Re: lyx2lyx fails to convert

2022-08-21 Thread Tim Garrett

Excellent. Thanks Stephan and Paul.

-v Contrast\ paper.lyx  > Test.lyx

produced a document Test.lyx that could be read by LyX

This converted document was fairly recent (2016) so fingers crossed it 
works too on older documents as well.


On 21 Aug 2022, at 4:31, Stephan Witt wrote:

Am 21.08.2022 um 10:33 schrieb Stephan Witt :

Hi Tim,

you have to change your command - lyx2lyx is a folder in Resources:

Sorry, this one sends the standard output to trash… this is useful 
in case of lyx2lyx is logging errors separately (I’m not sure it 
works that way).

-v Contrast\ paper.lyx > /dev/null

To verify the output in terminal you should use it w/o redirect to 

-v Contrast\ paper.lyx


-v Contrast\ paper.lyx | less

to view the result page by page.

Another option is to use the message pane in LyX:

1. Start LyX
2. Activate Message Pane (menu item of the View menu)
3. Switch to the Settings tab
4. Choose „Selected“ at left and „info“ at right.
5. Open the file „Contrast paper.lyx“
6. Check the Output contents of the Message Pane



In case it’s a python problem the following command and it’s 
output is of interest:

$ /usr/bin/env python --version
Python 3.8.13


Am 21.08.2022 um 06:06 schrieb Tim Garrett :

Sorry, probably being dense here but this is what I get after 
finding the function

-v Contrast\ paper.lyx
zsh: permission denied: 

Thanks for helping out here. Been a LyX user since 2001 when it was 
KLyX and this is the first time I’ve seen this.


On 20 Aug 2022, at 3:57, Stephan Witt wrote:

Am 18.08.2022 um 18:07 schrieb Paul A. Rubin :

On 8/18/22 11:15, Tim J Garrett wrote:

Running MacOS Monterrey and getting this error message trying to 
open old lyx files as recent as 2016:

“file.lyx is from an older version of LyX and the lyx2lyx script 
failed to convert it.”

Unclear what to do from online forums. Any advice? I’m not a 
developer, so step-by-step would be appreciated. I have tried 
installing old versions of lyx but without success. Below is the lyx 



#LyX 2.1 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 474
\textclass article

\options agums
\use_default_options false
\maintain_unincluded_children false
\language english
\language_package default
\inputencoding auto
\fontencoding global
\font_roman times
\font_sans default
\font_typewriter default
\font_math auto
\font_default_family default
\use_non_tex_fonts false
\font_sc false
\font_osf false
\font_sf_scale 100
\font_tt_scale 100
\graphics default
\default_output_format default
\output_sync 0
\bibtex_command default
\index_command default
\float_placement h
\paperfontsize 12
\spacing double
\use_hyperref false
\papersize letterpaper
\use_geometry true
\use_package amsmath 1
\use_package amssymb 1
\use_package cancel 1
\use_package esint 0
\use_package mathdots 1
\use_package mathtools 1
\use_package mhchem 1
\use_package stackrel 1
\use_package stmaryrd 1
\use_package undertilde 1
\cite_engine natbib
\cite_engine_type authoryear
\biblio_style plainnat
\use_bibtopic false
\use_indices false
\paperorientation portrait
\suppress_date false
\justification true
\use_refstyle 0
\index Index
\shortcut idx
\color #008000
\leftmargin 1in
\topmargin 1in
\rightmargin 1in
\bottommargin 1in
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\paragraph_indentation default
\quotes_language english
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default
\tracking_changes false
\output_changes false
\html_math_output 0
\html_css_as_file 0
\html_be_strict false

There does not seem to be any problem with the header. I created an 
empty LyX document with it, and the lyx2lyx script had no issues 
processing it. So the problem must be in the document body.

You can try the following. Find the lyx2lyx executable on your 
system. On Debian based Linux systems, it defaults to 
/usr/share/lyx/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx. I have no idea where it is on a Mac, 
so I'll just refer to the equivalent string as "". In a 
terminal window, run


which should print the converted document line by line in the 
terminal window. If it gorks, hopefully you will be able to see what 
it choked on and possibly an error message, which you can bring back 
to the list.


Hi Tim,

do you have any progress with your issue?

Did you update Monterey recently? Do you have a working Python 

Re: lyx2lyx fails to convert

2022-08-21 Thread Stephan Witt
Am 21.08.2022 um 10:33 schrieb Stephan Witt :
> Hi Tim,
> you have to change your command - lyx2lyx is a folder in Resources:

Sorry, this one sends the standard output to trash… this is useful in case of 
lyx2lyx is logging errors separately (I’m not sure it works that way).

> $ 
> /System/Volumes/Data/Applications/ 
> -v Contrast\ paper.lyx > /dev/null

To verify the output in terminal you should use it w/o redirect to trash

$ /System/Volumes/Data/Applications/ 
-v Contrast\ paper.lyx


$ /System/Volumes/Data/Applications/ 
-v Contrast\ paper.lyx | less

to view the result page by page.

Another option is to use the message pane in LyX:

1. Start LyX
2. Activate Message Pane (menu item of the View menu)
3. Switch to the Settings tab
4. Choose „Selected“ at left and „info“ at right.
5. Open the file „Contrast paper.lyx“
6. Check the Output contents of the Message Pane


> …
> In case it’s a python problem the following command and it’s output is of 
> interest:
> $ /usr/bin/env python --version
> Python 3.8.13
> Stephan
>> Am 21.08.2022 um 06:06 schrieb Tim Garrett :
>> Sorry, probably being dense here but this is what I get after finding the 
>> function
>> /System/Volumes/Data/Applications/ -v 
>> Contrast\ paper.lyx
>> zsh: permission denied: 
>> /System/Volumes/Data/Applications/
>> Thanks for helping out here. Been a LyX user since 2001 when it was KLyX and 
>> this is the first time I’ve seen this.
>> Tim
>> On 20 Aug 2022, at 3:57, Stephan Witt wrote:
>> Am 18.08.2022 um 18:07 schrieb Paul A. Rubin :
>> On 8/18/22 11:15, Tim J Garrett wrote:
>> Running MacOS Monterrey and getting this error message trying to open old 
>> lyx files as recent as 2016:
>> “file.lyx is from an older version of LyX and the lyx2lyx script failed to 
>> convert it.”
>> Unclear what to do from online forums. Any advice? I’m not a developer, so 
>> step-by-step would be appreciated. I have tried installing old versions of 
>> lyx but without success. Below is the lyx preamble
>> Thanks
>> Tim
>> #LyX 2.1 created this file. For more info see 
>> \lyxformat 474 
>> \begin_document 
>> \begin_header 
>> \textclass article 
>> \begin_preamble
>> \usepackage[left,modulo]{lineno} 
>> \end_preamble 
>> \options agums 
>> \use_default_options false 
>> \maintain_unincluded_children false 
>> \language english 
>> \language_package default 
>> \inputencoding auto 
>> \fontencoding global 
>> \font_roman times 
>> \font_sans default 
>> \font_typewriter default 
>> \font_math auto 
>> \font_default_family default 
>> \use_non_tex_fonts false 
>> \font_sc false 
>> \font_osf false 
>> \font_sf_scale 100 
>> \font_tt_scale 100 
>> \graphics default 
>> \default_output_format default 
>> \output_sync 0 
>> \bibtex_command default 
>> \index_command default 
>> \float_placement h 
>> \paperfontsize 12 
>> \spacing double 
>> \use_hyperref false 
>> \papersize letterpaper 
>> \use_geometry true 
>> \use_package amsmath 1 
>> \use_package amssymb 1 
>> \use_package cancel 1 
>> \use_package esint 0 
>> \use_package mathdots 1 
>> \use_package mathtools 1 
>> \use_package mhchem 1 
>> \use_package stackrel 1 
>> \use_package stmaryrd 1 
>> \use_package undertilde 1 
>> \cite_engine natbib 
>> \cite_engine_type authoryear 
>> \biblio_style plainnat 
>> \use_bibtopic false 
>> \use_indices false 
>> \paperorientation portrait 
>> \suppress_date false 
>> \justification true 
>> \use_refstyle 0 
>> \index Index 
>> \shortcut idx 
>> \color #008000 
>> \end_index 
>> \leftmargin 1in 
>> \topmargin 1in 
>> \rightmargin 1in 
>> \bottommargin 1in 
>> \secnumdepth 3 
>> \tocdepth 3 
>> \paragraph_separation indent 
>> \paragraph_indentation default 
>> \quotes_language english 
>> \papercolumns 1 
>> \papersides 1 
>> \paperpagestyle default 
>> \tracking_changes false 
>> \output_changes false 
>> \html_math_output 0 
>> \html_css_as_file 0 
>> \html_be_strict false 
>> \end_header
>> There does not seem to be any problem with the header. I created an empty 
>> LyX document with it, and the lyx2lyx script had no issues processing it. So 
>> the problem must be in the document body.
>> You can try the following. Find the lyx2lyx executable on your system. On 
>> Debian based Linux systems, it defaults to /usr/share/lyx/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx. I 
>> have no idea where it is on a Mac, so I'll just refer to the equivalent 
>> string as "". In a terminal window, run
>>  -v 
>> which should print the converted document line by line in the terminal 
>> window. If it gorks, hopefully you will be able to see what it choked on and 
>> possibly an error message, which you can bring back to the list.
>> Paul
>> Hi Tim,
>> do you have any 

Re: lyx2lyx fails to convert

2022-08-21 Thread Stephan Witt
Hi Tim,

you have to change your command - lyx2lyx is a folder in Resources:

$ /System/Volumes/Data/Applications/ 
-v Contrast\ paper.lyx > /dev/null

In case it’s a python problem the following command and it’s output is of 

$ /usr/bin/env python --version
Python 3.8.13


> Am 21.08.2022 um 06:06 schrieb Tim Garrett :
> Sorry, probably being dense here but this is what I get after finding the 
> function
> /System/Volumes/Data/Applications/ -v 
> Contrast\ paper.lyx
> zsh: permission denied: 
> /System/Volumes/Data/Applications/
> Thanks for helping out here. Been a LyX user since 2001 when it was KLyX and 
> this is the first time I’ve seen this.
> Tim
> On 20 Aug 2022, at 3:57, Stephan Witt wrote:
> Am 18.08.2022 um 18:07 schrieb Paul A. Rubin :
> On 8/18/22 11:15, Tim J Garrett wrote:
> Running MacOS Monterrey and getting this error message trying to open old lyx 
> files as recent as 2016:
> “file.lyx is from an older version of LyX and the lyx2lyx script failed to 
> convert it.”
> Unclear what to do from online forums. Any advice? I’m not a developer, so 
> step-by-step would be appreciated. I have tried installing old versions of 
> lyx but without success. Below is the lyx preamble
> Thanks
> Tim
> #LyX 2.1 created this file. For more info see 
> \lyxformat 474 
> \begin_document 
> \begin_header 
> \textclass article 
> \begin_preamble
> \usepackage[left,modulo]{lineno} 
> \end_preamble 
> \options agums 
> \use_default_options false 
> \maintain_unincluded_children false 
> \language english 
> \language_package default 
> \inputencoding auto 
> \fontencoding global 
> \font_roman times 
> \font_sans default 
> \font_typewriter default 
> \font_math auto 
> \font_default_family default 
> \use_non_tex_fonts false 
> \font_sc false 
> \font_osf false 
> \font_sf_scale 100 
> \font_tt_scale 100 
> \graphics default 
> \default_output_format default 
> \output_sync 0 
> \bibtex_command default 
> \index_command default 
> \float_placement h 
> \paperfontsize 12 
> \spacing double 
> \use_hyperref false 
> \papersize letterpaper 
> \use_geometry true 
> \use_package amsmath 1 
> \use_package amssymb 1 
> \use_package cancel 1 
> \use_package esint 0 
> \use_package mathdots 1 
> \use_package mathtools 1 
> \use_package mhchem 1 
> \use_package stackrel 1 
> \use_package stmaryrd 1 
> \use_package undertilde 1 
> \cite_engine natbib 
> \cite_engine_type authoryear 
> \biblio_style plainnat 
> \use_bibtopic false 
> \use_indices false 
> \paperorientation portrait 
> \suppress_date false 
> \justification true 
> \use_refstyle 0 
> \index Index 
> \shortcut idx 
> \color #008000 
> \end_index 
> \leftmargin 1in 
> \topmargin 1in 
> \rightmargin 1in 
> \bottommargin 1in 
> \secnumdepth 3 
> \tocdepth 3 
> \paragraph_separation indent 
> \paragraph_indentation default 
> \quotes_language english 
> \papercolumns 1 
> \papersides 1 
> \paperpagestyle default 
> \tracking_changes false 
> \output_changes false 
> \html_math_output 0 
> \html_css_as_file 0 
> \html_be_strict false 
> \end_header
> There does not seem to be any problem with the header. I created an empty LyX 
> document with it, and the lyx2lyx script had no issues processing it. So the 
> problem must be in the document body.
> You can try the following. Find the lyx2lyx executable on your system. On 
> Debian based Linux systems, it defaults to /usr/share/lyx/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx. I 
> have no idea where it is on a Mac, so I'll just refer to the equivalent 
> string as "". In a terminal window, run
>  -v 
> which should print the converted document line by line in the terminal 
> window. If it gorks, hopefully you will be able to see what it choked on and 
> possibly an error message, which you can bring back to the list.
> Paul
> Hi Tim,
> do you have any progress with your issue?
> Did you update Monterey recently? Do you have a working Python installation?
> Stephan
> -- 
> lyx-users mailing list

lyx-users mailing list

Re: lyx2lyx fails to convert

2022-08-20 Thread Tim Garrett
Sorry, probably being dense here but this is what I get after finding 
the function

/System/Volumes/Data/Applications/ -v 
Contrast\ paper.lyx
zsh: permission denied: 

Thanks for helping out here. Been a LyX user since 2001 when it was KLyX 
and this is the first time I’ve seen this.


On 20 Aug 2022, at 3:57, Stephan Witt wrote:

Am 18.08.2022 um 18:07 schrieb Paul A. Rubin :

On 8/18/22 11:15, Tim J Garrett wrote:
Running MacOS Monterrey and getting this error message trying to 
open old lyx files as recent as 2016:

“file.lyx is from an older version of LyX and the lyx2lyx script 
failed to convert it.”

Unclear what to do from online forums. Any advice? I’m not a 
developer, so step-by-step would be appreciated. I have tried 
installing old versions of lyx but without success. Below is the lyx 



#LyX 2.1 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 474
\textclass article

\options agums
\use_default_options false
\maintain_unincluded_children false
\language english
\language_package default
\inputencoding auto
\fontencoding global
\font_roman times
\font_sans default
\font_typewriter default
\font_math auto
\font_default_family default
\use_non_tex_fonts false
\font_sc false
\font_osf false
\font_sf_scale 100
\font_tt_scale 100
\graphics default
\default_output_format default
\output_sync 0
\bibtex_command default
\index_command default
\float_placement h
\paperfontsize 12
\spacing double
\use_hyperref false
\papersize letterpaper
\use_geometry true
\use_package amsmath 1
\use_package amssymb 1
\use_package cancel 1
\use_package esint 0
\use_package mathdots 1
\use_package mathtools 1
\use_package mhchem 1
\use_package stackrel 1
\use_package stmaryrd 1
\use_package undertilde 1
\cite_engine natbib
\cite_engine_type authoryear
\biblio_style plainnat
\use_bibtopic false
\use_indices false
\paperorientation portrait
\suppress_date false
\justification true
\use_refstyle 0
\index Index
\shortcut idx
\color #008000
\leftmargin 1in
\topmargin 1in
\rightmargin 1in
\bottommargin 1in
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\paragraph_indentation default
\quotes_language english
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default
\tracking_changes false
\output_changes false
\html_math_output 0
\html_css_as_file 0
\html_be_strict false

There does not seem to be any problem with the header. I created an 
empty LyX document with it, and the lyx2lyx script had no issues 
processing it. So the problem must be in the document body.

You can try the following. Find the lyx2lyx executable on your 
system. On Debian based Linux systems, it defaults to 
/usr/share/lyx/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx. I have no idea where it is on a Mac, 
so I'll just refer to the equivalent string as "". In a 
terminal window, run


which should print the converted document line by line in the 
terminal window. If it gorks, hopefully you will be able to see what 
it choked on and possibly an error message, which you can bring back 
to the list.


Hi Tim,

do you have any progress with your issue?

Did you update Monterey recently? Do you have a working Python 

lyx-users mailing list

Re: lyx2lyx fails to convert

2022-08-20 Thread Stephan Witt
Am 18.08.2022 um 18:07 schrieb Paul A. Rubin :
> On 8/18/22 11:15, Tim J Garrett wrote:
>> Running MacOS Monterrey and getting this error message trying to open old 
>> lyx files as recent as 2016:
>> “file.lyx is from an older version of LyX and the lyx2lyx script failed to 
>> convert it.”
>> Unclear what to do from online forums. Any advice? I’m not a developer, so 
>> step-by-step would be appreciated. I have tried installing old versions of 
>> lyx but without success. Below is the lyx preamble
>> Thanks
>> Tim
>> #LyX 2.1 created this file. For more info see
>> \lyxformat 474
>> \begin_document
>> \begin_header
>> \textclass article
>> \begin_preamble
>> \usepackage[left,modulo]{lineno}
>> \end_preamble
>> \options agums
>> \use_default_options false
>> \maintain_unincluded_children false
>> \language english
>> \language_package default
>> \inputencoding auto
>> \fontencoding global
>> \font_roman times
>> \font_sans default
>> \font_typewriter default
>> \font_math auto
>> \font_default_family default
>> \use_non_tex_fonts false
>> \font_sc false
>> \font_osf false
>> \font_sf_scale 100
>> \font_tt_scale 100
>> \graphics default
>> \default_output_format default
>> \output_sync 0
>> \bibtex_command default
>> \index_command default
>> \float_placement h
>> \paperfontsize 12
>> \spacing double
>> \use_hyperref false
>> \papersize letterpaper
>> \use_geometry true
>> \use_package amsmath 1
>> \use_package amssymb 1
>> \use_package cancel 1
>> \use_package esint 0
>> \use_package mathdots 1
>> \use_package mathtools 1
>> \use_package mhchem 1
>> \use_package stackrel 1
>> \use_package stmaryrd 1
>> \use_package undertilde 1
>> \cite_engine natbib
>> \cite_engine_type authoryear
>> \biblio_style plainnat
>> \use_bibtopic false
>> \use_indices false
>> \paperorientation portrait
>> \suppress_date false
>> \justification true
>> \use_refstyle 0
>> \index Index
>> \shortcut idx
>> \color #008000
>> \end_index
>> \leftmargin 1in
>> \topmargin 1in
>> \rightmargin 1in
>> \bottommargin 1in
>> \secnumdepth 3
>> \tocdepth 3
>> \paragraph_separation indent
>> \paragraph_indentation default
>> \quotes_language english
>> \papercolumns 1
>> \papersides 1
>> \paperpagestyle default
>> \tracking_changes false
>> \output_changes false
>> \html_math_output 0
>> \html_css_as_file 0
>> \html_be_strict false
>> \end_header
> There does not seem to be any problem with the header. I created an empty LyX 
> document with it, and the lyx2lyx script had no issues processing it. So the 
> problem must be in the document body.
> You can try the following. Find the lyx2lyx executable on your system. On 
> Debian based Linux systems, it defaults to /usr/share/lyx/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx. I 
> have no idea where it is on a Mac, so I'll just refer to the equivalent 
> string as "". In a terminal window, run
>  -v 
> which should print the converted document line by line in the terminal 
> window. If it gorks, hopefully you will be able to see what it choked on and 
> possibly an error message, which you can bring back to the list.
> Paul

Hi Tim,

do you have any progress with your issue?

Did you update Monterey recently? Do you have a working Python installation?

lyx-users mailing list

Re: lyx2lyx fails to convert

2022-08-18 Thread Paul A. Rubin

On 8/18/22 11:15, Tim J Garrett wrote:

Running MacOS Monterrey and getting this error message trying to open 
old lyx files as recent as 2016:

“file.lyx is from an older version of LyX and the lyx2lyx script 
failed to convert it.”

Unclear what to do from online forums. Any advice? I’m not a 
developer, so step-by-step would be appreciated. I have tried 
installing old versions of lyx but without success. Below is the lyx 



#LyX 2.1 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 474
\textclass article

\options agums
\use_default_options false
\maintain_unincluded_children false
\language english
\language_package default
\inputencoding auto
\fontencoding global
\font_roman times
\font_sans default
\font_typewriter default
\font_math auto
\font_default_family default
\use_non_tex_fonts false
\font_sc false
\font_osf false
\font_sf_scale 100
\font_tt_scale 100
\graphics default
\default_output_format default
\output_sync 0
\bibtex_command default
\index_command default
\float_placement h
\paperfontsize 12
\spacing double
\use_hyperref false
\papersize letterpaper
\use_geometry true
\use_package amsmath 1
\use_package amssymb 1
\use_package cancel 1
\use_package esint 0
\use_package mathdots 1
\use_package mathtools 1
\use_package mhchem 1
\use_package stackrel 1
\use_package stmaryrd 1
\use_package undertilde 1
\cite_engine natbib
\cite_engine_type authoryear
\biblio_style plainnat
\use_bibtopic false
\use_indices false
\paperorientation portrait
\suppress_date false
\justification true
\use_refstyle 0
\index Index
\shortcut idx
\color #008000
\leftmargin 1in
\topmargin 1in
\rightmargin 1in
\bottommargin 1in
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\paragraph_indentation default
\quotes_language english
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default
\tracking_changes false
\output_changes false
\html_math_output 0
\html_css_as_file 0
\html_be_strict false

There does not seem to be any problem with the header. I created an 
empty LyX document with it, and the lyx2lyx script had no issues 
processing it. So the problem must be in the document body.

You can try the following. Find the lyx2lyx executable on your system. 
On Debian based Linux systems, it defaults to 
/usr/share/lyx/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx. I have no idea where it is on a Mac, so 
I'll just refer to the equivalent string as "". In a terminal 
window, run


which should print the converted document line by line in the terminal 
window. If it gorks, hopefully you will be able to see what it choked on 
and possibly an error message, which you can bring back to the list.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: lyx2lyx error?

2018-02-12 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Am Montag, den 12.02.2018, 11:14 +0100 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
> Am 12.02.2018 um 09:59 schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller:
> > Am Montag, den 12.02.2018, 09:44 +0100 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
> > > I am trying to open an older lyx file (2016, not sure, which
> > > version
> > > of lyx it was) with ~/lyx-2.3.0beta1$ src/lyx -dbg info
> > > It won't export the pdf file, giving this:
> > > File '/tmp/lyx_tmpdir.EZUiCirb6544/lyx_tmpbuf0/PBR-FINAL-n-B.tex' 
> > > was
> > > not closed properly
> > 
> > Can you send us the file (in PM if it is confidential)?
> > 
> > Jürgen
>  I used a small part of the book and used -to be on the safe side,
> Lyx 2.2.3 (17Mai2017). 

I do not see a lyx2lyx error.

> I get errors, which seem to be due to
> \setkomafont{section}{\it}
> \setkomafont{subsection}{\hskip1cm\it}
> in the LaTex Preface.
> which is nowadays replaced by \itshape
> and warnings.
> The Preface is from Springer Publisher

You use in some section defitinions \uppercase or \MakeUpercase. Should
be \MakeUppercase in all cases.

Here are your errors:

> \setkomafont{chapterentry}{\mdseries\scshape\MakeUpercase}

\MakeUppercase (not the double "p")

> \addtokomafont{chapter}{\normalfont\LARGE\rmfamily\uppercase}

\MakeUppercase (not \uppercase)

> %\addtokomafont{sectioning}{\rmfamily}
> \addtokomafont{section}{\normalfont\uppercase}


> \renewcommand{\nomname}{Glossary}
> \renewcommand{\nompreamble}{\markboth{\nomname}{\nomname}}

Undefined here (nomencl not used).


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: lyx2lyx error?

2018-02-12 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann

Am 12.02.2018 um 09:59 schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller:

Am Montag, den 12.02.2018, 09:44 +0100 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:

I am trying to open an older lyx file (2016, not sure, which version
of lyx it was) with ~/lyx-2.3.0beta1$ src/lyx -dbg info
It won't export the pdf file, giving this:
File '/tmp/lyx_tmpdir.EZUiCirb6544/lyx_tmpbuf0/PBR-FINAL-n-B.tex' was
not closed properly

Can you send us the file (in PM if it is confidential)?

I used a small part of the book and used -to be on the safe side, Lyx 
2.2.3 (17Mai2017).

I get errors, which seem to be due to



in the LaTex Preface.

which is nowadays replaced by \*itshape*

and warnings.

The *Preface is from Springer Publisher*

I am now trying longer parts of the book and see, whether I find the 

(Thanks, Jürgen, I could send you the .arch file of the book, but its 
1.3 MiB and thus an imposition)


 author.tex %%%


% sample root file for your "contribution" to a contributed volume


% Use this file as a template for your own input.


 Springer %%


% choose options for [] as required from the list

% in the Reference Guide

% selects Times Roman as basic font

% selects Helvetica as sans-serif font

% selects Courier as typewriter font

\usepackage{type1cm}% activate if the above 3 fonts are

% not available on your system


%%\usepackage{makeidx}% allows index generation

% standard LaTeX graphics tool

% when including figure files

\usepackage{multicol}% used for the two-column index

\usepackage[bottom]{footmisc}% places footnotes at page bottom

% see the list of further useful packages

% in the Reference Guide

%%\makeindex % used for the subject index

% please use the style with

% your makeindex program




% probiere folgende Änderungen:

\setkomafont{sectioning}{\normalfont} % statt \ssfamily und \bfseries

\setkomafont{chapter}{\centering} % überschreibt Größenanweisung und 
setzt zentriert










% \usepackage[explicit]{titlesec}



















%% \usepackage[style=authoryear,natbib=true,backend=biber]{biblatex}





%%gibt den Namen des Verzeichnisses von nomencl aus

%%In meinem Fall "Symbolverzeichnis" da ich

%%\usepackage[german]{nomencl} verwende



% activate={true,nocompatibility} - activate protrusion and expansion

% final - enable microtype; use "draft" to disable

% tracking=true, kerning=true, spacing=true - activate these techniques

% factor=1100 - add 10% to the protrusion amount (default is 1000)

% stretch=10, shrink=10 - reduce stretchability/shrinkability (default

Description: application/gzip

Re: lyx2lyx error?

2018-02-12 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Am Montag, den 12.02.2018, 09:44 +0100 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
> I am trying to open an older lyx file (2016, not sure, which version
> of lyx it was) with ~/lyx-2.3.0beta1$ src/lyx -dbg info
> It won't export the pdf file, giving this:
> File '/tmp/lyx_tmpdir.EZUiCirb6544/lyx_tmpbuf0/PBR-FINAL-n-B.tex' was
> not closed properly

Can you send us the file (in PM if it is confidential)?


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: lyx2lyx script

2015-04-23 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann

Am 23.04.2015 um 10:01 schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller:

2015-04-22 18:24 GMT+02:00 Wolfgang Engelmann:

I have copied the lyx2lyx in a file. Is it correct to add .py to it?

No, you need to download the whole lyx2lyx folder.

By using trac? ---

 * first install of the latest stable version Trac 0.12.1, with i18n

   easy_install Babel==0.9.5 Genshi==0.6
   easy_install Trac

   /It's very important to run the two easy_install commands
   separately, otherwise the message catalogs won't be generated./

 * upgrade to the latest stable version of Trac:

   easy_install -U Trac

 * upgrade to the latest trunk development version (0.13dev):

   easy_install -U Trac==dev

And how do I use it to convert a file
x.lyx from a too new version to a 2.0x version file?

python -tt path-to/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx -t 474 inputfile.lyx  outputfile.lyx



Re: lyx2lyx script

2015-04-23 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
2015-04-23 14:19 GMT+02:00 Wolfgang Engelmann:

 By using trac? ---

You could download the file one by one via trac (I dno't think you can
download the folder at once). A better solution is to access the git


Re: lyx2lyx script

2015-04-23 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann

Am 23.04.2015 um 10:01 schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller:

2015-04-22 18:24 GMT+02:00 Wolfgang Engelmann:

I have copied the lyx2lyx in a file. Is it correct to add .py to it?

No, you need to download the whole lyx2lyx folder.

By using trac? ---

 * first install of the latest stable version Trac 0.12.1, with i18n

   easy_install Babel==0.9.5 Genshi==0.6
   easy_install Trac

   /It's very important to run the two easy_install commands
   separately, otherwise the message catalogs won't be generated./

 * upgrade to the latest stable version of Trac:

   easy_install -U Trac

 * upgrade to the latest trunk development version (0.13dev):

   easy_install -U Trac==dev

And how do I use it to convert a file
x.lyx from a too new version to a 2.0x version file?

python -tt path-to/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx -t 474 inputfile.lyx  outputfile.lyx



Re: lyx2lyx script

2015-04-23 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
2015-04-23 14:19 GMT+02:00 Wolfgang Engelmann:

 By using trac? ---

You could download the file one by one via trac (I dno't think you can
download the folder at once). A better solution is to access the git


Re: lyx2lyx script

2015-04-23 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann

Am 23.04.2015 um 10:01 schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller:

2015-04-22 18:24 GMT+02:00 Wolfgang Engelmann:

I have copied the lyx2lyx in a file. Is it correct to add .py to it?

No, you need to download the whole lyx2lyx folder.

By using trac? --->

 * first install of the latest stable version Trac 0.12.1, with i18n

   easy_install Babel==0.9.5 Genshi==0.6
   easy_install Trac

   /It's very important to run the two easy_install commands
   separately, otherwise the message catalogs won't be generated./

 * upgrade to the latest stable version of Trac:

   easy_install -U Trac

 * upgrade to the latest trunk development version (0.13dev):

   easy_install -U Trac==dev

And how do I use it to convert a file
x.lyx from a too new version to a 2.0x version file?

python -tt /lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx -t 474 inputfile.lyx > outputfile.lyx



Re: lyx2lyx script

2015-04-23 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
2015-04-23 14:19 GMT+02:00 Wolfgang Engelmann:

> By using trac? --->

You could download the file one by one via trac (I dno't think you can
download the folder at once). A better solution is to access the git


Re: lyx2lyx script

2015-04-22 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
2015-04-22 17:54 GMT+02:00 Wolfgang Engelmann:

  Where can I find the latest lyx2lyx script?



Re: lyx2lyx script

2015-04-22 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann

Am 22.04.2015 um 18:10 schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller:

2015-04-22 17:54 GMT+02:00 Wolfgang Engelmann:

  Where can I find the latest lyx2lyx script?



Thanks, Jürgen,

I have copied the lyx2lyx in a file. Is it correct to add .py to it?
And how do I use it to convert a file
x.lyx from a too new version to a 2.0x version file?


Re: lyx2lyx script

2015-04-22 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
2015-04-22 17:54 GMT+02:00 Wolfgang Engelmann:

  Where can I find the latest lyx2lyx script?



Re: lyx2lyx script

2015-04-22 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann

Am 22.04.2015 um 18:10 schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller:

2015-04-22 17:54 GMT+02:00 Wolfgang Engelmann:

  Where can I find the latest lyx2lyx script?



Thanks, Jürgen,

I have copied the lyx2lyx in a file. Is it correct to add .py to it?
And how do I use it to convert a file
x.lyx from a too new version to a 2.0x version file?


Re: lyx2lyx script

2015-04-22 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
2015-04-22 17:54 GMT+02:00 Wolfgang Engelmann:

>  Where can I find the latest lyx2lyx script?


> Wolfgang

Re: lyx2lyx script

2015-04-22 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann

Am 22.04.2015 um 18:10 schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller:

2015-04-22 17:54 GMT+02:00 Wolfgang Engelmann:

  Where can I find the latest lyx2lyx script?



Thanks, Jürgen,

I have copied the lyx2lyx in a file. Is it correct to add .py to it?
And how do I use it to convert a file
x.lyx from a too new version to a 2.0x version file?


Re: Lyx2lyx script failure trying to open year old file

2014-11-10 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
2014-11-10 14:40 GMT+01:00 Graham Smith:

 Hello Jurgen,

 Sorry for the delay in replying, I missed your response.

 It won't compile because of R code chunks which have been altered.

 What was originally:

 [image: Inline images 1]

 has been changed to:

 [image: Inline images 2]

 all the way through the document

I think this is what it is supposed to be now (i.e., correct). But I am not
sure (I do not use chunks). Doesn't the LaTeX output look identical?

I started to edit it back, but in the end just had to use last years
 pdf/beamer for my class.

 Indeed this has become a major problem as only a few of my lectures from
 last year will compile this year (not all have r code chunks in them).

 I assume its some something to do with beamer as a typical error relates
 to  paragraph ending before  beamer@inlineframetile was complete.

Could you send such a document for inspection?

 Unfortunately, I have been in too much of a panic to prepare something fro
 lectures that I haven't spend the time trying to sort it out. But I seem to
 have separators between slides that i can't remember being there before.

This is correct. In the new interface, frames have to be separated that way.

I just don't have the time to look at it properly right now.

If you find time again, please prepare an example document, so we can check
what is wrong.




 On 3 November 2014 12:11, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

 Graham Smith wrote:
  Hello Jurgen,
  Many thanks for this, I can now read it, but unfortunately it won't

 If you post the errors to lyx-users, we might be able to help.


Re: Lyx2lyx script failure trying to open year old file

2014-11-10 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
2014-11-10 14:40 GMT+01:00 Graham Smith:

 Hello Jurgen,

 Sorry for the delay in replying, I missed your response.

 It won't compile because of R code chunks which have been altered.

 What was originally:

 [image: Inline images 1]

 has been changed to:

 [image: Inline images 2]

 all the way through the document

I think this is what it is supposed to be now (i.e., correct). But I am not
sure (I do not use chunks). Doesn't the LaTeX output look identical?

I started to edit it back, but in the end just had to use last years
 pdf/beamer for my class.

 Indeed this has become a major problem as only a few of my lectures from
 last year will compile this year (not all have r code chunks in them).

 I assume its some something to do with beamer as a typical error relates
 to  paragraph ending before  beamer@inlineframetile was complete.

Could you send such a document for inspection?

 Unfortunately, I have been in too much of a panic to prepare something fro
 lectures that I haven't spend the time trying to sort it out. But I seem to
 have separators between slides that i can't remember being there before.

This is correct. In the new interface, frames have to be separated that way.

I just don't have the time to look at it properly right now.

If you find time again, please prepare an example document, so we can check
what is wrong.




 On 3 November 2014 12:11, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

 Graham Smith wrote:
  Hello Jurgen,
  Many thanks for this, I can now read it, but unfortunately it won't

 If you post the errors to lyx-users, we might be able to help.


Re: Lyx2lyx script failure trying to open year old file

2014-11-10 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
2014-11-10 14:40 GMT+01:00 Graham Smith:

> Hello Jurgen,
> Sorry for the delay in replying, I missed your response.
> It won't compile because of R code chunks which have been altered.
> What was originally:
> [image: Inline images 1]
> has been changed to:
> [image: Inline images 2]
> all the way through the document

I think this is what it is supposed to be now (i.e., correct). But I am not
sure (I do not use chunks). Doesn't the LaTeX output look identical?

I started to edit it back, but in the end just had to use last years
> pdf/beamer for my class.
> Indeed this has become a major problem as only a few of my lectures from
> last year will compile this year (not all have r code chunks in them).
> I assume its some something to do with beamer as a typical error relates
> to  paragraph ending before  beamer@inlineframetile was complete.

Could you send such a document for inspection?

> Unfortunately, I have been in too much of a panic to prepare something fro
> lectures that I haven't spend the time trying to sort it out. But I seem to
> have separators between slides that i can't remember being there before.

This is correct. In the new interface, frames have to be separated that way.

I just don't have the time to look at it properly right now.

If you find time again, please prepare an example document, so we can check
what is wrong.


> Cheers,
> Graham
> On 3 November 2014 12:11, Jürgen Spitzmüller  wrote:
>> Graham Smith wrote:
>> > Hello Jurgen,
>> >
>> > Many thanks for this, I can now read it, but unfortunately it won't
>> compile
>> If you post the errors to lyx-users, we might be able to help.
>> Jürgen

Re: Lyx2lyx script failure trying to open year old file

2014-11-03 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Graham Smith wrote:
 I am trying to open a file in 2.1.2,  which is about a year old (last
 opened 30th October 2013, as I update it annually), but not sure which
 version of Lyx it was last edited in.
 I am getting an error that the file was created in an older version of lyx
 and the lyx2lyx script failed to recover it.
 It is one of two documents created at the same time, and the second
 document opens fine.
 This one however, gives this error message in Mavericks and Ubuntu 14.04.
 The debug message just says the same as the error message.
 I have attached the file, However it links to many  external graphics, so
 won't open as it is, but I am hoping that looking at the preamble etc might
 give a clue.
 I wonder if someone could have a look and suggest a solution.

This is bug 9298:

The bug has been fixed in the development branch and should get fixed for the 
next stable release as well.

Meanwhile, find attached a successfully converted (2.1.x) file.


 Many thanks,

2013-10-29 R_GettingStarted Oct 2013.lyx
Description: application/lyx

Re: Lyx2lyx script failure trying to open year old file

2014-11-03 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Graham Smith wrote:
 I am trying to open a file in 2.1.2,  which is about a year old (last
 opened 30th October 2013, as I update it annually), but not sure which
 version of Lyx it was last edited in.
 I am getting an error that the file was created in an older version of lyx
 and the lyx2lyx script failed to recover it.
 It is one of two documents created at the same time, and the second
 document opens fine.
 This one however, gives this error message in Mavericks and Ubuntu 14.04.
 The debug message just says the same as the error message.
 I have attached the file, However it links to many  external graphics, so
 won't open as it is, but I am hoping that looking at the preamble etc might
 give a clue.
 I wonder if someone could have a look and suggest a solution.

This is bug 9298:

The bug has been fixed in the development branch and should get fixed for the 
next stable release as well.

Meanwhile, find attached a successfully converted (2.1.x) file.


 Many thanks,

2013-10-29 R_GettingStarted Oct 2013.lyx
Description: application/lyx

Re: Lyx2lyx script failure trying to open year old file

2014-11-03 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Graham Smith wrote:
> I am trying to open a file in 2.1.2,  which is about a year old (last
> opened 30th October 2013, as I update it annually), but not sure which
> version of Lyx it was last edited in.
> I am getting an error that the file was created in an older version of lyx
> and the lyx2lyx script failed to recover it.
> It is one of two documents created at the same time, and the second
> document opens fine.
> This one however, gives this error message in Mavericks and Ubuntu 14.04.
> The debug message just says the same as the error message.
> I have attached the file, However it links to many  external graphics, so
> won't open as it is, but I am hoping that looking at the preamble etc might
> give a clue.
> I wonder if someone could have a look and suggest a solution.

This is bug 9298:

The bug has been fixed in the development branch and should get fixed for the 
next stable release as well.

Meanwhile, find attached a successfully converted (2.1.x) file.


> Many thanks,
> Graham

2013-10-29 R_GettingStarted Oct 2013.lyx
Description: application/lyx

Re: lyx2lyx script failed to convert the file

2014-06-23 Thread Scott Kostyshak
On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 2:24 PM, ashutosh vishwa bandhu wrote:
 I want to open a lyx file using lyx version 2.0.5 on Ubuntu 11.04. This file
 was created using lyx version 2.1.0-1 on Ubuntu 14.04. When I try to open
 the file I get and error message saying that the file is from a new version
 of Lyx and the lyx2lyx script failed to convert it.

 Is it possible to open the file using the older version of lyx?

Only if you use 2.0.8 (the last release in the minor series can open
the next major format). You can alternatively copy the lyx2lyx scripts
from 2.0.8 or 2.1.x and use those.



Re: lyx2lyx script failed to convert the file

2014-06-23 Thread ashutosh vishwa bandhu
On Tue, Jun 24, 2014 at 12:48 AM, Scott Kostyshak wrote:

 On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 2:24 PM, ashutosh vishwa bandhu wrote:
  I want to open a lyx file using lyx version 2.0.5 on Ubuntu 11.04. This
  was created using lyx version 2.1.0-1 on Ubuntu 14.04. When I try to open
  the file I get and error message saying that the file is from a new
  of Lyx and the lyx2lyx script failed to convert it.
  Is it possible to open the file using the older version of lyx?

 Only if you use 2.0.8 (the last release in the minor series can open
 the next major format). You can alternatively copy the lyx2lyx scripts
 from 2.0.8 or 2.1.x and use those.



Thanks. Copying the lyx2lyx scripts worked!!



Re: lyx2lyx script failed to convert the file

2014-06-23 Thread Ross Reyes

On 6/23/2014 2:24 PM, ashutosh vishwa bandhu wrote:
I want to open a lyx file using lyx version 2.0.5 on Ubuntu 11.04. 
This file was created using lyx version 2.1.0-1 on Ubuntu 14.04. When 
I try to open the file I get and error message saying that the file is 
from a new version of Lyx and the lyx2lyx script failed to convert it.

Is it possible to open the file using the older version of lyx?
I just change the \lyxformat specifier using a text editor and it 
usually will work.   just open your .lyx file and make the change to see 
if it will open.

Re: lyx2lyx script failed to convert the file

2014-06-23 Thread Richard Heck

On 06/23/2014 03:35 PM, Ross Reyes wrote:

On 6/23/2014 2:24 PM, ashutosh vishwa bandhu wrote:
I want to open a lyx file using lyx version 2.0.5 on Ubuntu 11.04. 
This file was created using lyx version 2.1.0-1 on Ubuntu 14.04. When 
I try to open the file I get and error message saying that the file 
is from a new version of Lyx and the lyx2lyx script failed to convert 

Is it possible to open the file using the older version of lyx?

I just change the \lyxformat specifier using a text editor and it 
usually will work.   just open your .lyx file and make the change to 
see if it will open.

This is not a good idea. In an emergency, I suppose it's worth trying, 
but there is a reason the format number changes. With Lyx 2.1.x files, 
for example, if you use any of what used to be called Short Title 
insets, you will get errors.


Re: lyx2lyx script failed to convert the file

2014-06-23 Thread Scott Kostyshak
On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 2:24 PM, ashutosh vishwa bandhu wrote:
 I want to open a lyx file using lyx version 2.0.5 on Ubuntu 11.04. This file
 was created using lyx version 2.1.0-1 on Ubuntu 14.04. When I try to open
 the file I get and error message saying that the file is from a new version
 of Lyx and the lyx2lyx script failed to convert it.

 Is it possible to open the file using the older version of lyx?

Only if you use 2.0.8 (the last release in the minor series can open
the next major format). You can alternatively copy the lyx2lyx scripts
from 2.0.8 or 2.1.x and use those.



Re: lyx2lyx script failed to convert the file

2014-06-23 Thread ashutosh vishwa bandhu
On Tue, Jun 24, 2014 at 12:48 AM, Scott Kostyshak wrote:

 On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 2:24 PM, ashutosh vishwa bandhu wrote:
  I want to open a lyx file using lyx version 2.0.5 on Ubuntu 11.04. This
  was created using lyx version 2.1.0-1 on Ubuntu 14.04. When I try to open
  the file I get and error message saying that the file is from a new
  of Lyx and the lyx2lyx script failed to convert it.
  Is it possible to open the file using the older version of lyx?

 Only if you use 2.0.8 (the last release in the minor series can open
 the next major format). You can alternatively copy the lyx2lyx scripts
 from 2.0.8 or 2.1.x and use those.



Thanks. Copying the lyx2lyx scripts worked!!



Re: lyx2lyx script failed to convert the file

2014-06-23 Thread Ross Reyes

On 6/23/2014 2:24 PM, ashutosh vishwa bandhu wrote:
I want to open a lyx file using lyx version 2.0.5 on Ubuntu 11.04. 
This file was created using lyx version 2.1.0-1 on Ubuntu 14.04. When 
I try to open the file I get and error message saying that the file is 
from a new version of Lyx and the lyx2lyx script failed to convert it.

Is it possible to open the file using the older version of lyx?
I just change the \lyxformat specifier using a text editor and it 
usually will work.   just open your .lyx file and make the change to see 
if it will open.

Re: lyx2lyx script failed to convert the file

2014-06-23 Thread Richard Heck

On 06/23/2014 03:35 PM, Ross Reyes wrote:

On 6/23/2014 2:24 PM, ashutosh vishwa bandhu wrote:
I want to open a lyx file using lyx version 2.0.5 on Ubuntu 11.04. 
This file was created using lyx version 2.1.0-1 on Ubuntu 14.04. When 
I try to open the file I get and error message saying that the file 
is from a new version of Lyx and the lyx2lyx script failed to convert 

Is it possible to open the file using the older version of lyx?

I just change the \lyxformat specifier using a text editor and it 
usually will work.   just open your .lyx file and make the change to 
see if it will open.

This is not a good idea. In an emergency, I suppose it's worth trying, 
but there is a reason the format number changes. With Lyx 2.1.x files, 
for example, if you use any of what used to be called Short Title 
insets, you will get errors.


Re: lyx2lyx script failed to convert the file

2014-06-23 Thread Scott Kostyshak
On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 2:24 PM, ashutosh vishwa bandhu
> I want to open a lyx file using lyx version 2.0.5 on Ubuntu 11.04. This file
> was created using lyx version 2.1.0-1 on Ubuntu 14.04. When I try to open
> the file I get and error message saying that the file is from a new version
> of Lyx and the lyx2lyx script failed to convert it.
> Is it possible to open the file using the older version of lyx?

Only if you use 2.0.8 (the last release in the minor series can open
the next major format). You can alternatively copy the lyx2lyx scripts
from 2.0.8 or 2.1.x and use those.



Re: lyx2lyx script failed to convert the file

2014-06-23 Thread ashutosh vishwa bandhu
On Tue, Jun 24, 2014 at 12:48 AM, Scott Kostyshak  wrote:

> On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 2:24 PM, ashutosh vishwa bandhu
>  wrote:
> > I want to open a lyx file using lyx version 2.0.5 on Ubuntu 11.04. This
> file
> > was created using lyx version 2.1.0-1 on Ubuntu 14.04. When I try to open
> > the file I get and error message saying that the file is from a new
> version
> > of Lyx and the lyx2lyx script failed to convert it.
> >
> > Is it possible to open the file using the older version of lyx?
> Only if you use 2.0.8 (the last release in the minor series can open
> the next major format). You can alternatively copy the lyx2lyx scripts
> from 2.0.8 or 2.1.x and use those.
> Best,
> Scott

Thanks. Copying the lyx2lyx scripts worked!!



Re: lyx2lyx script failed to convert the file

2014-06-23 Thread Ross Reyes

On 6/23/2014 2:24 PM, ashutosh vishwa bandhu wrote:
I want to open a lyx file using lyx version 2.0.5 on Ubuntu 11.04. 
This file was created using lyx version 2.1.0-1 on Ubuntu 14.04. When 
I try to open the file I get and error message saying that the file is 
from a new version of Lyx and the lyx2lyx script failed to convert it.

Is it possible to open the file using the older version of lyx?
I just change the \lyxformat specifier using a text editor and it 
usually will work.   just open your .lyx file and make the change to see 
if it will open.

Re: lyx2lyx script failed to convert the file

2014-06-23 Thread Richard Heck

On 06/23/2014 03:35 PM, Ross Reyes wrote:

On 6/23/2014 2:24 PM, ashutosh vishwa bandhu wrote:
I want to open a lyx file using lyx version 2.0.5 on Ubuntu 11.04. 
This file was created using lyx version 2.1.0-1 on Ubuntu 14.04. When 
I try to open the file I get and error message saying that the file 
is from a new version of Lyx and the lyx2lyx script failed to convert 

Is it possible to open the file using the older version of lyx?

I just change the \lyxformat specifier using a text editor and it 
usually will work.   just open your .lyx file and make the change to 
see if it will open.

This is not a good idea. In an emergency, I suppose it's worth trying, 
but there is a reason the format number changes. With Lyx 2.1.x files, 
for example, if you use any of what used to be called "Short Title" 
insets, you will get errors.


Re: lyx2lyx failing when updating svn

2011-02-11 Thread Jose Quesada
I've copied it here, as you suggest. This is with a clean, default, .lyx
The problem persists. There might be something wrong on the install script;
I seem to spend way too much time getting this to work everytime I change


On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 2:00 AM, Richard Heck wrote:

 On 2/1/11 7:02 PM, Jose Quesada wrote:

 Thanks Richard,

 lyx2lyx was indeed missing in my .lyx. After moving it there this is what
 I get:

  Sorry, you want it in /usr/share/lyx/lyx2lyx/, or wherever this is on
 your system.



Jose Quesada, PhD.
Research scientist,
Max Planck Institute,
Center for Adaptive Behavior and Cognition,

Re: lyx2lyx failing when updating svn

2011-02-11 Thread Jose Quesada
I've copied it here, as you suggest. This is with a clean, default, .lyx
The problem persists. There might be something wrong on the install script;
I seem to spend way too much time getting this to work everytime I change


On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 2:00 AM, Richard Heck wrote:

 On 2/1/11 7:02 PM, Jose Quesada wrote:

 Thanks Richard,

 lyx2lyx was indeed missing in my .lyx. After moving it there this is what
 I get:

  Sorry, you want it in /usr/share/lyx/lyx2lyx/, or wherever this is on
 your system.



Jose Quesada, PhD.
Research scientist,
Max Planck Institute,
Center for Adaptive Behavior and Cognition,

Re: lyx2lyx failing when updating svn

2011-02-11 Thread Jose Quesada
I've copied it here, as you suggest. This is with a clean, default, .lyx
The problem persists. There might be something wrong on the install script;
I seem to spend way too much time getting this to work everytime I change


On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 2:00 AM, Richard Heck  wrote:

> On 2/1/11 7:02 PM, Jose Quesada wrote:
>> Thanks Richard,
>> lyx2lyx was indeed missing in my .lyx. After moving it there this is what
>> I get:
>>  Sorry, you want it in /usr/share/lyx/lyx2lyx/, or wherever this is on
> your system.
> rh


Jose Quesada, PhD.
Research scientist,
Max Planck Institute,
Center for Adaptive Behavior and Cognition,

Re: lyx2lyx failing when updating svn

2011-02-01 Thread Richard Heck

On 02/01/2011 01:34 PM, Jose Quesada wrote:


Quite often I have problems with lyx2lyx failing when updating from 
svn and doing a make install. I've been trying to pinpoint the problem 
to write a better report, but to no avail. Where should lyx2lyx go 
normally? does it follow the --prefix? it fails even when I rename my 
.lyx folder and start the make install from scratch. Any ideas? 


It should follow the prefix, but I think we did once have a problem with 
its not doing so. The workaround would be to copy the lyx2lyx/ directory 


Re: lyx2lyx failing when updating svn

2011-02-01 Thread Jose Quesada
Thanks Richard,

lyx2lyx was indeed missing in my .lyx. After moving it there this is what I

~/.lyx ♪ Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /home/quesada/.lyx/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx, line 23, in module
import LyX
  File /home/quesada/.lyx/lyx2lyx/, line 91, in module
convert = getattr(__import__(lyx_ + step), mode)
  File /home/quesada/.lyx/lyx2lyx/, line 31, in module
from lyx2lyx_tools import add_to_preamble, insert_to_preamble, \
  File /home/quesada/.lyx/lyx2lyx/, line 64, in module
from unicode_symbols import unicode_reps
  File /home/quesada/.lyx/lyx2lyx/, line 61, in module
unicode_reps = read_unicodesymbols()
  File /home/quesada/.lyx/lyx2lyx/, line 26, in
fp = open(os.path.join(pathname.strip('lyx2lyx'), 'unicodesymbols'))
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:
Error: Conversion script failed

/home/quesada/Dropbox/ is from a newer version of LyX and
cannot be converted by the lyx2lyx script.
~/.lyx ♪

Looks like I'm missing unicodesymbols in my .lyx.

Looking for it on the svn folder doesn't render any hit for a file with such
a name:

~/projIfollow/lyx-devel ♪ ack unicodesymbols

19:return (Usage: %s unicodesymbolsfile inputfile outputfile\n %
prog_name +
20:or %s unicodesymbolsfile inputfile outputfile %
83: Build the symbol list from the unicodesymbols file and add some
hardcoded symbols.
120:def translate_symbol(unicodesymbols, symbol, try_combining = True):
125:for i in unicodesymbols:
132:for i in unicodesymbols:
146:# entry in unicodesymbols
147:combined = translate_symbol(unicodesymbols,
u'%s{%s}' % (i[1], translated))
152:translated = translate_symbol(unicodesymbols,
translated, False)
163:def convert(lines, unicodesymbols):
175:# The unicodesymbols file does not include the trailing
delimiter {}
177:translated = translate_symbol(unicodesymbols, symbol)
196:unicodesymbols = open(argv[1], 'rb')
199:symbols = readsymbols(unicodesymbols)

348:tools/ \

37:  * mathalpha in the unicodesymbols file.

329:builtin \textasciicircum{} unicodesymbols \j{} user \mycommand{} xx\par
330:builtin \textasciicircum {} unicodesymbols \j {} user \mycommand{}
332:{} unicodesymbols \j % and a second one

792:FileName const symbols_path = libFileSearch(string(),
794:cerr  Error: Could not find file \unicodesymbols\.

2765:   // try to see whether the string is in
3216:   // try to see whether the string is in

818:if (!readEncodingsFile(encodings, unicodesymbols))

927:// in the unicodesymbols file and is something like

175:// unicodesymbols has things in the form: \{u},

256:CharInfoMap unicodesymbols;
318:CharInfoMap::const_iterator const it =
319:if (it == unicodesymbols.end() || !it-second.force)
330:CharInfoMap::const_iterator const it =
331:if (it == unicodesymbols.end() ||
362:CharInfoMap::const_iterator const it = unicodesymbols.find(c);
363:if (it == unicodesymbols.end())
382:// now the ones from the unicodesymbols file
383:CharInfoMap::const_iterator const end = unicodesymbols.end();
384:CharInfoMap::const_iterator it = unicodesymbols.begin();
397:CharInfoMap::const_iterator const it = unicodesymbols.find(c);
398:if (it == unicodesymbols.end()) {
425:CharInfoMap::const_iterator const end = unicodesymbols.end();
426:CharInfoMap::const_iterator it = unicodesymbols.begin();
447:CharInfoMap::const_iterator const uniend = unicodesymbols.end();
467:// the prefix of some command in the unicodesymbols file
470:CharInfoMap::const_iterator it = unicodesymbols.begin();
503:// matching entry in the unicodesymbols file.
574:CharInfoMap::const_iterator const it = unicodesymbols.find(c);
575:if (it != unicodesymbols.end()) {
655:CharInfoMap::const_iterator const it = unicodesymbols.find(c);
656:if (it != unicodesymbols.end())
664:CharInfoMap::const_iterator const it = unicodesymbols.find(c);
666:if (it == unicodesymbols.end())
817:// we assume that at least one command is nonempty when
using unicodesymbols

Re: lyx2lyx failing when updating svn

2011-02-01 Thread Richard Heck

On 2/1/11 7:02 PM, Jose Quesada wrote:

Thanks Richard,

lyx2lyx was indeed missing in my .lyx. After moving it there this is 
what I get:

Sorry, you want it in /usr/share/lyx/lyx2lyx/, or wherever this is on 
your system.


Re: lyx2lyx failing when updating svn

2011-02-01 Thread Richard Heck

On 02/01/2011 01:34 PM, Jose Quesada wrote:


Quite often I have problems with lyx2lyx failing when updating from 
svn and doing a make install. I've been trying to pinpoint the problem 
to write a better report, but to no avail. Where should lyx2lyx go 
normally? does it follow the --prefix? it fails even when I rename my 
.lyx folder and start the make install from scratch. Any ideas? 


It should follow the prefix, but I think we did once have a problem with 
its not doing so. The workaround would be to copy the lyx2lyx/ directory 


Re: lyx2lyx failing when updating svn

2011-02-01 Thread Jose Quesada
Thanks Richard,

lyx2lyx was indeed missing in my .lyx. After moving it there this is what I

~/.lyx ♪ Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /home/quesada/.lyx/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx, line 23, in module
import LyX
  File /home/quesada/.lyx/lyx2lyx/, line 91, in module
convert = getattr(__import__(lyx_ + step), mode)
  File /home/quesada/.lyx/lyx2lyx/, line 31, in module
from lyx2lyx_tools import add_to_preamble, insert_to_preamble, \
  File /home/quesada/.lyx/lyx2lyx/, line 64, in module
from unicode_symbols import unicode_reps
  File /home/quesada/.lyx/lyx2lyx/, line 61, in module
unicode_reps = read_unicodesymbols()
  File /home/quesada/.lyx/lyx2lyx/, line 26, in
fp = open(os.path.join(pathname.strip('lyx2lyx'), 'unicodesymbols'))
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:
Error: Conversion script failed

/home/quesada/Dropbox/ is from a newer version of LyX and
cannot be converted by the lyx2lyx script.
~/.lyx ♪

Looks like I'm missing unicodesymbols in my .lyx.

Looking for it on the svn folder doesn't render any hit for a file with such
a name:

~/projIfollow/lyx-devel ♪ ack unicodesymbols

19:return (Usage: %s unicodesymbolsfile inputfile outputfile\n %
prog_name +
20:or %s unicodesymbolsfile inputfile outputfile %
83: Build the symbol list from the unicodesymbols file and add some
hardcoded symbols.
120:def translate_symbol(unicodesymbols, symbol, try_combining = True):
125:for i in unicodesymbols:
132:for i in unicodesymbols:
146:# entry in unicodesymbols
147:combined = translate_symbol(unicodesymbols,
u'%s{%s}' % (i[1], translated))
152:translated = translate_symbol(unicodesymbols,
translated, False)
163:def convert(lines, unicodesymbols):
175:# The unicodesymbols file does not include the trailing
delimiter {}
177:translated = translate_symbol(unicodesymbols, symbol)
196:unicodesymbols = open(argv[1], 'rb')
199:symbols = readsymbols(unicodesymbols)

348:tools/ \

37:  * mathalpha in the unicodesymbols file.

329:builtin \textasciicircum{} unicodesymbols \j{} user \mycommand{} xx\par
330:builtin \textasciicircum {} unicodesymbols \j {} user \mycommand{}
332:{} unicodesymbols \j % and a second one

792:FileName const symbols_path = libFileSearch(string(),
794:cerr  Error: Could not find file \unicodesymbols\.

2765:   // try to see whether the string is in
3216:   // try to see whether the string is in

818:if (!readEncodingsFile(encodings, unicodesymbols))

927:// in the unicodesymbols file and is something like

175:// unicodesymbols has things in the form: \{u},

256:CharInfoMap unicodesymbols;
318:CharInfoMap::const_iterator const it =
319:if (it == unicodesymbols.end() || !it-second.force)
330:CharInfoMap::const_iterator const it =
331:if (it == unicodesymbols.end() ||
362:CharInfoMap::const_iterator const it = unicodesymbols.find(c);
363:if (it == unicodesymbols.end())
382:// now the ones from the unicodesymbols file
383:CharInfoMap::const_iterator const end = unicodesymbols.end();
384:CharInfoMap::const_iterator it = unicodesymbols.begin();
397:CharInfoMap::const_iterator const it = unicodesymbols.find(c);
398:if (it == unicodesymbols.end()) {
425:CharInfoMap::const_iterator const end = unicodesymbols.end();
426:CharInfoMap::const_iterator it = unicodesymbols.begin();
447:CharInfoMap::const_iterator const uniend = unicodesymbols.end();
467:// the prefix of some command in the unicodesymbols file
470:CharInfoMap::const_iterator it = unicodesymbols.begin();
503:// matching entry in the unicodesymbols file.
574:CharInfoMap::const_iterator const it = unicodesymbols.find(c);
575:if (it != unicodesymbols.end()) {
655:CharInfoMap::const_iterator const it = unicodesymbols.find(c);
656:if (it != unicodesymbols.end())
664:CharInfoMap::const_iterator const it = unicodesymbols.find(c);
666:if (it == unicodesymbols.end())
817:// we assume that at least one command is nonempty when
using unicodesymbols

Re: lyx2lyx failing when updating svn

2011-02-01 Thread Richard Heck

On 2/1/11 7:02 PM, Jose Quesada wrote:

Thanks Richard,

lyx2lyx was indeed missing in my .lyx. After moving it there this is 
what I get:

Sorry, you want it in /usr/share/lyx/lyx2lyx/, or wherever this is on 
your system.


Re: lyx2lyx failing when updating svn

2011-02-01 Thread Richard Heck

On 02/01/2011 01:34 PM, Jose Quesada wrote:


Quite often I have problems with lyx2lyx failing when updating from 
svn and doing a make install. I've been trying to pinpoint the problem 
to write a better report, but to no avail. Where should lyx2lyx go 
normally? does it follow the --prefix? it fails even when I rename my 
.lyx folder and start the make install from scratch. Any ideas? 


It should follow the prefix, but I think we did once have a problem with 
its not doing so. The workaround would be to copy the lyx2lyx/ directory 


Re: lyx2lyx failing when updating svn

2011-02-01 Thread Jose Quesada
Thanks Richard,

lyx2lyx was indeed missing in my .lyx. After moving it there this is what I

~/.lyx ♪ Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/quesada/.lyx/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx", line 23, in 
import LyX
  File "/home/quesada/.lyx/lyx2lyx/", line 91, in 
convert = getattr(__import__("lyx_" + step), mode)
  File "/home/quesada/.lyx/lyx2lyx/", line 31, in 
from lyx2lyx_tools import add_to_preamble, insert_to_preamble, \
  File "/home/quesada/.lyx/lyx2lyx/", line 64, in 
from unicode_symbols import unicode_reps
  File "/home/quesada/.lyx/lyx2lyx/", line 61, in 
unicode_reps = read_unicodesymbols()
  File "/home/quesada/.lyx/lyx2lyx/", line 26, in
fp = open(os.path.join(pathname.strip('lyx2lyx'), 'unicodesymbols'))
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:
Error: Conversion script failed

/home/quesada/Dropbox/ is from a newer version of LyX and
cannot be converted by the lyx2lyx script.
~/.lyx ♪

Looks like I'm missing unicodesymbols in my .lyx.

Looking for it on the svn folder doesn't render any hit for a file with such
a name:

~/projIfollow/lyx-devel ♪ ack unicodesymbols

19:return ("Usage: %s unicodesymbolsfile inputfile outputfile\n" %
prog_name +
20:"or %s unicodesymbolsfile outputfile" %
83:" Build the symbol list from the unicodesymbols file and add some
hardcoded symbols."
120:def translate_symbol(unicodesymbols, symbol, try_combining = True):
125:for i in unicodesymbols:
132:for i in unicodesymbols:
146:# entry in unicodesymbols
147:combined = translate_symbol(unicodesymbols,
u'%s{%s}' % (i[1], translated))
152:translated = translate_symbol(unicodesymbols,
translated, False)
163:def convert(lines, unicodesymbols):
175:# The unicodesymbols file does not include the trailing
delimiter {}
177:translated = translate_symbol(unicodesymbols, symbol)
196:unicodesymbols = open(argv[1], 'rb')
199:symbols = readsymbols(unicodesymbols)

348:tools/ \

37:  * mathalpha in the unicodesymbols file.

329:builtin \textasciicircum{} unicodesymbols \j{} user \mycommand{} xx\par
330:builtin \textasciicircum {} unicodesymbols \j {} user \mycommand{}
332:{} unicodesymbols \j % and a second one

792:FileName const symbols_path = libFileSearch(string(),
794:cerr << "Error: Could not find file \"unicodesymbols\"."

2765:   // try to see whether the string is in
3216:   // try to see whether the string is in

818:if (!readEncodingsFile("encodings", "unicodesymbols"))

927:// in the unicodesymbols file and is something like

175:// unicodesymbols has things in the form: \"{u},

256:CharInfoMap unicodesymbols;
318:CharInfoMap::const_iterator const it =
319:if (it == unicodesymbols.end() || !it->second.force)
330:CharInfoMap::const_iterator const it =
331:if (it == unicodesymbols.end() ||
362:CharInfoMap::const_iterator const it = unicodesymbols.find(c);
363:if (it == unicodesymbols.end())
382:// now the ones from the unicodesymbols file
383:CharInfoMap::const_iterator const end = unicodesymbols.end();
384:CharInfoMap::const_iterator it = unicodesymbols.begin();
397:CharInfoMap::const_iterator const it = unicodesymbols.find(c);
398:if (it == unicodesymbols.end()) {
425:CharInfoMap::const_iterator const end = unicodesymbols.end();
426:CharInfoMap::const_iterator it = unicodesymbols.begin();
447:CharInfoMap::const_iterator const uniend = unicodesymbols.end();
467:// the prefix of some command in the unicodesymbols file
470:CharInfoMap::const_iterator it = unicodesymbols.begin();
503:// matching entry in the unicodesymbols file.
574:CharInfoMap::const_iterator const it = unicodesymbols.find(c);
575:if (it != unicodesymbols.end()) {
655:CharInfoMap::const_iterator const it = unicodesymbols.find(c);
656:if (it != unicodesymbols.end())
664:CharInfoMap::const_iterator const it = unicodesymbols.find(c);
666:if (it == unicodesymbols.end())
817:// we assume that at least one command is nonempty when
using unicodesymbols

Re: lyx2lyx failing when updating svn

2011-02-01 Thread Richard Heck

On 2/1/11 7:02 PM, Jose Quesada wrote:

Thanks Richard,

lyx2lyx was indeed missing in my .lyx. After moving it there this is 
what I get:

Sorry, you want it in /usr/share/lyx/lyx2lyx/, or wherever this is on 
your system.


Re: lyx2lyx

2010-09-21 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann
Am Monday 20 September 2010 21:03:24 schrieb Pavel Sanda:
 Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
  however, Pavel (and the author of the ticket) ment to change the name of
  the file (?).

 no i didnt meant this, but by chance you solved your problem anyway...

actually, one of the three:

There is still the question why I get this error if I try to load the .tex 
An error occurred whilst running tex2lyx -f 'EG-Q16x.tex' 'EG-Q16x.lyx'

and this one if I try to load the exported .html file:
An error occurred whilst running java -jar htmltolatex.jar -input 'EG-Qn.html'


Re: lyx2lyx

2010-09-21 Thread Richard Heck

On 09/21/2010 05:22 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

Am Monday 20 September 2010 21:03:24 schrieb Pavel Sanda:

Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

however, Pavel (and the author of the ticket) ment to change the name of
the file (?).

no i didnt meant this, but by chance you solved your problem anyway...

actually, one of the three:

There is still the question why I get this error if I try to load the .tex
An error occurred whilst running tex2lyx -f 'EG-Q16x.tex' 'EG-Q16x.lyx'

Only a look specifically at that file could tell us that. You could try 
running tex2lyx from the command line. You'll get better error messages 
that way.

and this one if I try to load the exported .html file:
An error occurred whilst running java -jar htmltolatex.jar -input 'EG-Qn.html'

Same here: htmltolatex is choking on the file for some reason. Try 
running that command from a terminal.


Re: lyx2lyx

2010-09-21 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann
Am Tuesday 21 September 2010 17:14:53 schrieb Richard Heck:
 On 09/21/2010 05:22 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
  Am Monday 20 September 2010 21:03:24 schrieb Pavel Sanda:
  Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
  however, Pavel (and the author of the ticket) ment to change the name
  of the file (?).
  no i didnt meant this, but by chance you solved your problem anyway...
  actually, one of the three:
  There is still the question why I get this error if I try to load the
  .tex file:
  An error occurred whilst running tex2lyx -f 'EG-Q16x.tex' 'EG-Q16x.lyx'

 Only a look specifically at that file could tell us that. You could try
 running tex2lyx from the command line. You'll get better error messages
 that way.

this is the message from the command line:
wolfg...@wolfgang:~/Epigenetik$ tex2lyx EG-Ox.tex
Not overwriting existing file /home/wolfgang/Epigenetik/EG-Ox.lyx
wolfg...@wolfgang:~/Epigenetik$ tex2lyx EG-Oxy.tex
Creating file /home/wolfgang/Epigenetik/EG-Oxy.lyx
Ignoring options 'T1' of package fontenc.
Ignoring options 'german' of package babel.
0 0},backref=false,colorlinks=true' of package hyperref.
Segmentation fault

  and this one if I try to load the exported .html file:
  An error occurred whilst running java -jar htmltolatex.jar -input
  'EG-Qn.html' -out

 Same here: htmltolatex is choking on the file for some reason. Try
 running that command from a terminal.

This message is given in trying to export the file as html
An error occurred whilst running python -m elyxer --directory
on the terminal is a long list, which I think has to do with elyxer. So I will 
send the output to Alexander, the author of Elyxer.

Thanks for your advice


Re: lyx2lyx

2010-09-21 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

Le 21 sept. 10 à 19:49, Wolfgang Engelmann a écrit :

this is the message from the command line:
wolfg...@wolfgang:~/Epigenetik$ tex2lyx EG-Ox.tex
Not overwriting existing file /home/wolfgang/Epigenetik/EG-Ox.lyx
wolfg...@wolfgang:~/Epigenetik$ tex2lyx EG-Oxy.tex
Creating file /home/wolfgang/Epigenetik/EG-Oxy.lyx
Ignoring options 'T1' of package fontenc.
Ignoring options 'german' of package babel.

0 0},backref=false,colorlinks=true' of package hyperref.
Segmentation fault

As Richard said, this is not supposed to happen. Could you send a  
example file?


Re: lyx2lyx

2010-09-21 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann
Am Monday 20 September 2010 21:03:24 schrieb Pavel Sanda:
 Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
  however, Pavel (and the author of the ticket) ment to change the name of
  the file (?).

 no i didnt meant this, but by chance you solved your problem anyway...

actually, one of the three:

There is still the question why I get this error if I try to load the .tex 
An error occurred whilst running tex2lyx -f 'EG-Q16x.tex' 'EG-Q16x.lyx'

and this one if I try to load the exported .html file:
An error occurred whilst running java -jar htmltolatex.jar -input 'EG-Qn.html'


Re: lyx2lyx

2010-09-21 Thread Richard Heck

On 09/21/2010 05:22 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

Am Monday 20 September 2010 21:03:24 schrieb Pavel Sanda:

Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

however, Pavel (and the author of the ticket) ment to change the name of
the file (?).

no i didnt meant this, but by chance you solved your problem anyway...

actually, one of the three:

There is still the question why I get this error if I try to load the .tex
An error occurred whilst running tex2lyx -f 'EG-Q16x.tex' 'EG-Q16x.lyx'

Only a look specifically at that file could tell us that. You could try 
running tex2lyx from the command line. You'll get better error messages 
that way.

and this one if I try to load the exported .html file:
An error occurred whilst running java -jar htmltolatex.jar -input 'EG-Qn.html'

Same here: htmltolatex is choking on the file for some reason. Try 
running that command from a terminal.


Re: lyx2lyx

2010-09-21 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann
Am Tuesday 21 September 2010 17:14:53 schrieb Richard Heck:
 On 09/21/2010 05:22 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
  Am Monday 20 September 2010 21:03:24 schrieb Pavel Sanda:
  Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
  however, Pavel (and the author of the ticket) ment to change the name
  of the file (?).
  no i didnt meant this, but by chance you solved your problem anyway...
  actually, one of the three:
  There is still the question why I get this error if I try to load the
  .tex file:
  An error occurred whilst running tex2lyx -f 'EG-Q16x.tex' 'EG-Q16x.lyx'

 Only a look specifically at that file could tell us that. You could try
 running tex2lyx from the command line. You'll get better error messages
 that way.

this is the message from the command line:
wolfg...@wolfgang:~/Epigenetik$ tex2lyx EG-Ox.tex
Not overwriting existing file /home/wolfgang/Epigenetik/EG-Ox.lyx
wolfg...@wolfgang:~/Epigenetik$ tex2lyx EG-Oxy.tex
Creating file /home/wolfgang/Epigenetik/EG-Oxy.lyx
Ignoring options 'T1' of package fontenc.
Ignoring options 'german' of package babel.
0 0},backref=false,colorlinks=true' of package hyperref.
Segmentation fault

  and this one if I try to load the exported .html file:
  An error occurred whilst running java -jar htmltolatex.jar -input
  'EG-Qn.html' -out

 Same here: htmltolatex is choking on the file for some reason. Try
 running that command from a terminal.

This message is given in trying to export the file as html
An error occurred whilst running python -m elyxer --directory
on the terminal is a long list, which I think has to do with elyxer. So I will 
send the output to Alexander, the author of Elyxer.

Thanks for your advice


Re: lyx2lyx

2010-09-21 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

Le 21 sept. 10 à 19:49, Wolfgang Engelmann a écrit :

this is the message from the command line:
wolfg...@wolfgang:~/Epigenetik$ tex2lyx EG-Ox.tex
Not overwriting existing file /home/wolfgang/Epigenetik/EG-Ox.lyx
wolfg...@wolfgang:~/Epigenetik$ tex2lyx EG-Oxy.tex
Creating file /home/wolfgang/Epigenetik/EG-Oxy.lyx
Ignoring options 'T1' of package fontenc.
Ignoring options 'german' of package babel.

0 0},backref=false,colorlinks=true' of package hyperref.
Segmentation fault

As Richard said, this is not supposed to happen. Could you send a  
example file?


Re: lyx2lyx

2010-09-21 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann
Am Monday 20 September 2010 21:03:24 schrieb Pavel Sanda:
> Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
> > however, Pavel (and the author of the ticket) ment to change the name of
> > the file (?).
> no i didnt meant this, but by chance you solved your problem anyway...

actually, one of the three:

There is still the question why I get this error if I try to load the .tex 
An error occurred whilst running tex2lyx -f 'EG-Q16x.tex' 'EG-Q16x.lyx'

and this one if I try to load the exported .html file:
An error occurred whilst running java -jar htmltolatex.jar -input 'EG-Qn.html'


Re: lyx2lyx

2010-09-21 Thread Richard Heck

On 09/21/2010 05:22 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

Am Monday 20 September 2010 21:03:24 schrieb Pavel Sanda:

Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

however, Pavel (and the author of the ticket) ment to change the name of
the file (?).

no i didnt meant this, but by chance you solved your problem anyway...

actually, one of the three:

There is still the question why I get this error if I try to load the .tex
An error occurred whilst running tex2lyx -f 'EG-Q16x.tex' 'EG-Q16x.lyx'

Only a look specifically at that file could tell us that. You could try 
running tex2lyx from the command line. You'll get better error messages 
that way.

and this one if I try to load the exported .html file:
An error occurred whilst running java -jar htmltolatex.jar -input 'EG-Qn.html'

Same here: htmltolatex is choking on the file for some reason. Try 
running that command from a terminal.


Re: lyx2lyx

2010-09-21 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann
Am Tuesday 21 September 2010 17:14:53 schrieb Richard Heck:
> On 09/21/2010 05:22 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
> > Am Monday 20 September 2010 21:03:24 schrieb Pavel Sanda:
> >> Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
> >>> however, Pavel (and the author of the ticket) ment to change the name
> >>> of the file (?).
> >>
> >> no i didnt meant this, but by chance you solved your problem anyway...
> >
> > actually, one of the three:
> >
> > There is still the question why I get this error if I try to load the
> > .tex file:
> > An error occurred whilst running tex2lyx -f 'EG-Q16x.tex' 'EG-Q16x.lyx'
> Only a look specifically at that file could tell us that. You could try
> running tex2lyx from the command line. You'll get better error messages
> that way.
this is the message from the command line:
wolfg...@wolfgang:~/Epigenetik$ tex2lyx EG-Ox.tex
Not overwriting existing file /home/wolfgang/Epigenetik/EG-Ox.lyx
wolfg...@wolfgang:~/Epigenetik$ tex2lyx EG-Oxy.tex
Creating file /home/wolfgang/Epigenetik/EG-Oxy.lyx
Ignoring options 'T1' of package fontenc.
Ignoring options 'german' of package babel.
0 0},backref=false,colorlinks=true' of package hyperref.
Segmentation fault

> > and this one if I try to load the exported .html file:
> > An error occurred whilst running java -jar htmltolatex.jar -input
> > 'EG-Qn.html' -out
> Same here: htmltolatex is choking on the file for some reason. Try
> running that command from a terminal.

This message is given in trying to export the file as html
An error occurred whilst running python -m elyxer --directory
on the terminal is a long list, which I think has to do with elyxer. So I will 
send the output to Alexander, the author of Elyxer.

Thanks for your advice


Re: lyx2lyx

2010-09-21 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

Le 21 sept. 10 à 19:49, Wolfgang Engelmann a écrit :

this is the message from the command line:
wolfg...@wolfgang:~/Epigenetik$ tex2lyx EG-Ox.tex
Not overwriting existing file /home/wolfgang/Epigenetik/EG-Ox.lyx
wolfg...@wolfgang:~/Epigenetik$ tex2lyx EG-Oxy.tex
Creating file /home/wolfgang/Epigenetik/EG-Oxy.lyx
Ignoring options 'T1' of package fontenc.
Ignoring options 'german' of package babel.

0 0},backref=false,colorlinks=true' of package hyperref.
Segmentation fault

As Richard said, this is not supposed to happen. Could you send a  
example file?


Re: lyx2lyx

2010-09-20 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann
Am Sunday 19 September 2010 23:11:01 schrieb Richard Heck:
 On 09/19/2010 02:12 PM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
  How do I make the lyx/lyx export working?
  I have a lyx file produced with lyx2.0 and want to work on it now under
  I used
  but when trying to load it in lyx1.6.7 I am told,
  it is from a different version of lyx.
  lyx2lyx failed.

 Are you sure you are opening the correct file? If so, then this is a bug.


Yes, pritty much. I saved the lyx2.0 file with another name and exported that 
one as an 1.6 lyx file, which gave however the error above.

As I mentioned in a second mail I tried also to export the lyx file as a .tex 
file, but I am told
an error occurred whilst running tex2lyx -f ...

As another trial I used the most recent elyxer:
elyxer EG-Q.lyx EG-Q.html
which worked well (except the size of some images was not well translated).
But importing it in lyx1.6.7 gives:
an error occurred whilst running java -jar 
htmltolatex.jar -input 'EG-Qn.html' -out

It was a bad idea of mine to try lyx 2
reminds me of the mantra...


Re: lyx2lyx

2010-09-20 Thread Kornel Benko
Am Montag, 20. September 2010 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
 Am Sunday 19 September 2010 23:11:01 schrieb Richard Heck:
  On 09/19/2010 02:12 PM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
   How do I make the lyx/lyx export working?
   I have a lyx file produced with lyx2.0 and want to work on it now under
   I used
   but when trying to load it in lyx1.6.7 I am told,
   it is from a different version of lyx.
   lyx2lyx failed.
  Are you sure you are opening the correct file? If so, then this is a bug.
 Yes, pritty much. I saved the lyx2.0 file with another name and exported that 
 one as an 1.6 lyx file, which gave however the error above.
 As I mentioned in a second mail I tried also to export the lyx file as a .tex 
 file, but I am told
 an error occurred whilst running tex2lyx -f ...
 As another trial I used the most recent elyxer:
 elyxer EG-Q.lyx EG-Q.html
 which worked well (except the size of some images was not well translated).
 But importing it in lyx1.6.7 gives:
 an error occurred whilst running java -jar 
 htmltolatex.jar -input 'EG-Qn.html' -out
 It was a bad idea of mine to try lyx 2
 reminds me of the mantra...

You surely know, that the extension of exported files is _not_ .lyx but e.g. 
.lyx16 ?


Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: lyx2lyx

2010-09-20 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann
Am Monday 20 September 2010 09:53:14 schrieb Kornel Benko:
 Am Montag, 20. September 2010 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
  Am Sunday 19 September 2010 23:11:01 schrieb Richard Heck:
   On 09/19/2010 02:12 PM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
How do I make the lyx/lyx export working?
I have a lyx file produced with lyx2.0 and want to work on it now
under lyx1.6.7.
I used
but when trying to load it in lyx1.6.7 I am told,
it is from a different version of lyx.
lyx2lyx failed.
   Are you sure you are opening the correct file? If so, then this is a
  Yes, pritty much. I saved the lyx2.0 file with another name and exported
  that one as an 1.6 lyx file, which gave however the error above.
  As I mentioned in a second mail I tried also to export the lyx file as a
  .tex file, but I am told
  an error occurred whilst running tex2lyx -f ...
  As another trial I used the most recent elyxer:
  elyxer EG-Q.lyx EG-Q.html
  which worked well (except the size of some images was not well
  translated). But importing it in lyx1.6.7 gives:
  an error occurred whilst running java -jar
  htmltolatex.jar -input 'EG-Qn.html' -out
  It was a bad idea of mine to try lyx 2
  reminds me of the mantra...

 You surely know, that the extension of exported files is _not_ .lyx but
 e.g. .lyx16 ?

which means, lyx2.0.0svn is not exporting the lyx file for 1.6.x, since there 
is no .lyx16 

could it be that the lyx2lyx script or whatever does the job needs something 
which is missing in my case? Can I run this script (name?) separately and 
how? Has anybody successfully exported a .lyx16 file from 2.0.0?

Thanks, Kornel


Re: lyx2lyx

2010-09-20 Thread Richard Heck

On 09/20/2010 04:46 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

Am Monday 20 September 2010 09:53:14 schrieb Kornel Benko:

Am Montag, 20. September 2010 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:

Am Sunday 19 September 2010 23:11:01 schrieb Richard Heck:

On 09/19/2010 02:12 PM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

How do I make the lyx/lyx export working?
I have a lyx file produced with lyx2.0 and want to work on it now
under lyx1.6.7.
I used
but when trying to load it in lyx1.6.7 I am told,
it is from a different version of lyx.
lyx2lyx failed.

Are you sure you are opening the correct file? If so, then this is a


Yes, pritty much. I saved the lyx2.0 file with another name and exported
that one as an 1.6 lyx file, which gave however the error above.

As I mentioned in a second mail I tried also to export the lyx file as a
.tex file, but I am told
an error occurred whilst running tex2lyx -f ...

As another trial I used the most recent elyxer:
elyxer EG-Q.lyx EG-Q.html
which worked well (except the size of some images was not well
translated). But importing it in lyx1.6.7 gives:
an error occurred whilst running java -jar
htmltolatex.jar -input 'EG-Qn.html' -out

It was a bad idea of mine to try lyx 2
reminds me of the mantra...


You surely know, that the extension of exported files is _not_ .lyx but
e.g. .lyx16 ?

which means, lyx2.0.0svn is not exporting the lyx file for 1.6.x, since there
is no .lyx16

could it be that the lyx2lyx script or whatever does the job needs something
which is missing in my case? Can I run this script (name?) separately and
how? Has anybody successfully exported a .lyx16 file from 2.0.0?


Yes, just tested it. But of course my file was different from yours.

If you've got both 1.6 and 2.0 installed, it is possible that LyX is 
trying to use the wrong lyx2lyx for one or the other of the tasks.

Alternatively, send me the file privately, and I'll have a look.


Re: lyx2lyx

2010-09-20 Thread Pavel Sanda
Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
 could it be that the lyx2lyx script or whatever does the job needs something 
 which is missing in my case?

we already have one major bug concerning lyx2lyx, maybe its your case

in other words have you tried to change the file?

Re: lyx2lyx

2010-09-20 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann
Am Monday 20 September 2010 17:17:47 schrieb Pavel Sanda:
 Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
  could it be that the lyx2lyx script or whatever does the job needs
  something which is missing in my case?

 we already have one major bug concerning lyx2lyx, maybe its your case
that is the content of it:
- open LyX 2.0svn
- open a file that you previously created with LyX 2.0svn
- export it to format LyX 1.6.x

Result: no converted file is output.

It only works correctly when you made a change to the opened file.

 in other words have you tried to change the file?
I understood the last sentence as
loading my file, change it (eg add a word), 
export it as lyx 1.6.x file

however, Pavel (and the author of the ticket) ment to change the name of the 
file (?).

Now I understand. There is indeed a .lyx16 file, but this does not show up if 
I try to load it into the lyx 16 version.
I have to rename it to 'a-name.lyx'
Loading this solves the issue.

I thought lyx 1.6.x understands .lyx16 and loads that one.

Sorry for the noise.

There is still the question why I get this error if I try to load the .tex 
An error occurred whilst running tex2lyx -f 'EG-Q16x.tex' 'EG-Q16x.lyx'

and this one if I try to load the exported .html file:
An error occurred whilst running java -jar htmltolatex.jar -input 'EG-Qn.html'


Re: lyx2lyx

2010-09-20 Thread Pavel Sanda
Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
 however, Pavel (and the author of the ticket) ment to change the name of the 
 file (?).

no i didnt meant this, but by chance you solved your problem anyway...
your problem is actually bug 3934 :)


Re: lyx2lyx

2010-09-20 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann
Am Sunday 19 September 2010 23:11:01 schrieb Richard Heck:
 On 09/19/2010 02:12 PM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
  How do I make the lyx/lyx export working?
  I have a lyx file produced with lyx2.0 and want to work on it now under
  I used
  but when trying to load it in lyx1.6.7 I am told,
  it is from a different version of lyx.
  lyx2lyx failed.

 Are you sure you are opening the correct file? If so, then this is a bug.


Yes, pritty much. I saved the lyx2.0 file with another name and exported that 
one as an 1.6 lyx file, which gave however the error above.

As I mentioned in a second mail I tried also to export the lyx file as a .tex 
file, but I am told
an error occurred whilst running tex2lyx -f ...

As another trial I used the most recent elyxer:
elyxer EG-Q.lyx EG-Q.html
which worked well (except the size of some images was not well translated).
But importing it in lyx1.6.7 gives:
an error occurred whilst running java -jar 
htmltolatex.jar -input 'EG-Qn.html' -out

It was a bad idea of mine to try lyx 2
reminds me of the mantra...


Re: lyx2lyx

2010-09-20 Thread Kornel Benko
Am Montag, 20. September 2010 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
 Am Sunday 19 September 2010 23:11:01 schrieb Richard Heck:
  On 09/19/2010 02:12 PM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
   How do I make the lyx/lyx export working?
   I have a lyx file produced with lyx2.0 and want to work on it now under
   I used
   but when trying to load it in lyx1.6.7 I am told,
   it is from a different version of lyx.
   lyx2lyx failed.
  Are you sure you are opening the correct file? If so, then this is a bug.
 Yes, pritty much. I saved the lyx2.0 file with another name and exported that 
 one as an 1.6 lyx file, which gave however the error above.
 As I mentioned in a second mail I tried also to export the lyx file as a .tex 
 file, but I am told
 an error occurred whilst running tex2lyx -f ...
 As another trial I used the most recent elyxer:
 elyxer EG-Q.lyx EG-Q.html
 which worked well (except the size of some images was not well translated).
 But importing it in lyx1.6.7 gives:
 an error occurred whilst running java -jar 
 htmltolatex.jar -input 'EG-Qn.html' -out
 It was a bad idea of mine to try lyx 2
 reminds me of the mantra...

You surely know, that the extension of exported files is _not_ .lyx but e.g. 
.lyx16 ?


Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: lyx2lyx

2010-09-20 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann
Am Monday 20 September 2010 09:53:14 schrieb Kornel Benko:
 Am Montag, 20. September 2010 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
  Am Sunday 19 September 2010 23:11:01 schrieb Richard Heck:
   On 09/19/2010 02:12 PM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
How do I make the lyx/lyx export working?
I have a lyx file produced with lyx2.0 and want to work on it now
under lyx1.6.7.
I used
but when trying to load it in lyx1.6.7 I am told,
it is from a different version of lyx.
lyx2lyx failed.
   Are you sure you are opening the correct file? If so, then this is a
  Yes, pritty much. I saved the lyx2.0 file with another name and exported
  that one as an 1.6 lyx file, which gave however the error above.
  As I mentioned in a second mail I tried also to export the lyx file as a
  .tex file, but I am told
  an error occurred whilst running tex2lyx -f ...
  As another trial I used the most recent elyxer:
  elyxer EG-Q.lyx EG-Q.html
  which worked well (except the size of some images was not well
  translated). But importing it in lyx1.6.7 gives:
  an error occurred whilst running java -jar
  htmltolatex.jar -input 'EG-Qn.html' -out
  It was a bad idea of mine to try lyx 2
  reminds me of the mantra...

 You surely know, that the extension of exported files is _not_ .lyx but
 e.g. .lyx16 ?

which means, lyx2.0.0svn is not exporting the lyx file for 1.6.x, since there 
is no .lyx16 

could it be that the lyx2lyx script or whatever does the job needs something 
which is missing in my case? Can I run this script (name?) separately and 
how? Has anybody successfully exported a .lyx16 file from 2.0.0?

Thanks, Kornel


Re: lyx2lyx

2010-09-20 Thread Richard Heck

On 09/20/2010 04:46 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

Am Monday 20 September 2010 09:53:14 schrieb Kornel Benko:

Am Montag, 20. September 2010 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:

Am Sunday 19 September 2010 23:11:01 schrieb Richard Heck:

On 09/19/2010 02:12 PM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

How do I make the lyx/lyx export working?
I have a lyx file produced with lyx2.0 and want to work on it now
under lyx1.6.7.
I used
but when trying to load it in lyx1.6.7 I am told,
it is from a different version of lyx.
lyx2lyx failed.

Are you sure you are opening the correct file? If so, then this is a


Yes, pritty much. I saved the lyx2.0 file with another name and exported
that one as an 1.6 lyx file, which gave however the error above.

As I mentioned in a second mail I tried also to export the lyx file as a
.tex file, but I am told
an error occurred whilst running tex2lyx -f ...

As another trial I used the most recent elyxer:
elyxer EG-Q.lyx EG-Q.html
which worked well (except the size of some images was not well
translated). But importing it in lyx1.6.7 gives:
an error occurred whilst running java -jar
htmltolatex.jar -input 'EG-Qn.html' -out

It was a bad idea of mine to try lyx 2
reminds me of the mantra...


You surely know, that the extension of exported files is _not_ .lyx but
e.g. .lyx16 ?

which means, lyx2.0.0svn is not exporting the lyx file for 1.6.x, since there
is no .lyx16

could it be that the lyx2lyx script or whatever does the job needs something
which is missing in my case? Can I run this script (name?) separately and
how? Has anybody successfully exported a .lyx16 file from 2.0.0?


Yes, just tested it. But of course my file was different from yours.

If you've got both 1.6 and 2.0 installed, it is possible that LyX is 
trying to use the wrong lyx2lyx for one or the other of the tasks.

Alternatively, send me the file privately, and I'll have a look.


Re: lyx2lyx

2010-09-20 Thread Pavel Sanda
Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
 could it be that the lyx2lyx script or whatever does the job needs something 
 which is missing in my case?

we already have one major bug concerning lyx2lyx, maybe its your case

in other words have you tried to change the file?

Re: lyx2lyx

2010-09-20 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann
Am Monday 20 September 2010 17:17:47 schrieb Pavel Sanda:
 Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
  could it be that the lyx2lyx script or whatever does the job needs
  something which is missing in my case?

 we already have one major bug concerning lyx2lyx, maybe its your case
that is the content of it:
- open LyX 2.0svn
- open a file that you previously created with LyX 2.0svn
- export it to format LyX 1.6.x

Result: no converted file is output.

It only works correctly when you made a change to the opened file.

 in other words have you tried to change the file?
I understood the last sentence as
loading my file, change it (eg add a word), 
export it as lyx 1.6.x file

however, Pavel (and the author of the ticket) ment to change the name of the 
file (?).

Now I understand. There is indeed a .lyx16 file, but this does not show up if 
I try to load it into the lyx 16 version.
I have to rename it to 'a-name.lyx'
Loading this solves the issue.

I thought lyx 1.6.x understands .lyx16 and loads that one.

Sorry for the noise.

There is still the question why I get this error if I try to load the .tex 
An error occurred whilst running tex2lyx -f 'EG-Q16x.tex' 'EG-Q16x.lyx'

and this one if I try to load the exported .html file:
An error occurred whilst running java -jar htmltolatex.jar -input 'EG-Qn.html'


Re: lyx2lyx

2010-09-20 Thread Pavel Sanda
Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
 however, Pavel (and the author of the ticket) ment to change the name of the 
 file (?).

no i didnt meant this, but by chance you solved your problem anyway...
your problem is actually bug 3934 :)


Re: lyx2lyx

2010-09-20 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann
Am Sunday 19 September 2010 23:11:01 schrieb Richard Heck:
> On 09/19/2010 02:12 PM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
> > How do I make the lyx/lyx export working?
> > I have a lyx file produced with lyx2.0 and want to work on it now under
> > lyx1.6.7.
> > I used
> > file>export>lyx1.6.x
> > but when trying to load it in lyx1.6.7 I am told,
> > it is from a different version of lyx.
> > lyx2lyx failed.
> Are you sure you are opening the correct file? If so, then this is a bug.
> rh

Yes, pritty much. I saved the lyx2.0 file with another name and exported that 
one as an 1.6 lyx file, which gave however the error above.

As I mentioned in a second mail I tried also to export the lyx file as a .tex 
file, but I am told
an error occurred whilst running tex2lyx -f ...

As another trial I used the most recent elyxer:
elyxer EG-Q.lyx EG-Q.html
which worked well (except the size of some images was not well translated).
But importing it in lyx1.6.7 gives:
an error occurred whilst running java -jar 
htmltolatex.jar -input 'EG-Qn.html' -out

It was a bad idea of mine to try lyx 2
reminds me of the mantra...


Re: lyx2lyx

2010-09-20 Thread Kornel Benko
Am Montag, 20. September 2010 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
> Am Sunday 19 September 2010 23:11:01 schrieb Richard Heck:
> > On 09/19/2010 02:12 PM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
> > > How do I make the lyx/lyx export working?
> > > I have a lyx file produced with lyx2.0 and want to work on it now under
> > > lyx1.6.7.
> > > I used
> > > file>export>lyx1.6.x
> > > but when trying to load it in lyx1.6.7 I am told,
> > > it is from a different version of lyx.
> > > lyx2lyx failed.
> >
> > Are you sure you are opening the correct file? If so, then this is a bug.
> >
> > rh
> Yes, pritty much. I saved the lyx2.0 file with another name and exported that 
> one as an 1.6 lyx file, which gave however the error above.
> As I mentioned in a second mail I tried also to export the lyx file as a .tex 
> file, but I am told
> an error occurred whilst running tex2lyx -f ...
> As another trial I used the most recent elyxer:
> elyxer EG-Q.lyx EG-Q.html
> which worked well (except the size of some images was not well translated).
> But importing it in lyx1.6.7 gives:
> an error occurred whilst running java -jar 
> htmltolatex.jar -input 'EG-Qn.html' -out
> It was a bad idea of mine to try lyx 2
> reminds me of the mantra...
> Wolfgang

You surely know, that the extension of exported files is _not_ ".lyx" but e.g. 
".lyx16" ?


Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: lyx2lyx

2010-09-20 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann
Am Monday 20 September 2010 09:53:14 schrieb Kornel Benko:
> Am Montag, 20. September 2010 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
> > Am Sunday 19 September 2010 23:11:01 schrieb Richard Heck:
> > > On 09/19/2010 02:12 PM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
> > > > How do I make the lyx/lyx export working?
> > > > I have a lyx file produced with lyx2.0 and want to work on it now
> > > > under lyx1.6.7.
> > > > I used
> > > > file>export>lyx1.6.x
> > > > but when trying to load it in lyx1.6.7 I am told,
> > > > it is from a different version of lyx.
> > > > lyx2lyx failed.
> > >
> > > Are you sure you are opening the correct file? If so, then this is a
> > > bug.
> > >
> > > rh
> >
> > Yes, pritty much. I saved the lyx2.0 file with another name and exported
> > that one as an 1.6 lyx file, which gave however the error above.
> >
> > As I mentioned in a second mail I tried also to export the lyx file as a
> > .tex file, but I am told
> > an error occurred whilst running tex2lyx -f ...
> >
> > As another trial I used the most recent elyxer:
> > elyxer EG-Q.lyx EG-Q.html
> > which worked well (except the size of some images was not well
> > translated). But importing it in lyx1.6.7 gives:
> > an error occurred whilst running java -jar
> > htmltolatex.jar -input 'EG-Qn.html' -out
> >
> > It was a bad idea of mine to try lyx 2
> > reminds me of the mantra...
> >
> > Wolfgang
> You surely know, that the extension of exported files is _not_ ".lyx" but
> e.g. ".lyx16" ?

which means, lyx2.0.0svn is not exporting the lyx file for 1.6.x, since there 
is no .lyx16 

could it be that the lyx2lyx script or whatever does the job needs something 
which is missing in my case? Can I run this script (name?) separately and 
how? Has anybody successfully exported a .lyx16 file from 2.0.0?

Thanks, Kornel


Re: lyx2lyx

2010-09-20 Thread Richard Heck

On 09/20/2010 04:46 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

Am Monday 20 September 2010 09:53:14 schrieb Kornel Benko:

Am Montag, 20. September 2010 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:

Am Sunday 19 September 2010 23:11:01 schrieb Richard Heck:

On 09/19/2010 02:12 PM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

How do I make the lyx/lyx export working?
I have a lyx file produced with lyx2.0 and want to work on it now
under lyx1.6.7.
I used
but when trying to load it in lyx1.6.7 I am told,
it is from a different version of lyx.
lyx2lyx failed.

Are you sure you are opening the correct file? If so, then this is a


Yes, pritty much. I saved the lyx2.0 file with another name and exported
that one as an 1.6 lyx file, which gave however the error above.

As I mentioned in a second mail I tried also to export the lyx file as a
.tex file, but I am told
an error occurred whilst running tex2lyx -f ...

As another trial I used the most recent elyxer:
elyxer EG-Q.lyx EG-Q.html
which worked well (except the size of some images was not well
translated). But importing it in lyx1.6.7 gives:
an error occurred whilst running java -jar
htmltolatex.jar -input 'EG-Qn.html' -out

It was a bad idea of mine to try lyx 2
reminds me of the mantra...


You surely know, that the extension of exported files is _not_ ".lyx" but
e.g. ".lyx16" ?

which means, lyx2.0.0svn is not exporting the lyx file for 1.6.x, since there
is no .lyx16

could it be that the lyx2lyx script or whatever does the job needs something
which is missing in my case? Can I run this script (name?) separately and
how? Has anybody successfully exported a .lyx16 file from 2.0.0?


Yes, just tested it. But of course my file was different from yours.

If you've got both 1.6 and 2.0 installed, it is possible that LyX is 
trying to use the wrong lyx2lyx for one or the other of the tasks.

Alternatively, send me the file privately, and I'll have a look.


Re: lyx2lyx

2010-09-20 Thread Pavel Sanda
Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
> could it be that the lyx2lyx script or whatever does the job needs something 
> which is missing in my case?

we already have one major bug concerning lyx2lyx, maybe its your case

in other words have you tried to change the file?

Re: lyx2lyx

2010-09-20 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann
Am Monday 20 September 2010 17:17:47 schrieb Pavel Sanda:
> Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
> > could it be that the lyx2lyx script or whatever does the job needs
> > something which is missing in my case?
> we already have one major bug concerning lyx2lyx, maybe its your case
that is the content of it:
- open LyX 2.0svn
- open a file that you previously created with LyX 2.0svn
- export it to format LyX 1.6.x

Result: no converted file is output.

It only works correctly when you made a change to the opened file.

> in other words have you tried to change the file?
> pavel
I understood the last sentence as
loading my file, change it (eg add a word), 
export it as lyx 1.6.x file

however, Pavel (and the author of the ticket) ment to change the name of the 
file (?).

Now I understand. There is indeed a .lyx16 file, but this does not show up if 
I try to load it into the lyx 16 version.
I have to rename it to 'a-name.lyx'
Loading this solves the issue.

I thought lyx 1.6.x understands .lyx16 and loads that one.

Sorry for the noise.

There is still the question why I get this error if I try to load the .tex 
An error occurred whilst running tex2lyx -f 'EG-Q16x.tex' 'EG-Q16x.lyx'

and this one if I try to load the exported .html file:
An error occurred whilst running java -jar htmltolatex.jar -input 'EG-Qn.html'


Re: lyx2lyx

2010-09-20 Thread Pavel Sanda
Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
> however, Pavel (and the author of the ticket) ment to change the name of the 
> file (?).

no i didnt meant this, but by chance you solved your problem anyway...
your problem is actually bug 3934 :)


Re: lyx2lyx

2010-09-19 Thread Richard Heck

On 09/19/2010 02:12 PM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

How do I make the lyx/lyx export working?
I have a lyx file produced with lyx2.0 and want to work on it now under
I used
but when trying to load it in lyx1.6.7 I am told,
it is from a different version of lyx.
lyx2lyx failed.


Are you sure you are opening the correct file? If so, then this is a bug.


Re: lyx2lyx

2010-09-19 Thread Richard Heck

On 09/19/2010 02:12 PM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

How do I make the lyx/lyx export working?
I have a lyx file produced with lyx2.0 and want to work on it now under
I used
but when trying to load it in lyx1.6.7 I am told,
it is from a different version of lyx.
lyx2lyx failed.


Are you sure you are opening the correct file? If so, then this is a bug.


Re: lyx2lyx

2010-09-19 Thread Richard Heck

On 09/19/2010 02:12 PM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

How do I make the lyx/lyx export working?
I have a lyx file produced with lyx2.0 and want to work on it now under
I used
but when trying to load it in lyx1.6.7 I am told,
it is from a different version of lyx.
lyx2lyx failed.


Are you sure you are opening the correct file? If so, then this is a bug.


Re: lyx2lyx failure

2010-01-29 Thread José Matos
On Monday 25 January 2010 16:13:30 Stefano Franchi wrote:
 I am trying to open a lyx file produced by a conversion script and
 Lyx (1.6.5) fails claiming lyx2lyx  could not convert it.
 The lyx file is in lyx format 2.16 (or so it claims in its header).
 Launching lyx2lyx from the console gives the following error:
 Warning: An error ocurred in 225, function add_end_layout at 0x295f230
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /usr/share/lyx/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx, line 83, in module
   File /usr/share/lyx/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx, line 77, in main
   File /usr/share/lyx/lyx2lyx/, line 500, in convert
   File /usr/share/lyx/lyx2lyx/, line 449, in add_end_layout
 IndexError: pop from empty list
 Any insight on what the problem may be?

I suspect of the conversion script. :-)

The lyx format at the time of 2.16 was a lot less structured than it is now in 
the sense that it would accept incorrect files and try to do the right thing.

Could you, please, send me privately a part of the converted file where this 


José Abílio

Re: lyx2lyx failure

2010-01-29 Thread José Matos
On Monday 25 January 2010 16:13:30 Stefano Franchi wrote:
 I am trying to open a lyx file produced by a conversion script and
 Lyx (1.6.5) fails claiming lyx2lyx  could not convert it.
 The lyx file is in lyx format 2.16 (or so it claims in its header).
 Launching lyx2lyx from the console gives the following error:
 Warning: An error ocurred in 225, function add_end_layout at 0x295f230
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /usr/share/lyx/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx, line 83, in module
   File /usr/share/lyx/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx, line 77, in main
   File /usr/share/lyx/lyx2lyx/, line 500, in convert
   File /usr/share/lyx/lyx2lyx/, line 449, in add_end_layout
 IndexError: pop from empty list
 Any insight on what the problem may be?

I suspect of the conversion script. :-)

The lyx format at the time of 2.16 was a lot less structured than it is now in 
the sense that it would accept incorrect files and try to do the right thing.

Could you, please, send me privately a part of the converted file where this 


José Abílio

Re: lyx2lyx failure

2010-01-29 Thread José Matos
On Monday 25 January 2010 16:13:30 Stefano Franchi wrote:
> I am trying to open a lyx file produced by a conversion script and
> Lyx (1.6.5) fails claiming lyx2lyx  could not convert it.
> The lyx file is in lyx format 2.16 (or so it claims in its header).
> Launching lyx2lyx from the console gives the following error:
> Warning: An error ocurred in 225, 
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/share/lyx/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx", line 83, in 
> main()
>   File "/usr/share/lyx/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx", line 77, in main
> doc.convert()
>   File "/usr/share/lyx/lyx2lyx/", line 500, in convert
> conv(self)
>   File "/usr/share/lyx/lyx2lyx/", line 449, in add_end_layout
> struct_stack.pop()
> IndexError: pop from empty list
> Any insight on what the problem may be?

I suspect of the conversion script. :-)

The lyx format at the time of 2.16 was a lot less structured than it is now in 
the sense that it would accept incorrect files and try to do the right thing.

Could you, please, send me privately a part of the converted file where this 

> Cheers,
> S.

José Abílio

Re: lyx2lyx fails to convert from a Latex file

2009-05-19 Thread Stefano Franchi
On Monday 18 May 2009 06:18:42 pm Uwe Stöhr wrote:
 Stefano Franchi schrieb:
  3. I opened the .lyx file in an editor and the preamble says:
  LyX file created by tex2lyx 1.6.2
  \lyxformat 247

 So tex2lyx run successfully, but lyx2lyx failed to convert it further from
 format 247 to 345. Can you provide a small TeX file to be able to reproduce
 the problem?

 regards Uwe

Oh well, I can't reproduce it any longer. I tried several times yesterday and 
failed, eventually resorting to the hack I described. Today, of course, the 
direct conversion from within Lyx worked liked a charm.
I suppose it'll go down in my book as another Lyx mystery.

I have more files to convert in the next few days. I'll post a short example is 
something goes wrong again.



Stefano Franchi
Department of Philosophy  Ph:  (979) 862-2211
Texas AM University  Fax: (979) 845-0458
305B Bolton Hall
College Station, TX 77843-4237

Re: lyx2lyx fails to convert from a Latex file

2009-05-19 Thread Stefano Franchi
On Monday 18 May 2009 06:18:42 pm Uwe Stöhr wrote:
 Stefano Franchi schrieb:
  3. I opened the .lyx file in an editor and the preamble says:
  LyX file created by tex2lyx 1.6.2
  \lyxformat 247

 So tex2lyx run successfully, but lyx2lyx failed to convert it further from
 format 247 to 345. Can you provide a small TeX file to be able to reproduce
 the problem?

 regards Uwe

Oh well, I can't reproduce it any longer. I tried several times yesterday and 
failed, eventually resorting to the hack I described. Today, of course, the 
direct conversion from within Lyx worked liked a charm.
I suppose it'll go down in my book as another Lyx mystery.

I have more files to convert in the next few days. I'll post a short example is 
something goes wrong again.



Stefano Franchi
Department of Philosophy  Ph:  (979) 862-2211
Texas AM University  Fax: (979) 845-0458
305B Bolton Hall
College Station, TX 77843-4237

Re: lyx2lyx fails to convert from a Latex file

2009-05-19 Thread Stefano Franchi
On Monday 18 May 2009 06:18:42 pm Uwe Stöhr wrote:
> Stefano Franchi schrieb:
> > 3. I opened the .lyx file in an editor and the preamble says:
> >
> > LyX file created by tex2lyx 1.6.2
> > \lyxformat 247
> So tex2lyx run successfully, but lyx2lyx failed to convert it further from
> format 247 to 345. Can you provide a small TeX file to be able to reproduce
> the problem?
> regards Uwe

Oh well, I can't reproduce it any longer. I tried several times yesterday and 
failed, eventually resorting to the hack I described. Today, of course, the 
direct conversion from within Lyx worked liked a charm.
I suppose it'll go down in my book as another Lyx mystery.

I have more files to convert in the next few days. I'll post a short example is 
something goes wrong again.



Stefano Franchi
Department of Philosophy  Ph:  (979) 862-2211
Texas A University  Fax: (979) 845-0458
305B Bolton Hall
College Station, TX 77843-4237

Re: lyx2lyx fails to convert from a Latex file

2009-05-18 Thread Uwe Stöhr

Stefano Franchi schrieb:

3. I opened the .lyx file in an editor and the preamble says:

LyX file created by tex2lyx 1.6.2
\lyxformat 247

So tex2lyx run successfully, but lyx2lyx failed to convert it further from format 247 to 345. Can 
you provide a small TeX file to be able to reproduce the problem?

regards Uwe

Re: lyx2lyx fails to convert from a Latex file

2009-05-18 Thread Uwe Stöhr

Stefano Franchi schrieb:

3. I opened the .lyx file in an editor and the preamble says:

LyX file created by tex2lyx 1.6.2
\lyxformat 247

So tex2lyx run successfully, but lyx2lyx failed to convert it further from format 247 to 345. Can 
you provide a small TeX file to be able to reproduce the problem?

regards Uwe

Re: lyx2lyx fails to convert from a Latex file

2009-05-18 Thread Uwe Stöhr

Stefano Franchi schrieb:

3. I opened the .lyx file in an editor and the preamble says:

LyX file created by tex2lyx 1.6.2
\lyxformat 247

So tex2lyx run successfully, but lyx2lyx failed to convert it further from format 247 to 345. Can 
you provide a small TeX file to be able to reproduce the problem?

regards Uwe

Re: lyx2lyx failure and older versions of LyX

2009-03-13 Thread José Matos
On Friday 13 March 2009 15:41:48 Stefano Franchi wrote:
 Dear Lyxers,

 I am trying to convert a batch of old documents written with
 Framemaker into LyX. There is a nifty little utility that allows the
 conversion and I have used it successfully in the past (mif2lyx). However,
 it has not been maintained since 2000 and it produces lyx files in the 2.16

Could you send me (privately) a small lyx file that fails?

Previous lyx versions were quite lenient in the accepted lyx files, they 
accepted files that could never be formed by lyx. lyx2lyx tries to be very 
liberal in the files that it works with but it is very difficult to cover all 

I try hard to support ancient scripts used to convert to lyx files, and so we 
have adjusted successfully in the past lyx2lyx to work with the first  
incantation of csv2lyx (among others).

mif2lyx seems to fit under the same umbrella so the same procedure will apply 
to it as well. :-)

José Abílio

Re: lyx2lyx failure and older versions of LyX

2009-03-13 Thread José Matos
On Friday 13 March 2009 15:41:48 Stefano Franchi wrote:
 Dear Lyxers,

 I am trying to convert a batch of old documents written with
 Framemaker into LyX. There is a nifty little utility that allows the
 conversion and I have used it successfully in the past (mif2lyx). However,
 it has not been maintained since 2000 and it produces lyx files in the 2.16

Could you send me (privately) a small lyx file that fails?

Previous lyx versions were quite lenient in the accepted lyx files, they 
accepted files that could never be formed by lyx. lyx2lyx tries to be very 
liberal in the files that it works with but it is very difficult to cover all 

I try hard to support ancient scripts used to convert to lyx files, and so we 
have adjusted successfully in the past lyx2lyx to work with the first  
incantation of csv2lyx (among others).

mif2lyx seems to fit under the same umbrella so the same procedure will apply 
to it as well. :-)

José Abílio

Re: lyx2lyx failure and older versions of LyX

2009-03-13 Thread José Matos
On Friday 13 March 2009 15:41:48 Stefano Franchi wrote:
> Dear Lyxers,
> I am trying to convert a batch of old documents written with
> Framemaker into LyX. There is a nifty little utility that allows the
> conversion and I have used it successfully in the past (mif2lyx). However,
> it has not been maintained since 2000 and it produces lyx files in the 2.16
> format.

Could you send me (privately) a small lyx file that fails?

Previous lyx versions were quite lenient in the accepted lyx files, they 
accepted files that could never be formed by lyx. lyx2lyx tries to be very 
liberal in the files that it works with but it is very difficult to cover all 

I try hard to support ancient scripts used to convert to lyx files, and so we 
have adjusted successfully in the past lyx2lyx to work with the first  
incantation of csv2lyx (among others).

mif2lyx seems to fit under the same umbrella so the same procedure will apply 
to it as well. :-)

José Abílio

Re: lyx2lyx script failed... lyx 1.6.1 lyx 1.5.6

2009-03-12 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2009-03-11, Richard Heck wrote:
 M-L wrote:
 On Mon, 09 Mar 2009 17:34:24 -0400
 rgheck wrote:
 M-L wrote:
 rgheck wrote:

 As Jurgen said, export to 1.5.x should work on Windows, too. But
 you have to find the right file: FILENAME.lyx15.

 But maybe not many are so stupid and would look for the new version file
 by default, rather than assume the original is now altered?

The same effect can be achieved by a destination file choosing
dialogue (with the default file name and path pre-selected).
The added bonus is that you are able to modify the target

 If someone wants to file an enhancement request over at bugzilla about 
 this, and then cc me (,
 I'll see if I can get to it for 1.6.3. (We're frozen for 1.6.2, which
 should be out in a few days.)

I added the request for where to export also as choice from GUI 
to Bug # 4501
lyx -e  should have an option of where to export.

Maybe someone with right permission could change the topic to 
LyX should have an option of where to export.


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