Hallo, Lyx-Users,

I had several times a problem with the advanced "search and replace"
function. I don't know why (perhaps because the cursor is sometimes in a
math environment) but the sidebar where I can click "Search", "Replace" and
"Replace all" sometimes moves up and down (the buttons don't rest at one
place). I wanted to replace a letter (T in math mode) by another letter
(S), but not at all places. So I searched through my document. I don't want
to look after every click if the mouse cursor is still on the search
button. So because of the moves of the buttons I accidently clicked the
"Replace all" button. Unfortunately Lyx replaced a few hundred letters,
most of them, where I didn't want to. I couldn't get them all back by
CTRL+Z, so I decided to work on with my last saved version.

Is it possible to use shortcuts within advanced "Search and replace" mode
to make the searches so that I don't have to click?

Thanks a lot for every help!

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