Hi everyone,
I've installed LYX 2.0 RC3 and use it with miktex 2.9.  
I wrote my abbreviation list with the nomentbl-package. It worked very well with
Lyx 1.6 and Miktex 2.7.
When I compile it now, it doesn't write the list in my document, although I get
no error messages.
I used the following commands in the Tools/Output/Latex/nomenclaturecommands: -s
nomentbl.ist -o "%tm".nls "%tm".nlo
But when I export the File in a tex-File and compile it with the TexnicCenter,
it writes the List in the document! When I compile the Lyx file now, it shows me
the list.
Looks like Lyx only compile the File once and can't produce the Abbrev-List!
Has anyone the same mistake ever seen before?
Any suggestions?
Thanks a lot.

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