Quick qn: modifying layout file

2010-02-21 Thread Manoj Rajagopalan
Hi all,
I have created a layout file for the journal Proc. Roy. Soc. A. When I 
click start appendix here within lyx, the latex source shows \appendix but 
I need \appendix{}. So far I am managing with ERT but it seems possible to be 
able to modify the layout file to to emit the trailing {}. How can this be 

   The layout files accompanying lyx seem to have an include hierarchy and 
while I dig through it, a tip would sure help! :-)


Quick qn: modifying layout file

2010-02-21 Thread Manoj Rajagopalan
Hi all,
I have created a layout file for the journal Proc. Roy. Soc. A. When I 
click start appendix here within lyx, the latex source shows \appendix but 
I need \appendix{}. So far I am managing with ERT but it seems possible to be 
able to modify the layout file to to emit the trailing {}. How can this be 

   The layout files accompanying lyx seem to have an include hierarchy and 
while I dig through it, a tip would sure help! :-)


Quick qn: modifying layout file

2010-02-21 Thread Manoj Rajagopalan
Hi all,
I have created a layout file for the journal Proc. Roy. Soc. A. When I 
click "start appendix here" within lyx, the latex source shows \appendix but 
I need \appendix{}. So far I am managing with ERT but it seems possible to be 
able to modify the layout file to to emit the trailing {}. How can this be 

   The layout files accompanying lyx seem to have an include hierarchy and 
while I dig through it, a tip would sure help! :-)
