Dear Lyx-list,

I use memoir class (book) together with 'epigraph' to set epigraphs on
the first page of a chapter. I do not want any header/ footer on
chapter-starting-pages. The standard layout is set in lyx to 'empty
style' and also are added in the preambel:


Without 'epigraph' this works ok, but with it does not work for
pagestyle 'chapter'.

Epigraph commandos in the preambel:

\renewcommand{\epigraphflush}{flushright} % epigraph an sich
\renewcommand{\textflush}{flushleft} % text im epigraph
\renewcommand{\sourceflush}{flushright} % Zitatquelle im epigraph
\setlength{\epigraphwidth}{.5\textwidth} % Breite des Zitats
\setlength{\beforeepigraphskip}{.5\baselineskip} % Abstand vor epigraph
\setlength{\afterepigraphskip}{.5\baselineskip} % Abstand nach epigraph
\setlength{\epigraphrule}{2pt} % keine Linie zw. Zitat und Autor

And in the text:


In the middle of the footer the page number appears as long as an
epigraph is used on that page.
If an epigraph is not used, the page is completely empty.

-->> How can I get rid of this behavior so that the
chapter-starting-page is completely clear AND epigraphs can be used on
the same page?

thanks a lot!
best wishes
leo gürtler

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