
thanks for the reports. Please make sure to use a version based on the 5.0.1 
released tar-ball. Unfortunately, the version that is printed by KMyMoney in 
the about box has not been updated so it is a bit harder to distinguish from a 
real 5.0.0 version.

Please use https://kmymoney.org/release-notes.php to check what has already 
been fixed between 5.0.0 and 5.0.1 to avoid reporting more duplicates.

Thanks in advance


On Montag, 14. Mai 2018 12:30:54 CEST Michael Berger wrote:

> Hello Thomas,
> I am very sorry for my below repeated premature statement re KMM 5.0.0
> After digging deeper I must now advise Mageia 6 users to be extremely 
> cautious when trying KMM 5.0.0.
> I continue using it for my everyday work while avoiding the dangerous 
> parts/commands of it.
> Thomas, as I am rather busy right now I will report my findings to you 
> in a couple of days.
> Again, very sorry for being too hasty,
> Michael
> ---------------------
> Hello Thomas,
> I upgraded KMM to version 5.0.0 and  I am back in business after having
> to do some minor corrections re foreign currency exchange rates.
> My base currency is the EURO. Currencies like the Swiss Franc and others
> showed correct exchange rates that did not need any adjustment. But the
> exchange rates of currencies with an extrem splay like the € to IDR (1€
> ~ 16 500 IDR) returned large crazy figures that made no sense at all.
> But then it was easy to make the necessary corrections in KMM's Price
> Editor.
> I increased the default precision setting to eight digits, e.g. 1 IDR
> equals 0,00006001 €.
> The Price Editor is now back to presenting the online quotes as before -
> special thanks for this great add-in feature!
> Should I come across some other imperfections I will report them to you
> (but so far it doesn't look like).
> I am using Mageia 6
> Thanks again for the great program and best regards,
> Michael



Thomas Baumgart

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