Aw: Format Page number references

2021-08-27 Thread Andreas Plihal
I filled the preamble exactly as you recommended - so I didn't have to change anything.   But I removed the commands \ index and added "|myA" etc. to the three LYX boxes. The result is unchanged in that I still only get the three keywords with the three letters a, b and f in the subject index,

Aw: Format Page number references

2021-08-26 Thread Andreas Plihal
First the good news: now no more errors are reported!   But: in the register, the specially defined keywords are now only displayed with the respective letters, without the page number as a prefix.   I enclose two pictures.   The first picture shows how I tagged three words as keywords, ju

Aw: Format Page number references

2021-08-25 Thread Andreas Plihal
Hi Herbert,   thx a lot!   I got this error though:   ! Illegal parameter number in definition of \myA.    1 l.232 \newcommand\myA{#1a}   You meant to type ## instead of #, right? Or maybe a } was forgotten somewhere earlier, and things are all scre