Re: two sided woes and ragged2e use

2008-07-23 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Zan wrote:
> Problem:
>     When two sided document is chosen (koma-script Book Class, or Book
> Class)  alternating Right Left pages fails when  \pagenumbering{roman}
> goes to \pagenumbering{arabic}. Problem does not occur when using all
> {arabic}.  I tried \frontmatter and \mainmatter first but that caused
> bizarre numbering with the child documents.  I've attached a main file
> and a child document that recreates the problem.

try \cleardoublepage instead of \pagebreak (Insert->Formatting->Clear Double 

> Question:
>     I am using the ragged2e package for my whole document but would like
> the chapter Abstracts justified.   How do I add "justified" to a single
> page? (such as the abstract page of the attached child document).

embrace the Abstract by



two sided woes and ragged2e use

2008-07-23 Thread Zan

Greetings List,

Finishing up the layout on my masters thesis written with Bean ---> LyX 
a terrific combo for OS X.  Thanks to everybody involved in improving 
and developing this wonderful program.

running LyX 1.5.5 on PPC Mac OS X 10.5.4

   When two sided document is chosen (koma-script Book Class, or Book 
Class)  alternating Right Left pages fails when  \pagenumbering{roman} 
goes to \pagenumbering{arabic}. Problem does not occur when using all 
{arabic}.  I tried \frontmatter and \mainmatter first but that caused 
bizarre numbering with the child documents.  I've attached a main file 
and a child document that recreates the problem.

   I am using the ragged2e package for my whole document but would like 
the chapter Abstracts justified.   How do I add "justified" to a single 
page? (such as the abstract page of the attached child document).

Thank you for your time,

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\begin_layout Chapter
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Annual Water and Solute Export from the Yukon River and its Tributaries

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Annual export of eleven major and trace solutes are determined for the Yukon
 River based on summing 42 tributary contributions.
 First we show that annual discharge of the Yukon River at three mainstem
 locations can be computed by summing calculated annual discharges from
 42 tributaries.
 Annual discharge for the ungaged tributaries is calculated from basin area
 and average annual precipitation over that area using a previously published
 regional regression equation.
 Based on tributary inputs we estimate an average annual discharge for the
 Yukon River of 211\InsetSpace ~

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\begin_inset Formula $km^{3}\: yr^{-1}$

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 This value is within 2% of the average measured annual discharge at the
 USGS gaging station at Pilot Station, AK for water years 2001 through 2005.
 Next, annual loads for 11 solutes are determined by combining annual discharge
 with point measurements of solute concentrations in tributary river water.
 Based on the sum of tributary water we find that the Yukon River discharges
 approximately 33 million metric tons of dissolved solids each year at Pilot
 Discharged solutes are dominated by cations calcium and magnesium (5.66x10
\begin_inset ERT
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\begin_layout Standard



 and 1.42x10
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\begin_inset Formula $g\: yr^{-1}$

) and anions bicarbonate and sulfate (17.2x10
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\begin_layout Standard



 and 5.42x10
\begin_inset ERT
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\begin_layout Standard



\begin_inset Formula $g\: yr^{-1}$

 These loads compare well with loads calculated using the USGS computer
 program LOADEST based on daily discharge and 34 instantaneous solute concentrat
ion measurements at three locations along the Yukon River.
 Annual solute loads determined by summing tributary contributions show
 an av