Thanks Ron for your feedback using M100 CP/M. I'd forgotten about the 'returning to User 0' problem, so that's on my To Fix list.

Also intended for a future release is retaining Function key settings for subsequent cold boots, so Scroll lock/std, Cursor full time/std, RS-232 baud rate, etc will be retained.


On 19/11/2021 12:10 pm, Ron Klein wrote:

So last year I  played with using a Linux or Windows computer as a terminal using REXCPM.  I found that doing a 'stat con:=uc1:’ does indeed redirect the CP/M console I/O to the serial port and was somewhat successful using it that way.  Doing 'stat con:=crt:’ sets only the output to the RS232port.  ‘Stat con:=tty:’  sets I/O back to the M100 keyboard and screen.  I did have to configure a terminal type for some screen oriented software and usually chose VT52 ( H19) or VT100 if available, then used a terminal program such as minicom (VT100) or,  on a DOS machine I tried Procomm+ which had older terminal types  available like H19, VT52, ADM and Televideo.  I used 9600 baud , no parity, no flow control to setup the serial port using the PC terminal program and the M100 Telcom program (88N1D) .  I think I also tried 19200 baud with no problem.

Only problems I found were:

 1. Need to use the F1 to toggle Sc L to Sc S to keep the screen from
    halting after every 8 lines. Some programs also work better if F2
    is used to changed to Cu S.
 2. Needed to re-adjust the CPM software to expect 24 lines/80 col
    instead of 8lines/40col ( if your Model 100 CPM SW had been
    adjusted to 8 screen lines.
 3. Some Software ( Infocom games?)  needed to see one <CR> from the
    model 100 keyboard before it switched to the full sized keyboard
    attached to the PC. Weird.

Also I noticed that whenever a warm boot occurs, via CTRL-C or by a program,  the user number reverts to user 0 regardless of the user you are logged into.  This makes it less convenient to run programs from any user other than user 0.  I don’t “think” a warm-boot I supposed to change the user number back to 0.  I know it doesn’t  do that on any 8- bit CP/M machine I own (Kaypro 2/4/10, Osborn I , NEC PC8801A, Televideo TPC-1).   I think this may have been discussed a while back on this mailing list….

I really enjoyed trying my old CP/M software on the M100.  Brings back my late 70’s early 80’s memories of personal computer development.   We’ve come a long way since then.

Hope you all have a great holiday season.

Ron Klein

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