
I am writing a script and I use the option "headword" to make fill an index 
list at the end of the document. If I have a sentence on e.g. page 3 like

"I am a keyword."

and I want , that in the index the word "keyword" should be listed, with all 
the pages it is written in, I know how it works. I just have to mark the word 
and tag it as keyword from the menu of lyx.

But what if I want to refer in another sentence by a similar world like e.g. 
page 5 in this one.

"In this sentence keywords is written not exactly like in the sentence above."

I'd like the output in the index like this:

keyword, 3, 5

Because keyword is a content of keyword(s).

Is this possible or am I asking too much? =) If it is not possible, perhaps 
someone understands my problem and could tell me another solution for my 


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