Re: Placing bibliography on last page without page break / koma-script
Am 20. Aug. 2021, 12:37 +0200 schrieb Herbert Voss : > > > Am 20.08.21 um 11:49 schrieb jezZiFeR: > > Am 19. Aug. 2021, 11:26 +0200 schrieb Herbert Voss > > : > > > > > > > > Am 19.08.21 um 11:22 schrieb jezZiFeR: > > > > > > I also added > > > > \defbibheading{mybib}{% > > \let\cleardoublepage\relax > > … > > > > in the preamble and the parameter > > heading=mybib > > in the bibliography’s menu. > > > > Again I get a bunch of errors, added in the protocol here. > > > > Sorry, I do not get it, could you still help? > > > > > > Create an _example_ document and send the lyx _and also_ the exported > > latex file. > > > > > > > > here I send an example document with bib-file. I am not able to export > > a latex-file (SigSev-error…), maybe I do something wrong, I am not sure. > > it is a one sided document, so we need clearpage instead of cleardoublepage. > Attached your working example. > > > Dear Herbert, thanks thanks thanks! Now it works fine. Beste Grüße Jess -- lyx-users mailing list
Re: Placing bibliography on last page without page break / koma-script
Am 20.08.21 um 11:49 schrieb jezZiFeR: Am 19. Aug. 2021, 11:26 +0200 schrieb Herbert Voss : Am 19.08.21 um 11:22 schrieb jezZiFeR: I also added \defbibheading{mybib}{% \let\cleardoublepage\relax … in the preamble and the parameter heading=mybib in the bibliography’s menu. Again I get a bunch of errors, added in the protocol here. Sorry, I do not get it, could you still help? Create an _example_ document and send the lyx _and also_ the exported latex file. here I send an example document with bib-file. I am not able to export a latex-file (SigSev-error…), maybe I do something wrong, I am not sure. it is a one sided document, so we need clearpage instead of cleardoublepage. Attached your working example. Herbert #LyX 2.3 created this file. For more info see \lyxformat 544 \begin_document \begin_header \save_transient_properties true \origin unavailable \textclass scrreprt \begin_preamble %\begin{%} \AtBeginDocument{% \defbibheading{mybib}{% \let\cleardoublepage\relax \let\clearpage\relax \chapter*{#1}% \markboth{#1}{#1}}} %\setdefaultlanguage{german} %\usepackage[style=footnote-dw,urldate=long,abbreviate=true,pageref=true,idemtracker=false,backend=biber]{biblatex} %Waßenhoven-Stil %\DeclareFieldFormat{title}{\mkbibemph{#1}} %kursiver Schriftschnitt für Titel \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0.1 pt} %Titel TOC %\renewcommand\contentsname{MaM} % % alternativ besser % %\AtBeginDocument{ % \addto\captionsgerman{ %\renewcommand{\contentsname}{Inhalt} % } %} % %alternativ mittel % %\usepackage[german]{babel} %\addto\captionsgerman{ %\renewcommand{\contentsname}{El nuevo título} %} %Farbige Header \usepackage{xcolor} \addtokomafont{disposition}{\color{NavyBlue}} % für biblatex %\addbibresource{/Users/E/Dropbox/MaM/2018_MaM/Diss4.bib} % \usepackage{url} %\urlstyle{same} %\usepackage[ngerman]{babel} %csquotes package provides support for "context-sensitive" quotation marks \usepackage[babel,german=quotes]{csquotes} %Randnotizen \let\oldmarginpar\marginpar \renewcommand\marginpar[2][]{% \oldmarginpar[#1]{\footnotesize\raggedright\sffamily #2}} \newcommand*{\OriginalQuote}{} \let\OriginalQuote\quote \renewcommand*{\quote}{\OriginalQuote\small} % Hurenkinder vermeiden %\widowpenalty=1 und \clubpenalty=1 %%%\brokenpenalty=1 %Schusterjunge | Hurenkind %%%\widowpenalty=1 %%%\clubpenalty=1 %ePub %\usepackage{pxfonts} %Zitate, kurz %\newcommand*{\OriginalQuote}{} %\let\OriginalQuote\quote %\renewcommand*{\quote}{\OriginalQuote\tiny\} %Zitate, lang %\let\oldquotation\quotation %\renewcommand*\quotation[2][]{% %\oldquotation\footnotesize} Footnotes % insert additional vertical space of 1.5 mm between footnotes, \let\myFoot\footnote \renewcommand{\footnote}[1]{\myFoot{#1\vspace{1.5mm}}} %italics in den fußnoten / citations in footnote-dw style with biblatex-dw %\DeclareFieldFormat{chapter}{\mkbibemph{\bibstring{chapter}~#1}} %\DeclareFieldFormat[incollection]{title}{\mkbibemph{#1}} %\DeclareFieldFormat[incollection]{booktitle}{\mkbibemph{#1}} %\DeclareFieldFormat[inbook]{title}{\mkbibemph{#1}} %\DeclareFieldFormat{citetitle}{\mkbibemph{#1}} %Italics in Titeln %DeclareFieldFormat{title}{\mkbibemph{#1}} \usepackage[multiple,hang,flushmargin]{footmisc} \end_preamble \options dvipsnames \use_default_options true \begin_modules theorems-ams enumitem customHeadersFooters \end_modules \maintain_unincluded_children false \language ngerman \language_package default \inputencoding utf8-plain \fontencoding global \font_roman "Myriad Pro" "default" \font_sans "Myriad Pro" "default" \font_typewriter "Myriad Pro" "default" \font_math "auto" "auto" \font_default_family default \use_non_tex_fonts false \font_sc false \font_osf false \font_sf_scale 100 100 \font_tt_scale 100 100 \use_microtype true \use_dash_ligatures false \graphics default \default_output_format pdf4 \output_sync 1 \bibtex_command biber \index_command default \paperfontsize 10 \spacing other 1.3 \use_hyperref true \pdf_title "Test" \pdf_bookmarks true \pdf_bookmarksnumbered true \pdf_bookmarksopen false \pdf_bookmarksopenlevel 1 \pdf_breaklinks true \pdf_pdfborder true \pdf_colorlinks false \pdf_backref false \pdf_pdfusetitle true \papersize a4paper \use_geometry true \use_package amsmath 1 \use_package amssymb 1 \use_package cancel 1 \use_package esint 1 \use_package mathdots 1 \use_package mathtools 1 \use_package mhchem 1 \use_package stackrel 1 \use_package stmaryrd 1 \use_package undertilde 1 \cite_engine biblatex \cite_engine_type authoryear \biblio_options urldate=long,abbreviate=true,idemtracker=false,backend=biber, natbib=true, style=footnote-dw \biblatex_bibstyle authoryear \biblatex_citestyle authoryear \use_bibtopic false \use_indices false \paperorientation portrait \suppress_date true \justification true \use_refstyle 0 \use_minted 0 \boxbgcolor
Re: Placing bibliography on last page without page break / koma-script
Am 19. Aug. 2021, 11:26 +0200 schrieb Herbert Voss : > > > Am 19.08.21 um 11:22 schrieb jezZiFeR: > > > > I also added > > > > \defbibheading{mybib}{% > > \let\cleardoublepage\relax > > … > > > > in the preamble and the parameter > > heading=mybib > > in the bibliography’s menu. > > > > Again I get a bunch of errors, added in the protocol here. > > > > Sorry, I do not get it, could you still help? > > Create an _example_ document and send the lyx _and also_ the exported > latex file. Dear Herbert, here I send an example document with bib-file. I am not able to export a latex-file (SigSev-error…), maybe I do something wrong, I am not sure. Thanks again, all best Test.lyx Description: Binary data Test.bib Description: Binary data -- lyx-users mailing list
Re: Placing bibliography on last page without page break / koma-script
Am 19.08.21 um 11:22 schrieb jezZiFeR: I also added \defbibheading{mybib}{% \let\cleardoublepage\relax … in the preamble and the parameter heading=mybib in the bibliography’s menu. Again I get a bunch of errors, added in the protocol here. Sorry, I do not get it, could you still help? Create an _example_ document and send the lyx _and also_ the exported latex file. Herbert -- lyx-users mailing list
Re: Placing bibliography on last page without page break / koma-script
Am 19. Aug. 2021, 11:06 +0200 schrieb Herbert Voss : > > > Am 19.08.21 um 10:20 schrieb jezZiFeR: > > Am 18. Aug. 2021, 19:28 +0200 schrieb Herbert Voss > > : > > > > Am 18.08.21 um 18:03 schrieb jezZiFeR: > > > > thanks for the screenshots! > > I have entered the lines you mentioned in the preamble. > > Nonetheless > > the menu looks different here, I add two screenshots also. > > Could you > > still help? > > > > > > try to put it into "Optionen": heading=mybib > > > > I have no idea what version you are using. > > > > Herbert > > > > > > Thanks again! I use LyX and TeXLive 2021. When I enter the > > line into »Optionen« I get a large amount of errors, which you could > > find in the protocol (also XeTeX-version etc.) Maybe I should update > > something? > > --- > ! Undefined control sequence. > l.161 \defbibheading > {mybib}{% > The control sequence at the end of > --- > > > > It is a problem with LyX. It should load biblatex _before_ the user part of > the preamble, but it did it afterwards. This is the reason why > \defbibheading > is unknown. As I already wrote, use > > \AtBeginDocument{% > \defbibheading{mybib}{% > . > }} Thanks again! I have now added: \AtBeginDocument{% \defbibheading{mybib}{% … in the preamble. I removed, as I am not sure if this made problems: \AtBeginDocument{ \addto\captionsgerman{ \renewcommand{\contentsname}{Inhalt} } } I also added \defbibheading{mybib}{% \let\cleardoublepage\relax … in the preamble and the parameter heading=mybib in the bibliography’s menu. Again I get a bunch of errors, added in the protocol here. Sorry, I do not get it, could you still help? -- lyx-users mailing list
Re: Placing bibliography on last page without page break / koma-script
Am 19.08.21 um 10:20 schrieb jezZiFeR: Am 18. Aug. 2021, 19:28 +0200 schrieb Herbert Voss : Am 18.08.21 um 18:03 schrieb jezZiFeR: thanks for the screenshots! I have entered the lines you mentioned in the preamble. Nonetheless the menu looks different here, I add two screenshots also. Could you still help? try to put it into "Optionen": heading=mybib I have no idea what version you are using. Herbert Thanks again! I use LyX and TeXLive 2021. When I enter the line into »Optionen« I get a large amount of errors, which you could find in the protocol (also XeTeX-version etc.) Maybe I should update something? --- ! Undefined control sequence. l.161 \defbibheading {mybib}{% The control sequence at the end of --- It is a problem with LyX. It should load biblatex _before_ the user part of the preamble, but it did it afterwards. This is the reason why \defbibheading is unknown. As I already wrote, use \AtBeginDocument{% \defbibheading{mybib}{% . }} in your documents preamble, then it is defined after loading biblatex Herbert -- lyx-users mailing list
Re: Placing bibliography on last page without page break / koma-script
Am 18. Aug. 2021, 19:28 +0200 schrieb Herbert Voss : > Am 18.08.21 um 18:03 schrieb jezZiFeR: > > thanks for the screenshots! > > I have entered the lines you mentioned in the preamble. Nonetheless > > the menu looks different here, I add two screenshots also. Could you > > still help? > > try to put it into "Optionen": heading=mybib > > I have no idea what version you are using. > > Herbert Thanks again! I use LyX and TeXLive 2021. When I enter the line into »Optionen« I get a large amount of errors, which you could find in the protocol (also XeTeX-version etc.) Maybe I should update something? Protokoll.rtf Description: Binary data -- lyx-users mailing list
Re: Placing bibliography on last page without page break / koma-script
Am 18.08.21 um 18:03 schrieb jezZiFeR: thanks for the screenshots! I have entered the lines you mentioned in the preamble. Nonetheless the menu looks different here, I add two screenshots also. Could you still help? try to put it into "Optionen": heading=mybib I have no idea what version you are using. Herbert -- lyx-users mailing list
Re: Placing bibliography on last page without page break / koma-script
Am 18. Aug. 2021, 17:54 +0200 schrieb Herbert Voss : > jezZiFeR schrieb: > > Am 18. Aug. 2021, 10:52 +0200 schrieb Herbert Voss > > : > > > > > > > > > Am 18.08.21 um 09:54 schrieb jezZiFeR: > > > > > > > > is there any possibility in koma-script-report to have the > > > > bibliography (bib latex, biber) on the same page es the last > > > > paragraph? I want to have a very short bibilography one the last page > > > > and not to have a break and having those lines on a separate one. > > > > > > Write into the documents preamble: > > > > > > \defbibheading{mybib}{% > > > \let\cleardoublepage\relax > > > \chapter*{#1}% > > > \markboth{#1}{#1}} > > > > > > > > > and then use the parameter heading=mybib for the command > > > \printbibliography > > > Can be set in the menu of bibliography > > > > Thank you, Herbert! Up to now I am not very sure about whre to enter the > > mentioned parameter heading=mybib. I normally insert the bibliography by > > selecting insert (einfügen in German) / list (Liste) / bib > > latex-bibliography (Biblatex-Literaturverzeichnis) and do not use the > > mentioned command. > > > Klick on the symbol in the document for bibiography or open its > menu. I suppose that you have to use in the documents preamble: > > \AtBeginDocument{% > \defbibheading{mybib}{% > \let\cleardoublepage\relax > \chapter*{#1}% > \markboth{#1}{#1}}} > > because LyX loads biblatex after the documents preamble, which looks > like a bug to me. > > Herbert Dear Herbert, thanks for the screenshots! I have entered the lines you mentioned in the preamble. Nonetheless the menu looks different here, I add two screenshots also. Could you still help? Thank you! -- lyx-users mailing list
Re: Placing bibliography on last page without page break / koma-script
Am 18. Aug. 2021, 10:52 +0200 schrieb Herbert Voss : > > > Am 18.08.21 um 09:54 schrieb jezZiFeR: > > > > is there any possibility in koma-script-report to have the > > bibliography (bib latex, biber) on the same page es the last > > paragraph? I want to have a very short bibilography one the last page > > and not to have a break and having those lines on a separate one. > > Write into the documents preamble: > > \defbibheading{mybib}{% > \let\cleardoublepage\relax > \chapter*{#1}% > \markboth{#1}{#1}} > > > and then use the parameter heading=mybib for the command \printbibliography > Can be set in the menu of bibliography Thank you, Herbert! Up to now I am not very sure about whre to enter the mentioned parameter heading=mybib. I normally insert the bibliography by selecting insert (einfügen in German) / list (Liste) / bib latex-bibliography (Biblatex-Literaturverzeichnis) and do not use the mentioned command. Thanks again… -- lyx-users mailing list
Re: Placing bibliography on last page without page break / koma-script
Am 18.08.21 um 09:54 schrieb jezZiFeR: is there any possibility in koma-script-report to have the bibliography (bib latex, biber) on the same page es the last paragraph? I want to have a very short bibilography one the last page and not to have a break and having those lines on a separate one. Write into the documents preamble: \defbibheading{mybib}{% \let\cleardoublepage\relax \chapter*{#1}% \markboth{#1}{#1}} and then use the parameter heading=mybib for the command \printbibliography Can be set in the menu of bibliography Herbert -- lyx-users mailing list