> How could I install texlive2008 under debian?
> I have the TeX Collection DVD of September 2008
> but would not like to mess things up 

TexLive 2008 has now also an online installer.

Best to uninstall the TeX packages that comes with your current Linux
distribution and follow the above instruction if you don't have a DVD. You need
to check how in your Linux distribution LyX is coupled in terms of its
requirements for TeX packages.

For Debian users, LyX does not "require" any TeX packages. If your distro does,
obviously, leave thoses packages which are necessary for LyX installed.

Using the TexLive 2008 Package Manager is very easy and should be considered a
serious advantage in terms of convince, updating and recovery of a complex
production system that should be independent from the distribution's package
manager that controls your operating system.

Cheers, Sam

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