)
>>>>> I'd like to avoid a process of tweaking a .tex file.
>>>>> When I try to handl things by way of the preamble, LyX yowls about
>>>>> conflicting specifications.  If I have to do everything through
>>>>> the preamble or by tweaking a .tex file, then I'd like to know how
>>>>> to disable the build-in Bibliography processing.

Re: Chicago-Style Citations and Bibliography

2018-02-14 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
2018-02-15 3:29 GMT+01:00 Mc Kiernan Daniel Kian <>

> I use BibTeX, because that's what LyX first embraced; and the version of
> LyX ported for Fedora still does not support BibLaTeX.  Switching to
> BibLaTeX would involve more time and effort than playing with the .tex
> file, because I would need to revise the bibliographic database.

Fair enough. I was just asking.

> If LyX is not going to support Chicago style except through BibLaTeX, then
> trying to avoid wrestling with the .tex file of the paper at hand is not
> reasonable; though it might well be reasonable to migrate to BibLaTeX for
> future papers.

LyX supports Chicago via BibTeX as well.

> An Example that produced the yowlings about conflicting specifications
> would be a crufty non-Minimal non-Working Example.  I wasn't seeking to get
> the yowling decyphered.  My actual query stands with or without mentioning
> those yowlings; my point in mentioning them was to preempt a suggestion
> that merely dropped something into the preamble.

You wrote you get LaTeX errors when tweaking with the preamble. We can help
you resolving this, but only with an example where we see what goes wrong.

> Thank you for the .layout file.  I am in fact just playing with the damn'd
> .tex file, and will finish that shortly after completing a process of
> turning useful citations (which identify chapters and sections) into lousy
> citations (which only offer page numbers peculiar to the edition used).
> It's very Microsoft-ish if LyX cannot simply be told to disable the the
> insertions and other processing associated with the Bibliography
> configuration.

It can, in fact. But what _exactly_ are you trying to disable?


Re: Chicago-Style Citations and Bibliography

2018-02-14 Thread Daniel Kian Mc Kiernan

No, I have a really blunt way of responding to those who are 
condescending or dogmatic rather than at all helpful in response to 
requests for help.  If I'm drowning and you throw a horseshoe, don't 
expect gratitude.

On 02/14/2018 09:13 PM, Dr Eberhard W Lisse wrote:

You have a really funny way of asking for help.


Sent from Dr Lisse’s iPad Mini

On 15 Feb 2018, 01:30 +0200, Mc Kiernan Daniel Kian 
<>, wrote:

That is a signally absurd response.

A minimal example would be an empty LyX document. I could show you a
screen-shot of an empty preamble, but you presumably know how that
looks. Likewise for the Bibliography dialog.

I could go a bit further, and post a bibtex file, and a LyX document
with a cite element and bibligraphy element, and ask “What do I do to
get LyX to render that cite element and the bibliogrpahy in Chicago
style?” But, again, you presumably know how bibtex files, cite
elements, and bibliography elements look.

So far, I've seen you post one willfully passive-aggressive response
to one person, and then this foolish response to me. This list begins
to look to be a source of abuse, rather than constructive response.

On 02/14/2018 03:11 AM, Dr Eberhard Lisse wrote:

As a general rule,

provide a Minimal Working Example, ie the shortest LyX file with the
shortest BIB file that demonstrates the issue.

greetings, el

On 14/02/2018 02:13, Daniel Kian Mc Kiernan wrote:

I've an article, prepared in LyX, whose citations and bibliography I
need to have rendered in Chicago style. (Indeed, If I can get the
sections titles  to conform automatically to Chicago-journal style,
that would be great.)

I'd like to avoid a process of tweaking a .tex file.

When I try to handl things by way of the preamble, LyX yowls about
conflicting specifications. If I have to do everything through the
preamble or by tweaking a .tex file, then I'd like to know how to
disable the build-in Bibliography processing.

Re: Chicago-Style Citations and Bibliography

2018-02-14 Thread Daniel Kian Mc Kiernan

On 02/14/2018 09:03 PM, Steve Litt wrote:

On Wed, 14 Feb 2018 19:35:04 -0800
Daniel Kian Mc Kiernan <> wrote:

On 02/14/2018 06:43 PM, Steve Litt wrote:

On Wed, 14 Feb 2018 03:30:13 -0800
Mc Kiernan Daniel Kian <> wrote:

I've an article, prepared in LyX, whose citations and
bibliography I need to have rendered in Chicago style.  (Indeed,
If I can get the sections titles  to conform automatically to
Chicago-journal style, that would be great.)

I'd like to avoid a process of tweaking a .tex file.

When I try to handl things by way of the preamble, LyX yowls
about conflicting specifications.  If I have to do everything
through the preamble or by tweaking a .tex file, then I'd like
to know how to disable the build-in Bibliography processing.

On 02/14/2018 03:11 AM, Dr Eberhard Lisse wrote:

As a general rule,

provide a Minimal Working Example, ie the shortest LyX file with
the shortest BIB file that demonstrates the issue.

greetings, el

On 14/02/2018 02:13, Daniel Kian Mc Kiernan wrote:


That is a signally absurd response.

A minimal example would be an empty LyX document.  I could show
you a screen-shot of an empty preamble, but you presumably know
how that looks.  Likewise for the Bibliography dialog.

I could go a bit further, and post a bibtex file, and a LyX
document with a cite element and bibligraphy element, and ask
“What do I do to get LyX to render that cite element and the
bibliogrpahy in Chicago style?”  But, again, you presumably know
how bibtex files, cite elements, and bibliography elements look.

So far, I've seen you post one willfully passive-aggressive
response to one person, and then this foolish response to me.
This list begins to look to be a source of abuse, rather than
constructive response.

I've rearranged the thread as bottom posted, so when somebody says
"this" is absurd, we all know what "this" refers to, and when
someone recommends a minimum working example, we all know what
situation a MWE is supposed to improve. If we're going to criticize
communication styles, let's go for clarity ourselves.

Anyway, regardless of Eberhard Lisse's tone, the Minimum Working
Example (MWE) is one of your most powerful tools for diagnosing LyX
problems. Remember, he said " ie the shortest LyX file with the
shortest BIB file that ***demonstrates the issue***." (emphasis

If the issue occurs on a blank document, start removing stuff from
the document properties. At some point you're going to be able to
toggle the problem on and off. Then, keep removing more stuff until
the only stuff left is stuff that will toggle the problem. This is
a true MWE.

Once you have your true MWE, either the cause will be obvious to you
and you'll fix it, or you can submit it and it will be obvious to
your fellow listmates, or the LyX developers will tell you "whoops,
that's a bug, let us fix that, and thank you so much for narrowing
it down for us."

The way I make MWEs is I keep dividing the remaining root cause
scope of the document in half and seeing whether the symptom is
still there, and continue until all that's left is maybe a sentence
plus what is necessary to produce the symptom. Likewise, I keep
simplifying the document preamble/properties until there's nothing
there that won't flip the symptom  if I remove/change it.

A year ago I has a problem in which I couldn't produce my books on
my new Void Linux computer if I used Century Schoolbook type, which
is a must. Even a Minimal Working Example would fail if I used
Century Schoolbook. So for LyX had I had to use a Ubuntu virtual
machine guest: Inconvenient!

Then one day a fellow author let me read his LyX produced book,
which obviously had Century Schoolbook type. I made an MWE of his,
and MWE of mine, compared, and the difference was obvious: He was
using the TeX Gyre Schola variant


I explained exactly why the request for an MWE was absurd here.  You
didn't actually attend to the explanation.

I understand when and how to use an MWE.  This was not an occasion
for which one made any sense.

If someone asked you how to launch LyX, would you actually tell them
to provide an MWE?  You're about in that territory right now, and a
person who didn't know how to launch LyX wouldn't be as demonstrably
foolish as someone who asked for an MWE of that person, or as someone
who pontificated about the value of MWEs in the face of the present

Fine. You tried it.

"When I try to handl things by way of the preamble,
LyX yowls about conflicting specifications."

Next job: Find out the source of the yowls. I'd use an MWE to narrow it
down, but perhaps you have a different idea.

No, that is not the next job.

Experimenting with the checkboxes, menus, and textfields would be 
grossly impractical — there are too many possibilities (especially 
because of those damn'd textfields), and I would be better-off j

Re: Chicago-Style Citations and Bibliography

2018-02-14 Thread Steve Litt
On Wed, 14 Feb 2018 19:35:04 -0800
Daniel Kian Mc Kiernan <> wrote:

> On 02/14/2018 06:43 PM, Steve Litt wrote:
> > On Wed, 14 Feb 2018 03:30:13 -0800
> > Mc Kiernan Daniel Kian <> wrote:
> >   
> >>>> I've an article, prepared in LyX, whose citations and
> >>>> bibliography I need to have rendered in Chicago style.  (Indeed,
> >>>> If I can get the sections titles  to conform automatically to
> >>>> Chicago-journal style, that would be great.)
> >>>>
> >>>> I'd like to avoid a process of tweaking a .tex file.
> >>>>
> >>>> When I try to handl things by way of the preamble, LyX yowls
> >>>> about conflicting specifications.  If I have to do everything
> >>>> through the preamble or by tweaking a .tex file, then I'd like
> >>>> to know how to disable the build-in Bibliography processing.
> >>>> 
> >   
> >> On 02/14/2018 03:11 AM, Dr Eberhard Lisse wrote:  
> >>>
> >>> As a general rule,
> >>>
> >>> provide a Minimal Working Example, ie the shortest LyX file with
> >>> the shortest BIB file that demonstrates the issue.
> >>>
> >>> greetings, el
> >>>
> >>> On 14/02/2018 02:13, Daniel Kian Mc Kiernan wrote:  
> > 
> >   
> >> That is a signally absurd response.
> >>
> >> A minimal example would be an empty LyX document.  I could show
> >> you a screen-shot of an empty preamble, but you presumably know
> >> how that looks.  Likewise for the Bibliography dialog.
> >>
> >> I could go a bit further, and post a bibtex file, and a LyX
> >> document with a cite element and bibligraphy element, and ask
> >> “What do I do to get LyX to render that cite element and the
> >> bibliogrpahy in Chicago style?”  But, again, you presumably know
> >> how bibtex files, cite elements, and bibliography elements look.
> >>
> >> So far, I've seen you post one willfully passive-aggressive
> >> response to one person, and then this foolish response to me.
> >> This list begins to look to be a source of abuse, rather than
> >> constructive response.  
> > 
> > I've rearranged the thread as bottom posted, so when somebody says
> > "this" is absurd, we all know what "this" refers to, and when
> > someone recommends a minimum working example, we all know what
> > situation a MWE is supposed to improve. If we're going to criticize
> > communication styles, let's go for clarity ourselves.
> > 
> > Anyway, regardless of Eberhard Lisse's tone, the Minimum Working
> > Example (MWE) is one of your most powerful tools for diagnosing LyX
> > problems. Remember, he said " ie the shortest LyX file with the
> > shortest BIB file that ***demonstrates the issue***." (emphasis
> > mine).
> > 
> > If the issue occurs on a blank document, start removing stuff from
> > the document properties. At some point you're going to be able to
> > toggle the problem on and off. Then, keep removing more stuff until
> > the only stuff left is stuff that will toggle the problem. This is
> > a true MWE.
> > 
> > Once you have your true MWE, either the cause will be obvious to you
> > and you'll fix it, or you can submit it and it will be obvious to
> > your fellow listmates, or the LyX developers will tell you "whoops,
> > that's a bug, let us fix that, and thank you so much for narrowing
> > it down for us."
> > 
> > The way I make MWEs is I keep dividing the remaining root cause
> > scope of the document in half and seeing whether the symptom is
> > still there, and continue until all that's left is maybe a sentence
> > plus what is necessary to produce the symptom. Likewise, I keep
> > simplifying the document preamble/properties until there's nothing
> > there that won't flip the symptom  if I remove/change it.
> > 
> > A year ago I has a problem in which I couldn't produce my books on
> > my new Void Linux computer if I used Century Schoolbook type, which
> > is a must. Even a Minimal Working Example would fail if I used
> > Century Schoolbook. So for LyX had I had to use a Ubuntu virtual
> > machine guest: Inconvenient!
> > 
> > Then one day a fellow author let me read his LyX produced book,
> > which obviously had Century Schoolbook type. I made an MWE of his,
> > and MWE of mine, compared, and the difference was obvious: He was
> > 

Re: Chicago-Style Citations and Bibliography

2018-02-14 Thread Daniel Kian Mc Kiernan

On 02/14/2018 06:43 PM, Steve Litt wrote:

On Wed, 14 Feb 2018 03:30:13 -0800
Mc Kiernan Daniel Kian <> wrote:

I've an article, prepared in LyX, whose citations and bibliography
I need to have rendered in Chicago style.  (Indeed, If I can get
the sections titles  to conform automatically to Chicago-journal
style, that would be great.)

I'd like to avoid a process of tweaking a .tex file.

When I try to handl things by way of the preamble, LyX yowls about
conflicting specifications.  If I have to do everything through the
preamble or by tweaking a .tex file, then I'd like to know how to
disable the build-in Bibliography processing.

On 02/14/2018 03:11 AM, Dr Eberhard Lisse wrote:

As a general rule,

provide a Minimal Working Example, ie the shortest LyX file with the
shortest BIB file that demonstrates the issue.

greetings, el

On 14/02/2018 02:13, Daniel Kian Mc Kiernan wrote:

That is a signally absurd response.

A minimal example would be an empty LyX document.  I could show you a
screen-shot of an empty preamble, but you presumably know how that
looks.  Likewise for the Bibliography dialog.

I could go a bit further, and post a bibtex file, and a LyX document
with a cite element and bibligraphy element, and ask “What do I do to
get LyX to render that cite element and the bibliogrpahy in Chicago
style?”  But, again, you presumably know how bibtex files, cite
elements, and bibliography elements look.

So far, I've seen you post one willfully passive-aggressive response
to one person, and then this foolish response to me.  This list
begins to look to be a source of abuse, rather than constructive

I've rearranged the thread as bottom posted, so when somebody says
"this" is absurd, we all know what "this" refers to, and when someone
recommends a minimum working example, we all know what situation a MWE
is supposed to improve. If we're going to criticize communication
styles, let's go for clarity ourselves.

Anyway, regardless of Eberhard Lisse's tone, the Minimum Working
Example (MWE) is one of your most powerful tools for diagnosing LyX
problems. Remember, he said " ie the shortest LyX file with the
shortest BIB file that ***demonstrates the issue***." (emphasis mine).

If the issue occurs on a blank document, start removing stuff from the
document properties. At some point you're going to be able to toggle
the problem on and off. Then, keep removing more stuff until the only
stuff left is stuff that will toggle the problem. This is a true MWE.

Once you have your true MWE, either the cause will be obvious to you
and you'll fix it, or you can submit it and it will be obvious to your
fellow listmates, or the LyX developers will tell you "whoops, that's a
bug, let us fix that, and thank you so much for narrowing it down for

The way I make MWEs is I keep dividing the remaining root cause
scope of the document in half and seeing whether the symptom is still
there, and continue until all that's left is maybe a sentence plus what
is necessary to produce the symptom. Likewise, I keep simplifying the
document preamble/properties until there's nothing there that won't
flip the symptom  if I remove/change it.

A year ago I has a problem in which I couldn't produce my books on my
new Void Linux computer if I used Century Schoolbook type, which is a
must. Even a Minimal Working Example would fail if I used Century
Schoolbook. So for LyX had I had to use a Ubuntu virtual machine guest:

Then one day a fellow author let me read his LyX produced book, which
obviously had Century Schoolbook type. I made an MWE of his, and MWE of
mine, compared, and the difference was obvious: He was using the TeX
Gyre Schola variant


I explained exactly why the request for an MWE was absurd here.  You 
didn't actually attend to the explanation.

I understand when and how to use an MWE.  This was not an occasion for 
which one made any sense.

If someone asked you how to launch LyX, would you actually tell them 
to provide an MWE?  You're about in that territory right now, and a 
person who didn't know how to launch LyX wouldn't be as demonstrably 
foolish as someone who asked for an MWE of that person, or as someone 
who pontificated about the value of MWEs in the face of the present 

Re: Chicago-Style Citations and Bibliography

2018-02-14 Thread Steve Litt
On Wed, 14 Feb 2018 03:30:13 -0800
Mc Kiernan Daniel Kian <> wrote:

> >> I've an article, prepared in LyX, whose citations and bibliography
> >> I need to have rendered in Chicago style.  (Indeed, If I can get
> >> the sections titles  to conform automatically to Chicago-journal
> >> style, that would be great.)
> >>
> >> I'd like to avoid a process of tweaking a .tex file.
> >>
> >> When I try to handl things by way of the preamble, LyX yowls about
> >> conflicting specifications.  If I have to do everything through the
> >> preamble or by tweaking a .tex file, then I'd like to know how to
> >> disable the build-in Bibliography processing.
> >>  

> On 02/14/2018 03:11 AM, Dr Eberhard Lisse wrote:
> >
> > As a general rule,
> > 
> > provide a Minimal Working Example, ie the shortest LyX file with the
> > shortest BIB file that demonstrates the issue.
> > 
> > greetings, el
> > 
> > On 14/02/2018 02:13, Daniel Kian Mc Kiernan wrote:  

> That is a signally absurd response.
> A minimal example would be an empty LyX document.  I could show you a 
> screen-shot of an empty preamble, but you presumably know how that 
> looks.  Likewise for the Bibliography dialog.
> I could go a bit further, and post a bibtex file, and a LyX document 
> with a cite element and bibligraphy element, and ask “What do I do to 
> get LyX to render that cite element and the bibliogrpahy in Chicago 
> style?”  But, again, you presumably know how bibtex files, cite 
> elements, and bibliography elements look.
> So far, I've seen you post one willfully passive-aggressive response 
> to one person, and then this foolish response to me.  This list
> begins to look to be a source of abuse, rather than constructive
> response.

I've rearranged the thread as bottom posted, so when somebody says
"this" is absurd, we all know what "this" refers to, and when someone
recommends a minimum working example, we all know what situation a MWE
is supposed to improve. If we're going to criticize communication
styles, let's go for clarity ourselves.

Anyway, regardless of Eberhard Lisse's tone, the Minimum Working
Example (MWE) is one of your most powerful tools for diagnosing LyX
problems. Remember, he said " ie the shortest LyX file with the
shortest BIB file that ***demonstrates the issue***." (emphasis mine).

If the issue occurs on a blank document, start removing stuff from the
document properties. At some point you're going to be able to toggle
the problem on and off. Then, keep removing more stuff until the only
stuff left is stuff that will toggle the problem. This is a true MWE.

Once you have your true MWE, either the cause will be obvious to you
and you'll fix it, or you can submit it and it will be obvious to your
fellow listmates, or the LyX developers will tell you "whoops, that's a
bug, let us fix that, and thank you so much for narrowing it down for

The way I make MWEs is I keep dividing the remaining root cause
scope of the document in half and seeing whether the symptom is still
there, and continue until all that's left is maybe a sentence plus what
is necessary to produce the symptom. Likewise, I keep simplifying the
document preamble/properties until there's nothing there that won't
flip the symptom  if I remove/change it.

A year ago I has a problem in which I couldn't produce my books on my
new Void Linux computer if I used Century Schoolbook type, which is a
must. Even a Minimal Working Example would fail if I used Century
Schoolbook. So for LyX had I had to use a Ubuntu virtual machine guest:

Then one day a fellow author let me read his LyX produced book, which
obviously had Century Schoolbook type. I made an MWE of his, and MWE of
mine, compared, and the difference was obvious: He was using the TeX
Gyre Schola variant


Re: Chicago-Style Citations and Bibliography

2018-02-14 Thread Mc Kiernan Daniel Kian
I use BibTeX, because that's what LyX first embraced; and the version 
of LyX ported for Fedora still does not support BibLaTeX.  Switching 
to BibLaTeX would involve more time and effort than playing with the 
.tex file, because I would need to revise the bibliographic database. 
If LyX is not going to support Chicago style except through BibLaTeX, 
then trying to avoid wrestling with the .tex file of the paper at hand 
is not reasonable; though it might well be reasonable to migrate to 
BibLaTeX for future papers.

An Example that produced the yowlings about conflicting specifications 
would be a crufty non-Minimal non-Working Example.  I wasn't seeking 
to get the yowling decyphered.  My actual query stands with or without 
mentioning those yowlings; my point in mentioning them was to preempt 
a suggestion that merely dropped something into the preamble.

Thank you for the .layout file.  I am in fact just playing with the 
damn'd .tex file, and will finish that shortly after completing a 
process of turning useful citations (which identify chapters and 
sections) into lousy citations (which only offer page numbers peculiar 
to the edition used).

It's very Microsoft-ish if LyX cannot simply be told to disable the 
the insertions and other processing associated with the Bibliography 

On 02/14/2018 05:08 AM, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

Am Dienstag, den 13.02.2018, 16:13 -0800 schrieb Daniel Kian Mc

I've an article, prepared in LyX, whose citations and bibliography I
need to have rendered in Chicago style. (Indeed, If I can get the
sections titles  to conform automatically to Chicago-journal
that would be great.)

Do you use Biblatex or BibTeX for the bibliography? There's a decent
style for Biblatex (biblatex-chicago), but there are also (probably
less comprehensive) bst styles files for traditional BibTeX, "chicago"
and "achicago". The procedure for tweaking LyX depends on what you want
to use (so elisse's request for a MWE is actually not completely odd).

If you want to use Biblatex, consider testing LyX 2.3rc2. Although it's
considered "unstable", it provides proper support for Biblatex.

As for the document formatting, there is the "turabian-formatting"
package that has an implementation of the Chicago style (and also uses
biblatex-chicago). It ships a turabian-researchpaper class suitable for

I don't know a turabian-researchpaper.layout for LyX, but a simple
portmanteau file as the attached will probably do for a start.

I'd like to avoid a process of tweaking a .tex file.

When I try to handl things by way of the preamble, LyX yowls about
conflicting specifications.

To help with this, we'd need to see a MWE, indeed.

If I have to do everything through the
preamble or by tweaking a .tex file, then I'd like to know how to
disable the build-in Bibliography processing.

This depends on the selected approach.


Re: Chicago-Style Citations and Bibliography

2018-02-14 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Am Dienstag, den 13.02.2018, 16:13 -0800 schrieb Daniel Kian Mc
> I've an article, prepared in LyX, whose citations and bibliography I 
> need to have rendered in Chicago style. (Indeed, If I can get the 
> sections titles  to conform automatically to Chicago-journal
> style, 
> that would be great.)

Do you use Biblatex or BibTeX for the bibliography? There's a decent
style for Biblatex (biblatex-chicago), but there are also (probably
less comprehensive) bst styles files for traditional BibTeX, "chicago"
and "achicago". The procedure for tweaking LyX depends on what you want
to use (so elisse's request for a MWE is actually not completely odd).

If you want to use Biblatex, consider testing LyX 2.3rc2. Although it's
considered "unstable", it provides proper support for Biblatex.

As for the document formatting, there is the "turabian-formatting"
package that has an implementation of the Chicago style (and also uses
biblatex-chicago). It ships a turabian-researchpaper class suitable for

I don't know a turabian-researchpaper.layout for LyX, but a simple
portmanteau file as the attached will probably do for a start.

> I'd like to avoid a process of tweaking a .tex file.
> When I try to handl things by way of the preamble, LyX yowls about 
> conflicting specifications.  

To help with this, we'd need to see a MWE, indeed.

> If I have to do everything through the 
> preamble or by tweaking a .tex file, then I'd like to know how to 
> disable the build-in Bibliography processing.

This depends on the selected approach.

Jürgen#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
#  \DeclareLaTeXClass{Research Paper (Turabian)}
#  \DeclareCategory{Articles}
# turabian-researchpaper textclass definition file.
# Author : Juergen Spitzmueller <>

Format 60

# Input general definitions
Input article.layout

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Chicago-Style Citations and Bibliography

2018-02-14 Thread Mc Kiernan Daniel Kian

That is a signally absurd response.

A minimal example would be an empty LyX document.  I could show you a 
screen-shot of an empty preamble, but you presumably know how that 
looks.  Likewise for the Bibliography dialog.

I could go a bit further, and post a bibtex file, and a LyX document 
with a cite element and bibligraphy element, and ask “What do I do to 
get LyX to render that cite element and the bibliogrpahy in Chicago 
style?”  But, again, you presumably know how bibtex files, cite 
elements, and bibliography elements look.

So far, I've seen you post one willfully passive-aggressive response 
to one person, and then this foolish response to me.  This list begins 
to look to be a source of abuse, rather than constructive response.

On 02/14/2018 03:11 AM, Dr Eberhard Lisse wrote:

As a general rule,

provide a Minimal Working Example, ie the shortest LyX file with the
shortest BIB file that demonstrates the issue.

greetings, el

On 14/02/2018 02:13, Daniel Kian Mc Kiernan wrote:

I've an article, prepared in LyX, whose citations and bibliography I
need to have rendered in Chicago style.  (Indeed, If I can get the
sections titles  to conform automatically to Chicago-journal style,
that would be great.)

I'd like to avoid a process of tweaking a .tex file.

When I try to handl things by way of the preamble, LyX yowls about
conflicting specifications.  If I have to do everything through the
preamble or by tweaking a .tex file, then I'd like to know how to
disable the build-in Bibliography processing.

Re: Chicago-Style Citations and Bibliography

2018-02-14 Thread Dr Eberhard Lisse
As a general rule,

provide a Minimal Working Example, ie the shortest LyX file with the
shortest BIB file that demonstrates the issue.

greetings, el

On 14/02/2018 02:13, Daniel Kian Mc Kiernan wrote:
> I've an article, prepared in LyX, whose citations and bibliography I
> need to have rendered in Chicago style.  (Indeed, If I can get the
> sections titles  to conform automatically to Chicago-journal style,
> that would be great.)
> I'd like to avoid a process of tweaking a .tex file.
> When I try to handl things by way of the preamble, LyX yowls about
> conflicting specifications.  If I have to do everything through the
> preamble or by tweaking a .tex file, then I'd like to know how to
> disable the build-in Bibliography processing.

Chicago-Style Citations and Bibliography

2018-02-13 Thread Daniel Kian Mc Kiernan
I've an article, prepared in LyX, whose citations and bibliography I 
need to have rendered in Chicago style. (Indeed, If I can get the 
sections titles  to conform automatically to Chicago-journal style, 
that would be great.)

I'd like to avoid a process of tweaking a .tex file.

When I try to handl things by way of the preamble, LyX yowls about 
conflicting specifications.  If I have to do everything through the 
preamble or by tweaking a .tex file, then I'd like to know how to 
disable the build-in Bibliography processing.

Re: Page numbers override in citations

2016-10-11 Thread Helge Hafting

Den 09. okt. 2016 19:00, skrev N. Andrew Walsh:

Hi List,

I have numerous bibliography entries of articles that are given in the 
bibliography with their respective page ranges. However, I want to 
have some citations give the specific page on which the cited material 
appears. Is there a way to do this?

Currently, I'm using the "Text after" field in the citation dialog to 
add a page number, but this results in the output document simple 
showing that text in brackets before the unprocessed bibtex key.

What I would prefer is if the citations would either give the page 
ranges of the entry for the first entry, or, if a number[-range] is 
given in the "Text after" field, to use that instead.

Or is there a better way to control this behavior and get the output I 

There is the option of having several bibliography entries for the same 
article; all citing with different pages or page ranges. Unless someone 
else has a better solution.

Helge Hafting

Re: Page numbers override in citations

2016-10-10 Thread Michael Berger

On 10/09/2016 09:00 PM, N. Andrew Walsh wrote:

Hi List,

I have numerous bibliography entries of articles that are given in the 
bibliography with their respective page ranges. However, I want to 
have some citations give the specific page on which the cited material 
appears. Is there a way to do this?

Currently, I'm using the "Text after" field in the citation dialog to 
add a page number, but this results in the output document simple 
showing that text in brackets before the unprocessed bibtex key.

What I would prefer is if the citations would either give the page 
ranges of the entry for the first entry, or, if a number[-range] is 
given in the "Text after" field, to use that instead.

Or is there a better way to control this behavior and get the output I 



Hi Andrew,
are you using Kbibtex, the bibtex editor for KDE (or another respective 


Re: Page numbers override in citations

2016-10-09 Thread N. Andrew Walsh
Hi John,

thanks for your reply. I'm using biblatex-chicago, which prints the full
citation in the first instance, and then an abbreviated one on subsequent
instances. Problem is, some citations' entries have page ranges in them
already; what I want to do is add a single page number in the "Text after"
field (or by some other means, such as using Lyx code), and have this
override the page(s) given in the citation entry.

In there a way to do this? Failing that, there's something weird about how
Lyx is handling material in the "Text after" field for citation entries
which already specify a page range in the bibtex entry, in that it only
outputs something like '[35]bibtexkey' in the pdf output.

Thanks for the help.



On Sun, Oct 9, 2016 at 10:21 PM, John Kane <> wrote:

> What bibliographic style are you using.  I use apacite (Natbib: Author
> Year) and it seems to do exactly what you want if I understand correctly.
> Are you using a numered style perhaps/
> On 9 October 2016 at 15:00, N. Andrew Walsh <>
> wrote:
>> Hi List,
>> I have numerous bibliography entries of articles that are given in the
>> bibliography with their respective page ranges. However, I want to have
>> some citations give the specific page on which the cited material appears.
>> Is there a way to do this?
>> Currently, I'm using the "Text after" field in the citation dialog to add
>> a page number, but this results in the output document simple showing that
>> text in brackets before the unprocessed bibtex key.
>> What I would prefer is if the citations would either give the page ranges
>> of the entry for the first entry, or, if a number[-range] is given in the
>> "Text after" field, to use that instead.
>> Or is there a better way to control this behavior and get the output I
>> want?
>> Cheers,
>> Andrew
> --
> John Kane
> Kingston ON Canada

Page numbers override in citations

2016-10-09 Thread N. Andrew Walsh
Hi List,

I have numerous bibliography entries of articles that are given in the
bibliography with their respective page ranges. However, I want to have
some citations give the specific page on which the cited material appears.
Is there a way to do this?

Currently, I'm using the "Text after" field in the citation dialog to add a
page number, but this results in the output document simple showing that
text in brackets before the unprocessed bibtex key.

What I would prefer is if the citations would either give the page ranges
of the entry for the first entry, or, if a number[-range] is given in the
"Text after" field, to use that instead.

Or is there a better way to control this behavior and get the output I want?



Re: Citations Incorrectly Compiled

2015-09-07 Thread John Kane
Hi Rich,
I'm a  bit late but my guess is that it is your style.  I normally use
apacite and I get what you want.

On the other hand I have no idea what that may do to your reference list

On 3 September 2015 at 13:21, Rich Shepard <> wrote:

> On Thu, 3 Sep 2015, Rich Shepard wrote:
>  In a LyX document I imported three references from jabref; two by the same
>> author. These are shown in the attached source.png. Note that Aichison, J.
>> 1982 and Aichison, J. 1994 are shown separately.
>>  However, when compiled using pdflatex, those two citations are typeset as
>> Aichison, 1982,4 rather than Aichison, 1982,1994 (see attached
>> compiled.png).
>>  I need guidance on correcting the compiled citations.
>   Perhaps there is no way to have lyx, bibtex, and tex produce separate
> citations for the same author. What I've done is to individually insert
> each
> citation from jabref. A bit more work but the result is what I need.
> Rich

John Kane
Kingston ON Canada

Citations Incorrectly Compiled

2015-09-03 Thread Rich Shepard

  In a LyX document I imported three references from jabref; two by the same
author. These are shown in the attached source.png. Note that Aichison, J.
1982 and Aichison, J. 1994 are shown separately.

  However, when compiled using pdflatex, those two citations are typeset as
Aichison, 1982,4 rather than Aichison, 1982,1994 (see attached

  I need guidance on correcting the compiled citations.



Re: Citations Incorrectly Compiled

2015-09-03 Thread Rich Shepard

On Thu, 3 Sep 2015, Rich Shepard wrote:

 In a LyX document I imported three references from jabref; two by the same
author. These are shown in the attached source.png. Note that Aichison, J.
1982 and Aichison, J. 1994 are shown separately.

 However, when compiled using pdflatex, those two citations are typeset as
Aichison, 1982,4 rather than Aichison, 1982,1994 (see attached

 I need guidance on correcting the compiled citations.

  Perhaps there is no way to have lyx, bibtex, and tex produce separate
citations for the same author. What I've done is to individually insert each
citation from jabref. A bit more work but the result is what I need.


Re: changing language citations

2015-06-11 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
2015-06-11 15:18 GMT+02:00 Idefix


 I need to write an assignment in Dutch. With multiple authors my reference
 results in name and name instead of the dutch version name en name.

 My settings are in Dutch already, and everything except the citations is
 already in Dutch.

 Any idea?

I suppose you are using BibTeX? If so, you need a Dutch bibliography style
files (*.bst) or, if no one that fits your needs is available, copy and
edit one.

You might find something here:


changing language citations

2015-06-11 Thread Idefix

I need to write an assignment in Dutch. With multiple authors my reference 
results in name and name instead of the dutch version name en name.

My settings are in Dutch already, and everything except the citations is 
already in Dutch.

Any idea?

changing language citations

2015-06-11 Thread Idefix

I need to write an assignment in Dutch. With multiple authors my reference 
results in name and name instead of the dutch version name en name.

My settings are in Dutch already, and everything except the citations is 
already in Dutch.

Any idea?

Re: changing language citations

2015-06-11 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
2015-06-11 15:18 GMT+02:00 Idefix


 I need to write an assignment in Dutch. With multiple authors my reference
 results in name and name instead of the dutch version name en name.

 My settings are in Dutch already, and everything except the citations is
 already in Dutch.

 Any idea?

I suppose you are using BibTeX? If so, you need a Dutch bibliography style
files (*.bst) or, if no one that fits your needs is available, copy and
edit one.

You might find something here:


changing language citations

2015-06-11 Thread Idefix

I need to write an assignment in Dutch. With multiple authors my reference 
results in "name and name" instead of the dutch version "name en name".

My settings are in Dutch already, and everything except the citations is 
already in Dutch.

Any idea?

Re: changing language citations

2015-06-11 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
2015-06-11 15:18 GMT+02:00 Idefix <>:

> Hi,
> I need to write an assignment in Dutch. With multiple authors my reference
> results in "name and name" instead of the dutch version "name en name".
> My settings are in Dutch already, and everything except the citations is
> already in Dutch.
> Any idea?

I suppose you are using BibTeX? If so, you need a Dutch bibliography style
files (*.bst) or, if no one that fits your needs is available, copy and
edit one.

You might find something here:


colored reference numbers in citations

2015-05-26 Thread Michael Berger

Dear Friends of LyX,
In PDF I needed green colored reference numbers in citations but at the 
same time I did not want a red colored TOC. All the other references and 
backreferences could have printed their own predefined color.

I eventually found out how to achieve this.

Document Settings  PDF Properties
 General: Activate Hyperref Support; Additional options *linktoc=none*
 Hyperlinks: Activate Color Links, Backreferences 'Page'
 Bookmarks: Level 3 (I use section, subsection and subsubsection)

So, basically the key lies in the option *linktoc=none*
Thanks and regards


colored reference numbers in citations

2015-05-26 Thread Michael Berger

Dear Friends of LyX,
In PDF I needed green colored reference numbers in citations but at the 
same time I did not want a red colored TOC. All the other references and 
backreferences could have printed their own predefined color.

I eventually found out how to achieve this.

Document Settings  PDF Properties
 General: Activate Hyperref Support; Additional options *linktoc=none*
 Hyperlinks: Activate Color Links, Backreferences 'Page'
 Bookmarks: Level 3 (I use section, subsection and subsubsection)

So, basically the key lies in the option *linktoc=none*
Thanks and regards


colored reference numbers in citations

2015-05-26 Thread Michael Berger

Dear Friends of LyX,
In PDF I needed green colored reference numbers in citations but at the 
same time I did not want a red colored TOC. All the other references and 
backreferences could have printed their own predefined color.

I eventually found out how to achieve this.

Document Settings > PDF Properties
> General: Activate Hyperref Support; Additional options *linktoc=none*
> Hyperlinks: Activate Color Links, Backreferences 'Page'
> Bookmarks: Level 3 (I use section, subsection and subsubsection)

So, basically the key lies in the option *linktoc=none*
Thanks and regards


colored reference numbers in citations

2015-05-25 Thread Michael Berger

Dear Lyx friends,
I am writing a KOMA-Script Article with citations inserted from a BibTeX 
generated Bibliography.

The citations appear in PDF as: Kröger [9, 1998] in black.

But I need the reference numbers to appear in a distinct green color 
like this: Kröger [9, 1998].

(for the 9 in my example #33cc00 is used)

How could this be accomplished?

Michael Berger

Michael Berger, Dipl. Ing.
Im Borngrund 7a
D-35606 Solms
Fon: +49 6442 706509
Fax: 032121247536
Linux member

colored reference numbers in citations

2015-05-25 Thread Michael Berger

Dear Lyx friends,
I am writing a KOMA-Script Article with citations inserted from a BibTeX 
generated Bibliography.

The citations appear in PDF as: Kröger [9, 1998] in black.

But I need the reference numbers to appear in a distinct green color 
like this: Kröger [9, 1998].

(for the 9 in my example #33cc00 is used)

How could this be accomplished?

Michael Berger

Michael Berger, Dipl. Ing.
Im Borngrund 7a
D-35606 Solms
Fon: +49 6442 706509
Fax: 032121247536
Linux member

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