Re: Multicol Package: Figures Not Displayed

2016-04-28 Thread Jacob Bishop
On Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 3:48 PM, Rich Shepard 

> On Wed, 27 Apr 2016, Guillaume Munch wrote:
> This appears to be an issue on the latex side. Since you are using ERT,
>> you will have to use one of the solutions from
>> by
>> hand.
> Guillaume,
>   Aha! I've not had figures in previous multicolumn documents. Is there a
> non-ERT solution?
> Rich,

See the attached. I removed the preamble, modules, and ERT. I selected two
column format under "Text Layout" under Document Settings. It appears to
work fine, but I'm not sure what you meant by:

If I set the page layout as 2 column, the figures are included, but the
title, author, abstract, and bibliography are also in the 2-column format.

For me, the title, author, and date are set in single-column format,
whereas the abstract and bibliography are in the 2-column format. This is
expected in my opinion, but if you're looking for something else, you may
be forced to use ERT to customize further.


Description: application/lyx

Re: Multicol Package: Figures Not Displayed [RESOLVED]

2016-04-28 Thread Rich Shepard

On Wed, 27 Apr 2016, Guillaume Munch wrote:

This appears to be an issue on the latex side. Since you are using ERT,
you will have to use one of the solutions from by hand.


  I tried both approaches on that stackexchange thread but could not learn
how to add captions and labels to non-float graphic inserts. So, ... I went
to the LyX wiki on Figures and found the answer:

  Insert the figure in a float and add the caption and cross-reference label
to it. Then position the cursor immediately ahead of the float and invoke
the Edit -> Float Settings checkbox. Deselect "Default settings" and select
the "Here definitely" option. Set the figure width to 100% column width,
save and compile.

Hope this helps others, too,


Re: Multicol Package: Figures Not Displayed

2016-04-27 Thread Rich Shepard

On Wed, 27 Apr 2016, Guillaume Munch wrote:

This appears to be an issue on the latex side. Since you are using ERT,
you will have to use one of the solutions from by


  Aha! I've not had figures in previous multicolumn documents. Is there a
non-ERT solution?



Re: Multicol Package: Figures Not Displayed

2016-04-27 Thread Guillaume Munch

Le 27/04/2016 17:04, Rich Shepard a écrit :

On Wed, 27 Apr 2016, Rich Shepard wrote:

 I've looked for the source of the problem but have not seen it. A
hint as
to why the figures are not displayed when the multicol package is used
be much appreciated.

   Brief example attached (with separate figure so you can include it more

This appears to be an issue on the latex side. Since you are using ERT,
you will have to use one of the solutions from by hand.

Re: Multicol Package: Figures Not Displayed

2016-04-27 Thread Rich Shepard

On Wed, 27 Apr 2016, Rich Shepard wrote:

 I've looked for the source of the problem but have not seen it. A hint as
to why the figures are not displayed when the multicol package is used will
be much appreciated.

  Brief example attached (with separate figure so you can include it more

Rich#LyX 2.1 created this file. For more info see
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\begin_layout Title
Regulatory Science: Mathematical vs.
 Statistical Models
\begin_inset Foot
status collapsed

\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset ERT
status open

\begin_layout Plain Layout



 2016 Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc.



\begin_layout Subtitle
Environmental Decision Making Under Conditions of Uncertainty

\begin_layout Author
Richard B.
 Shepard, PhD
\begin_inset Newline newline

Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc.

\begin_layout Date
April 24, 2016

\begin_layout Abstract
Natural resource companies do not object to environmental regulations that
 are consistent and support predictability.
 Consistency and predictability are critical for decision making under condition
s of uncertainty.
 Natural ecosystems are inherently variable across a broad range of temporal
 and spatial scales; climate change, drought, and societal desires for sustainab
ility make people more aware of this variability.
 The science used for development and enforcement of environmental regulations
 has not kept pace with developments in ecological theory and the analytical
 tools capable of describing, characterizing, classifying, and predicting
 natural ecosystems as well as distinguishing natural variability from anthropog
enic changes.

\begin_layout Abstract
Because natural resource industries (agriculture, energy, mining) provide
 the base for all economic and societal activities it is critical that environme
ntal statutes and regulations be regularly updated to use the most technically
 sound and legally defensible scientific knowledge and tools.

\begin_layout Abstract
Mathematical models were the tools of choice when environmental statutes
 and regulations were introduced, perhaps because they were successfully
 applied to static components of the built environment such as buildings
 and bridges.
 While their limitations for highly variable natural ecosystems were accepted
 then, there is now no benefit to not replacing them with statistical models.

\begin_layout Abstract
This paper describes limitations in policy and regulatory decision-making
 based on mathematical models and explains how the appropriate statistical
 models avoid the subjectivity and rigidity of the former.
 Changing the basis of determining and justifying policy and environmental
 regulations is consistent with the concepts of regulatory science applied
 to human health.

\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset ERT
status open

\begin_layout Plain Layout




\begin_layout Part*

\begin_layout Standard
Natural resource companies do not object to environmental regulations that
 are consistent and predictable.
 Consistency and predictability are critical for decision making under condition
s of uncertainty

Multicol Package: Figures Not Displayed

2016-04-27 Thread Rich Shepard

  Running lyx-2.1.4 on Slackware-14.1. Document class is KOMA-script
article and the multicol package is included in the preamble.

  For ease of reading I want to set the body in two columns per page leaving
the title, author, abstract, and bibilography in a single column.

  Following the abstract, in the standard environment I inserted
\begin{multicol}{2} followed by the first chapter heading on a new line.

  At the end of the text, before the bibliography environment, I inserted

  This works but the three figures are not included (they are sized to 100%
column width), and the references are typeset as Figure ??.

  If I set the page layout as 2 column, the figures are included, but the
title, author, abstract, and bibliography are also in the 2-column format.

  I've looked for the source of the problem but have not seen it. A hint as
to why the figures are not displayed when the multicol package is used will
be much appreciated.



Re: Multicol package - right to left alignment?

2010-06-20 Thread Ronen Abravanel
A Blog Post (In hebrew) by Yehoda Ronen regarding multicol and Hebrew:

On Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 1:04 PM, Barak Sh wrote:

 Thanks! However, the code does not seem to change anything.


 On Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 1:01 PM, Vincent van Ravesteijn v...@lyx.orgwrote:

 Op 19-6-2010 11:56, Barak Sh schreef:

 I'm trying to use the multicol package in order to print a formula sheet
 with 3 columns and a vertical line separating them. The document is in
 Hebrew and should be aligned right to left.
 When using the usual Two-column document setting in LyX, the columns
 are aligned right to left as required. However, when using multicol, the
 columns are aligned left to right.
 Is there any way to solve this problem?
 Thanks in advance,


 In this bug it was reported that using the normal two-column document
 the columns were aligned wrong.

 If you add the code in the last block to your preamble it should work.
 Please report back whether this fixes your problem.


Re: Multicol package - right to left alignment?

2010-06-20 Thread Barak Sh
It doesn't seem to work, though; when trying to export I get an error
Undefined control sequence on the line containing \end{multicols}
(although \begin{multicols}{3} generates no errors). Another error
Missing number, treated as zero also appears for some reason. I tried
writing \end{multicols}{3} but it didn't work.
Any ideas how to solve this?
Thanks again,

On Sun, Jun 20, 2010 at 8:36 PM, Ronen Abravanel wrote:

 A Blog Post (In hebrew) by Yehoda Ronen regarding multicol and Hebrew:

 On Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 1:04 PM, Barak Sh wrote:

 Thanks! However, the code does not seem to change anything.


 On Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 1:01 PM, Vincent van Ravesteijn v...@lyx.orgwrote:

 Op 19-6-2010 11:56, Barak Sh schreef:

 I'm trying to use the multicol package in order to print a formula sheet
 with 3 columns and a vertical line separating them. The document is in
 Hebrew and should be aligned right to left.
 When using the usual Two-column document setting in LyX, the columns
 are aligned right to left as required. However, when using multicol, the
 columns are aligned left to right.
 Is there any way to solve this problem?
 Thanks in advance,


 In this bug it was reported that using the normal two-column document
 the columns were aligned wrong.

 If you add the code in the last block to your preamble it should work.
 Please report back whether this fixes your problem.


Re: Multicol package - right to left alignment?

2010-06-20 Thread Ronen Abravanel
A Blog Post (In hebrew) by Yehoda Ronen regarding multicol and Hebrew:

On Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 1:04 PM, Barak Sh wrote:

 Thanks! However, the code does not seem to change anything.


 On Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 1:01 PM, Vincent van Ravesteijn v...@lyx.orgwrote:

 Op 19-6-2010 11:56, Barak Sh schreef:

 I'm trying to use the multicol package in order to print a formula sheet
 with 3 columns and a vertical line separating them. The document is in
 Hebrew and should be aligned right to left.
 When using the usual Two-column document setting in LyX, the columns
 are aligned right to left as required. However, when using multicol, the
 columns are aligned left to right.
 Is there any way to solve this problem?
 Thanks in advance,


 In this bug it was reported that using the normal two-column document
 the columns were aligned wrong.

 If you add the code in the last block to your preamble it should work.
 Please report back whether this fixes your problem.


Re: Multicol package - right to left alignment?

2010-06-20 Thread Barak Sh
It doesn't seem to work, though; when trying to export I get an error
Undefined control sequence on the line containing \end{multicols}
(although \begin{multicols}{3} generates no errors). Another error
Missing number, treated as zero also appears for some reason. I tried
writing \end{multicols}{3} but it didn't work.
Any ideas how to solve this?
Thanks again,

On Sun, Jun 20, 2010 at 8:36 PM, Ronen Abravanel wrote:

 A Blog Post (In hebrew) by Yehoda Ronen regarding multicol and Hebrew:

 On Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 1:04 PM, Barak Sh wrote:

 Thanks! However, the code does not seem to change anything.


 On Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 1:01 PM, Vincent van Ravesteijn v...@lyx.orgwrote:

 Op 19-6-2010 11:56, Barak Sh schreef:

 I'm trying to use the multicol package in order to print a formula sheet
 with 3 columns and a vertical line separating them. The document is in
 Hebrew and should be aligned right to left.
 When using the usual Two-column document setting in LyX, the columns
 are aligned right to left as required. However, when using multicol, the
 columns are aligned left to right.
 Is there any way to solve this problem?
 Thanks in advance,


 In this bug it was reported that using the normal two-column document
 the columns were aligned wrong.

 If you add the code in the last block to your preamble it should work.
 Please report back whether this fixes your problem.


Re: Multicol package - right to left alignment?

2010-06-20 Thread Ronen Abravanel
A Blog Post (In hebrew) by Yehoda Ronen regarding multicol and Hebrew:

On Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 1:04 PM, Barak Sh <> wrote:

> Thanks! However, the code does not seem to change anything.
> Barak
> On Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 1:01 PM, Vincent van Ravesteijn <>wrote:
>> Op 19-6-2010 11:56, Barak Sh schreef:
>>  Hello,
>>> I'm trying to use the multicol package in order to print a formula sheet
>>> with 3 columns and a vertical line separating them. The document is in
>>> Hebrew and should be aligned right to left.
>>> When using the usual "Two-column document" setting in LyX, the columns
>>> are aligned right to left as required. However, when using multicol, the
>>> columns are aligned left to right.
>>> Is there any way to solve this problem?
>>> Thanks in advance,
>>> Barak
>> see
>> In this bug it was reported that using the normal "two-column document"
>> the columns were aligned wrong.
>> If you add the code in the last block to your preamble it should work.
>> Please report back whether this fixes your problem.
>> Vincent

Re: Multicol package - right to left alignment?

2010-06-20 Thread Barak Sh
It doesn't seem to work, though; when trying to export I get an error
"Undefined control sequence" on the line containing "\end{multicols}"
(although "\begin{multicols}{3}" generates no errors). Another error
"Missing number, treated as zero" also appears for some reason. I tried
writing "\end{multicols}{3}" but it didn't work.
Any ideas how to solve this?
Thanks again,

On Sun, Jun 20, 2010 at 8:36 PM, Ronen Abravanel <> wrote:

> A Blog Post (In hebrew) by Yehoda Ronen regarding multicol and Hebrew:
> On Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 1:04 PM, Barak Sh <> wrote:
>> Thanks! However, the code does not seem to change anything.
>> Barak
>> On Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 1:01 PM, Vincent van Ravesteijn <>wrote:
>>> Op 19-6-2010 11:56, Barak Sh schreef:
>>>  Hello,
>>>> I'm trying to use the multicol package in order to print a formula sheet
>>>> with 3 columns and a vertical line separating them. The document is in
>>>> Hebrew and should be aligned right to left.
>>>> When using the usual "Two-column document" setting in LyX, the columns
>>>> are aligned right to left as required. However, when using multicol, the
>>>> columns are aligned left to right.
>>>> Is there any way to solve this problem?
>>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>> Barak
>>> see
>>> In this bug it was reported that using the normal "two-column document"
>>> the columns were aligned wrong.
>>> If you add the code in the last block to your preamble it should work.
>>> Please report back whether this fixes your problem.
>>> Vincent

Multicol package - right to left alignment?

2010-06-19 Thread Barak Sh
I'm trying to use the multicol package in order to print a formula sheet
with 3 columns and a vertical line separating them. The document is in
Hebrew and should be aligned right to left.
When using the usual Two-column document setting in LyX, the columns are
aligned right to left as required. However, when using multicol, the columns
are aligned left to right.
Is there any way to solve this problem?
Thanks in advance,

Re: Multicol package - right to left alignment?

2010-06-19 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn

Op 19-6-2010 11:56, Barak Sh schreef:

I'm trying to use the multicol package in order to print a formula 
sheet with 3 columns and a vertical line separating them. The document 
is in Hebrew and should be aligned right to left.
When using the usual Two-column document setting in LyX, the columns 
are aligned right to left as required. However, when using multicol, 
the columns are aligned left to right.

Is there any way to solve this problem?
Thanks in advance,


In this bug it was reported that using the normal two-column document 
the columns were aligned wrong.

If you add the code in the last block to your preamble it should work. 
Please report back whether this fixes your problem.


Re: Multicol package - right to left alignment?

2010-06-19 Thread Barak Sh
Thanks! However, the code does not seem to change anything.


On Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 1:01 PM, Vincent van Ravesteijn wrote:

 Op 19-6-2010 11:56, Barak Sh schreef:

 I'm trying to use the multicol package in order to print a formula sheet
 with 3 columns and a vertical line separating them. The document is in
 Hebrew and should be aligned right to left.
 When using the usual Two-column document setting in LyX, the columns are
 aligned right to left as required. However, when using multicol, the columns
 are aligned left to right.
 Is there any way to solve this problem?
 Thanks in advance,


 In this bug it was reported that using the normal two-column document the
 columns were aligned wrong.

 If you add the code in the last block to your preamble it should work.
 Please report back whether this fixes your problem.


Multicol package - right to left alignment?

2010-06-19 Thread Barak Sh
I'm trying to use the multicol package in order to print a formula sheet
with 3 columns and a vertical line separating them. The document is in
Hebrew and should be aligned right to left.
When using the usual Two-column document setting in LyX, the columns are
aligned right to left as required. However, when using multicol, the columns
are aligned left to right.
Is there any way to solve this problem?
Thanks in advance,

Re: Multicol package - right to left alignment?

2010-06-19 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn

Op 19-6-2010 11:56, Barak Sh schreef:

I'm trying to use the multicol package in order to print a formula 
sheet with 3 columns and a vertical line separating them. The document 
is in Hebrew and should be aligned right to left.
When using the usual Two-column document setting in LyX, the columns 
are aligned right to left as required. However, when using multicol, 
the columns are aligned left to right.

Is there any way to solve this problem?
Thanks in advance,


In this bug it was reported that using the normal two-column document 
the columns were aligned wrong.

If you add the code in the last block to your preamble it should work. 
Please report back whether this fixes your problem.


Re: Multicol package - right to left alignment?

2010-06-19 Thread Barak Sh
Thanks! However, the code does not seem to change anything.


On Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 1:01 PM, Vincent van Ravesteijn wrote:

 Op 19-6-2010 11:56, Barak Sh schreef:

 I'm trying to use the multicol package in order to print a formula sheet
 with 3 columns and a vertical line separating them. The document is in
 Hebrew and should be aligned right to left.
 When using the usual Two-column document setting in LyX, the columns are
 aligned right to left as required. However, when using multicol, the columns
 are aligned left to right.
 Is there any way to solve this problem?
 Thanks in advance,


 In this bug it was reported that using the normal two-column document the
 columns were aligned wrong.

 If you add the code in the last block to your preamble it should work.
 Please report back whether this fixes your problem.


Multicol package - right to left alignment?

2010-06-19 Thread Barak Sh
I'm trying to use the multicol package in order to print a formula sheet
with 3 columns and a vertical line separating them. The document is in
Hebrew and should be aligned right to left.
When using the usual "Two-column document" setting in LyX, the columns are
aligned right to left as required. However, when using multicol, the columns
are aligned left to right.
Is there any way to solve this problem?
Thanks in advance,

Re: Multicol package - right to left alignment?

2010-06-19 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn

Op 19-6-2010 11:56, Barak Sh schreef:

I'm trying to use the multicol package in order to print a formula 
sheet with 3 columns and a vertical line separating them. The document 
is in Hebrew and should be aligned right to left.
When using the usual "Two-column document" setting in LyX, the columns 
are aligned right to left as required. However, when using multicol, 
the columns are aligned left to right.

Is there any way to solve this problem?
Thanks in advance,


In this bug it was reported that using the normal "two-column document" 
the columns were aligned wrong.

If you add the code in the last block to your preamble it should work. 
Please report back whether this fixes your problem.


Re: Multicol package - right to left alignment?

2010-06-19 Thread Barak Sh
Thanks! However, the code does not seem to change anything.


On Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 1:01 PM, Vincent van Ravesteijn <> wrote:

> Op 19-6-2010 11:56, Barak Sh schreef:
>  Hello,
>> I'm trying to use the multicol package in order to print a formula sheet
>> with 3 columns and a vertical line separating them. The document is in
>> Hebrew and should be aligned right to left.
>> When using the usual "Two-column document" setting in LyX, the columns are
>> aligned right to left as required. However, when using multicol, the columns
>> are aligned left to right.
>> Is there any way to solve this problem?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Barak
> see
> In this bug it was reported that using the normal "two-column document" the
> columns were aligned wrong.
> If you add the code in the last block to your preamble it should work.
> Please report back whether this fixes your problem.
> Vincent

Re: multicol package

2009-07-16 Thread Marcelo Acuña

 I am trying to set up a book (8x10
 - about 400 pages) with mostly 2 columns. 
 I want the chapter titles and section headings to go across
 the page with the 
 body text in 2 columsn.
 I have set it up as follows:
 Chapter Title
 (body text)
 Section Heading
 (body text)
 It seems to work OK until I'm about half way through the
 book, then when I try 
 to view using DVI or PDF, I get an error message Dimension
 too large.
 Is there a limit as to how many times you can changee from
 one to two columns? 
 Is there a limit to how many words this setup can handle?
 Any help would be 
 The errors is produced for another cause.
 No limits in the words.
 I have in several times Dimension too large but, for now, I can pinpoint the 
origin. I not use multicol but two columns option in koma-script style.


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Descargá gratis el nuevo Internet Explorer 8

Re: multicol package

2009-07-16 Thread Marcelo Acuña

 I am trying to set up a book (8x10
 - about 400 pages) with mostly 2 columns. 
 I want the chapter titles and section headings to go across
 the page with the 
 body text in 2 columsn.
 I have set it up as follows:
 Chapter Title
 (body text)
 Section Heading
 (body text)
 It seems to work OK until I'm about half way through the
 book, then when I try 
 to view using DVI or PDF, I get an error message Dimension
 too large.
 Is there a limit as to how many times you can changee from
 one to two columns? 
 Is there a limit to how many words this setup can handle?
 Any help would be 
 The errors is produced for another cause.
 No limits in the words.
 I have in several times Dimension too large but, for now, I can pinpoint the 
origin. I not use multicol but two columns option in koma-script style.


¡Viví la mejor experiencia en la web!
Descargá gratis el nuevo Internet Explorer 8

Re: multicol package

2009-07-16 Thread Marcelo Acuña

> I am trying to set up a book (8"x10"
> - about 400 pages) with mostly 2 columns. 
> I want the chapter titles and section headings to go across
> the page with the 
> body text in 2 columsn.
> I have set it up as follows:
> Chapter Title
> \begin{multicols}{2}
> (body text)
> \end{multicols}
> or
> Section Heading
> \begin{multicols}{2}
> (body text)
> \end{multicols}
> It seems to work OK until I'm about half way through the
> book, then when I try 
> to view using DVI or PDF, I get an error message "Dimension
> too large."
> Is there a limit as to how many times you can changee from
> one to two columns? 
> Is there a limit to how many words this setup can handle?
> Any help would be 
> appreciated.
 The errors is produced for another cause.
 No limits in the words.
 I have in several times "Dimension too large" but, for now, I can pinpoint the 
origin. I not use multicol but two columns option in koma-script style.


¡Viví la mejor experiencia en la web!
Descargá gratis el nuevo Internet Explorer 8

Re: multicol package

2009-07-14 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann
Am Monday 13 July 2009 21:09:51 schrieb Shirley:
what about using twocolumn in documentsettings (e.g. in Koma book) and for 
the onecolumn text below the headings 

 I am trying to set up a book (8x10 - about 400 pages) with mostly 2
 columns. I want the chapter titles and section headings to go across the
 page with the body text in 2 columsn.

 I have set it up as follows:

 Chapter Title

 (body text)



 Section Heading

 (body text)

 It seems to work OK until I'm about half way through the book, then when I
 try to view using DVI or PDF, I get an error message Dimension too large.

 Is there a limit as to how many times you can changee from one to two
 columns? Is there a limit to how many words this setup can handle? Any help
 would be appreciated.

Wolfgang Engelmann
Schlossgartenstrasse 22
D-72070 Tübingen
Tel 07071 68325

Re: multicol package

2009-07-14 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann
Am Monday 13 July 2009 21:09:51 schrieb Shirley:
what about using twocolumn in documentsettings (e.g. in Koma book) and for 
the onecolumn text below the headings 

 I am trying to set up a book (8x10 - about 400 pages) with mostly 2
 columns. I want the chapter titles and section headings to go across the
 page with the body text in 2 columsn.

 I have set it up as follows:

 Chapter Title

 (body text)



 Section Heading

 (body text)

 It seems to work OK until I'm about half way through the book, then when I
 try to view using DVI or PDF, I get an error message Dimension too large.

 Is there a limit as to how many times you can changee from one to two
 columns? Is there a limit to how many words this setup can handle? Any help
 would be appreciated.

Wolfgang Engelmann
Schlossgartenstrasse 22
D-72070 Tübingen
Tel 07071 68325

Re: multicol package

2009-07-14 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann
Am Monday 13 July 2009 21:09:51 schrieb Shirley:
what about using twocolumn in document>settings (e.g. in Koma book) and for 
the onecolumn text below the headings 

> I am trying to set up a book (8"x10" - about 400 pages) with mostly 2
> columns. I want the chapter titles and section headings to go across the
> page with the body text in 2 columsn.
> I have set it up as follows:
> Chapter Title
> \begin{multicols}{2}
> (body text)
> \end{multicols}
> or
> Section Heading
> \begin{multicols}{2}
> (body text)
> \end{multicols}
> It seems to work OK until I'm about half way through the book, then when I
> try to view using DVI or PDF, I get an error message "Dimension too large."
> Is there a limit as to how many times you can changee from one to two
> columns? Is there a limit to how many words this setup can handle? Any help
> would be appreciated.

Wolfgang Engelmann
Schlossgartenstrasse 22
D-72070 Tübingen
Tel 07071 68325

multicol package

2009-07-13 Thread Shirley
I am trying to set up a book (8x10 - about 400 pages) with mostly 2 columns. 
I want the chapter titles and section headings to go across the page with the 
body text in 2 columsn.

I have set it up as follows:

Chapter Title

(body text)



Section Heading

(body text)

It seems to work OK until I'm about half way through the book, then when I try 
to view using DVI or PDF, I get an error message Dimension too large.

Is there a limit as to how many times you can changee from one to two columns? 
Is there a limit to how many words this setup can handle? Any help would be 

multicol package

2009-07-13 Thread Shirley
I am trying to set up a book (8x10 - about 400 pages) with mostly 2 columns. 
I want the chapter titles and section headings to go across the page with the 
body text in 2 columsn.

I have set it up as follows:

Chapter Title

(body text)



Section Heading

(body text)

It seems to work OK until I'm about half way through the book, then when I try 
to view using DVI or PDF, I get an error message Dimension too large.

Is there a limit as to how many times you can changee from one to two columns? 
Is there a limit to how many words this setup can handle? Any help would be 

multicol package

2009-07-13 Thread Shirley
I am trying to set up a book (8"x10" - about 400 pages) with mostly 2 columns. 
I want the chapter titles and section headings to go across the page with the 
body text in 2 columsn.

I have set it up as follows:

Chapter Title

(body text)



Section Heading

(body text)

It seems to work OK until I'm about half way through the book, then when I try 
to view using DVI or PDF, I get an error message "Dimension too large."

Is there a limit as to how many times you can changee from one to two columns? 
Is there a limit to how many words this setup can handle? Any help would be 