On Wed, Dec 16, 2015 at 02:20:32PM -0500, Stephen Adolph wrote:
> Mark, what is the model number on your machine?
> thx Steve
> On Wed, Dec 16, 2015 at 2:05 PM, Mark Wickens <m...@wickensonline.co.uk>
> wrote:
> > Note however that I never have seen any of the additional function key
> > soft labels (such as CALL) within the TELECOM program itself. Maybe that
> > was a UK ROM mod?
> >
> > On 16 December 2015 at 19:03, Mark Wickens <m...@wickensonline.co.uk>
> > wrote:
> >
> >> Thanks for the responses - as it happens it was more down to me not
> >> entering the modem stat specification correctly into the terminal program.
> >> Once I got something accepted then I heard the 'ping' of the relay to
> >> switch in the modem circuit and was able to hear the familiar screeching
> >> via the acoustic coupler.
> >>
> >> I haven't got anything to work reliably however which is a shame but it
> >> was a long stretch. I bought a 'retro' bluetooth handset and paired it with
> >> my mobile phone. There may be still some mileage in it but I suspect there
> >> are too many compression algorithms in the way.
> >>
> >> I may need to resort to a direct connection cable or external modem
> >> instead.
> >>
> >> Mark.
> >>
> >> On 16 December 2015 at 18:30, John Gardner <gof...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>
> >>> Historically,  telecom regulation in the UK was rather different
> >>>
> >>> than what we're used to - Television receivers required licenses,
> >>>
> >>> for instance.  Data was charged for by the byte.  I'm speculating
> >>>
> >>> that built-in modems may have (had) some similar dis-incentive
> >>>
> >>> built-in for the manufacturer or retailer.
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >


I have a Model 102 with serial number 908300060. I also have a Model 200
to try which sports the prohibited sticker also. I recently acquired a
non-functioning Model 100 which I'll get round to fault-finding in
January and an NEC which I haven't done much with yet (the down-cursor
key is non-functioning and appears to be a custom key compared to the
rest of the keyboard together with all the cursor keys).

I am interested in the possibility of implementing a protocol that is
resilient to compression algorithms so any additional information would
be gratefully received. My idea was to use the Model 102 to blog about
my retrochallenge from various weird and wonderful locations with only an
acoustic coupler and a mobile phone. I would require access only
'back-to-base' so could implement something custom at the other end too.

I have just bought some 8-pin DIN connectors so am going to wire up my
own direct cable and attempt to call out with that. I did receive a
cable with the Model 200 but it is in poor condition and I'm not
entirely convinced that it is wired up correctly.

Which leads to a question - if the cable is wired up with two
connections only to the phone connector would you expect to have audio
feedback provided within the Model 102 whilst handshaking? My
experiments attempting to get this cable to work have involved using a
separate phone to dial and initiate the connection.

I may also look into the rom of this Model 102 and see what there is
around the dialing calls for example. This is the bit that seems to be
missing from my ROM.

Regards, Mark.

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