Re: Error compilating equation on PDF

2012-04-03 Thread Richard Heck

On 04/02/2012 08:38 PM, Kenedy Torcatt wrote:


Idon't know why when I'm trying to compile the pdf after creating a
formula or equation in lyx I'm getting an error and I can't see the

The  description i attached in txt file. Thankyou in advance!
It'd be more helpful to see the LyX file. Better yet, a LyX file with 
nothing but the offending equation in it. I can't tell anything from that.


Error compilating equation on PDF

2012-04-02 Thread Kenedy Torcatt

Idon't know why when I'm trying to compile the pdf after creating a
formula or equation in lyx I'm getting an error and I can't see the

The  description i attached in txt file. Thankyou in advance!
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