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----- Original Message ----- From: "Laser Yuan" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, July 17, 2009 7:24 AM
Subject: List of Tables, numbering problem


I have tables in Chapters, say, two in the first Chapter, one in the second.
And I'm using ASM(book) class.

The numbering comes up with the "list of talbes" are like this:

1 ....
2 ...

1 ...

I want it to be:
1.1 ...
1.2 ...

2.1 ...

Could anybody tell me, how this wizard numbering happened. and how to solve
it. I attached a sample as bellow for your information


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\begin_layout Standard
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the first chapter

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the first section of chapter 1

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\begin_layout Plain Layout
the first chapter in chapter 2






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