Re: lilypond in LyX 6.1

2008-12-26 Thread Piero Faustini

>From your post is not wuite clear if you managed to include your .ly file 
>automatically in LyX by simply selecting it in "External Material"
If yes, you would be asking to get rid of the pag-size problem.

Well, I've (almost) done it! (Thanks to a old post I found googling)
You just need your .ly files correctly called by LyX.
You just have to add this code to your .ly file:

  copyright = "" 
  tagline = ""}

as well as


(or ragged-last=##t if the excerpt is longer than 1 line)

The resulting pdf or png or ps (don't know which is the auto temporary file, I 
simply don't care) is clipped in its heigth, but not in its width (I'm working 
on this).
You can use it in in-line text with proper scaling but this may require some 
manual clipping (in the Lyx external file option tab) to cut some white space 
in the right side.
Also you may require to quit the indent space of the 1st line in the .ly file, 
by setting it to zero.
If you use the fragment in a paragraph or in some box, you also may need to 
manage some clipping, expecially if the fragment is longer. If you need a big 
fragment which spread along more than one page, I still can't help you 
I think it would be too difficoult to have the clip-invoking option of Lilypond 
work with LyX, but perhaps you can manage the problem of splitting your music 
by producing two or more supplemental .ly file which just "quote" only the x 
line of the master .ly file, and input them one after the other with lyx, 
expecting LyX to change page when there's no more space. I read about quoting 
somewhere in the lily docs, but can't remember where.
You may also set some Lilypond layout properties (including the mentioned 
\header or \paper properties) by default so each example match scaling and 
width/heigth of your LaTeX document class. I use Komascript book and I will try 
write this code for me.
Let me know if this work and if there're some issue cause I want to use 
Lilypond this way too.

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Re: lilypond in LyX 6.1

2008-12-25 Thread Piero Faustini

To Jamie:
I'm trying to work with Lilypond too. It seems that what we're trying to do is 
almost impossible without lilypond-book 
 which "wrap" your document preprocessing it and converting to graphics your 
lilypond examples before TeX compiling. But this is not implemented in LyX, you 
have to do it manually, and I can't help with this (I use some more wrappers so 
I think it simply won't work with me). If you still want to use normal lilypond 
examples, stay tuned, I'm trying find a solution. In the meantime, you can 
produce a output .png or small .pdf or .eps of the very first system of a .ly 
file with the "--preview" option 
 (I think the "--no-page" option still doesn't work in the latest Lilypond 
version) and loading the resulting mylilypondfile.preview.png image in your 
text. Check
 for a tool to roughly clip your music.
Another solution is using musixTeX, but this is MUCH harder than Lilypond, and 
have to be considered twice before beginning using it.

write me if you have more technical questions (or help as well!).

you're welcome
p.s. I use windows XP
P.P.S. Use package harmony if you want to include just musical sybols such 
notes, very simple rhythms, tempo markings etc. directly IN your text without 

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lilypond in LyX 6.1

2008-12-21 Thread jf7

Hi, I am trying to insert a lilypond file with Insert>File>External  
Material>LilyPond in a LyX 6.1 doc. It seems to need an .eps or .ps  
doc as a conversion from the .ly lilypond file.

I can import a pdf but that's not workable because it does a whole page.

I'm using TexShop on a Mac if that's pertinent.

Does anyone know how I can do this since it's been a listed feature for while?

Seems to need some info in Preferences - File Formats for the LilyPond  
Music item.

thanks much,
jamie faunt