Re: foot note symbol in author listing

2017-02-13 Thread Richard Heck
On 02/12/2017 06:26 PM, Bob Alvarez wrote:
> I want to include my institution and email address in a footnote to my
> name on the first page of the article. I did this by inserting a
> footnote from the menu on Lyx.
> According to the User's Manual:
> The footnote will appear in the output as a superscript number at the
> text position where the footnote box is placed.
> A preview (and exporting the pdf output) of lyx file included below
> shows that the footnote appears but there is no footnote symbol after
> my name.
> I would like to have a symbol to draw the reader's attention to the
> information.
> Ideas on how to do this?

This is handled by the document class. You are using IEEEtran, and it
has decided that footnotes within the title information don't have
corresponding marks. So, if you don't like that behavior, you should try
a different document class. If, on the other hand, you really do need to
use IEEEtran, then, well, that is how the IEEE says it should be.


foot note symbol in author listing

2017-02-13 Thread Bob Alvarez
I want to include my institution and email address in a footnote to my 
name on the first page of the article. I did this by inserting a 
footnote from the menu on Lyx.

According to the User's Manual:
The footnote will appear in the output as a superscript number at the 
text position where the footnote box is placed.

A preview (and exporting the pdf output) of lyx file included below 
shows that the footnote appears but there is no footnote symbol after my 

I would like to have a symbol to draw the reader's attention to the 

Ideas on how to do this?

Robert Alvarez

Sample Lyx file below the dashed line
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paper title

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John Q.
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\begin_layout Abstract
Blah blah blahBlah blah blahBlah blah blahBlah blah blahBlah blah blahBlah
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Key Words: Blah blah blahBlah blah blahBlah blah blahBlah blah blahBlah
 blah blah

\begin_layout Section

\begin_layout Standard
Blah blah blah.
 Blah blah blah.
 Blah blah blah.
 Blah blah blah.
 Blah blah blah.
 Blah blah blah.
 Blah blah blah.
 Blah blah blah.
 Blah blah blah.
 Blah blah blah.
 Blah blah blah.
 Blah blah blah.
 Blah blah blah.
 Blah blah blah.
 Blah blah blah.
 Blah blah blah.
 Blah blah blah.
 Blah blah blah.
 Blah blah blah.
 Blah blah blah.
 Blah blah blah.
 Blah blah blah.
 Blah blah blah.
 Blah blah blah.
 Blah blah blah.
 Blah blah blah.
 Blah blah blah.
 Blah blah blah.
 Blah blah blah.
 Blah blah blah.
 Blah blah blah.
 Blah blah blah.

